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We have shown recently that vascular endothelial protein tyrosine phosphatase (VE-PTP), an endothelial-specific membrane protein, associates with vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin and enhances VE-cadherin function in transfected cells (Nawroth, R., G. Poell, A. Ranft, U. Samulowitz, G. Fachinger, M. Golding, D.T. Shima, U. Deutsch, and D. Vestweber. 2002. EMBO J. 21:4885-4895). We show that VE-PTP is indeed required for endothelial cell contact integrity, because down-regulation of its expression enhanced endothelial cell permeability, augmented leukocyte transmigration, and inhibited VE-cadherin-mediated adhesion. Binding of neutrophils as well as lymphocytes to endothelial cells triggered rapid (5 min) dissociation of VE-PTP from VE-cadherin. This dissociation was only seen with tumor necrosis factor alpha-activated, but not resting, endothelial cells. Besides leukocytes, vascular endothelial growth factor also rapidly dissociated VE-PTP from VE-cadherin, indicative of a more general role of VE-PTP in the regulation of endothelial cell contacts. Dissociation of VE-PTP and VE-cadherin in endothelial cells was accompanied by tyrosine phoshorylation of VE-cadherin, beta-catenin, and plakoglobin. Surprisingly, only plakoglobin but not beta-catenin was necessary for VE-PTP to support VE-cadherin adhesion in endothelial cells. In addition, inhibiting the expression of VE-PTP preferentially increased tyrosine phosphorylation of plakoglobin but not beta-catenin. In conclusion, leukocytes interacting with endothelial cells rapidly dissociate VE-PTP from VE-cadherin, weakening endothelial cell contacts via a mechanism that requires plakoglobin but not beta-catenin.


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Vascular endothelial protein tyrosine phosphatase (VE-PTP) is an endothelial-specific receptor-type tyrosine phosphatase that associates with Tie-2 and VE-cadherin. VE-PTP gene disruption leads to embryonic lethality, vascular remodeling defects, and enlargement of vascular structures in extraembryonic tissues. We show here that antibodies against the extracellular part of VE-PTP mimic the effects of VE-PTP gene disruption exemplified by vessel enlargement in allantois explants. These effects require the presence of the angiopoietin receptor Tie-2. Analyzing the mechanism we found that anti-VE-PTP antibodies trigger endocytosis and selectively affect Tie-2-associated, but not VE-cadherin-associated VE-PTP. Dissociation of VE-PTP triggers the activation of Tie-2, leading to enhanced endothelial cell proliferation and enlargement of vascular structures through activation of Erk1/2. Importantly, the antibody effect on vessel enlargement is also observed in newborn mice. We conclude that VE-PTP is required to balance Tie-2 activity and endothelial cell proliferation, thereby controlling blood vessel development and vessel size.


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Prosenescence therapy has recently emerged as a novel therapeutic approach for treating cancer. However, this concept is challenged by conflicting evidence showing that the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) of senescent tumor cells can have pro- as well as antitumorigenic effects. Herein, we report that, in Pten-null senescent tumors, activation of the Jak2/Stat3 pathway establishes an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment that contributes to tumor growth and chemoresistance. Activation of the Jak2/Stat3 pathway in Pten-null tumors is sustained by the downregulation of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN11/SHP2, providing evidence for the existence of a novel PTEN/SHP2 axis. Importantly, treatment with docetaxel in combination with a JAK2 inhibitor reprograms the SASP and improves the efficacy of docetaxel-induced senescence by triggering a strong antitumor immune response in Pten-null tumors. Altogether, these data demonstrate that immune surveillance of senescent tumor cells can be suppressed in specific genetic backgrounds but also evoked by pharmacological treatments.


