26 resultados para OXYGEN SPECIES LEVELS


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Abstract Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been demonstrated to play an important role as signaling and regulating molecules in human adipocytes. In order to evaluate the differential modulating roles of antioxidants, we treated human adipocytes differentiated from human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells with MitoQ, resveratrol and curcumin. The effects on ROS, viability, mitochondrial respiration and intracellular ATP levels were examined. MitoQ lowered both oxidizing and reducing ROS. Resveratrol decreased reducing and curcumin oxidizing radicals only. All three substances slightly decreased state III respiration immediately after addition. After 24 h of treatment, MitoQ inhibited both basal and uncoupled oxygen consumption, whereas curcumin and resveratrol had no effect. Intracellular ATP levels were not altered. This demonstrates that MitoQ, resveratrol and curcumin exert potent modulating effects on ROS signaling in human adipocyte with marginal effects on metabolic parameters.


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Glomerular mesangial cells can produce high amounts of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here we analyzed the impact of NO on the ROS-generating system, particularly on the NADPH oxidase Nox1. Nox1 mRNA and protein levels were markedly decreased by treatment of mesangial cells with the NO-releasing compound DETA-NO in a concentration- and time-dependent fashion. By altering the cGMP signaling system with different inhibitors or activators, we revealed that the effect of NO on Nox1 expression is at least in part mediated by cGMP. Analysis of a reporter construct comprising the 2547 bp of the nox1 promoter region revealed that a stimulatory effect of IL-1beta on nox1 transcription is counteracted by an inhibitory effect of IL-1beta-evoked endogenous NO formation. Moreover, pretreatment of mesangial cells with DETA-NO attenuated platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB or serum stimulated production of superoxide as assessed by real-time EPR spectroscopy and dichlorofluorescein formation. Transfection of mesangial cells with siRNAs directed against Nox1 and Nox4 revealed that inhibition of Nox1, but not Nox4 expression, is responsible for the reduced ROS formation by NO. Obviously, there exists a fine-tuned crosstalk between NO and ROS generating systems in the course of inflammatory diseases.


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In the current study perfusions of an isolated cotyledon of term placenta using standard medium were compared to medium containing xanthine plus xanthine oxidase (X+XO), which generates reactive oxygen species (ROS). A time-dependant increase in the levels of different cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-1ss, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10) was observed between 1 and 7h with more than 90% of the total recovered from the maternal compartment with no significant difference between the 2 groups. For 8-iso-PGF2alpha 90% of the total was found in the fetal compartment and a significantly higher total release was seen in the X+XO group. Microparticles (MPs) isolated from the maternal circuit were identified by flow cytometry as trophoblastic sheddings, whereas MPs from the fetal circuit were predominantly derived from endothelial cells. More than 90% of the total of MPs was found in the maternal circuit. The absolute amount of the total as well as the maternal fraction were significantly higher in the X+XO group. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) of the perfused tissue revealed staining for IL-1beta of villous stroma cells, which became clearly more pronounced in experiments with X+XO. Western blot of tissue homogenate revealed 2 isoforms of IL-1beta at 17 and 31kD. In X+XO experiments there was a tendency for increased expression of antioxidant enzymes in the tissue. Western blot of MPs from the maternal circuit showed increased expression of antioxidant enzymes in the X+XO group and for IL-1beta only the 17kD band was detected. In vitro reperfusion of human placental tissue results in mild tissue injury suggestive of oxidative stress. In view of the increased generation of ROS in perfused tissue with further increase under the influence of X+XO, the overall manifestation of oxidative stress remained rather mild. Preservation of antioxidant capacity of human placental tissue could be a sign of integrity of structure and function being maintained in vitro by dual perfusion of an isolated cotyledon. The observed changes resemble findings seen in placentae from preeclampsia.


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Plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAIs) play critical roles in regulating cellular invasion and fibrinolysis. An increase in the ratio of PAI-1/PAI-2 in placenta and maternal serum is suggested to result in excessive intervillous fibrin deposition and placental infarction in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). In the current study we used dual (maternal and fetal) perfusion of human term placentas to examine the release of PAIs to the intervillous space. ELISA revealed a significant time-dependent increase in total PAI-1 levels in maternal perfusate (MP) between 1 and 7h of perfusion. Conversely, PAI-2 levels decreased resulting in a 3-fold increase in the PAI-1/PAI-2 ratio in MP. Levels of PAI-1, but not PAI-2, in placental tissue extracts increased during perfusion. In perfusions carried out with xanthine and xanthine oxidase (X + XO), compounds used to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), no time-dependent increase in total PAI-1 levels was observed. In addition, X + XO treatment promoted a 3-fold reduction in active PAI-1 levels in MP, indicating that ROS decrease PAI-1 release to MP. The finding of a time-dependent change in patterns of PAI expression and response to ROS indicates the utility of dual perfusion as a model to dissect mechanism(s) promoting aberrant fibrinolysis in pregnancies complicated by PE and IUGR.


