38 resultados para New Mexico Highlands University.
History and Identity in the Late Antique Near East gathers together the work of distinguished historians and early career scholars with a broad range of expertise to investigate the significance of newly emerged, or recently resurrected, ethnic identities on the borders of the eastern Mediterranean world. It focuses on the "long late antiquity" from the eve of the Arab conquest of the Roman East to the formation of the Abbasid caliphate. The first half of the book offers papers on the Christian Orient on the cusp of the Islamic invasions. These papers discuss how Christians negotiated the end of Roman power, whether in the selective use of the patristic past to create confessional divisions or the emphasis of the shared philosophical legacy of the Greco-Roman world. The second half of the book considers Muslim attempts to negotiate the pasts of the conquered lands of the Near East, where the Christian histories of Hira or Egypt were used to create distinctive regional identities for Arab settlers. Like the first half, this section investigates the redeployment of a shared history, this time the historical imagination of the Qu'ran and the era of the first caliphs. All the papers in the volume bring together studies of the invention of the past across traditional divides between disciplines, placing the re-assessment of the past as a central feature of the long late antiquity. As a whole, History and Identity in the Late Antique Near East represents a distinctive contribution to recent writing on late antiquity, due to its cultural breadth, its interdisciplinary focus, and its novel definition of late antiquity itself.
Immigrant incorporation (or integration) is a subfield of migration studies, and it constitutes a genuinely interdisciplinary undertaking of sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, lawyers, and historians. In none of these disciplines, however, has it carved out an established niche for itself. In contrast to the United States, where the study of immigrant integration (or “assimilation” as US researchers prefer to say) is more firmly grounded in sociology than in political science, a characteristic of the European scene is a larger prominence of political scientists, macro comparativists, and legal-institutional scholars. This reflects the fact that immigrant integration in Europe is, to a much larger degree than in the United States, framed by public policies, and it often goes along with major transformations of state institutions (most importantly citizenship) and national identities. European states (even France) are ethnic nation-states, where sedentariness and not moving is the norm, and they stand for countries that are much less attuned to, and constituted by, international migration than the classic immigrant nations of North America and Oceania. Overall, European scholarship is marked, on one side, by single-country studies by national experts, which are often solicited by their respective governments interested in policy advice (but increasingly also supported by supranational research bodies). On the other side, most agenda-setting work has grown out of qualitative single-person studies (often dissertations) by macro sociologists and political comparativists not (or only incidentally) rooted in national university systems and disconnected from policy contexts. The field is in need of further conceptual development and of theoretically reflected, genuinely comparative work of the second type, which is mostly off the public funding radar.
Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation brings together a multidisciplinary group of scholars to consider pathways by which immigrants may be incorporated into the political processes of western democracies. It builds on a rich tradition of studying immigrant incorporation, but each chapter innovates by moving beyond singular accounts of particular groups and locations toward a general causal model with the scope and breadth to apply across groups, places, and time. Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation addresses three key analytic questions: what, if anything, are the distinctive features of immigrants or immigrant groups? How broadly should one define and study politics? What are the initial premises for analyzing pathways toward incorporation; does one learn more by starting from an assumption of racialization and exclusion or from an assumption of engagement and inclusion? While all models engage with all three key analytic questions, chapters vary in their relative focus on one or another, and in the answers they provide. Most include graphical illustrations of the model, as well as extended examples applying the model to one or more immigrant populations. At a time when research on immigrant political incorporation is rapidly accumulating - and when immigrants are increasingly significant political actors in many democratic polities — this volume makes a timely and valuable intervention by pushing researchers to articulate causal dynamics, provide clear definitions and measurable concepts, and develop testable hypotheses. Furthermore, the wide array of frameworks examining how immigrants become part of a polity or are shunted aside ensure that activists and analysts alike will find useful insights. By including historians, sociologists, and political scientists, by ranging across North America and Western Europe, by addressing successful and failed incorporative efforts, this handbook offers guides for anyone seeking to develop a dynamic, unified, and supple model of immigrant political incorporation.
