35 resultados para Tariff on tobacco.
The purpose of this paper is to review the epidemiologic evidence for the effects of tobacco use and tobacco use cessation on a variety of oral diseases and conditions. Exposures considered include cigarette and bidi smoking, pipe and cigar smoking, and smokeless tobacco use. Oral diseases and disorders considered include oral cancer and precancer, periodontal disease, caries and tooth loss, gingival recession and other benign mucosal disorders as well as implant failure. Particular attention is given to the impact of tobacco use cessation on oral health outcomes. We conclude that robust epidemiologic evidence exists for adverse oral health effects of tobacco smoking and other types of tobacco use. In addition, there is compelling evidence to support significant benefits of tobacco use cessation with regard to various oral health outcomes. Substantial oral health benefits can be expected from abstention and successful smoking cessation in a variety of populations across all ages.
In the recent years, for oral care in general, both improving oral hygiene and tobacco use cessation have been identified as necessary measures to gain and maintain long-term periodontal health. This growing evidence has given the dental team a whole new task to tackle when achieving and maintaining oral health with their patients. In order to support dental patients to quit tobacco use, it is helpful for the clinician to have a clear understanding of the genesis of 'tobacco use disease' in general. At present, the evidence-based method for tobacco use cessation consists of professional counselling on behavioural change using the so called "5A Method" (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist and Arrange") in combination with pharmacotherapy. A suitable model for behavioural support in tobacco use cessation would help patients to move from one stage to the next. People who want to quit the smoking habit do not always participate in carefully controlled nicotine withdrawal programs, e.g. in linear fashion and from start to finish. Nevertheless, simple instructions - like those offered in the "Assist" (to help) and "Arrange" (to organize follow-up visits) - can be valuable tools for dental professionals supporting their patients to quit smoking. On the basis of significant evidence on the recovery of the oral mucosa and the periodontal tissue following tobacco use cessation, a new task has been emerged in dentistry: the role of oral health professionals providing counselling for patients who ought to quit tobacco use.
Hepatocellular cancer is the fifth most frequent cancer in men and the eighth in women worldwide. Established risk factors are chronic hepatitis B and C infection, chronic heavy alcohol consumption, obesity and type 2 diabetes, tobacco use, use of oral contraceptives, and aflatoxin-contaminated food. Almost 90% of all hepatocellular carcinomas develop in cirrhotic livers. In Western countries, attributable risks are highest for cirrhosis due to chronic alcohol abuse and viral hepatitis B and C infection. Among those with alcoholic cirrhosis, the annual incidence of hepatocellular cancer is 1-2%. An important mechanism implicated in alcohol-related hepatocarcinogenesis is oxidative stress from alcohol metabolism, inflammation, and increased iron storage. Ethanol-induced cytochrome P-450 2E1 produces various reactive oxygen species, leading to the formation of lipid peroxides such as 4-hydroxy-nonenal. Furthermore, alcohol impairs the antioxidant defense system, resulting in mitochondrial damage and apoptosis. Chronic alcohol exposure elicits hepatocyte hyperregeneration due to the activation of survival factors and interference with retinoid metabolism. Direct DNA damage results from acetaldehyde, which can bind to DNA, inhibit DNA repair systems, and lead to the formation of carcinogenic exocyclic DNA etheno adducts. Finally, chronic alcohol abuse interferes with methyl group transfer and may thereby alter gene expression.
Consumption of tobacco can result not only in a multitude of different general health problems like carcinoma of the lung, ischaemic cardiac diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, stroke, chronic-obstructive pulmonary diseases or peptic ulcers, but also in pathologic lesions of the oral mucosa. Benign oral lesions from smoking or consumption of smokeless tobacco are the so-called smoker's palate and smoker's melanosis. On the other hand, tobacco-associated lesions like oral leukoplakia or oral squamous cell carcinoma are already potentially life-threatening diseases that in general require active treatment. The following review article will present and discuss the typical lesions of the oral mucosa that result from chronic tobacco consumption. The aim of this article is to demonstrate dental health care providers the needs and benefits of tobacco use cessation in a dental setting, especially regarding stomatologic sequelae and consequences. The present article is the first in a series of articles from the Swiss task force "Smoking - Intervention in the private dental office" on the topic "tobacco use and dental medicine".
