32 resultados para SSU RRNA GENOTYPING


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In this study, we present a novel genotyping scheme to classify German wild-type varicella-zoster virus (VZV) strains and to differentiate them from the Oka vaccine strain (genotype B). This approach is based on analysis of four loci in open reading frames (ORFs) 51 to 58, encompassing a total length of 1,990 bp. The new genotyping scheme produced identical clusters in phylogenetic analyses compared to full-genome sequences from well-characterized VZV strains. Based on genotype A, D, B, and C reference strains, a dichotomous identification key (DIK) was developed and applied for VZV strains obtained from vesicle fluid and liquor samples originating from 42 patients suffering from varicella or zoster between 2003 and 2006. Sequencing of regions in ORFs 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, and 58 identified 18 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), including two novel ones, SNP 89727 and SNP 92792 in ORF51 and ORF52, respectively. The DIK as well as phylogenetic analysis by Bayesian inference showed that 14 VZV strains belonged to genotype A, and 28 VZV strains were classified as genotype D. Neither Japanese (vaccine)-like B strains nor recombinant-like C strains were found within the samples from Germany. The novel genotyping scheme and the DIK were demonstrated to be practical and simple and allow the highly efficient replication of phylogenetic patterns in VZV initially derived from full-genome DNA sequence analyses. Therefore, this approach may allow us to draw a more comprehensive picture of wild-type VZV strains circulating in Germany and Central Europe by high-throughput procedures in the future.


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Ninety strains of a collection of well-identified clinical isolates of gram-negative nonfermentative rods collected over a period of 5 years were evaluated using the new colorimetric VITEK 2 card. The VITEK 2 colorimetric system identified 53 (59%) of the isolates to the species level and 9 (10%) to the genus level; 28 (31%) isolates were misidentified. An algorithm combining the colorimetric VITEK 2 card and 16S rRNA gene sequencing for adequate identification of gram-negative nonfermentative rods was developed. According to this algorithm, any identification by the colorimetric VITEK 2 card other than Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Acinetobacter sp., Burkholderia cepacia complex, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia should be subjected to 16S rRNA gene sequencing when accurate identification of nonfermentative rods is of concern.


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Actinobacillus suis-like organisms (ASLOs) have been isolated from the genital, respiratory, and digestive tracts of healthy adult horses, horses with respiratory disease, and septic foals. Two foals with congenital hypothyroidism-dysmaturity syndrome from separate farms developed ASLO infection. At necropsy, both had contracted carpal flexor tendons, thyroid hyperplasia, and thrombotic and necrotizing mesenteric lymphangitis and lymphadenitis; one foal also had mandibular prognathism. Numerous ASLOs were isolated from tissues from both foals, including intestine. Biochemical testing and mass spectrometric analysis of the two Actinobacillus isolates did not allow unequivocal identification. Comparative genetic analysis was done on these and similar isolates, including phylogeny based on 16S rRNA, rpoB and recN genes, as well as RTX (repeat in toxin) toxin typing of apxIA-apxIVA and aqxA genes. One isolate was identified as Actinobacillus suis sensu stricto, based on the presence of apxIA and apxIIA but not aqxA, whereas the other isolate had aqxA but neither apxIA nor apxIIA, consistent with A equuli ssp haemolyticus. Based on genotypic analysis of the isolates included for comparison, 3 of 3 equine ASLOs and 2 of 5 A equuli isolates were reclassified as A equuli subsp haemolyticus, emphasizing the importance of toxin genotyping in accurate classification of actinobacilli.


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We present an optimized multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme with universal primer sets for amplifying and sequencing the seven target genes of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. Typing was expanded by sequence determination of the genes flaA and flaB using optimized primer sets. This approach is compatible with the MLST and flaA schemes used in the PubMLST database and results in an additional typing method using the flaB gene sequence. An identification module based on the 16S rRNA and rpoB genes was included, as well as the genetic determination of macrolide and quinolone resistances based on mutations in the 23S rRNA and gyrA genes. Experimental procedures were simplified by multiplex PCR of the 13 target genes. This comprehensive approach was evaluated with C. jejuni and C. coli isolates collected in Switzerland. MLST of 329 strains resulted in 72 sequence types (STs) among the 186 C. jejuni strains and 39 STs for the 143 C. coli isolates. Fourteen (19%) of the C. jejuni and 20 (51%) of the C. coli STs had not been found previously. In total, 35% of the C. coli strains collected in Switzerland contained mutations conferring antibiotic resistance only to quinolone, 15% contained mutations conferring resistance only to macrolides, and 6% contained mutations conferring resistance to both classes of antibiotics. In C. jejuni, these values were 31% and 0% for quinolone and macrolide resistance, respectively. The rpoB sequence allowed phylogenetic differentiation between C. coli and C. jejuni, which was not possible by 16S rRNA gene analysis. An online Integrated Database Network System (SmartGene, Zug, Switzerland)-based platform for MLST data analysis specific to Campylobacter was implemented. This Web-based platform allowed automated allele and ST designation, as well as epidemiological analysis of data, thus streamlining and facilitating the analysis workflow. Data networking facilitates the exchange of information between collaborating centers. The described approach simplifies and improves the genotyping of Campylobacter, allowing cost- and time-efficient routine monitoring.