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The mammalian Ste20 kinase Nck-interacting kinase (NIK) specifically activates the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) mitogen-activated protein kinase module. NIK also binds the SH3 domains of the SH2/SH3 adapter protein Nck. To determine whether Nck functions as an adapter to couple NIK to a receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathway, we determined whether NIK is activated by Eph receptors (EphR). EphRs constitute the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK), and members of this family play important roles in patterning of the nervous and vascular systems. In this report, we show that NIK kinase activity is specifically increased in cells stimulated by two EphRs, EphB1 and EphB2. EphB1 kinase activity and phosphorylation of a juxtamembrane tyrosine (Y594), conserved in all Eph receptors, are both critical for NIK activation by EphB1. Although pY594 in the EphB1R has previously been shown to bind the SH2 domain of Nck, we found that stimulation of EphB1 and EphB2 led predominantly to a complex between NIK/Nck, p62(dok), RasGAP, and an unidentified 145-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein. Tyrosine-phosphorylated p62(dok) most probably binds directly to the SH2 domain of Nck and RasGAP and indirectly to NIK bound to the SH3 domain of Nck. We found that NIK activation is also critical for coupling EphB1R to biological responses that include the activation of integrins and JNK by EphB1. Taken together, these findings support a model in which the recruitment of the Ste20 kinase NIK to phosphotyrosine-containing proteins by Nck is an important proximal step in the signaling cascade downstream of EphRs.


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We have used a recombinant mouse pre-B cell line (TonB210.1, expressing Bcr/Abl under the control of an inducible promoter) and several human leukemia cell lines to study the effect of high tyrosine kinase activity on G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) agonist-stimulated cellular Ca(2+) release and store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE). After induction of Bcr/Abl expression, GPCR-linked SOCE increased. The effect was reverted in the presence of the specific Abl inhibitor imatinib (1microM) and the Src inhibitor PP2 (10microM). In leukemic cell lines constitutively expressing high tyrosine kinase activity, Ca(2+) transients were reduced by imatinib and/or PP2. Ca(2+) transients were enhanced by specific inhibitors of PKC subtypes and this effect was amplified by tyrosine kinase inhibition in Bcr/Abl expressing TonB210.1 and K562 cells. Under all conditions Ca(2+) transients were essentially blocked by the PKC activator PMA. In Bcr/Abl expressing (but not in native) TonB210.1 cells, tyrosine kinase inhibitors enhanced PKCalpha catalytic activity and PKCalpha co-immunoprecipitated with Bcr/Abl. Unlike native TonB210.1 cells, Bcr/Abl expressing cells showed a high rate of cell death if Ca(2+) influx was reduced by complexing extracellular Ca(2+) with BAPTA. Our data suggest that tonic inhibition of PKC represents a mechanism by which high tyrosine kinase activity can enhance cellular Ca(2+) transients and thus exert profound effects on the proliferation, apoptosis and chemotaxis of leukemic cells.


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Gamma-tocopherol (gammaT) complements alpha-tocopherol (alphaT) by trapping reactive nitrogen oxides to form a stable adduct, 5-nitro-gammaT [Christen et al., PNAS 94:3217-3222; 1997]. This observation led to the current investigation in which we studied the effects of gammaT supplementation on plasma and tissue vitamin C, vitamin E, and protein nitration before and after zymosan-induced acute peritonitis. Male Fischer 344 rats were fed for 4 weeks with either a normal chow diet with basal 32 mg alphaT/kg, or the same diet supplemented with approximately 90 mg d-gammaT/kg. Supplementation resulted in significantly higher levels of gammaT in plasma, liver, and kidney of control animals without affecting alphaT, total alphaT+gammaT or vitamin C. Intraperitoneal injection of zymosan caused a marked increase in 3-nitrotyrosine and a profound decline in vitamin C in all tissues examined. Supplementation with gammaT significantly inhibited protein nitration and ascorbate oxidation in the kidney, as indicated by the 29% and 56% reduction of kidney 3-nitrotyrosine and dehydroascorbate, respectively. Supplementation significantly attenuated inflammation-induced loss of vitamin C in the plasma (38%) and kidney (20%). Zymosan-treated animals had significantly higher plasma and tissue gammaT than nontreated pair-fed controls, and the elevation of gammaT was strongly accentuated by the supplementation. In contrast, alphaT did not significantly change in response to zymosan treatment. In untreated control animals, gammaT supplementation lowered basal levels of 3-nitrotyrosine in the kidney and buffered the starvation-induced changes in vitamin C in all tissues examined. Our study provides the first in vivo evidence that in rats with high basal amounts of alphaT, a moderate gammaT supplementation attenuates inflammation-mediated damage, and spares vitamin C during starvation-induced stress without affecting alphaT.


