27 resultados para The Voyage Out


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Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure with many benefits; however, the procedure is not without risks and potential complications, of which leakage of the cement out of the vertebral body and into the surrounding tissues is one of the most serious. Cement can leak into the spinal canal, venous system, soft tissues, lungs and intradiscal space, causing serious neurological complications, tissue necrosis or pulmonary embolism. We present a method for automatic segmentation and tracking of bone cement during vertebroplasty procedures, as a first step towards developing a warning system to avoid cement leakage outside the vertebral body. We show that by using active contours based on level sets the shape of the injected cement can be accurately detected. The model has been improved for segmentation as proposed in our previous work by including a term that restricts the level set function to the vertebral body. The method has been applied to a set of real intra-operative X-ray images and the results show that the algorithm can successfully detect different shapes with blurred and not well-defined boundaries, where the classical active contours segmentation is not applicable. The method has been positively evaluated by physicians.


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Background: This investigation describes experimental tests of the biomechanical features of a new resorbable bone adhesive based on methacrylate-terminated oligolactides enhanced with osteoconductive β-tricalcium phosphate. Material and Methods: 51 New Zealand white rabbits were randomised to an adhesive group (n = 29) and a control group (n = 22). An extra-articular bone cylinder was taken from the proximal tibia, two stripes of adhesive were applied and the cylinders were replanted. After 10 and 21 days, 3 and 12 months tibial specimens were harvested and the cylinder pull-out test was performed with a servo-hydraulic machine. Additionally the pull-out force was evaluated with the bone-equivalent Ebazell® after 5, 10 and 360 minutes in 14 specimens each. Results: Average pull-out forces in the adhesive group were 28 N after 10 days (control: 57 N), 155 N after 21 days (216 N), 184 N after 3 months (197 N) and 205 N after 12 months (185 N). Investigations with Ebazell® showed almost identical pull-out forces after 5 min, 15 min and 360 min. Adhesive forces were as high as 125 N/cm2 of adhesive surface and more than 1200 N/g of adhesive mass. Conclusions: The adhesive investigated here has a very good primary adhesive power, compared to the literature data, achieved after only 5 minutes. Even in moist surroundings the adhesive capacity remains sufficient. The adhesive has to prove its resorptive properties in further investigations and in first line its medium-term and long-lasting biocompatibility. Furthermore, biomechanical features will have to be compared to those of conventional fixation techniques.


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Matrilins are oligomeric extracellular matrix adaptor proteins mediating interactions between collagen fibrils and other matrix constituents. All four matrilins are expressed in cartilage and mutations in the human gene encoding matrilin-3 (MATN3) are associated with different forms of chondrodysplasia. Surprisingly, however, Matn3-null as well as Matn1- and Matn2-null mice do not show an overt skeletal phenotype, suggesting a dominant negative pathomechanism for the human disorders and redundancy/compensation among the family members in the knock-out situation. Here, we show that mice lacking both matrilin-1 and matrilin-3 develop an apparently normal skeleton, but exhibit biochemical and ultrastructural abnormalities of the knee joint cartilage. At the protein level, an altered SDS-PAGE band pattern and a clear up-regulation of the homotrimeric form of matrilin-4 were evident in newborn Matn1/Matn3 and Matn1 knock-out mice, but not in Matn3-null mice. The ultrastructure of the cartilage matrix after conventional chemical fixation was grossly normal; however, electron microscopy of high pressure frozen and freeze-substituted samples, revealed two consistent observations: 1) moderately increased collagen fibril diameters throughout the epiphysis and the growth plate in both single and double mutants; and 2) increased collagen volume density in Matn1(-/-)/Matn3(-/-) and Matn3(-/-) mice. Taken together, our results demonstrate that matrilin-1 and matrilin-3 modulate collagen fibrillogenesis in cartilage and provide evidence that biochemical compensation might exist between matrilins.