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Genetic relationships among bacterial strains belonging to the genus Aeromonas were inferred from 16S rRNA, gyrB and rpoB gene sequences. Twenty-eight type or collection strains of the recognized species or subspecies and 33 Aeromonas strains isolated from human and animal specimens as well as from environmental samples were included in the study. As reported previously, the 16S rRNA gene sequence is highly conserved within the genus Aeromonas, having only limited resolution for this very tight group of species. Analysis of a 1.1 kb gyrB sequence confirmed that this gene has high resolving power, with maximal interspecies divergence of 15.2 %. Similar results were obtained by sequencing only 517 bp of the rpoB gene, which showed maximal interspecies divergence of 13 %. The topologies of the gyrB- and rpoB-derived trees were similar. The results confirm the close relationship of species within the genus Aeromonas and show that a phylogenetic approach including several genes is suitable for improving the complicated taxonomy of the genus.


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Phylogenies of housekeeping gene and 16S rRNA gene sequences were compared to improve the classification of the bacterial family Pasteurellaceae and knowledge of the evolutionary relationships of its members. Deduced partial protein sequences of the housekeeping genes atpD, infB and rpoB were compared in 28, 36 and 28 representative taxa of the Pasteurellaceae, respectively. The monophyly of representatives of the genus Gallibacterium was recognized by analysis of all housekeeping genes, while members of Mannheimia, Actinobacillus sensu stricto and the core group of Pasteurella sensu stricto formed monophyletic groups with two out of three housekeeping genes. Representatives of Mannheimia, Actinobacillus sensu stricto, [Haemophilus] ducreyi and [Pasteurella] trehalosi formed a monophyletic unit by analysis of all three housekeeping genes, which was in contrast to the 16S rRNA gene-derived phylogeny, where these taxa occurred at separate positions in the phylogenetic tree. Representatives of the Rodent, Avian and Aphrophilus-Haemophilus 16S rRNA gene groups were weakly supported by phylogenetic analysis of housekeeping genes. Phylogenies derived by comparison of the housekeeping genes diverged significantly from the 16S rRNA gene-derived phylogeny as evaluated by the likelihood ratio test. A low degree of congruence was also observed between the individual housekeeping gene-derived phylogenies. Estimates on speciation derived from 16S rRNA and housekeeping gene sequence comparisons resulted in quite different evolutionary scenarios for members of the Pasteurellaceae. The phylogeny based on the housekeeping genes supported observed host associations between Mannheimia, Actinobacillus sensu stricto and [Pasteurella] trehalosi and animals with paired hooves.


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Pasteurella multocida is commonly found in the oral cavity of cats and dogs. In humans it is known as an opportunistic pathogen after bites from these animals. Phenotypic identification of P. multocida based on biochemical reactions is often limited and usually only done on a species level, even though 3 subspecies are described. For molecular taxonomy and diagnostic purposes a phylogenetic analysis of the three subspecies of P. multocida based on their 16S rRNA (rrs) gene sequence was therefore carried out. We found P. multocida subsp. septica on a distinguished branch on the phylogenetic tree of Pasteurellaceae, due to a 1.5% divergence of its rrs gene compared to the two other, more closely related subspecies multocida and gallicida. This phylogenetic divergence can be used for the identification of P. multocida subsp. septica by rrs gene determination since they form a phylogenetically well isolated and defined group as shown with a set of feline isolates. Comparison to routine phenotypic identification shows the advantage of the sequence-based identification over conventional methods. It is therefore helpful for future unambiguous identification and molecular taxonomy of P. multocida as well as for epidemiological investigations.