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The identification of 15N-labeled 3-nitrotyrosine (NTyr) by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy in protein hydrolyzates from activated RAW 264.7 macrophages incubated with 15N-L-arginine confirms that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is involved in the nitration of protein-bound tyrosine (Tyr). An assay is presented for NTyr that employs HPLC with tandem electrochemical and UV detection. The assay involves enzymatic hydrolysis of protein, acetylation, solvent extraction, O-deacetylation, and dithionite reduction to produce an analyte containing N-acetyl-3-aminotyrosine, an electrochemically active derivative of NTyr. We estimate the level of protein-bound NTyr in normal rat plasma to be approximately 0-1 residues per 10(6) Tyr with a detection limit of 0.5 per 10(7) Tyr when > 100 nmol of Tyr is analyzed and when precautions are taken to limit nitration artifacts. Zymosan-treated RAW 264.7 cells were shown to have an approximately 6-fold higher level of protein-bound NTyr compared with control cells and cells treated with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine, an inhibitor of NOS. Intraperitoneal injection of F344 rats with zymosan led to a marked elevation in protein-bound NTyr to approximately 13 residues per 10(6) Tyr, an approximately 40-fold elevation compared with plasma protein of untreated rats; cotreatment with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine inhibited the formation of NTyr in plasma protein from blood and peritoneal exudate by 69% and 53%, respectively. This assay offers a highly sensitive and quantitative approach for investigating the role of reactive byproducts of nitric oxide in the many pathological conditions and disease states associated with NO(X) exposure such as inflammation and smoking.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases are key players during the development of the embryonic vasculature; however, their role and regulation in adult angiogenesis remain to be defined. Caveolae are flask-shaped invaginations of the cell membrane; their major structural protein, caveolin-1, has been shown to regulate signaling molecules localized in these micro-domains. The interaction of caveolin-1 with several of these proteins is mediated by the binding of its scaffolding domain to a region containing hydrophobic amino acids within these proteins. The presence of such a motif within the EphB1 kinase domain prompted us to investigate the caveolar localization and regulation of EphB1 by caveolin-1. We report that EphB1 receptors are localized in caveolae, and directly interact with caveolin-1 upon ligand stimulation. This interaction, as well as EphB1-mediated activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK), was abrogated by overexpression of a caveolin-1 mutant lacking a functional scaffolding domain. Interaction between Ephs and caveolin-1 is not restricted to the B-subclass of receptors, since we show that EphA2 also interacts with caveolin-1. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the caveolin-binding motif within the kinase domain of EphB1 is primordial for its correct membrane targeting. Taken together, our findings establish caveolin-1 as an important regulator of downstream signaling and membrane targeting of EphB1.


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Normal placentation involves the development of an utero-placental circulation following the migration of the extravillous cytotrophoblasts into the decidua and invasion of the spiral arteries, which are thereby transformed into large vessels of low resistance. Given the documented role of the receptor tyrosine kinase EphB4 and its ligand ephrin-B2 in the establishment of the embryonal vascular network, we hypothesized that these molecules are also instrumental in the development of the human placenta. Monitoring the expression during placental development revealed that in first trimester and term placentae both molecules are equally expressed at the RNA level. In contrast, the protein levels were significantly reduced during gestation. Immunohistochemistry revealed a distinct localization of the EphB4 and ephrin-B2 proteins. EphB4 was predominantly expressed in the villous syncytial trophoblast layer and in a subset of intravillous capillaries. Prominent expression was also observed in the extravillous cytotrophoblast giant cells. In contrast, ephrin-B2 expression was detected in the villous cytotrophoblast and syncytial trophoblast cell layers, as well as initially in all intravillous capillaries. Strong expression was also observed in extravillous anchoring cytotrophoblast cells. Hypoxia is a major inducer of placental development. In vitro studies employing trophoblast-derived cell lines revealed that predominantly ephrin-B2 expression is induced by hypoxia, however, in an Hif-1alpha independent manner. These experiments suggest that EphB4 and ephrin-B2 are instrumental in the establishment of a functional placental structure and of the utero-placental circulation.


