17 resultados para Swash zone sediment transport
River bedload surveyed at 50 sites in Westland is dominated by Alpine Schist or Torlesse Greywacke from the Alpine Fault hanging wall, with subordinate Pounamu Ultramafics or footwall-derived Western Province rocks. Tumbling experiments found ultramafics to have the lowest attrition rates, compared with greywacke sandstone and granite (which abrade to produce silt to medium-sand), or incompetent schist (which fragments). Arahura has greater total concentrations (103–105 t/km2) and proportions (5–40%) of ultramafic bedload compared with Hokitika and Taramakau catchments (101–104 t/km2, mostly <10%), matching relative areas of mapped Pounamu Ultramafic bedrock, but enriched relative to absolute areal proportions. Western Province rocks downthrown by the Alpine Fault are under-represented in the bedload. Enriched concentrations of ultramafic bedload decrease rapidly with distance downstream from source rock outcrops, changing near prominent ice-limit moraines. Bedload evolution with transport involves both downstream fining and dilution from tributaries, in a sediment supply regime more strongly influenced by tectonics and the imprint of past glaciation. Treasured New Zealand pounamu (jade) is associated with ultramafic rocks. Chances of discovery vary between catchments, are increased near glacial moraines, and are highest near source-rock outcrops in remote mountain headwaters.
Subsurface fluid flow can be affected by earthquakes; increased spring activity, mud vol- cano eruptions, groundwater fluctuations, changes in geyser frequency, and other forms of altered subsurface fluid flow have been documented during, after, or even prior to seismic shaking. Recently discovered giant pockmarks on the bottom of Lake Neuchâtel, Switzerland, are the lake-floor expression of subsurface fluid flow. They discharge groundwater from the Jura Mountains karstic aquifers and experience episodically increased subsurface fluid flow documented by subsurface sediment mobilization deposits at the levees of the pockmarks. In this study, we present the spatio-temporal distribution of event deposits from these phases of sediment expulsion and of multiple time-correlative mass-transport deposits. We report five striking instances of concurrent multiple subsurface sediment deposits and multiple mass- transport deposits since late glacial times, for which we propose past earthquakes as a trigger. Comparison of this new event catalogue with historic earthquakes and other independent paleoseismic records suggests that initiation of sediment expulsion requires a minimum mac- roseismic intensity of VII. Thus, our study presents for the first time sedimentary deposits resulting from increased subsurface fluid flow as a paleoseismic proxy.