57 resultados para Neuroimage


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The auditory cortex is anatomically segregated into a central core and a peripheral belt region, which exhibit differences in preference to bandpassed noise and in temporal patterns of response to acoustic stimuli. While it has been shown that visual stimuli can modify response magnitude in auditory cortex, little is known about differential patterns of multisensory interactions in core and belt. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging and examined the influence of a short visual stimulus presented prior to acoustic stimulation on the spatial pattern of blood oxygen level-dependent signal response in auditory cortex. Consistent with crossmodal inhibition, the light produced a suppression of signal response in a cortical region corresponding to the core. In the surrounding areas corresponding to the belt regions, however, we found an inverse modulation with an increasing signal in centrifugal direction. Our data suggest that crossmodal effects are differentially modulated according to the hierarchical core-belt organization of auditory cortex.


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Auditory neuroscience has not tapped fMRI's full potential because of acoustic scanner noise emitted by the gradient switches of conventional echoplanar fMRI sequences. The scanner noise is pulsed, and auditory cortex is particularly sensitive to pulsed sounds. Current fMRI approaches to avoid stimulus-noise interactions are temporally inefficient. Since the sustained BOLD response to pulsed sounds decreases with repetition rate and becomes minimal with unpulsed sounds, we developed an fMRI sequence emitting continuous rather than pulsed gradient sound by implementing a novel quasi-continuous gradient switch pattern. Compared to conventional fMRI, continuous-sound fMRI reduced auditory cortex BOLD baseline and increased BOLD amplitude with graded sound stimuli, short sound events, and sounds as complex as orchestra music with preserved temporal resolution. Response in subcortical auditory nuclei was enhanced, but not the response to light in visual cortex. Finally, tonotopic mapping using continuous-sound fMRI demonstrates that enhanced functional signal-to-noise in BOLD response translates into improved spatial separability of specific sound representations.


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Triggered event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging requires sparse intervals of temporally resolved functional data acquisitions, whose initiation corresponds to the occurrence of an event, typically an epileptic spike in the electroencephalographic trace. However, conventional fMRI time series are greatly affected by non-steady-state magnetization effects, which obscure initial blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals. Here, conventional echo-planar imaging and a post-processing solution based on principal component analysis were employed to remove the dominant eigenimages of the time series, to filter out the global signal changes induced by magnetization decay and to recover BOLD signals starting with the first functional volume. This approach was compared with a physical solution using radiofrequency preparation, which nullifies magnetization effects. As an application of the method, the detectability of the initial transient BOLD response in the auditory cortex, which is elicited by the onset of acoustic scanner noise, was used to demonstrate that post-processing-based removal of magnetization effects allows to detect brain activity patterns identical with those obtained using the radiofrequency preparation. Using the auditory responses as an ideal experimental model of triggered brain activity, our results suggest that reducing the initial magnetization effects by removing a few principal components from fMRI data may be potentially useful in the analysis of triggered event-related echo-planar time series. The implications of this study are discussed with special caution to remaining technical limitations and the additional neurophysiological issues of the triggered acquisition.


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Event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to trace changes in brain activity related to progress in second language learning. Twelve English-speaking exchange students learning German in Switzerland were recruited. ERPs to visually presented single words from the subjects' native language (English), second language (German) and an unknown language (Romansh) were measured before (day 1) and after (day 2) 5 months of intense German language learning. When comparing ERPs to German words from day 1 and day 2, we found topographic differences between 396 and 540 ms. These differences could be interpreted as a latency shift indicating faster processing of German words on day 2. Source analysis indicated that the topographic differences were accounted for by shorter activation of left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) on day 2. In ERPs to English words, we found Global Field Power differences between 472 and 644 ms. This may due to memory traces related to English words being less easily activated on day 2. Alternatively, it might reflect the fact that--with German words becoming familiar on day 2--English words loose their oddball character and thus produce a weaker P300-like effect on day 2. In ERPs to Romansh words, no differences were observed. Our results reflect plasticity in the neuronal networks underlying second language acquisition. They indicate that with a higher level of second language proficiency, second language word processing is faster and requires shorter frontal activation. Thus, our results suggest that the reduced IFG activation found in previous fMRI studies might not reflect a generally lower activation but rather a shorter duration of activity.


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Searching for the neural correlates of visuospatial processing using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is usually done in an event-related framework of cognitive subtraction, applying a paradigm comprising visuospatial cognitive components and a corresponding control task. Besides methodological caveats of the cognitive subtraction approach, the standard general linear model with fixed hemodynamic response predictors bears the risk of being underspecified. It does not take into account the variability of the blood oxygen level-dependent signal response due to variable task demand and performance on the level of each single trial. This underspecification may result in reduced sensitivity regarding the identification of task-related brain regions. In a rapid event-related fMRI study, we used an extended general linear model including single-trial reaction-time-dependent hemodynamic response predictors for the analysis of an angle discrimination task. In addition to the already known regions in superior and inferior parietal lobule, mapping the reaction-time-dependent hemodynamic response predictor revealed a more specific network including task demand-dependent regions not being detectable using the cognitive subtraction method, such as bilateral caudate nucleus and insula, right inferior frontal gyrus and left precentral gyrus.


