21 resultados para Prostitution kön makt sexualitet
The procyclic form of Trypanosoma brucei colonises the gut of its insect vector, the tsetse fly. GPEET and EP procyclins constitute the parasite's surface coat at this stage of the life cycle, and the presence or absence of GPEET distinguishes between early and late procyclic forms, respectively. Differentiation from early to late procyclic forms in vivo occurs in the fly midgut and can be mimicked in culture. Our analysis of this transition in vitro delivered new insights into the process of GPEET repression. First, we could show that parasites followed a concrete sequence of events upon triggering differentiation: after undergoing an initial growth arrest, cells lost GPEET protein, and finally late procyclic forms resumed proliferation. Second, we determined the stability of both GPEET and EP mRNA during differentiation. GPEET mRNA is exceptionally stable in early procyclic forms, with a half-life >6h. The GPEET mRNA detected in late procyclic form cultures is a mixture of transcripts from both bona fide late procyclic forms and GPEET-positive 'laggard' parasites present in these cultures. However, its stability was clearly reduced during differentiation and in late procyclic form cultures. Alternatively processed GPEET transcripts were enriched in samples from late procyclic forms, suggesting that altered mRNA processing might contribute to repression of GPEET in this developmental stage. In addition, we detected GPEET transcripts with non-templated oligo(U) tails that were enriched in late procyclic forms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting a uridylyl-tailed, nuclear-encoded mRNA species in trypanosomatids or any other protozoa.
AIMS:During β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) stimulation, phosphorylation of cardiomyocyte ryanodine receptors by protein kinases may contribute to an increased diastolic Ca(2+) spark frequency. Regardless of prompt activation of protein kinase A during β-AR stimulation, this appears to rely more on activation of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), by a not yet identified signalling pathway. The goal of the present study was to identify and characterize the mechanisms which lead to CaMKII activation and elevated Ca(2+) spark frequencies during β-AR stimulation in single cardiomyocytes in diastolic conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS:Confocal imaging revealed that β-AR stimulation increases endogenous NO production in cardiomyocytes, resulting in NO-dependent activation of CaMKII and a subsequent increase in diastolic Ca(2+) spark frequency. These changes of spark frequency could be mimicked by exposure to the NO donor GSNO and were sensitive to the CaMKII inhibitors KN-93 and AIP. In vitro, CaMKII became nitrosated and its activity remained increased independent of Ca(2+) in the presence of GSNO, as assessed with biochemical assays. CONCLUSIONS:β-AR stimulation of cardiomyocytes may activate CaMKII by a novel direct pathway involving NO, without requiring Ca(2+) transients. This crosstalk between two established signalling pathways may contribute to arrhythmogenic diastolic Ca(2+) release and Ca(2+) waves during adrenergic stress, particularly in combination with cardiac diseases. In addition, NO-dependent activation of CaMKII is likely to have repercussions in many cellular signalling systems and cell types.
Der Artikel fragt nach sozialpolitischen Aspekten der internationalen Bekämpfung von Frauen- und Kinderhandel in der Zwischenkriegszeit und deren Ausstrahlung in die Schweiz. Zunächst sind die Diskussionen auf internationaler Ebene Thema, wobei auf die Arbeit der Völkerbundkommission zur Bekämpfung von Frauen- und Kinderhandel und spezifischer auf eine Völkerbund-Enquête zur sozialen Reintegration von Prostituierten eingegangen wird. In dieser Enquête schlug die Völkerbundkommission Massnahmen zur Verbesserung der sozialen Lage von Frauen der Unterschicht, zur medizinisch-fürsorgerischen Behandlung der Prostituierten und zur strafrechtlichen Verfolgung von organisierter Prostitution vor. Das Beispiel der Schweiz zeigt, inwiefern ein Land die sozialpolitischen Vorschläge aus den Völkerbunddiskussionen bezüglich Frauen- und Kinderhandel rezipierte. Der vom Völkerbund verfolgte Ansatz war in der Schweiz kaum anschlussfähig, weil einerseits die schweizerischen sozialpolitischen Diskussionen Familien priorisierten, so dass Frauen nicht unabhängig von ihrer Rolle in der Familie als unterstützungswürdig betrachtet wurden. Andererseits führten private Organisationen bereits einige der fürsorgerischen Tätigkeiten aus und wehrten sich gegen eine Verstaatlichung ihrer Aufgaben, die eine Säkularisierung und eine Beschneidung ihres Einflusses bedeutet hätte.