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OBJECTIVES: Aim of the study was to evaluate the patients' sensations during and after laserneedle versus metal needle acupuncture. STUDY DESIGN: The prospective study was performed at the gynaecological outpatient department of a University Teaching Hospital of Bern, Switzerland. Thirty female patients per group were included in the study and randomized into laserneedle or metal needle group. All women visited the acupuncture out patient department because of gynaecological disorders. Age of the patients in the metal needle group was 38 years in median (range 18-73 years); mean age was 41+/-13.3. Age in the laserneedle group was 36 years in median (range 16-60 years) and mean age was 39.1+/-12.2. Interventions were laserneedle acupuncture and metal needle acupuncture. Patients answered a questionnaire before, after the first treatment and prior to the second treatment. The questionnaires asked about the patients' knowledge of the various acupuncture methods and their health condition before treatment, their perception of pain, warmth, tiredness and relaxation during or after application of the needles or during or after the treatment. Statistics were performed by Graph Pad InStat 3 for windows. RESULTS: The common metal needle technique was well known by the patients in comparison to the laserneedle method (p<0.0001***). Laserneedle acupuncture is a method which is painless (p<0.0001***), energy inducing and relaxing (p=0.0257*) which leads to a warming sensation (p=0.0009***) during treatment. CONCLUSION: Both methods laserneedle and metal needle acupuncture are valuable methods in achieving relaxation and improvement of gynaecological symptoms. Laserneedle acupuncture is painless and easy to apply which is a valuable reason to support this technique in the future.


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BACKGROUND The treatment of proximal humerus fractures in patients with poor bone quality remains a challenge in trauma surgery. Augmentation with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement is a possible method to strengthen the implant anchorage in osteoporotic bone and to avoid loss of reduction and reduce the cut-out risk. The polymerisation of PMMA during cement setting leads, however, to an exothermic reaction and the development of supraphysiological temperatures may harm the bone and cartilage. This study addresses the issue of heat development during augmentation of subchondrally placed proximal humerus plate screws with PMMA and the possible risk of bone and cartilage necrosis and apoptosis. METHODS Seven fresh frozen humeri from geriatric female donors were instrumented with the proximal humerus interlocking system (PHILOS) plate and placed in a 37°C water bath. Thereafter, four proximal perforated screws were augmented with 0.5 ml PMMA each. During augmentation, the temperatures in the subchondral bone and on the articular surface were recorded with K-type thermocouples. The measured temperatures were compared to threshold values for necrosis and apoptosis of bone and cartilage reported in the literature. RESULTS The heat development was highest around the augmented tips of the perforated screws and diminished with growing distance from the cement cloud. The highest temperature recorded in the subchondral bone reached 43.5°C and the longest exposure time above 42°C was 86s. The highest temperature measured on the articular surface amounted to 38.6°C and the longest exposure time above 38°C was 5 min and 32s. CONCLUSION The study shows that augmentation of the proximal screws of the PHILOS plate with PMMA leads to a locally limited development of supraphysiological temperatures in the cement cloud and closely around it. The critical threshold values for necrosis and apoptosis of cartilage and subchondral bone reported in the literature, however, are not reached. In order to avoid cement extravasation, special care should be taken in detecting perforations or intra-articular cracks in the humeral head.


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Protozoan parasites are one of the major causes of diseases worldwide. The vector transmitted parasites exhibit complex life cycles involving interactions between humans, protozoa, and arthropods. In order to adapt themselves to the changing microenvironments, they have to undergo complex morphological and metabolic changes. These changes can be brought about by expressing a new pool of proteins in the cell or by modifying the existing repertoire of proteins via posttranslational modifications (PTMs). PTMs involve covalent modification and processing of proteins thereby modulating their functions. Some of these changes may involve PTMs of parasite proteins to help the parasite survive within the host and the vector. Out of many PTMs known, three are unique since they occur only on single proteins: ethanolamine phosphoglycerol (EPG) glutamate, hypusine and diphthamide. These modifications occur on eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (eEF1A), eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) and eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2), respectively. Interestingly, the proteins carrying these unique modifications are all involved in the elongation steps of translation. Here we review these unique PTMs, which are well conserved in protozoan parasites, and discuss their roles in viability and pathogenesis of parasites. Characterization of these modifications and studying their roles in physiology as well as pathogenesis will provide new insights in parasite biology, which may also help in developing new therapeutic interventions.


