37 resultados para Perturbation visuelle


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The term visual field corresponds to the angular field of view that is seen by the eyes when they are fixed on a point straight-ahead. In neurological patients--e.g. stroke, trauma, or tumour patients--visual field function can be restricted, depending on lesion site and size. In contrast, the term "functional visual field" describes the area of visual field responsiveness under more ordinary viewing conditions. The visual exploration, i.e. the capacity to explore and analyze our visual world, is dependent on the integrity of the visual system and the oculomotor system which has to move the fovea from one object of interest to the next. In this paper, we present a new method to assess the functional visual field, conceptualized as the area that a patient actively scans with eye movements to detect predefined targets placed on everyday scenes. This method allows us to compare three levels of visual field function: (a) the spatial distribution of successful search (hits, i.e. which targets did the patient find?), (b) the spatial distribution of fixations (i.e. where did the patient preferentially search for targets?), and (c) the retinotopic level (i.e. the visual field assessed by perimetry). By integrating these three levels, one can evaluate functional outcomes of visual field disorders. Of particular importance is the question of how a patient compensates for a visual field loss with appropriate eye movements. A further clinical application of this method is the comparison of pre- with post-treatment data. Patients with visual field disorders usually undergo specific exploration trainings, aimed at enhancing the number and amplitude of saccades towards the region of the visual field deficit. The first experiences and clinical application with this method are presented here.


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Evidence of negative conspecific density dependence (NDD) operating on seedling survival and sapling recruitment has accumulated recently. In contrast, evidence of NDD operating on growth of trees has been circumstantial at best. Whether or not local NDD at the level of individual trees leads to NDD at the level of the community is still an open question. Moreover, whether and how perturbations interfere with these processes have rarely been investigated. We applied neighborhood models to permanent plot data from a Bornean dipterocarp forest censused over two 10-11 year periods. Although the first period was only lightly perturbed, a moderately strong El Nino event causing severe drought occurred in the first half of the second period. Such events are an important component of the environmental stochasticity affecting the region. We show that local NDD on growth of small-to-medium-sized trees may indeed translate to NDD at the level of the community. This interpretation is based on increasingly negative effects of bigger conspecific neighbors on absolute growth rates of individual trees with increasing basal area across the 18 most abundant overstory species in the first period. However, this relationship was much weaker in the second period. We interpreted this relaxation of local and community-level NDD as a consequence of increased light levels at the forest floor due to temporary leaf and twig loss of large trees in response to the drought event. Mitigation of NDD under climatic perturbation acts to decrease species richness, especially in forest overstory and therefore has an important role in determining species relative abundances at the site.


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In the recently proposed framework of hard pion chiral perturbation theory, the leading chiral logarithms are predicted to factorize with respect to the energy dependence in the chiral limit. We have scrutinized this assumption in the case of vector and scalar pion form factors FV;S(s) by means of standard chiral perturbation theory and dispersion relations. We show that this factorization property is valid for the elastic contribution to the dispersion integrals for FV;S(s) but it is violated starting at three loops when the inelastic four-pion contributions arise.


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Time series of geocenter coordinates were determined with data of two global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs), namely the U.S. GPS (Global Positioning System) and the Russian GLONASS (Global’naya Nawigatsionnaya Sputnikowaya Sistema). The data was recorded in the years 2008–2011 by a global network of 92 permanently observing GPS/GLONASS receivers. Two types of daily solutions were generated independently for each GNSS, one including the estimation of geocenter coordinates and one without these parameters. A fair agreement for GPS and GLONASS was found in the geocenter x- and y-coordinate series. Our tests, however, clearly reveal artifacts in the z-component determined with the GLONASS data. Large periodic excursions in the GLONASS geocenter z-coordinates of about 40 cm peak-to-peak are related to the maximum elevation angles of the Sun above/below the orbital planes of the satellite system and thus have a period of about 4 months (third of a year). A detailed analysis revealed that the artifacts are almost uniquely governed by the differences of the estimates of direct solar radiation pressure (SRP) in the two solution series (with and without geocenter estimation). A simple formula is derived, describing the relation between the geocenter z-coordinate and the corresponding parameter of the SRP. The effect can be explained by first-order perturbation theory of celestial mechanics. The theory also predicts a heavy impact on the GNSS-derived geocenter if once-per-revolution SRP parameters are estimated in the direction of the satellite’s solar panel axis. Specific experiments using GPS observations revealed that this is indeed the case. Although the main focus of this article is on GNSS, the theory developed is applicable to all satellite observing techniques. We applied the theory to satellite laser ranging (SLR) solutions using LAGEOS. It turns out that the correlation between geocenter and SRP parameters is not a critical issue for the SLR solutions. The reasons are threefold: The direct SRP is about a factor of 30–40 smaller for typical geodetic SLR satellites than for GNSS satellites, allowing it in most cases to not solve for SRP parameters (ruling out the correlation between these parameters and the geocenter coordinates); the orbital arc length of 7 days (which is typically used in SLR analysis) contains more than 50 revolutions of the LAGEOS satellites as compared to about two revolutions of GNSS satellites for the daily arcs used in GNSS analysis; the orbit geometry is not as critical for LAGEOS as for GNSS satellites, because the elevation angle of the Sun w.r.t. the orbital plane is usually significantly changing over 7 days.


