35 resultados para SVG-edit


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Chronic pancreatitis is a common inflammatory disease of the pancreas. Mutations in the genes encoding cationic trypsinogen (PRSS1) and the pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (SPINK1) are associated with chronic pancreatitis. Because increased proteolytic activity owing to mutated PRSS1 enhances the risk for chronic pancreatitis, mutations in the gene encoding anionic trypsinogen (PRSS2) may also predispose to disease. Here we analyzed PRSS2 in individuals with chronic pancreatitis and controls and found, to our surprise, that a variant of codon 191 (G191R) is overrepresented in control subjects: G191R was present in 220/6,459 (3.4%) controls but in only 32/2,466 (1.3%) affected individuals (odds ratio 0.37; P = 1.1 x 10(-8)). Upon activation by enterokinase or trypsin, purified recombinant G191R protein showed a complete loss of trypsin activity owing to the introduction of a new tryptic cleavage site that renders the enzyme hypersensitive to autocatalytic proteolysis. In conclusion, the G191R variant of PRSS2 mitigates intrapancreatic trypsin activity and thereby protects against chronic pancreatitis.


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Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is indispensable for immunoglobulin maturation by somatic hypermutations and class switch recombination and is supposed to deaminate cytidines in DNA, while its homolog APOBEC-1 edits apolipoprotein (apo) B mRNA by cytidine deamination. We studied the editing activity of APOBEC-1 and AID in yeast using the selectable marker Gal4 linked to its specific inhibitor protein Gal80 via an apo B cassette (Gal4-C) or via the variable region of a mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain gene (Gal4-VH). Expression of APOBEC-1 induced C to U editing in up to 15% of the Gal4-C transcripts, while AID was inactive in this reaction even in the presence of the APOBEC-1 complementation factor. After expression of APOBEC-1 as well as AID approximately 10(-3) of yeast cells survived low stringency selection and expressed beta-galactosidase. Neither AID nor APOBEC-1 mutated the VH sequence of Gal4-VH, and consequently the yeast colonies did not escape high stringent selection. AID, however, induced frequent plasmid recombinations that were only rarely observed with APOBEC-1. In conclusion, AID cannot substitute APOBEC-1 to edit the apo B mRNA, and the expression of AID in yeast is not sufficient for the generation of point mutations in a highly transcribed Gal4-VH sequence. Cofactors for AID induced somatic hypermutations of immunoglobulin variable regions, that are present in B cells and a variety of non-B cells, appear to be missing in yeast. In contrast to APOBEC-1, AID alone does not exhibit an intrinsic specificity for its target sequences.


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Aims: Newer-generation everolimus-eluting stents (EES) have been shown to improve clinical outcomes compared with early-generation sirolimus-eluting (SES) and paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES) in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Whether this benefit is maintained among patients with saphenous vein graft (SVG) disease remains controversial. Methods and results: We assessed cumulative incidence rates (CIR) per 100 patient years after inverse probability of treatment weighting to compare clinical outcomes. The pre-specified primary endpoint was the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction (MI), and target vessel revascularisation (TVR). Out of 12,339 consecutively treated patients, 288 patients (5.7%) underwent PCI of at least one SVG lesion with EES (n=127), SES (n=103) or PES (n=58). Up to four years, CIR of the primary endpoint were 58.7 for EES, 45.2 for SES and 45.6 for PES with similar adjusted risks between groups (EES vs. SES; HR 0.94, 95% CI: 0.55-1.60, EES vs. PES; HR 1.07, 95% CI: 0.60-1.91). Adjusted risks showed no significant differences between stent types for cardiac death, MI and TVR. Conclusions: Among patients undergoing PCI for SVG lesions, newer-generation EES have similar safety and efficacy to early-generation SES and PES during long-term follow-up to four years.