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Human embryonic kidney cells 293 (HEK293) are widely used as cellular heterologous expression systems to study transfected ion channels. This work characterizes the endogenous expression of TRPM4 channels in HEK293 cells. TRPM4 is an intracellular Ca(2+)-activated non-selective cationic channel expressed in many cell types. Western blot analyses have revealed the endogenous expression of TRPM4. Single channel 22pS conductance with a linear current-voltage relationship was observed using the inside-out patch clamp configuration in the presence of intracellular Ca(2+). The channels were permeable to the monovalent cations Na(+) and K(+), but not to Ca(2+). The open probability was voltage-dependent, being higher at positive potentials. Using the whole-cell patch clamp "ruptured patch" configuration, the amplitude of the intracellular Ca(2+)-activated macroscopic current was dependent on time after patch rupture. Initial transient activation followed by a steady-increase reaching a plateau phase was observed. Biophysical analyses of the macroscopic current showed common properties with those from HEK293 cells stably transfected with human TRPM4b, with the exception of current time course and Ca(2+) sensitivity. The endogenous macroscopic current reached the plateau faster and required 61.9±3.5μM Ca(2+) to be half-maximally activated versus 84.2±1.5μM for the transfected current. The pharmacological properties, however, were similar in both conditions. One hundred μM of flufenamic acid and 9-phenanthrol strongly inhibited the endogenous current. Altogether, the data demonstrate the expression of endogenous TRMP4 channels in HEK293 cells. This observation should be taken into account when using this cell line to study TRPM4 or other types of Ca(2+)-activated channels.


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In 1846, T. Wharton-Jones described a coarsely granular stage in the development of granulocytic cells in animal and human blood. Shortly thereafter, Max Schultze redefined the coarsely granular cells as a type distinct from finely granular cells, rather than just a developmental stage. It was, however, not until 1879, when Paul Ehrlich introduced a method to distinguish granular cells by the staining properties of their granules, that a classification became possible. An intensive staining for eosin, among other aniline dyes, was eponymous for the coarsely granular cell type, which thereupon became referred to as eosinophil granulocyte. Eosinophilia had already been described in many diseases by the late 19th century. The role of these cells, however, today remains a matter of continuing speculation and investigation. Many functions have been attributed to the eosinophil over the years, often linked to increasing knowledge about the granular and cytoplasmatic contents. A better understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of eosinopoiesis has led to the development of knock-out mice strains as well as therapeutic strategies for reducing the eosinophil load in patients. The effect of these therapeutics and the characterization of the knock-out phenotypes have led to a great increase in the knowledge of the role of the eosinophil in disease. Today we think of the eosinophil as a multifunctional cell involved in host defense, tissue damage and remodeling, as well as immunomodulation.


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Quantitative EEG (qEEG) has modified our understanding of epileptic seizures, shifting our view from the traditionally accepted hyper-synchrony paradigm toward more complex models based on re-organization of functional networks. However, qEEG measurements are so far rarely considered during the clinical decision-making process. To better understand the dynamics of intracranial EEG signals, we examine a functional network derived from the quantification of information flow between intracranial EEG signals. Using transfer entropy, we analyzed 198 seizures from 27 patients undergoing pre-surgical evaluation for pharmaco-resistant epilepsy. During each seizure we considered for each network the in-, out- and total "hubs", defined respectively as the time and the EEG channels with the maximal incoming, outgoing or total (bidirectional) information flow. In the majority of cases we found that the hubs occur around the middle of seizures, and interestingly not at the beginning or end, where the most dramatic EEG signal changes are found by visual inspection. For the patients who then underwent surgery, good postoperative clinical outcome was on average associated with a higher percentage of out- or total-hubs located in the resected area (for out-hubs p = 0.01, for total-hubs p = 0.04). The location of in-hubs showed no clear predictive value. We conclude that the study of functional networks based on qEEG measurements may help to identify brain areas that are critical for seizure generation and are thus potential targets for focused therapeutic interventions.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the cement film thickness of a zinc phosphate or a resin cement on retention of untreated and pretreated root canal posts. Prefabricated zirconia posts (CosmoPost: 1.4 mm) and two types of luting cements (a zinc phosphate cement [DeTrey Zinc] and a self-etch adhesive resin cement [Panavia F2.0]) were used. After removal of the crowns of 360 extracted premolars, canines, or incisors, the root canals were prepared with a parallel-sided drill system to three different final diameters. Half the posts did not receive any pretreatment. The other half received tribochemical silicate coating according to the manufacturer's instructions. Posts were then luted in the prepared root canals (n=30 per group). Following water storage at 37°C for seven days, retention of the posts was determined by the pull-out method. Irrespective of the luting cement, pretreatment with tribochemical silicate coating significantly increased retention of the posts. Increased cement film thickness resulted in decreased retention of untreated posts and of pretreated posts luted with zinc phosphate cement. Increased cement film thickness had no influence on retention of pretreated posts luted with resin cement. Thus, retention of the posts was influenced by the type of luting cement, by the cement film thickness, and by the post pretreatment.