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Expression of the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein tenascin-C is induced in fibroblasts by growth factors as well as by tensile strain. Mechanical stress can act on gene regulation directly, or indirectly via the paracrine release of soluble factors by the stimulated cells. To distinguish between these possibilities for tenascin-C, we asked whether cyclic tensile strain and soluble factors, respectively, induced its mRNA via related or separate mechanisms. When cyclic strain was applied to chick embryo fibroblasts cultured on silicone membranes, tenascin-C mRNA and protein levels were increased twofold within 6 h compared to the resting control. Medium conditioned by strained cells did not stimulate tenascin-C mRNA in resting cells. Tenascin-C mRNA in resting cells was increased by serum; however, cyclic strain still caused an additional induction. Likewise, the effect of TGF-beta1 or PDGF-BB was additive to that of cyclic strain, whereas IL-4 or H2O2 (a reactive oxygen species, ROS) did not change tenascin-C mRNA levels. Antagonists for distinct mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) inhibited tenascin-C induction by TGF-beta1 and PDGF-BB, but not by cyclic strain. Conversely, a specific inhibitor of Rho-dependent kinase strongly attenuated the response of tenascin-C mRNA to cyclic strain, but had limited effect on induction by growth factors. The data suggest that regulation of tenascin-C in fibroblasts by cyclic strain occurs independently from soluble mediators and MAPK pathways; however, it requires Rho/ROCK signaling.


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Much previous research has demonstrated the plasticity of myoglobin concentrations in both cardiac and skeletal myocytes in response to hypoxia and training. No study has yet looked at the effect of thermal acclimation on myoglobin in fish. Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from two different populations, i.e. the North Sea and the North East Arctic, were acclimated to 10 and 4 degrees C. Both the myoglobin mRNA and myoglobin protein in cod hearts increased significantly by up to 3.7 and 2.3 fold respectively as a result of acclimation to 4 degrees C. These increments were largest in the Arctic population, which in earlier studies have been shown to possess cold compensated metabolic demands at low temperatures. These metabolic demands associated with higher mitochondrial capacities may have driven the increase in cardiac myoglobin concentrations, in order to support diffusive oxygen supply. At the same time the increase in myoglobin levels may serve further functions during cold acclimation, for example, protection of the cell against reactive oxygen species, and scavenging nitric oxide, thereby contributing to the regulation of mitochondrial volume density.


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To ascertain whether reactive oxygen species (ROS) contribute to training-induced adaptation of skeletal muscle, we administered ROS-scavenging antioxidants (AOX; 140 mg/l of ascorbic acid, 12 mg/l of coenzyme Q10 and 1% N-acetyl-cysteine) via drinking water to 16 C57BL/6 mice. Sixteen other mice received unadulterated tap water (CON). One cohort of both groups (CON(EXE) and AOX(EXE) ) was subjected to treadmill exercise for 4 weeks (16-26 m/min, incline of 5°-10°). The other two cohorts (CON(SED) and AOX(SED) ) remained sedentary. In skeletal muscles of the AOX(EXE) mice, GSSG and the expression levels of SOD-1 and PRDX-6 were significantly lower than those in the CON(EXE) mice after training, suggesting disturbance of ROS levels. The peak power related to the body weight and citrate synthase activity was not significantly influenced in mice receiving AOX. Supplementation with AOX significantly altered the mRNA levels of the exercise-sensitive genes HK-II, GLUT-4 and SREBF-1c and the regulator gene PGC-1alpha but not G6PDH, glycogenin, FABP-3, MCAD and CD36 in skeletal muscle. Although the administration of AOX during endurance exercise alters the expression of particular genes of the ROS metabolism, it does not influence peak power or generally shift the metabolism, but it modulates the expression of specific genes of the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and PGC-1alpha within murine skeletal muscle.