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Short-echo-time magnetic resonance spectra of human brain contain broad contributions from macromolecules. As they are a priori of unknown shape and intensity, they pose a problem if one wants to quantitate the overlying spectral features from low-molecular-weight metabolites. On the other hand, the macromolecular contributions may provide relevant clinical information themselves, if properly evaluated. Several methods, based on T(1), T(2), or spectral shape, have previously been suggested to suppress or edit the macromolecule contributions. Here, a method is presented based on a series of saturation recovery scans and that allows for simultaneous recording of the macromolecular baseline and the fully relaxed metabolite spectrum. In comparison to an inversion recovery technique aimed at nulling signals from long-T(1) components, the saturation recovery method is less susceptible to T(1) differences inherent in signals from different metabolites or introduced by pathology. The saturation recovery method was used to quantitate the macromolecular baseline in white and/or gray matter locations of the human brain in 40 subjects. It was found that the content and composition of MR visible macromolecules depends on cerebral location, as well as the age of the investigated subject, while no gender dependence could be found.


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Der vorliegende Sammelband wurde dem bekannten Versicherungsrechtler Prof. Dr. iur. Moritz W. Kuhn zu seinem 65. Geburtstag gewidmet. Sein Wirken hat über zwanzig Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Rechtsprechung wie Versicherungsbranche motiviert, mit einem Beitrag eine Plattform für die Erweiterung des bisherigen Wissensstands zu schaffen. Die Rechtsanwendung im Spannungsfeld von Rechtsetzung und AGB-Praxis, Innovation und Wandel, Europa als Chance für Schweizer Versicherer, Nachhaltigkeit, Gesetzgebung auf Abwegen, Richter und Gesetz, Lebensversicherung als Instrument der Nachlassplanung, Anwalt und Versicherung, zum Begriff der Summenversicherung, Versicherungskollisionsrecht, Schadensregulierung im Zeichen der Globalisierung sowie Gefängnismedizin sind Themen, die in diesem Buch behandelt werden. Es richtet sich an Vertreter der Versicherungsbranche, Richter, Anwälte, Versicherungsjuristen und ganz generell jedermann, der sich gegen die finanziellen Folgen schädigender Ereignisse versichert hat.


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Das Jahrbuch zum Strassenverkehrsrecht erscheint neu im Stämpfli Verlag. Der diesjährige Band enthält Beiträge namhafter Autoren zu den Bereichen Verkehrsmedizin und Verkehrspsychologie, Unfalldiagnostik, Zivilrecht, Verwaltungsrecht und Strafrecht. Die Autoren befassen sich mit der Zuverlässigkeit der Legalbewährungsprognose verkehrspsychologischer Gutachten, der Qualitätssicherung der Fahreignungsabklärung als Hauptzweck der neuen Sektion Verkehrsmedizin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin (SGRM), der «neuen Linie» des Schweizerischen Bundesgerichts betreffend Beurteilung von verkehrsmedizinischen Fahreignungsgutachten bei Alkoholfällen mit Ethylglucuronid-Haaranalyse, der medizinisch-psychologischen Untersuchung, der Gefährdung beim Fahrstreifenwechsel auf Autobahnen, der immateriellen Unbill nach einem Verkehrsunfall, Fussgängern im Strassenverkehr, Amortisationstabellen in Leasingverträgen, dem Geschäftsbericht 2010-2011 des Nationalen Versicherungsbüros Schweiz und des Nationalen Garantiefonds Schweiz, der Konzession im Strassenverkehr, dem Strassentransport (Ladungssicherung, Bewilligungen für Ausnahmetransporte, Arbeitszeit) und der Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts zu SVG 58-89, zur Verkehrsopferhilfe sowie zum Strassenverkehrsstrafrecht im Jahr 2010.


