27 resultados para Oulasvirta, Leena
Purpose: Radiographic evaluation of the vertical presurgical ridge height (PRH) of implants, placed using the transcrestal or lateral window sinus floor elevation (SFE) technique in edentulous and partially dentate patients. The 5-year implant survival rate and the prosthetic restoration following the SFE procedure were also evaluated. Methods: Radiographs of 83 tapered implants placed in 53 patients were available for analysis. 31 implants were placed by the transcrestal and 52 were placed by the lateral window technique. In the lateral window technique 21 implants were placed simultaneously, 31 in a staged approach. The PRH, the implant survival rate after five years and the prosthetic restoration were evaluated with respect to the chosen SFE procedure. Results: The PRH was significantly higher for the transcrestal than both lateral window techniques, mean values: 8.0 ± 2.7 mm (transcrestal); 4.2 ± 2.6 mm (lateral simultaneous); 4.5 ± 2.8 mm (lateral staged). There was no significant difference of PRH between the edentulous and partially dentate patients. All loaded implants were stable, resulting in a 100% implant survival rate after 5 years. There was a small overproportion of single crown restorations in the transcrestal SFE technique group. Conclusion: This study confirms that the transcrestal technique is chosen, when a higher PRH is available. The choice of a simultaneous or staged lateral window approach is mainly dependent on the expected primary stability of the implant and not only on the PRH. SFE procedures are a safe and predictable treatment option to place implants in the vertical atrophic maxilla.
Sie kämpften nicht nur gegen die kapitalistische, sondern auch gegen die männlich dominierte Gesellschaft: Die Aktivistinnen der Frauenbewegung nach 1968. Diese verband die Suche nach einer anderen Gesellschaft mit neuen Auffassungen von Sexualität. Bestehende Machtverhältnisse wurden kritisch hinterfragt. Eine feministische Gegenkultur prägte sich aus, die sich als Gegenstück zur männlich dominierten Gesellschaft verstand. Basierend auf den Resultaten eines mehrjährigen Forschungsprojekts, bietet diese Überblicksdarstellung erstmals umfassend Einblick in Mobilisierung, Formen der Aktion sowie Kontroversen im feministischen Milieu von 1968 bis 2011. Neben Schlüsseldokumenten enthält der Band auch eine Übersicht über zentrale Quellenbestände in allen Landesteilen sowie eine umfassende Chronologie und Bibliografie.
Mucous membrane pemphigoid encompasses a group of autoimmune bullous diseases with a similar phenotype characterized by subepithelial blisters, erosions, and scarring of mucous membranes, skin, or both. Although knowledge about autoimmune bullous disease is increasing, there is often a lack of clear definitions of disease, outcome measures, and therapeutic end points. With clearer definitions and outcome measures, it is possible to directly compare the results and data from various studies using meta-analyses. This consensus statement provides accurate and reproducible definitions for disease extent, activity, outcome measures, end points, and therapeutic response for mucous membrane pemphigoid and proposes a disease extent score, the Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid Disease Area Index.
Many experiments have shown that local biodiversity loss impairs the ability of ecosystems to maintain multiple ecosystem functions at high levels (multifunctionality). In contrast, the role of biodiversity in driving ecosystem multifunctionality at landscape scales remains unresolved. We used a comprehensive pan-European dataset, including 16 ecosystem functions measured in 209 forest plots across six European countries, and performed simulations to investigate how local plot-scale richness of tree species (α-diversity) and their turnover between plots (β-diversity) are related to landscape-scale multifunctionality. After accounting for variation in environmental conditions, we found that relationships between α-diversity and landscape-scale multifunctionality varied from positive to negative depending on the multifunctionality metric used. In contrast, when significant, relationships between β-diversity and landscape-scale multifunctionality were always positive, because a high spatial turnover in species composition was closely related to a high spatial turnover in functions that were supported at high levels. Our findings have major implications for forest management and indicate that biotic homogenization can have previously unrecognized and negative consequences for large-scale ecosystem multifunctionality.
There is considerable evidence that biodiversity promotes multiple ecosystem functions (multifunctionality), thus ensuring the delivery of ecosystem services important for human well-being. However, the mechanisms underlying this relationship are poorly understood, especially in natural ecosystems. We develop a novel approach to partition biodiversity effects on multifunctionality into three mechanisms and apply this to European forest data. We show that throughout Europe, tree diversity is positively related with multifunctionality when moderate levels of functioning are required, but negatively when very high function levels are desired. For two well-known mechanisms, ‘complementarity’ and ‘selection’, we detect only minor effects on multifunctionality. Instead a third, so far overlooked mechanism, the ‘jack-of-all-trades’ effect, caused by the averaging of individual species effects on function, drives observed patterns. Simulations demonstrate that jack-of-all-trades effects occur whenever species effects on different functions are not perfectly correlated, meaning they may contribute to diversity–multifunctionality relationships in many of the world’s ecosystems.