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Stejnulxin, a novel snake C-type lectin-like protein with potent platelet activating activity, was purified and characterized from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom. Under non-reducing conditions, it migrated on a SDS-polyacrylamide gel with an apparent molecular mass of 120 kDa. On reduction, it separated into three polypeptide subunits with apparent molecular masses of 16 kDa (alpha), 20 kDa (beta1) and 22 kDa (beta2), respectively. The complete amino acid sequences of its subunits were deduced from cloned cDNAs. The N-terminal sequencing and cDNA cloning indicated that beta1 and beta2 subunits of stejnulxin have identical amino acid sequences and each contains two N-glycosylation sites. Accordingly, the molecular mass difference between beta1 and beta2 is caused by glycosylation heterogenity. The subunit amino acid sequences of stejnulxin are similar to those of convulxin, with sequence identities of 52.6% and 66.4% for the alpha and beta, respectively. Stejnulxin induced human platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner. Antibodies against alphaIIbbeta3 inhibited the aggregation response to stejnulxin, indicating that activation of alphaIIbbeta3 and binding of fibrinogen are involved in stejnulxin-induced platelet aggregation. Antibodies against GPIbalpha or alpha2beta1 as well as echicetin or rhodocetin had no significant effect on stejnulxin-induced platelet aggregation. However, platelet activation induced by stejnulxin was blocked by anti-GPVI antibodies. In addition, stejnulxin induced a tyrosine phosphorylation profile in platelets that resembled that produced by convulxin. Biotinylated stejnulxin bound specifically to platelet membrane GPVI.


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Mucetin (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus venom activator, TMVA) is a potent platelet activator purified from Chinese habu (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus) venom. It belongs to the snake venom heterodimeric C-type lectin family and exists in several multimeric forms. We now show that binding to platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib is involved in mucetin-induced platelet aggregation. Antibodies against GPIb as well as the GPIb-blocking C-type lectin echicetin inhibited mucetin-induced platelet aggregation. Binding of GPIb was confirmed by affinity chromatography and Western blotting. Antibodies against GPVI inhibited convulxin- but not mucetin-induced aggregation. Signalling by mucetin involved rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins including Syk, Src, LAT and PLC gamma 2. Mucetin-induced phosphorylation of the Fc gamma chain of platelet was greatly promoted by inhibition of alpha(IIb)beta(3) by the peptidomimetic EMD 132338, suggesting that phosphatases downstream of alpha(IIb)beta(3) activation are involved in dephosphorylation of Fc gamma. Unlike other multimeric snake C-type lectins that act via GPIb and only agglutinate platelets, mucetin activates alpha(IIb)beta(3). Inhibition of alpha(IIb)beta(3) strongly reduced the aggregation response to mucetin, indicating that activation of alpha(IIb)beta(3) and binding of fibrinogen are involved in mucetin-induced platelet aggregation. Apyrase and aspirin also inhibit platelet aggregation induced by mucetin, suggesting that ADP and thromboxane A2 are involved in autocrine feedback. Sequence and structural comparison with closely related members of this protein family point to features that may be responsible for the functional differences.


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Deregulated activation of the Src tyrosine kinase and heightened Id1 expression are independent mediators of aggressive tumor biology. The present report implicates Src signaling as a critical regulator of Id1 gene expression. Microarray analyses showed that Id family genes were among the most highly down-regulated by incubation of A549 lung carcinoma cells with the small-molecule Src inhibitor AZD0530. Id1 transcript and protein levels were potently reduced in a dose-dependent manner concomitantly with the reduction of activated Src levels. These effects were conserved across a panel of lung, breast, prostate, and colon cancer cell lines and confirmed by the ability of PP2, Src siRNA, and Src-blocking peptides to suppress Id1 expression. PP2, AZD0530, and dominant-negative Src abrogated Id1 promoter activity, which was induced by constitutively active Src. The Src-responsive region of the Id1 promoter was mapped to a region 1,199 to 1,360 bps upstream of the translation start site and contained a Smad-binding element. Src was also required for bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2)-induced Id1 expression and promoter activity, was moderately activated by BMP-2, and complexed with Smad1/5. Conversely, Src inhibitors blocked Smad1/5 nuclear translocation and binding to the Src-responsive region of the Id1 promoter. Consistent with a role for Src and Id1 in cancer cell invasion, Src inhibitors and Id1 siRNA decreased cancer cell invasion, which was increased by Id1 overexpression. Taken together, these results reveal that Src positively interacts with the BMP-Smad-Id pathway and provide new ways for targeted inhibition of Id1.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Inhibition of the signalling function of the human insulin receptor (HIR) is one of the principle mechanisms which induce cellular insulin resistance. It is speculated that serine residues in the insulin receptor beta-subunit are involved in receptor inhibition either as inhibitory phosphorylation sites or as part of receptor domains which bind inhibitory proteins or tyrosine phosphatases. As reported earlier we prepared 16 serine to alanine point mutations of the HIR and found that serine to alanine mutants HIR-994 and HIR-1023/25 showed increased tyrosine autophosphorylation when expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. In this study we examined whether these mutant receptors have a different susceptibility to inhibition by serine kinases or an altered tyrosine kinase activity. METHODS: Tyrosine kinase assay and transfection studies. RESULTS: In an in vitro kinase assay using IRS-1 as a substrate we could detect a higher intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of both receptor constructs. Additionally, a higher capacity to phosphorylate the adapter protein Shc in intact cells was seen. To test the inhibition by serine kinases, the receptor constructs were expressed in HEK 293 cells together with IRS-1 and protein kinase C isoforms beta2 and theta. Phorbol ester stimulation of these cells reduced wild-type receptor autophosphorylation to 58 % or 55 % of the insulin simulated state, respectively. This inhibitory effect was not observed with HIR-994 and HIR-1023/25, although all other tested HIR mutants showed similar inhibition induced by protein kinase C. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: The data suggest that the HIR-domain which contains the serine residues 994 and 1023/25 is important for the inhibitory effect of protein kinase C isoforms beta2 and theta on insulin receptor autophosphorylation.