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Mycoplasma conjunctivae, the causative agent of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC), was recently detected in asymptomatic Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex). This suggested that an external source of infection may not be required for an IKC outbreak in wildlife but might be initiated by healthy carriers, which contradicted previous serologic investigations in chamois. Our aims were to 1) assess the prevalence of M. conjunctivae among asymptomatic ibex and Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) and its frequency in IKC-affected animals, 2) determine mycoplasma loads in different disease stages, and 3) characterize the M. conjunctivae strains involved. Eye swabs from 654 asymptomatic and 204 symptomatic animals were collected in diverse Swiss regions between 2008 and 2010, and tested by TaqMan real-time PCR. Data analysis was performed considering various patterns of IKC occurrence in the respective sampling regions. Strains from 24 animals were compared by cluster analysis. Prevalence of M. conjunctivae was 5.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.7-8.1%) in asymptomatic ibex and 5.8% (CI: 3.0-9.9%) in asymptomatic chamois, with significant differences between years and regions in both species. Detection frequency in symptomatic animals was significantly higher during IKC outbreaks than in nonepidemic situations (i.e., regular but low incidence or sporadic occurrence). Mycoplasma load was significantly lower in eyes from healthy carriers and animals with mild signs than from animals with moderate and severe signs. Although some strains were found in both asymptomatic and diseased animals of the same species, others apparently differed in their pathogenic potential depending on the infected species. Overall, we found a widespread occurrence of M. conjunctivae in wild Caprinae with and without IKC signs. Our results confirm the central role of M. conjunctivae in outbreaks but suggest that other infectious agents may be involved in IKC cases in nonepidemic situations. Additionally, presence and severity of signs are related to the quantity of M. conjunctivae in the eyes rather than to the strain. We propose that individual or environmental factors influence the clinical expression of the disease and that persistence of M. conjunctivae in populations of wild Caprinae cannot be excluded.


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We report a case of tularemia in a common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) diagnosed by determination of the isolate's 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequence. Pathological examination of the animal revealed a multifocal acute necrotizing hepatitis, interstitial nephritis, splenitis, and lymphangitis of the mandibular, retropharyngeal, and cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes. Moreover, multiple foci of acute necrosis were found in the epithelium of the jejunum and the interstitium of the lung. Bacteriological investigations revealed a septicemia. The isolated infectious agent was uncommon, not routinely diagnosed in our laboratory and therefore difficult to identify by conventional tools in a reasonable time and effort. thus, we decided to perform a genetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence. Thereby, an infection with Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia, was unambiguously diagnosed. This shows the great advantage 16S rRNA gene sequencing has as a general identification approach for unusual or rare isolates.


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Echinococcus granulosus is characterized by high intra-specific variability (genotypes G1-G10) and according to the new molecular phylogeny of the genus Echinococcus, the E. granulosus complex has been divided into E. granulosus sensu stricto (G1-G3), E. equinus (G4), E. ortleppi (G5), and E. canadensis (G6-G10). The molecular characterization of E. granulosus isolates is fundamental to understand the spatio-temporal epidemiology of this complex in many endemic areas with the simultaneous occurrence of different Echinococcus species and genotypes. To simplify the genotyping of the E. granulosus complex we developed a single-tube multiplex PCR (mPCR) allowing three levels of discrimination: (i) Echinococcus genus, (ii) E. granulosus complex in common, and (iii) the specific genotype within the E. granulosus complex. The methodology was established with known DNA samples of the different strains/genotypes, confirmed on 42 already genotyped samples (Spain: 22 and Bulgaria: 20) and then successfully applied on 153 unknown samples (Tunisia: 114, Algeria: 26 and Argentina: 13). The sensitivity threshold of the mPCR was found to be 5 ng Echinoccoccus DNA in a mixture of up to 1 µg of foreign DNA and the specificity was 100% when template DNA from closely related members of the genus Taenia was used. Additionally to DNA samples, the mPCR can be carried out directly on boiled hydatid fluid or on alkaline-lysed frozen or fixed protoscoleces, thus avoiding classical DNA extractions. However, when using Echinococcus eggs obtained from fecal samples of infected dogs, the sensitivity of the mPCR was low (<40%). Thus, except for copro analysis, the mPCR described here has a high potential for a worldwide application in large-scale molecular epidemiological studies on the Echinococcus genus.


