41 resultados para Osteoclast precursor


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The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) will be part of ESA's Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite platform scheduled for launch in 2015. TROPOMI will monitor methane and carbon monoxide concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere by measuring spectra of back-scattered sunlight in the short-wave infrared (SWIR). S5P will be the first satellite mission to rely uniquely on the spectral window at 4190–4340 cm−1 (2.3 μm) to retrieve CH4 and CO. In this study, we investigated if the absorption features of the three relevant molecules CH4, CO, and H2O are adequately known. To this end, we retrieved total columns of CH4, CO, and H2O from absorption spectra measured by two ground-based Fourier transform spectrometers that are part of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). The retrieval results from the 4190–4340 cm−1 range at the TROPOMI resolution (0.45 cm−1) were then compared to the CH4 results obtained from the 6000 cm−1 region, and the CO results obtained from the 4190–4340 cm−1 region at the higher TCCON resolution (0.02 cm−1). For TROPOMI-like settings, we were able to reproduce the CH4 columns to an accuracy of 0.3% apart from a constant bias of 1%. The CO retrieval accuracy was, through interference, systematically influenced by the shortcomings of the CH4 and H2O spectroscopy. In contrast to CH4, the CO column error also varied significantly with atmospheric H2O content. Unaddressed, this would introduce seasonal and latitudinal biases to the CO columns retrieved from TROPOMI measurements. We therefore recommend further effort from the spectroscopic community to be directed at the H2O and CH4 spectroscopy in the 4190–4340 cm−1 region.


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TNFalpha is known to stimulate the development and activity of osteoclasts and of bone resorption. The cytokine was found to mediate bone loss in conjunction with inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or chronic aseptic inflammation induced by wear particles from implants and was suggested to be a prerequisite for the loss of bone mass under estrogen deficiency. In the present study, the regulation of osteoclastogenesis by TNFalpha was investigated in co-cultures of osteoblasts and bone marrow or spleen cells and in cultures of bone marrow and spleen cells grown with CSF-1 and RANKL. Low concentrations of TNFalpha (1 ng/ml) caused a >90% decrease in the number of osteoclasts in co-cultures, but did not affect the development of osteoclasts from bone marrow cells. In cultures with p55TNFR(-/-) osteoblasts and wt BMC, the inhibitory effect was abrogated and TNFalpha induced an increase in the number of osteoclasts in a dose-dependent manner. Osteoblasts were found to release the inhibitory factor(s) into the culture supernatant after simultaneous treatment with 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) and TNFalpha, this activity, but not its release, being resistant to treatment with anti-TNFalpha antibodies. Dexamethasone blocked the secretion of the TNFalpha-dependent inhibitor by osteoblasts, while stimulating the development of osteoclasts. The data suggest that the effects of TNFalpha on the differentiation of osteoclast lineage cells and on bone metabolism may be more complex than hitherto assumed and that these effects may play a role in vivo during therapies for inflammatory diseases.


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PURPOSE: Evidence suggests that altered metabolism of amyloid precursor protein (APP) may play a role in the pathophysiology of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death in the etiology of glaucoma. The authors sought to determine the distribution of APP and amyloid-beta (Abeta) in DBA/2J glaucomatous mouse retinas. METHODS: The retinas of 3- and 15-month-old DBA/2J mice and C57/BL-6 mice (control group) were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and processed for immunohistochemistry. Antibodies used included a polyclonal antibody to the C terminus of Abeta 40 and a polyclonal antibody to the APP ectodomain. Immunohistochemically stained tissue was graded using light microscopy. Distribution and semiquantitative expression of APP and Abeta in young and old glaucomatous and normal retinas were determined and compared. RESULTS: Strong APP and Abeta immunoreactivity was found in the RGC layer, optic nerve, and pia/dura of old DBA/2J retinas, with considerably higher intensity found in the old compared with the young DBA/2J mice. In contrast to glaucomatous mice, the control group did not show any notable age-related difference. CONCLUSIONS: Disruption of the homeostatic properties of secreted APP with consecutive Abeta cytotoxicity might be a contributing factor of ganglion cell loss in glaucomatous mouse retinas.