This is the fourth part of a series of publications from the Swiss task force named "Smoking--intervention in the private dental office" on the topic "tobacco use and dental medicine". It presents the implementation of tobacco use prevention and cessation in the dental practice. Next to the optimal performance of plaque control, tobacco use cessation has become the most important measure for the treatment of periodontal diseases. In contrast to general medicine practice, the dental practice team is seeing its patients regularly and is therefore capable of helping their patients quit tobacco use. Tobacco dependence consists of both a physical and a psychological dependence. Therefore, the combination of pharmacotherapy with behavior change counseling is recommended. The use of brief Motivational Interviewing (BMI) for tobacco use short interventions in the dental practice appears to be suitable. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is the treatment of choice for the dental practice team because both Varenicline and Bupropion SR have to be prescribed by physicians.
There is increasing evidence that air pollution particularly affects infants and small preschool children. However, detecting air pollution effects on lung function in small children is technically difficult and requires non-invasive methods that can assess lung function and inflammatory markers in larger cohorts. This review discusses the principles, usefulness and shortcomings of various lung function techniques used to detect pollution effects in small children. The majority of these techniques have been used to detect effects of the dominant indoor pollutant, tobacco exposure. However there is increasing evidence that non-invasive lung function techniques can also detect the effects of outdoor air pollution.
Maternal smoking in pregnancy is associated with respiratory diseases in the offspring, possibly due to prenatal influences on the developing immune system. We investigated whether maternal smoking in pregnancy was associated with cord blood leukocyte numbers, including precursor dendritic cells, adjusting for concomitant factors. In a prospective healthy birth cohort study, total leukocyte counts were reduced in neonates of smoking mothers [10.7 (8.4-13.0), n=14] compared with nonexposed infants [14.7 (13.7-15.7), n=74, p=0.002] [geometric mean cells x 10(3)/microL (95% confidence interval)]. All leukocyte subsets were decreased, most prominently segmented neutrophils [4.3 (2.8-5.7) versus 6.2 (5.5-6.8), p=0.021], lymphocytes [3.8 (2.9-4.8) versus 5.0 (4.5-5.6), p=0.036], and myeloid precursor dendritic cells [12.7 cells/microL (9.1-17.8) versus 18.3 (15.8-21.2), p=0.055]. These differences persisted after adjustment for possible confounders. Predictors of myeloid precursor dendritic cell numbers in multivariable models were maternal smoking (-5.1 cells/microL, p=0.042), age (-0.5 cells/microL/y, p=0.035), and, marginally, asthma (+8.1 cells/microL, p=0.075). The decrease of all leukocytes in neonates of smoking mothers could be clinically significant and suggests a decreased cell production, increased peripheral recruitment, or retention in bone marrow. Given the importance of dendritic cells in early immune responses, their decrease might reflect an impact of maternal smoking on the developing fetal immune system.
Due to migration of different ethnic groups, mainly from Africa and Asia, into Switzerland, many traditional products and habits that have not been seen before were also introduced. Smokeless tobacco (ST)--as one of those habits--is a product of increased use in Switzerland, although no sound epidemiological data are presently available. Numerous studies from North-America, Sweden, Asia and Africa could verify the carcinogenic potency of smokeless tobacco and its effects in the developement of oral cancer and different systemic disorders. For dental professionals and their team it is important to detect ST-associated lesions, and to tell the patients about the potential harmful sequelae of ST products. The present review focusses on the different types of RT products and their effects on oral health.
Second to regular mechanical plaque control, tobacco use cessation has become the most important measure for the treatment of periodontal diseases. In contrast to general medical professionals, dental hygienists are seeing their patients regularly and are therefore available for supporting their patients to quit tobacco use. Tobacco use disease consists of both a physical addiction and a psychological dependence. Therefore, the combination of behaviour change support with pharmacotherapy is recommended for tobacco use cessation counselling. The use of brief motivational interviewing for tobacco use short interventions in the dental practice appears to be suitable. In addition to behavioural support, the use for nicotine replacement therapy is the treatment of choice for the dental practice. Following a critical review of the literature on this topic, a step by step approach for tobacco use cessation is presented for the dental hygienists to be implemented in their daily practice routine.