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16S rRNA genes and transcripts of Acidobacteria were investigated in 57 grassland and forest soils of three different geographic regions. Acidobacteria contributed 9-31% of bacterial 16S rRNA genes whereas the relative abundances of the respective transcripts were 4-16%. The specific cellular 16S rRNA content (determined as molar ratio of rRNA:rRNA genes) ranged between 3 and 80, indicating a low in situ growth rate. Correlations with flagellate numbers, vascular plant diversity and soil respiration suggest that biotic interactions are important determinants of Acidobacteria 16S rRNA transcript abundances in soils. While the phylogenetic composition of Acidobacteria differed significantly between grassland and forest soils, high throughput denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting detected 16S rRNA transcripts of most phylotypes in situ. Partial least squares regression suggested that chemical soil conditions such as pH, total nitrogen, C:N ratio, ammonia concentrations and total phosphorus affect the composition of this active fraction of Acidobacteria. Transcript abundance for individual Acidobacteria phylotypes was found to correlate with particular physicochemical (pH, temperature, nitrogen or phosphorus) and, most notably, biological parameters (respiration rates, abundances of ciliates or amoebae, vascular plant diversity), providing culture-independent evidence for a distinct niche specialization of different Acidobacteria even from the same subdivision.


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Riemerella anatipestifer, the causative agent of septicemia anserum exsudativa (also called new duckling disease), belongs to the family Flavobacteriaceae of gram-negative bacteria. We determined the DNA sequences of the rrs genes encoding the 16S rRNAs of four R. anatipestifer strains by directly sequencing PCR-amplified rrs genes. A sequence similarity analysis confirmed the phylogenetic position of R. anatipestifer in the family Flavobacteriaceae in rRNA superfamily V and allowed fine mapping of R. anatipestifer on a separate rRNA branch comprising the most closely related species, Bergeyella zoohelcum, as well as Chryseobacterium balustinum, Chryseobacterium indologenes, and Chryseobacterium gleum. The sequences of the rrs genes of the four R. anatipestifer strains varied between 0.5 and 1.0%, but all of the strains occupied the same position on the phylogenetic tree. In general, differences in rrs genes were observed among R. anatipestifer strains, even within a given serotype, as shown by restriction fragment length polymorphism of PCR-amplified rrs genes.


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The sequences of the 16S rRNA genes (rrs genes) of Clostridium chauvoei, the causative agent of blackleg in cattle, and the phenotypically related organism Clostridium septicum were determined. After amplification of 1,507-bp PCR fragments from the corresponding rrs genes, the sequences were determined in a single round of sequencing by using conserved region primers. A sequence similarity analysis of the sequences revealed the close phylogenetic relationship of C. chauvoei and C. septicum in Clostridium cluster I (M. D. Collins, P. A. Lawson, A. Willems, J. J. Cordoba, J. Fernandez-Garayzabal, P. Garcia, J. Cai, H. Hippe, and J. A. E. Farrow, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:812-826, 1994), which includes Clostridium carnis, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, and Clostridium tetani. We found that 99.3% of the nucleotides in the genes of C. chauvoei and C. septicum are identical.


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Trypanosomes mostly regulate gene expression through post-transcriptional mechanisms, particularly mRNA stability. However, much mRNA degradation is cytoplasmic such that mRNA nuclear export must represent an important level of regulation. Ribosomal RNAs must also be exported from the nucleus and the trypanosome orthologue of NMD3 has been confirmed to be involved in rRNA processing and export, matching its function in other organisms. Surprisingly, we found that TbNMD3 depletion also generates mRNA accumulation of procyclin-associated genes (PAGs), these being co-transcribed by RNA polymerase I with the procyclin surface antigen genes expressed on trypanosome insect forms. By whole transcriptome RNA-seq analysis of TbNMD3-depleted cells we confirm the regulation of the PAG transcripts by TbNMD3 and using reporter constructs reveal that PAG1 regulation is mediated by its 5'UTR. Dissection of the mechanism of regulation demonstrates that it is not dependent upon translational inhibition mediated by TbNMD3 depletion nor enhanced transcription. However, depletion of the nuclear export factors XPO1 or MEX67 recapitulates the effects of TbNMD3 depletion on PAG mRNAs and mRNAs accumulated in the nucleus of TbNMD3-depleted cells. These results invoke a novel RNA regulatory mechanism involving the NMD3-dependent nuclear export of mRNA cargos, suggesting a shared platform for mRNA and rRNA export.