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In any physicochemical process in liquids, the dynamical response of the solvent to the solutes out of equilibrium plays a crucial role in the rates and products: the solvent molecules react to the changes in volume and electron density of the solutes to minimize the free energy of the solution, thus modulating the activation barriers and stabilizing (or destabilizing) intermediate states. In charge transfer (CT) processes in polar solvents, the response of the solvent always assists the formation of charge separation states by stabilizing the energy of the localized charges. A deep understanding of the solvation mechanisms and time scales is therefore essential for a correct description of any photochemical process in dense phase and for designing molecular devices based on photosensitizers with CT excited states. In the last two decades, with the advent of ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopies, microscopic models describing the relevant case of polar solvation (where both the solvent and the solute molecules have a permanent electric dipole and the mutual interaction is mainly dipole−dipole) have dramatically progressed. Regardless of the details of each model, they all assume that the effect of the electrostatic fields of the solvent molecules on the internal electronic dynamics of the solute are perturbative and that the solvent−solute coupling is mainly an electrostatic interaction between the constant permanent dipoles of the solute and the solvent molecules. This well-established picture has proven to quantitatively rationalize spectroscopic effects of environmental and electric dynamics (time-resolved Stokes shifts, inhomogeneous broadening, etc.). However, recent computational and experimental studies, including ours, have shown that further improvement is required. Indeed, in the last years we investigated several molecular complexes exhibiting photoexcited CT states, and we found that the current description of the formation and stabilization of CT states in an important group of molecules such as transition metal complexes is inaccurate. In particular, we proved that the solvent molecules are not just spectators of intramolecular electron density redistribution but significantly modulate it. Our results solicit further development of quantum mechanics computational methods to treat the solute and (at least) the closest solvent molecules including the nonperturbative treatment of the effects of local electrostatics and direct solvent−solute interactions to describe the dynamical changes of the solute excited states during the solvent response.


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The Out-of-Africa (OOA) dispersal ∼50,000 y ago is characterized by a series of founder events as modern humans expanded into multiple continents. Population genetics theory predicts an increase of mutational load in populations undergoing serial founder effects during range expansions. To test this hypothesis, we have sequenced full genomes and high-coverage exomes from seven geographically divergent human populations from Namibia, Congo, Algeria, Pakistan, Cambodia, Siberia, and Mexico. We find that individual genomes vary modestly in the overall number of predicted deleterious alleles. We show via spatially explicit simulations that the observed distribution of deleterious allele frequencies is consistent with the OOA dispersal, particularly under a model where deleterious mutations are recessive. We conclude that there is a strong signal of purifying selection at conserved genomic positions within Africa, but that many predicted deleterious mutations have evolved as if they were neutral during the expansion out of Africa. Under a model where selection is inversely related to dominance, we show that OOA populations are likely to have a higher mutation load due to increased allele frequencies of nearly neutral variants that are recessive or partially recessive.