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BACKGROUND Fertility is impaired in many survivors of childhood cancer following treatment. Preservation of fertility after cancer has become a central survivorship concern. Nevertheless, several doctors, patients, and families do not discuss fertility and recommendations for fertility preservation in pediatrics are still lacking. Recommendations based on scientific evidence are needed and before their development we wanted to assess the practice patterns of fertility preservation in Europe. PROCEDURES On behalf of the PanCare network, we sent a questionnaire to pediatric onco-hematology institutions across Europe. The survey consisted of 21 questions assessing their usual practices around fertility preservation. RESULTS One hundred ninety-eight institutional representatives across Europe received the survey and 68 (response rate 34.3%) responded. Pre-treatment fertility counseling was offered by 64 institutions. Counseling was done by a pediatric onco-hematologist in 52% (33/64) and in 32% (20/64) by a team. The majority of institutions (53%) lacked recommendations for fertility preservation. All 64 centers offered sperm banking; eight offered testicular tissue cryopreservation for pre-pubertal males. For females, the possibility of preserving ovarian tissue was offered by 40 institutions. CONCLUSIONS There is a high level of interest in fertility preservation among European centers responding to our survey. However, while most recommended sperm cryopreservation, many also recommended technologies whose efficacy has not been shown. There is an urgent need for evidence-based European recommendations for fertility preservation to help survivors deal with the stressful topic of fertility. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2014;9999:1-5. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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BACKGROUND Cardiac events (CEs) are among the most serious late effects following childhood cancer treatment. To establish accurate risk estimates for the occurrence of CEs it is essential that they are graded in a valid and consistent manner, especially for international studies. We therefore developed a data-extraction form and a set of flowcharts to grade CEs and tested the validity and consistency of this approach in a series of patients. METHODS The Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 3.0 and 4.0 were used to define the CEs. Forty patients were randomly selected from a cohort of 72 subjects with known CEs that had been graded by a physician for an earlier study. To establish whether the new method was valid for appropriate grading, a non-physician graded the CEs by using the new method. To evaluate consistency of the grading, the same charts were graded again by two other non-physicians, one with receiving brief introduction and one with receiving extensive training on the new method. We calculated weighted Kappa statistics to quantify inter-observer agreement. RESULTS The inter-observer agreement was 0.92 (95% CI 0.80-1.00) for validity, and 0.88 (0.79-0.98) and 0.99 (0.96-1.00) for consistency with the outcome assessors who had the brief introduction and the extensive training, respectively. CONCLUSIONS The newly developed standardized method to grade CEs using data from medical records has shown excellent validity and consistency. The study showed that the method can be correctly applied by researchers without a medical background, provided that they receive adequate training.


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Our research project develops an intranet search engine with concept- browsing functionality, where the user is able to navigate the conceptual level in an interactive, automatically generated knowledge map. This knowledge map visualizes tacit, implicit knowledge, extracted from the intranet, as a network of semantic concepts. Inductive and deductive methods are combined; a text ana- lytics engine extracts knowledge structures from data inductively, and the en- terprise ontology provides a backbone structure to the process deductively. In addition to performing conventional keyword search, the user can browse the semantic network of concepts and associations to find documents and data rec- ords. Also, the user can expand and edit the knowledge network directly. As a vision, we propose a knowledge-management system that provides concept- browsing, based on a knowledge warehouse layer on top of a heterogeneous knowledge base with various systems interfaces. Such a concept browser will empower knowledge workers to interact with knowledge structures.


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BACKGROUND Evidence-based guidelines are needed to guide effective long-term follow-up (LTFU) of childhood cancer survivors (CCS) at risk of late adverse effects (LAEs). We aimed to ascertain the use of LTFU guidelines throughout Europe, and seek views on the need for pan-European LTFU guidelines. PROCEDURES One expert clinician from each of 44 European countries was invited to participate in an online survey. Information was sought regarding the use and content of LTFU guidelines in the respondent's centre and country, and their views about developing pan-European LTFU guidelines. RESULTS Thirty-one countries (70%) responded, including 24 of 26 full EU countries (92%). LTFU guidelines were implemented nationally in 17 countries (55%). All guidelines included recommendations about physical LAEs, specific risk groups and frequency of surveillance, and the majority about psychosocial LAEs (70%), and healthy lifestyle promotion (65%). A minority of guidelines described recommendations about transition to age-appropriate LTFU services (22%), where LTFU should be performed (22%) and by whom (30%). Most respondents (94%) agreed on the need for pan-European LTFU guidelines, specifically including recommendations about surveillance for specific physical LAEs (97%), action to be taken if a specific LAE is detected (90%), minimum requirements for LTFU (93%), transition and health promotion (both 87%). CONCLUSIONS Guidelines are not universally used throughout Europe. However, there is strong support for developing pan-European LTFU guidelines for CCS. PanCareSurFup (www.pancare.eu) will collaborate with partners to develop such guidelines, including recommendations for hitherto relatively neglected topics, such as minimum LTFU requirements, transition and health promotion.