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BACKGROUND: Neuropeptides, such as substance P (SP), are mediators of neurogenic inflammation and play an important role in inflammatory disorders. To further investigate the role of the SP pathway in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), we analyzed the following in normal intestinal tissue specimens and in tissue specimens from patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC): neurokinin receptor-1 (NK-1R); its isoforms (NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S); its ligand SP, encoded by preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A); and the SP-degradation enzyme, neutral endopeptidase (NEP). METHODS: Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to simultaneously determine the expression of NK-1R-L, NK-1R-S, and PPT-A. Protein levels of NK-1R and NEP were determined by immunoblot analysis. RESULTS: In noninflamed small-bowel tissue samples of CD patients, PPT-A mRNA expression was significantly increased, whereas there was no difference between inflamed or noninflamed UC and normal intestinal tissue samples. Examining subgroups of diverse intestinal segments from CD and UC samples with various levels of inflammation revealed no differences in NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S mRNA expression, whereas there was a tendency toward overall lower NK-1R-S mRNA copy numbers. Immunoblot analysis showed upregulation of NK-1R protein levels in cases of IBD, with more pronounced enhancement in cases of CD than in UC. For NEP, there were no differences in protein levels in normal, CD, and UC intestinal tissues. COMMENTS: These observations suggest a contribution of SP and its receptor, NK-1R, in the local inflammatory reaction in IBD and particularly in ileal CD. Moreover, significant upregulation of PPT-A mRNA in the noninflamed ileum of these patients suggests an influence of inflamed intestines on their healthy counterparts.


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Karyotype analysis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at diagnosis has provided valuable prognostic markers for treatment stratification. However, reports of cytogenetic studies of relapsed ALL samples are limited. We compared the karyotypes from 436 nonselected B-cell precursor ALL patients at initial diagnosis and of 76 patients at first relapse. We noticed a relative increase of karyotypes that did not fall into the classic ALL cytogenetic subgroups (high hyperdiploidy, t(12;21), t(9;22), 11q23, t(1;19), <45 chromosomes) in a group of 29 patients at relapse (38%) compared to 130 patients at presentation (30%). Non-classical cytogenetic aberrations in these 29 patients were mostly found on chromosomes 1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 14, and 17. We also describe six rare reciprocal translocations, three of which involved 14q32. The most frequent abnormalities were found in 9p (12/29 cases) and were associated with a marked decrease in the duration of the second remission, but not of the probability of 10-year event-free survival after relapse treatment. From 29 patients with non-classical cytogenetic aberrations, only 8 (28%) had been stratified to a high risk-arm on the first treatment protocol, suggesting that this subgroup might benefit from the identification of new prognostic markers in future studies.


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In addition to its conventional role during protein synthesis, eukaryotic elongation factor 1A is involved in other cellular processes. Several regions of interaction between eukaryotic elongation factor 1A and the translational apparatus or the cytoskeleton have been identified, yet the roles of the different post-translational modifications of eukaryotic elongation factor 1A are completely unknown. One amino acid modification, which so far has only been found in eukaryotic elongation factor 1A, consists of ethanolamine-phosphoglycerol attached to two glutamate residues that are conserved between mammals and plants. We now report that ethanolamine-phosphoglycerol is also present in eukaryotic elongation factor 1A of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, indicating that this unique protein modification is of ancient origin. In addition, using RNA-mediated gene silencing against enzymes of the Kennedy pathway, we demonstrate that phosphatidylethanolamine is a direct precursor of the ethanolamine-phosphoglycerol moiety. Down-regulation of the expression of ethanolamine kinase and ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase results in inhibition of phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis in T. brucei procyclic forms and, concomitantly, in a block in glycosylphosphatidylinositol attachment to procyclins and ethanolamine-phosphoglycerol modification of eukaryotic elongation factor 1A.