This paper addresses the microscale heat transfer problem from heated lattice to the gas. A micro-device for enhanced heat transfer is presented and numerically investigated. Thermal creep induces 3-D vortex structures in the vicinity of the lattice. The gas flow is in the slip flow regime (Knudsen number Kn⩽0.1Kn⩽0.1). The simulations are performed using slip flow Navier–Stokes equations with boundary condition formulations proposed by Maxwell and Smoluchowski. In this study the wire thicknesses and distances of the heated lattice are varied. The surface geometrical properties alter significantly heat flux through the surface.
BACKGROUND: Demineralized bone matrix (DBM) is used for the treatment of osseous defects. Conditioned medium from native bone chips can activate transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signaling in mesenchymal cells. The aim of the study was to determine whether processing of native bone into DBM affects the activity of the conditioned medium. METHODS: Porcine cortical bone blocks were subjected to defatting, different concentrations of hydrochloric acid and various temperatures. DBM was lyophilized, ground, and placed into culture medium. Human gingiva and periodontal fibroblasts were exposed to the respective conditioned medium (DBCM). Changes in the expression of TGF-β target genes were determined. RESULTS: DBCM altered the expression of TGF-β target genes, e.g., adrenomedullin, pentraxin 3, KN Motif And Ankyrin Repeat Domains 4, interleukin 11, NADPH oxidase 4, and BTB (POZ) Domain Containing 11, by at least five-fold. The response was observed in fibroblasts from both sources. Defatting lowered the activity of DBCM. The TGF-β receptor type I kinase inhibitor SB431542, but not the inhibitor of bone morphogenetic protein receptor dorsomorphin, blocked the effects of DBCM on gene expression. Moreover, conditioned medium obtained from commercial human DBM modulated the expression of TGF-β target genes. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that the conditioned medium from demineralized bone matrix can activate TGF-β signaling in oral fibroblasts. KEYWORDS: TGF-beta superfamily proteins; bone; bone substitutes; bone transplantation; conditioned media; freeze drying
Vertebral compression fracture is a common medical problem in osteoporotic individuals. The quantitative computed tomography (QCT)-based finite element (FE) method may be used to predict vertebral strength in vivo, but needs to be validated with experimental tests. The aim of this study was to validate a nonlinear anatomy specific QCT-based FE model by using a novel testing setup. Thirty-seven human thoracolumbar vertebral bone slices were prepared by removing cortical endplates and posterior elements. The slices were scanned with QCT and the volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) was computed with the standard clinical approach. A novel experimental setup was designed to induce a realistic failure in the vertebral slices in vitro. Rotation of the loading plate was allowed by means of a ball joint. To minimize device compliance, the specimen deformation was measured directly on the loading plate with three sensors. A nonlinear FE model was generated from the calibrated QCT images and computed vertebral stiffness and strength were compared to those measured during the experiments. In agreement with clinical observations, most of the vertebrae underwent an anterior wedge-shape fracture. As expected, the FE method predicted both stiffness and strength better than vBMD (R2 improved from 0.27 to 0.49 and from 0.34 to 0.79, respectively). Despite the lack of fitting parameters, the linear regression of the FE prediction for strength was close to the 1:1 relation (slope and intercept close to one (0.86 kN) and to zero (0.72 kN), respectively). In conclusion, a nonlinear FE model was successfully validated through a novel experimental technique for generating wedge-shape fractures in human thoracolumbar vertebrae.