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Climate models predict more frequent and more severe extreme events (e.g., heat waves, extended drought periods, flooding) in many regions for the next decades. The impact of adverse environmental conditions on crop plants is ecologically and economically relevant. This review is focused on drought and heat effects on physiological status and productivity of agronomically important plants. Stomatal opening represents an important regulatory mechanism during drought and heat stress since it influences simultaneously water loss via transpiration and CO2 diffusion into the leaf apoplast which further is utilized in photosynthesis. Along with the reversible short-term control of stomatal opening, stomata and leaf epidermis may produce waxy deposits and irreversibly down-regulate the stomatal conductance and non-stomatal transpiration. As a consequence photosynthesis will be negatively affected. Rubisco activase—a key enzyme in keeping the Calvin cycle functional—is heat-sensitive and may become a limiting factor at elevated temperature. The accumulated reactive oxygen species (ROS) during stress represent an additional challenge under unfavorable conditions. Drought and heat cause accumulation of free amino acids which are partially converted into compatible solutes such as proline. This is accompanied by lower rates of both nitrate reduction and de novo amino acid biosynthesis. Protective proteins (e.g., dehydrins, chaperones, antioxidant enzymes or the key enzyme for proline biosynthesis) play an important role in leaves and may be present at higher levels under water deprivation or high temperatures. On the whole plant level, effects on long-distance translocation of solutes via xylem and phloem and on leaf senescence (e.g., anticipated, accelerated or delayed senescence) are important. The factors mentioned above are relevant for the overall performance of crops under drought and heat and must be considered for genotype selection and breeding programs.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been implemented in the etiology of pulmonary fibrosis (PF) in systemic sclerosis. In the bleomycin model, we evaluated the role of acquired mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and respiratory chain defects as a trigger of ROS formation and fibrogenesis. Adult male Wistar rats received a single intratracheal instillation of bleomycin and their lungs were examined at different time points. Ashcroft scores, collagen and TGFβ1 levels documented a delayed onset of PF by day 14. In contrast, increased malon dialdehyde as a marker of ROS formation was detectable as early as 24 hours after bleomycin instillation and continued to increase. At day 7, lung tissue acquired significant amounts of mtDNA deletions, translating into a significant dysfunction of mtDNA-encoded, but not nucleus-encoded respiratory chain subunits. mtDNA deletions and markers of mtDNA-encoded respiratory chain dysfunction significantly correlated with pulmonary TGFβ1 concentrations and predicted PF in a multivariate model.


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Primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) is a rare condition in childhood which is either inherited (mostly) or acquired. It is characterized by glucocorticoid and maybe mineralocorticoid deficiency. The most common form in children is 21-hydroxylase deficiency, which belongs to the steroid biosynthetic defects causing PAI. Newer forms of complex defects of steroid biosynthesis are P450 oxidoreductase deficiency and (apparent) cortisone reductase deficiency. Other forms of PAI include metabolic disorders, autoimmune disorders and adrenal dysgenesis, e.g. the IMAGe syndrome, for which the underlying genetic defect has been recently identified. Newer work has also expanded the genetic causes underlying isolated, familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD). Mild mutations of CYP11A1 or StAR have been identified in patients with FGD. MCM4 mutations were found in a variant of FGD in an Irish travelling community manifesting with PAI, short stature, microcephaly and recurrent infections. Finally, mutations in genes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species were identified in patients with unsolved FGD. Most mutations were found in the enzyme nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase, which uses the mitochondrial proton pump gradient to produce NADPH. NADPH is essential in maintaining high levels of reduced forms of antioxidant enzymes for the reduction of hydrogen peroxide. Similarly, mutations in the gene for TXNRD2 involved in this system were found in FGD patients, suggesting that the adrenal cortex is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress.


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Inner ear pathologies are associated with major morbidity and loss of life quality in affected patients. In many of these conditions, production of reactive oxygen-species (ROS) is thought to be a key pathological mechanism. While the sources of ROS are complex (including for example mitochondria), there is increasing evidence that activation of NOX enzymes, in particular NOX3, plays a key role. NOX3 is a multi-subunit NADPH oxidase, functionally and structurally closely related to NOX1 and NOX2. In both the vestibular and the cochlear compartments of the inner ear, high levels of NOX3 mRNA are expressed. In NOX3 mutant mice, the vestibular function is perturbed due to a lack of otoconia, while only minor alterations of hearing have been documented. However, there is increasing evidence that activation of NOX3 through drugs, noise and probably also aging, leads to hearing loss. Thus, NOX3 is an interesting target to treat and prevent inner ear pathologies and a few first animal models based on drug - or molecular therapy have been reported. So far however, there are no specific NOX3 inhibitors with a documented penetration into the inner ear. Nevertheless, certain antioxidants and non-specific NOX inhibitors diminish hearing loss in animal models. Development of small molecules inhibitors or molecular strategies against NOX3 could improve specificity and efficiency of redox-targeted treatments. In this review, we will discuss arguments for the involvement of NOX3 in inner ear pathologies and therapeutic approaches to target NOX3 activity.