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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive motor neuron disease, fatal within 1 to 5 years after onset of symptoms. About 3 out of 100’000 persons are diagnosed with ALS and there is still no cure available [1, 2]. 95% of all cases occur sporadically and the aetiology remains largely unknown [XXXX]. However, up to now 16 genes were identified to play a role in the development of familial ALS. One of these genes is FUS that encodes for the protein fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma (FUS/TLS). Mutations in this gene are responsible for some cases of sporadic as well as of inherited ALS [3]. FUS belongs to the family of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins and is predicted to be involved in several cellular functions like transcription regulation [4], RNA splicing [5, 6], mRNA transport in neurons [7] and microRNA processing [8]. Aberrant accumulation of mutated FUS has been found in the cytoplasm of motor neurons from ALS patients [9]. The mislocalization of FUS is based on a mutation in the nuclear localization signal of FUS [10]. However, it is still unclear if the cytoplasmic localization of FUS leads to a toxic gain of cytoplasmic function and/or a loss of nuclear function that might be crucial in the course of ALS. The goal of this project is to characterize the impact of ALS-associated FUS mutations on in vitro differentiated motor neurons. To this end, we edit the genome of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) using transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) [11,12] to create three isogenic cell lines, each carrying an ALS-associated FUS mutation (G156E, R244C and P525L). These iPSC’s will then be differentiated to motor neurons according to a recently establishe protocol (Ref Wichterle) and serve to study alterations in the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome upon the expression of ALS-associated FUS. With this approach, we hope to unravel the molecular mechanism leading to FUS-associated ALS and to provide new insight into the emerging connection between misregulation of RNA metabolism and neurodegeneration, a connection that is currently implied in a variety of additional neurological diseases, including spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA-2), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), fragile X syndrome, and myotonic dystrophy.


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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive motor neuron disease, fatal within 1 to 5 years after onset of symptoms. About 3 out of 100’000 persons are diagnosed with ALS and there is still no cure available [1, 2]. 95% of all cases occur sporadically and the aetiology remains largely unknown [3]. However, up to now 16 genes were identified to play a role in the development of familial ALS. One of these genes is FUS that encodes for the protein fused in sarcoma (FUS). Mutations in this gene are responsible for some cases of sporadic as well as of inherited ALS [4]. FUS belongs to the family of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins and is predicted to be involved in several cellular functions like transcription regulation, RNA splicing, mRNA transport in neurons and microRNA processing [5] Aberrant accumulation of mutated FUS has been found in the cytoplasm of motor neurons from ALS patients [6]. The mislocalization of FUS is based on a mutation in the nuclear localization signal of FUS [7]. However, it is still unclear if the cytoplasmic localization of FUS leads to a toxic gain of cytoplasmic function and/or a loss of nuclear function that might be crucial in the course of ALS. The goal of this project is to characterize the impact of ALS-associated FUS mutations on in vitro differentiated motor neurons. To this end, we edit the genome of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) using transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) [8,9] to create three isogenic cell lines, each carrying an ALS-associated FUS mutation (G156E, R244C and P525L). These iPSC’s will then be differentiated to motor neurons according to a recently established protocol [10] and serve to study alterations in the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome upon the expression of ALS-associated FUS. With this approach, we hope to unravel the molecular mechanism leading to FUS-associated ALS and to provide new insight into the emerging connection between misregulation of RNA metabolism and neurodegeneration, a connection that is currently implied in a variety of additional neurological diseases, including spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA-2), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), fragile X syndrome, and myotonic dystrophy. [1] Cleveland, D.W. et al. (2001) Nat Rev Neurosci 2(11): 806-819 [2] Sathasivam, S. (2010) Singapore Med J 51(5): 367-372 [3] Schymick, J.C. et al. (2007) Hum Mol Genet Vol 16: 233-242 [4] Pratt, A.J. et al. (2012). Degener Neurol Neuromuscul Dis 2012(2): 1-14 [5] Lagier-Tourenne, C. Hum Mol Genet, 2010. 19(R1): p. R46-64 [6] Mochizuki, Y. et al. (2012) J Neurol Sci 323(1-2): 85-92 [7] Dormann, D. et al. (2010) EMBO J 29(16): 2841-2857 [8] Hockemeyer, D. et al. (2011) Nat Biotech 29(8): 731-734 [9] Joung, J.K. and J.D. Sander (2013) Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 14(1): 49-55 [10]Amoroso, M.W. et al. (2013) J Neurosci 33(2): 574-586.


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