40 resultados para Organized crime


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Natural antibodies (NA) specific for infectious pathogens are found at low titer (usually <1:40) in the serum of healthy, non-immunized, individuals. Therefore, NA are part of the first line of defence against blood borne microorganisms. They directly neutralize viral infections or lyse pathogens by activating the complement cascade. In addition, recent studies highlighted their role in the pooling of infectious pathogens and other antigens to the spleen. This prevents infection of vital target organs and enhances the induction of adaptive immune responses. Specific T and B-cell responses are exclusively induced in highly organized secondary lymphoid organs including lymph nodes and the spleen. As a consequence, mice with disrupted microorganisation of lymphoid organs have defective adaptive immunity. In addition, some pathogens including lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), Leishmania and HIV developed strategies to destroy the splenic architecture in order to induce an acquired immunosuppression and to establish persistent infection. NA antibodies enhance early neutralizing antibodies in the absence of T help mainly by targeting antigen to the splenic marginal zone. In addition, by activating the complement cascade, NA enhance T cell and T-cell dependent B-cell responses. Therefore, natural antibodies are an important link between innate and adaptive immunity.


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Phosphatidylethanolamine is a major phospholipid class of all eukaryotic cells. It can be synthesized via the CDP-ethanolamine branch of the Kennedy pathway, by decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine, or by base exchange with phosphatidylserine. The contributions of these pathways to total phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis have remained unclear. Although Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human and animal trypanosomiasis, has served as a model organism to elucidate the entire reaction sequence for glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis, the pathways for the synthesis of the major phospholipid classes have received little attention. We now show that disruption of the CDP-ethanolamine branch of the Kennedy pathway using RNA interference results in dramatic changes in phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylcholine. By targeting individual enzymes of the pathway, we demonstrate that de novo phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis in T. brucei procyclic forms is strictly dependent on the CDP-ethanolamine route. Interestingly, the last step in the Kennedy pathway can be mediated by two separate activities leading to two distinct pools of phosphatidylethanolamine, consisting of predominantly alk-1-enyl-acyl- or diacyl-type molecular species. In addition, we show that phosphatidylserine in T. brucei procyclic forms is synthesized exclusively by base exchange with phosphatidylethanolamine.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: It is unclear whether very old patients benefit from organized inpatient (stroke unit) care. The aim of this work was to compare the clinical outcome of patients with first-ever ischemic stroke aged either >or=80 or <80 years who were treated conservatively (without cerebral revascularization) in a university-based stroke unit. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We included 147 (11%) patients >or=80 years and 1241 (89%) patients, <80 years. All patients underwent clinical examination, blood tests, electrocardiography (ECG), brain imaging and cerebrovascular ultrasound. Additional investigations were done at the discretion of the treating physician. The modified Rankin scale (mRS) score was used to assess the 3-month outcome (favorable: mRS, 0-1; poor: mRS, 2-6; death of any cause). RESULTS: Stroke severity did not differ between both groups [median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, 4]. Younger patients underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the brain, MR and catheter angiography and echocardiography (p<0.001) more frequently, whereas older patients underwent computed tomography of the brain and 24-hour ECG (p<0.001) more frequently. Stroke prevention included clopidogrel (p<0.001) and heparin (p=0.047) more often in older patients and aspirin (p=0.016) in younger patients. Recurrent ischemic events were similarly frequent in old (7%) and young (5%) patients. Favorable outcome was equally prevalent in old (71%) and young (76%) patients, whereas mortality was higher in older patients (7 and 3%, p=0.007). Admission NIHSS score >or=12 was the only independent predictor of unfavorable outcome (odds ratio, 19.6; 95% confidence interval, 9.7-39.6; p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Our work provides further evidence that also the oldest patients may benefit from conservative stroke unit care.


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Among trauma-exposed individuals, severity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms is strongly correlated with anger. The authors used 2 longitudinal data sets with 282 and 218 crime victims, respectively, to investigate the temporal sequence of anger and PTSD symptoms following the assault. Cross-lagged regression analyses indicated that PTSD symptoms predicted subsequent level of anger, but that anger did not predict subsequent PTSD symptoms. Testing alternative models (common factor model, unmeasured 3rd variable model) that might account for spuriousness of the relation strengthened confidence in the results of the cross-lagged analyses. Further analyses suggested that rumination mediates the effect of PTSD symptoms on anger.


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The analysis and reconstruction of forensically relevant events, such as traffic accidents, criminal assaults and homicides are based on external and internal morphological findings of the injured or deceased person. For this approach high-tech methods are gaining increasing importance in forensic investigations. The non-contact optical 3D digitising system GOM ATOS is applied as a suitable tool for whole body surface and wound documentation and analysis in order to identify injury-causing instruments and to reconstruct the course of event. In addition to the surface documentation, cross-sectional imaging methods deliver medical internal findings of the body. These 3D data are fused into a whole body model of the deceased. Additional to the findings of the bodies, the injury inflicting instruments and incident scene is documented in 3D. The 3D data of the incident scene, generated by 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry, is also included into the reconstruction. Two cases illustrate the methods. In the fist case a man was shot in his bedroom and the main question was, if the offender shot the man intentionally or accidentally, as he declared. In the second case a woman was hit by a car, driving backwards into a garage. It was unclear if the driver drove backwards once or twice, which would indicate that he willingly injured and killed the woman. With this work, we demonstrate how 3D documentation, data merging and animation enable to answer reconstructive questions regarding the dynamic development of patterned injuries, and how this leads to a real data based reconstruction of the course of event.


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Stylonychia lemnae is a classical model single-celled eukaryote, and a quintessential ciliate typified by dimorphic nuclei: A small, germline micronucleus and a massive, vegetative macronucleus. The genome within Stylonychia's macronucleus has a very unusual architecture, comprised variably and highly amplified "nanochromosomes," each usually encoding a single gene with a minimal amount of surrounding noncoding DNA. As only a tiny fraction of the Stylonychia genes has been sequenced, and to promote research using this organism, we sequenced its macronuclear genome. We report the analysis of the 50.2-Mb draft S. lemnae macronuclear genome assembly, containing in excess of 16,000 complete nanochromosomes, assembled as less than 20,000 contigs. We found considerable conservation of fundamental genomic properties between S. lemnae and its close relative, Oxytricha trifallax, including nanochromosomal gene synteny, alternative fragmentation, and copy number. Protein domain searches in Stylonychia revealed two new telomere-binding protein homologs and the presence of linker histones. Among the diverse histone variants of S. lemnae and O. trifallax, we found divergent, coexpressed variants corresponding to four of the five core nucleosomal proteins (H1.2, H2A.6, H2B.4, and H3.7) suggesting that these ciliates may possess specialized nucleosomes involved in genome processing during nuclear differentiation. The assembly of the S. lemnae macronuclear genome demonstrates that largely complete, well-assembled highly fragmented genomes of similar size and complexity may be produced from one library and lane of Illumina HiSeq 2000 shotgun sequencing. The provision of the S. lemnae macronuclear genome sets the stage for future detailed experimental studies of chromatin-mediated, RNA-guided developmental genome rearrangements.