OBJECTIVE The aim of our investigation was to review the implementation of a comprehensive tobacco dependence education (TDE) curriculum at the Medi School of Dental Hygiene (MSDH), Bern, Switzerland, 2001-2008. METHODS In 2001, new forms to record patients' tobacco use history and willingness to quit were created for all the MSDH patients. In 2002, a new theoretically based tobacco dependence treatment protocol was implemented into the MSDH curriculum. Students received instruction on how to provide brief tobacco use dependence interventions as well as maintain detailed records of patient tobacco use and cessation interventions for every smoker at all dental hygiene visits. RESULTS In 2002, 17 lecture hours were added to the following subjects: pathology, periodontology, preventive dentistry, pharmacology and psychology. During the same time period, 2213 patients (56.9% women) have visited the MSDH. Smoking status was recorded in 85.7% of all the patients (30.2% smokers). Brief tobacco use interventions were recorded in 36.8% of all smokers while 7.6% of these have reported to quit smoking. CONCLUSIONS Overall, the new TDE curriculum was successfully implemented and accepted by the MSDH faculty. Applications in the clinical practice, however, may still be improved to better identify smokers and increase initial and follow-up interventions potentially leading to higher quit rates.
One alternative approach for the treatment of lung cancer might be the activation of the immune system using vaccination strategies. However, most of clinical vaccination trials for lung cancer did not reach their primary end points, suggesting that lung cancer is of low immunogenicity. To provide additional experimental information about this important issue, we investigated which type of immune cells contributes to the protection from lung cancer development. Therefore, A/J mice induced for lung adenomas/adenocarcinomas by the tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) were depleted of CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells, CD11b(+) macrophages, Gr-1(+) neutrophils and asialo GM1(+) natural killer (NK) cells. Subsequent analysis of tumour growth showed an increase in tumour number only in mice depleted of NK cells. Further asking by which mechanism NK cells suppressed tumour development, we neutralized several death ligands of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) family known to be involved in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. However, neither depletion of TNF-α, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand, TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis or FasL alone nor in combination induced an augmentation of tumour burden. To show whether an alternative cell death pathway is involved, we next generated A/J mice deficient for perforin. After challenging with NNK, mice deficient for perforin showed an increase in tumour number and volume compared to wild-type A/J mice. In summary, our data suggest that NK cells and perforin-mediated cytolysis are critically involved in the protection from lung cancer giving promise for further immunotherapeutic strategies for this disease.
Rapid pollen tube growth requires a high rate of sugar metabolism to meet energetic and biosynthetic demands. Previous work on pollen sugar metabolism showed that tobacco pollen carry out efficient ethanolic fermentation concomitantly with a high rate of respiration (Bucher et al ., 1995). Here we show that the products of fermentation, acetaldehyde and ethanol, are further metabolised in a pathway that bypasses mitochondrial PDH. The enzymes involved in this pathway are pyruvate decarboxylase, aldehyde dehydrogenase and acetyl-CoA synthetase. Radiolabelling experiments show that during tobacco pollen tube growth label of C-14-ethanol is incorporated into CO2 as well as into lipids and other higher molecular weight compounds. A role for the glyoxylate cycle appears unlikely since activity of malate synthase, a key enzyme of the glyoxylate cycle, could not be detected.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis are common pulmonary diseases that are caused or worsened by tobacco smoking. Growing observational evidence suggests that symptoms and prognosis of these conditions improve upon smoking cessation. Despite increasing numbers of (small) randomised controlled trials suggesting intensive smoking cessation treatments work in people with pulmonary diseases many patients are not given specific advice on the benefits or referred for intensive cessation treatments and, therefore, continue smoking. This is a qualitative review regarding smoking cessation in patients with COPD and other pulmonary disorders, written by a group of European Respiratory Society experts. We describe the epidemiological links between smoking and pulmonary disorders, the evidence for benefits of stopping smoking, how best to assess tobacco dependence and what interventions currently work best to help pulmonary patients quit. Finally, we describe characteristics and management of any "hardcore" smoker who finds it difficult to quit with standard approaches.
Evidence based public health requires knowledge about successful dissemination of public health measures. This study analyses (a) the changes in worksite tobacco prevention (TP) in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, between 2007 and 2009; (b1) the results of a multistep versus a “brochure only” dissemination strategy; (b2) the results of a monothematic versus a comprehensive dissemination strategy that aim to get companies to adopt TP measures; and (c) whether worksite TP is associated with health- related outcomes. A longitudinal design with randomized control groups was applied. Data on worksite TP and health-related outcomes were gathered by a written questionnaire (baseline