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PURPOSE: The unfolded protein response is triggered by the accumulation of misfolded proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum. Previous studies suggest that the unfolded protein response is activated in some cancer cell lines and involved in tumor development. The role of the unfolded protein response during leukemogenesis is unknown thus far. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Here, we assessed the induction of key effectors of the unfolded protein response in leukemic cells at diagnosis of 105 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients comprising all subtypes. We determined the formation of the spliced variant of the X-box-binding protein 1 (XBP1) mRNA, as well as expression levels of calreticulin, GRP78, and CHOP mRNA. RESULTS: The formation of the spliced variant of XBP1s was detectable in 16.2% (17 of 105) of AML patients. Consistent with activated unfolded protein response, this group also had significantly increased expression of calreticulin, GRP78, and CHOP. AML patients with activated unfolded protein response had lower WBC counts, lactate dehydrogenase levels, and more frequently, secondary AML. The incidence of fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) mutations was significantly lower in patients with activated unfolded protein response. In addition, an association was observed between activated unfolded protein response and deletion of chromosome 7. Finally, the clinical course of AML patients with activated unfolded protein response was more favorable with lower relapse rate (P = 0.0182) and better overall (P = 0.041) and disease-free survival (P = 0.022). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the unfolded protein response is activated in a considerable subset of AML patients. AML patients with activated unfolded protein response present specific clinical characteristics and a more favorable course of the disease.


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c-Src is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase involved in regulating cell proliferation, cell migration and cell invasion and is tightly controlled by reversible phosphorylation on regulatory sites and through protein-protein interactions. The interaction of c-Src with PDZ proteins was recently identified as novel mechanism to restrict c-Src function. The objective of this study was to identify and characterise PDZ proteins that interact with c-Src to control its activity. By PDZ domain array screen, we identified the interaction of c-Src with the PDZ protein Membrane Protein Palmitoylated 2 (MPP2), a member of the Membrane-Associated Guanylate Kinase (MAGUK) family, to which also the Discs large (Dlg) tumour suppressor protein belongs. The function of MPP2 has not been established and the functional significance of the MPP2 c-Src interaction is not known. We found that in non-transformed breast epithelial MCF-10A cells, endogenous MPP2 associated with the cytoskeleton in filamentous structures, which partially co-localised with microtubules and c-Src. MPP2 and c-Src interacted in cells, where c-Src kinase activity promoted increased interaction of c-Src with MPP2. We furthermore found that MPP2 was able to negatively regulate c-Src kinase activity in cells, suggesting that the functional significance of the MPP2-c-Src interaction is to restrict Src activity. Consequently, the c-Src-dependent disorganisation of the cortical actin cytoskeleton of epithelial cells expressing c-Src was suppressed by MPP2. In conclusion we demonstrate here that MPP2 interacts with c-Src in cells to control c-Src activity and morphological function.