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Ventral mesencephalic (VM) precursor cells are of interest in the search for transplantable dopaminergic neurons for cell therapy in Parkinson's disease (PD). In the present study we investigated the survival and functional capacity of in vitro expanded, primary VM precursor cells after intrastriatal grafting to a rat model of PD. Embryonic day 12 rat VM tissue was mechanically dissociated and cultured for 4 or 8 days in vitro (DIV) in the presence of FGF2 (20 ng/ml), FGF8 (20 ng/ml) or without mitogens (control). Cells were thereafter differentiated for 6 DIV by mitogen withdrawal and addition of serum. After differentiation, significantly more tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir), dopamine-producing neurons were found in FGF2- and FGF8-expanded cultures compared to controls. Moreover, expansion for 4 DIV resulted in significantly more TH-ir cells than expansion for 8 DIV both for FGF2 (2.4 fold; P<0.001) and FGF8 (3.8 fold; P<0.001) treated cultures. The functional potential of the expanded cells (4 DIV) was examined after grafting into striatum of aged 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. Amphetamine-induced rotations performed 3, 6 and 9 weeks postgrafting revealed that grafts of FGF2-expanded cells induced a significantly faster and better functional recovery than grafts of FGF8-expanded cells or control cells (P<0.05 for both). Grafts of FGF2-expanded cells also contained significantly more TH-ir cells than grafts of FGF8-expanded cells (P<0.05) or control cells (P<0.01). In conclusion, FGF2-mediated pregrafting expansion of primary VM precursor cells considerably improves dopaminergic cell survival and functional restoration in a rat model of PD.


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There is a lot of excitement about the potential use of multipotent neural stem cells for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the strategy is compromised by the general loss of multipotency and ability to generate neurons after long-term in vitro propagation. In the present study, human embryonic (5 weeks post-conception) ventral mesencephalic (VM) precursor cells were propagated as neural tissue-spheres (NTS) in epidermal growth factor (EGF; 20 ng/ml) and fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2; 20 ng/ml). After more than 325 days, the NTS were transferred to media containing either EGF+FGF2, EGF+FGF2+heparin or leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF; 10 ng/ml)+FGF2+heparin. Cultures were subsequently propagated for more than 180 days with NTS analyzed at various time-points. Our data show for the first time that human VM neural precursor cells can be long-term propagated as NTS in the presence of EGF and FGF2. A positive effect of heparin was found only after 150 days of treatment. After switching into different media, only NTS exposed to LIF contained numerous cells positive for markers of newly formed neurons. Besides of demonstrating the ability of human VM NTS to be long-term propagated, our study also suggests that LIF favours neurogenic differentiation of human VM precursor cells.


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Cleavage of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the aspartyl protease beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE) is the first step in the generation of the amyloid beta-peptide, which is deposited in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients. Whereas the subsequent cleavage by gamma-secretase was shown to originate from the cooperation of a multicomponent complex, it is currently unknown whether in a cellular environment BACE is enzymatically active as a monomer or in concert with other proteins. Using blue native gel electrophoresis we found that endogenous and overexpressed BACE has a molecular mass of 140 kDa instead of the expected mass of 70 kDa under denaturing conditions. This suggests that under native conditions BACE exists as a homodimer. Homodimerization was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation of full-length BACE carrying different epitope tags. In contrast, the soluble active BACE ectodomain was exclusively present as a monomer both under native and denaturing conditions. A domain analysis revealed that the BACE ectodomain dimerized as long as it was attached to the membrane, whereas the cytoplasmic domain and the transmembrane domain were dispensable for dimerization. By adding a KKXX-endoplasmic reticulum retention signal to BACE, we demonstrate that dimerization of BACE occurs already before full maturation and pro-peptide cleavage. Furthermore, kinetic analysis of the purified native BACE dimer revealed a higher affinity and turnover rate in comparison to the monomeric soluble BACE. Dimerization of BACE might, thus, facilitate binding and cleavage of physiological substrates.