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Edges are important cues defining coherent auditory objects. As a model of auditory edges, sound on- and offset are particularly suitable to study their neural underpinnings because they contrast a specific physical input against no physical input. Change from silence to sound, that is onset, has extensively been studied and elicits transient neural responses bilaterally in auditory cortex. However, neural activity associated with sound onset is not only related to edge detection but also to novel afferent inputs. Edges at the change from sound to silence, that is offset, are not confounded by novel physical input and thus allow to examine neural activity associated with sound edges per se. In the first experiment, we used silent acquisition functional magnetic resonance imaging and found that the offset of pulsed sound activates planum temporale, superior temporal sulcus and planum polare of the right hemisphere. In the planum temporale and the superior temporal sulcus, offset response amplitudes were related to the pulse repetition rate of the preceding stimulation. In the second experiment, we found that these offset-responsive regions were also activated by single sound pulses, onset of sound pulse sequences and single sound pulse omissions within sound pulse sequences. However, they were not active during sustained sound presentation. Thus, our data show that circumscribed areas in right temporal cortex are specifically involved in identifying auditory edges. This operation is crucial for translating acoustic signal time series into coherent auditory objects.


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Situationally adaptive behavior relies on the identification of relevant target stimuli, the evaluation of these with respect to the current context and the selection of an appropriate action. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to disentangle the neural networks underlying these processes within a single task. Our results show that activation of mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) reflects the perceived presence of a target stimulus regardless of context, whereas context-appropriate evaluation is subserved by mid-dorsolateral PFC. Enhancing demands on response selection by means of response conflict activated a network of regions, all of which are directly connected to motor areas. On the midline, rostral anterior paracingulate cortex was found to link target detection and response selection by monitoring for the presence of behaviorally significant conditions. In summary, we provide new evidence for process-specific functional dissociations in the frontal lobes. In target-centered processing, target detection in the VLPFC is separable from contextual evaluation in the DLPFC. Response-centered processing in motor-associated regions occurs partly in parallel to these processes, which may enhance behavioral efficiency, but it may also lead to reaction time increases when an irrelevant response tendency is elicited.


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Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies can provide insight into the neural correlates of hallucinations. Commonly, such studies require self-reports about the timing of the hallucination events. While many studies have found activity in higher-order sensory cortical areas, only a few have demonstrated activity of the primary auditory cortex during auditory verbal hallucinations. In this case, using self-reports as a model of brain activity may not be sensitive enough to capture all neurophysiological signals related to hallucinations. We used spatial independent component analysis (sICA) to extract the activity patterns associated with auditory verbal hallucinations in six schizophrenia patients. SICA decomposes the functional data set into a set of spatial maps without the use of any input function. The resulting activity patterns from auditory and sensorimotor components were further analyzed in a single-subject fashion using a visualization tool that allows for easy inspection of the variability of regional brain responses. We found bilateral auditory cortex activity, including Heschl's gyrus, during hallucinations of one patient, and unilateral auditory cortex activity in two more patients. The associated time courses showed a large variability in the shape, amplitude, and time of onset relative to the self-reports. However, the average of the time courses during hallucinations showed a clear association with this clinical phenomenon. We suggest that detection of this activity may be facilitated by examining hallucination epochs of sufficient length, in combination with a data-driven approach.


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Postmortem examinations and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies suggest involvement of the entorhinal cortex (EC) in schizophrenic psychoses. However, the extent and nature of the possible pathogenetical process underlying the observed alterations of this limbic key region for processing of multimodal sensory information remains unclear. Three-dimensional high-resolution MRI volumetry and evaluation of the regional diffusional anisotropy based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were performed on the EC of 15 paranoid schizophrenic patients and 15 closely matched control subjects. In schizophrenic patients, EC volumes showed a slight, but not significant, decrease. However, the anisotropy values, expressed as inter-voxel coherences (COH), were found to be significantly decreased by 17.9% (right side) and 12.5% (left side), respectively, in schizophrenics. Reduction of entorhinal diffusional anisotropy can be hypothesized to be functionally related to disturbances in the perforant path, the principal efferent EC fiber tract supplying the limbic system with neuronal input from multimodal association centers. Combinations of different MRI modalities are a promising approach for the detection and characterization of subtle brain tissue alterations.