Die jüdische Gemeinschaft gilt generell als Musterbeispiel einer gut integrierten, religiösen Minderheit. Tatsächlich jedoch bewirken gerade die jüngsten gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen − verstärkte Säkularisierung und Individualisierung verbunden mit steigenden Mischehenraten und einer Neudefinitionder Geschlechterrollen − eine Infragestellung der Kontinuität europäisch-jüdischer Existenz.Seit den 70iger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts bewegt sich die Mischehenrate fast überall in der Diaspora bei über 50%. Da die Weitergabe des Judentums religionsgesetzlich nur über die Mutter erfolgt,stellt der Umgang mit nichtjüdischen Familienmitgliedern einen hochsensiblen Bereich für die Gemeinschaft dar. Die soziale und religiöse Integration von nichtjüdischen Ehefrauen und vaterjüdischenKindern ist auf Grund einer nicht selten willkürlich erscheinenden Aufnahmepraxis ein häufig tabuisierter Aspekt des Gemeindelebens, der zu permanenten Spannungen führt. Konflikte bezüglich der Zugehörigkeitskriterien aber auch der religiösen Rolle der Frau führen zu Polarisierungs- und Pluralisierungstendenzen. Im Rahmen eines Projektes des NFP 58 wurden aktuelle innerjüdische Grenzziehungsdebatten im Kontext des Schweizer Judentums auch mit Methoden der Oral History festgehalten und analysiert. Die Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb der schweizerisch-jüdischen Gemeinschaft wurden zudem mit Entwicklungen in anderen Ländern der Diaspora und in Israel verglichen. Es ergab sich das Bild einer dynamischen und zugleich jedoch tief gespaltenen Religionsgemeinschaft, innerhalb der sich die verschiedenen Richtungen („liberal“ bis „ultra-orthodox“) die Verantwortung für eine zunehmende Schwächung und Spaltung des jüdischen Volkes zuweisen. Bibliographie Benbassa, Esther u. Jean-Christophe Attias. 2001. Les Juifs ont-t-ils un avenir? Paris. Lattés. Gerson, Daniel.2012. Ausbreitung und Bedeutung des Judentums in der Schweiz.in : Religionen in der Schweiz. Bulletin Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Nr 2.Bern. Gerson, Daniel.2011. Partizipation ohne Konversion? Grenzziehungsdebatten in neuen jüdischen Gemeinschaften der Schweiz,in: Chilufim. Zeitschrift für Jüdische Kulturgeschichte, Nr.11.Wien. Phoibos. Gerson, Daniel.2010. Gemeinschaftsbildung und «demokratischer» Antisemitismus: Das Entstehen eines Schweizer Judentums im Spannungsverhältnis von Akkulturation, Einwanderung und Ausgrenzung, in: Wyrwa, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Einspruch und Abwehr. Die Reaktion des europäischen Judentums und die Entstehung des Antisemitismus in Europa. Frankfurt am Main. Campus. Lambert, Nick.2008. Jews and Europe in the Twenty-First Century. London. Vallentine Mitchell. Picard, Jacques.2007. Judentum in der Schweiz: zwischen religiöser, kultureller und politischer Identität,in: Baumann, Martin u. Jörg Stolz (Hrsg.); Eine Schweiz - viele Religionen. Bielefeld. transcript. Wasserstein, Bernard.1996. Vanishing Diaspora. The Jews in Europa since 1945. New York.Harvard University Press.
This chapter explores cultural and individual religious roots of adolescents' family orientation on the basis of multilevel analyses with data from 17 cultural groups. Religion and the family are seen as intertwined social institutions. The family as a source of social support has been identified as an important mediator of the effects of religiosity on adolescent developmental outcomes. The results of the current study show that religiosity was related to different aspects of adolescents' family orientation (traditional family values. value of children, and family future orientation), and that the culture-level effects of religiosity on family orientation were stronger than the individual-level effects. At the cultural level, socioeconomic development added to the effect of religiosity, indicating that societal affluence combined with nonreligious secular orientations is linked to a lower family orientation, especially with regard to traditional family values. The authors suggest that individual religiosity may be of special importance for adolescents' family orientation in contexts where religiosity has lost some significance but religious traditions are still alive and can be (re-)connected to.
There are close links between emotions and values, or at least this is what our ordinary ways of talking suggest. For many, if not all, types of emotion it is thus possible to find a corresponding evaluative term, one often derived from the name of the emotion in question. These are for example evaluative terms such as ‘shameful’, ‘offensive, ‘annoying’, ‘dangerous’, ‘contemptible’, ‘admirable’, ‘amusing’, ‘exciting’, ‘boring’, and the like. Starting perhaps from these linguistic observations, the philosophical task is of course to elucidate the nature of the links between emotions and values, and attempts at doing so have traditionally revolved around the following three questions: first, what is the role of emotions in elucidating the nature of value? For example, should dangerousness be understood in term of the fear response? Second, what is the role of emotions in our getting access to values? For example, what may be the role of fear in becoming aware that a given animal is dangerous? Third, what value do emotions have? For example, is fear of special value because it helps behaving appropriately towards its object? We hall take up these questions in turn and survey the most important answers they have received in the literature. As we shall discover, answering the first question amounts to surveying a variety of theories according to which there is an ontological relation between values and emotions since the former should be elucidated in terms of the latter (Sec. 1). Addressing the second question consists in reviewing theories according to which there is an intentional relation between emotions and values because the former are apprehensions of value or evaluations (Sec. 2). Grappling with the third question, we shall explore some reasons for thinking that emotions can exemplify values (Sec. 3).