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A substantial amount of the atmospheric carbon taken up on land through photosynthesis and chemical weathering is transported laterally along the aquatic continuum from upland terrestrial ecosystems to the ocean. So far, global carbon budget estimates have implicitly assumed that the transformation and lateral transport of carbon along this aquatic continuum has remained unchanged since pre-industrial times. A synthesis of published work reveals the magnitude of present-day lateral carbon fluxes from land to ocean, and the extent to which human activities have altered these fluxes. We show that anthropogenic perturbation may have increased the flux of carbon to inland waters by as much as 1.0 Pg C yr(-1) since pre-industrial times, mainly owing to enhanced carbon export from soils. Most of this additional carbon input to upstream rivers is either emitted back to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (similar to 0.4 Pg C yr(-1)) or sequestered in sediments (similar to 0.5 Pg C yr(-1)) along the continuum of freshwater bodies, estuaries and coastal waters, leaving only a perturbation carbon input of similar to 0.1 Pg C yr(-1) to the open ocean. According to our analysis, terrestrial ecosystems store similar to 0.9 Pg C yr(-1) at present, which is in agreement with results from forest inventories but significantly differs from the figure of 1.5 Pg C yr(-1) previously estimated when ignoring changes in lateral carbon fluxes. We suggest that carbon fluxes along the land-ocean aquatic continuum need to be included in global carbon dioxide budgets.


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Einleitung Die hohe Quote von fehlerhaften Abseitsentscheidungen im Fußball (ca. 26%, Helsen et al., 2006) könnte dadurch erklärt werden, dass Schiedsrichterassistenten zum Zeitpunkt des Passes die Abseitslinie fixieren und den Moment des Passes nur peripher wahr-nehmen (Catteeuw et al., 2009). Diese Annahme wurde geprüft, indem in einem Virtual-Reality-Setting systematisch visuelle (Spielerpositionen) und akustische (Passgeräusch) Informationen manipuliert wurden. Methode In Experiment 1 hatten 28 Teilnehmer die Aufgabe, Abseitsentscheidungen aus der Per-spektive des Schiedsrichterassistenten zu treffen. Dabei wurde das Passgeräusch mani-puliert (Geräusch bei Ballabgabe: 100 ms zu früh, 100 ms zu spät, ohne). Erwartet wurde, dass die Entscheidungsrichtigkeit bei asynchronen Geräuschen sinkt. In Experiment 2 wurde in drei Gruppen die (1) Distanz zum Assistent, (2) Exzentrizität des Passgebers (Winkel zwischen Passgeber und Abseitslinie) oder (3) der zu fixierende Spieler (letzter Verteidiger oder Passgeber) manipuliert. Je Gruppe hatten 20 Teilnehmer die Aufgabe, den Moment des Passes per Knopfdruck anzugeben und Abseitsentscheidungen zu tref-fen. Zu fixierende Orte wurden instruiert und durch Eyetracking geprüft. Prädiziert wurde, dass (1) große Exzentrizitäten und (2) große Entfernungen des Passgebers die Präzision der Passwahrnehmung und die Entscheidungsrichtigkeit senken und (3) der Passmo-ment bei Fixation des Passgebers präziser erkannt wird als bei Fixation des letzten Ver-teidigers. Ergebnisse Die bisher vorliegenden Ergebnisse aus Experiment 1 zeigen, dass die akustische Wahrnehmung des Passes die Entscheidungsrichtigkeit beeinflusst, F(2, 54)= 7.44, p = .01, ηp2 = .22, indem verzögerte Ballgeräusche die Zahl der „Flag-Errors“ (fälschlicher-weise auf Abseits entschieden) erhöht und die der „Non-Flag-Errors“ (Abseits nicht er-kannt) senkt. Experiment 2 wird zeigen, welche Rolle hierbei periphere visuelle Informa-tionen spielen. Diskussion Die vermutete Rückführung von fehlerhaften Abseitsentscheidungen auf periphere (vi-suelle) Wahrnehmungsaspekte konnte bestätigt werden. Der relative Einfluss auditiver und visueller Informationen auf die Fehlerquote gilt es weiter zu untersuchen. Literatur Catteeuw, P., Helsen, W., Gilis, B., Van Roie, E., & Wagemans, J. (2009). Visual scan patterns and decision-making skills of expert assistant referees in offside situations. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychol-ogy, 31, 786-797. Helsen, W., Gilis, B., & Weston, M. (2006). Errors in judging “offside” in association football: Test of the optical error versus the perceptual flash-lag hypothesis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24, 521–528.


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We review the failure of lowest order chiral SU(3)L ×SU(3)R perturbation theory χPT3 to account for amplitudes involving the f0(500) resonance and O(mK) extrapolations in momenta. We summarize our proposal to replace χPT3 with a new effective theory χPTσ based on a low-energy expansion about an infrared fixed point in 3-flavour QCD. At the fixed point, the quark condensate ⟨q̅q⟩vac ≠ 0 induces nine Nambu-Goldstone bosons: π,K,η and a QCD dilaton σ which we identify with the f0(500) resonance. We discuss the construction of the χPTσ Lagrangian and its implications for meson phenomenology at low-energies. Our main results include a simple explanation for the ΔI = 1/2 rule in K-decays and an estimate for the Drell-Yan ratio in the infrared limit.