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The precise role of the fusiform face area (FFA) in face processing remains controversial. In this study, we investigated to what degree FFA activation reflects additional functions beyond face perception. Seven volunteers underwent rapid event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging while they performed a face-encoding and a face-recognition task. During face encoding, activity in the FFA for individual faces predicted whether the individual face was subsequently remembered or forgotten. However, during face recognition, no difference in FFA activity between consciously remembered and forgotten faces was observed, but the activity of FFA differentiated if a face had been seen previously or not. This demonstrated a dissociation between overt recognition and unconscious discrimination of stimuli, suggesting that physiological processes of face recognition can take place, even if not all of its operations are made available to consciousness.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is known to cause a variety of disturbances of higher visual functions that are closely related to the neuropathological changes. Visual association areas are more affected than primary visual cortex. Additionally, there is evidence from neuropsychological and imaging studies during rest or passive visual stimulation that the occipitotemporal pathway is less affected than the parietal pathway. Our goal was to investigate functional activation patterns during active visuospatial processing in AD patients and the impact of local cerebral atrophy on the strength of functional activation. Fourteen AD patients and fourteen age-matched controls were measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while they performed an angle discrimination task. Both groups revealed overlapping networks engaged in angle discrimination including the superior parietal lobule (SPL), frontal and occipitotemporal (OTC) cortical regions, primary visual cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus. The most pronounced differences between the two groups were found in the SPL (more activity in controls) and OTC (more activity in patients). The differences in functional activation between the AD patients and controls were partly explained by the differences in individual SPL atrophy. These results indicate that parietal dysfunction in mild to moderate AD is compensated by recruitment of the ventral visual pathway. We furthermore suggest that local cerebral atrophy should be considered as a covariate in functional imaging studies of neurodegenerative disorders.


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Combined EEG/fMRI recordings offer a promising opportunity to detect brain areas with altered BOLD signal during interictal epileptic discharges (IEDs). These areas are likely to represent the irritative zone, which is itself a reflection of the epileptogenic zone. This paper reports on the imaging findings using independent component analysis (ICA) to continuously quantify epileptiform activity in simultaneously acquired EEG and fMRI. Using ICA derived factors coding for the epileptic activity takes into account that epileptic activity is continuously fluctuating with each spike differing in amplitude, duration and maybe topography, including subthreshold epileptic activity besides clear IEDs and may thus increase the sensitivity and statistical power of combined EEG/fMRI in epilepsy. Twenty patients with different types of focal and generalized epilepsy syndromes were investigated. ICA separated epileptiform activity from normal physiological brain activity and artifacts. In 16/20 patients, BOLD correlates of epileptic activity matched the EEG sources, the clinical semiology, and, if present, the structural lesions. In clinically equivocal cases, the BOLD correlates aided to attribute proper diagnosis of the underlying epilepsy syndrome. Furthermore, in one patient with temporal lobe epilepsy, BOLD correlates of rhythmic delta activity could be employed to delineate the affected hippocampus. Compared to BOLD correlates of manually identified IEDs, the sensitivity was improved from 50% (10/20) to 80%. The ICA EEG/fMRI approach is a safe, non-invasive and easily applicable technique, which can be used to identify regions with altered hemodynamic effects related to IEDs as well as intermittent rhythmic discharges in different types of epilepsy.


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Multi-parametric and quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques have come into the focus of interest, both as a research and diagnostic modality for the evaluation of patients suffering from mild cognitive decline and overt dementia. In this study we address the question, if disease related quantitative magnetization transfer effects (qMT) within the intra- and extracellular matrices of the hippocampus may aid in the differentiation between clinically diagnosed patients with Alzheimer disease (AD), patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy controls. We evaluated 22 patients with AD (n=12) and MCI (n=10) and 22 healthy elderly (n=12) and younger (n=10) controls with multi-parametric MRI. Neuropsychological testing was performed in patients and elderly controls (n=34). In order to quantify the qMT effects, the absorption spectrum was sampled at relevant off-resonance frequencies. The qMT-parameters were calculated according to a two-pool spin-bath model including the T1- and T2 relaxation parameters of the free pool, determined in separate experiments. Histograms (fixed bin-size) of the normalized qMT-parameter values (z-scores) within the anterior and posterior hippocampus (hippocampal head and body) were subjected to a fuzzy-c-means classification algorithm with downstreamed PCA projection. The within-cluster sums of point-to-centroid distances were used to examine the effects of qMT- and diffusion anisotropy parameters on the discrimination of healthy volunteers, patients with Alzheimer and MCIs. The qMT-parameters T2(r) (T2 of the restricted pool) and F (fractional pool size) differentiated between the three groups (control, MCI and AD) in the anterior hippocampus. In our cohort, the MT ratio, as proposed in previous reports, did not differentiate between MCI and AD or healthy controls and MCI, but between healthy controls and AD.