31 resultados para Mice, Inbred C57BL


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Recombinant NcPDI(recNcPDI), NcROP2(recNcROP2), and NcMAG1(recNcMAG1) were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified, and evaluated as potential vaccine candidates by employing the C57Bl/6 mouse cerebral infection model. Intraperitoneal application of these proteins suspended in saponin adjuvants lead to protection against disease in 50% and 70% of mice vaccinated with recNcMAG1 and recNcROP2, respectively, while only 20% of mice vaccinated with recNcPDI remained without clinical signs. In contrast, a 90% protection rate was achieved following intra-nasal vaccination with recNcPDI emulsified in cholera toxin. Only 1 mouse vaccinated intra-nasally with recNcMAG1 survived the challenge infection, and protection achieved with intra-nasally applied recNcROP2 was at 60%. Determination of cerebral parasite burdens by real-time PCR showed that these were significantly reduced only in recNcROP2-vaccinated animals (following intraperitoneal and intra-nasal application) and in recNcPDI-vaccinated mice (intra-nasal application only). Quantification of viable tachyzoites in brain tissue of intra-nasally vaccinated mice showed that immunization with recNcPDI resulted in significantly decreased numbers of live parasites. These data show that, besides the nature of the antigen, the protective effect of vaccination also depends largely on the route of antigen delivery. In the case of recNcPDI, the intra-nasal route provides a platform to generate a highly protective immune response.


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OBJECTIVE: This investigation was a basal study that used a mouse model of xerostomia to identify protein biomarkers of xerostomia in saliva. We identified genes expressed differently in parotid glands from non-obese diabetic mice with diabetes and those from control mice; subsequently, we investigated expression of the proteins encoded by these genes in parotid glands and saliva. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DNA microarray and real-time PCR analyses were performed to detect differences between NOD/ShiJcl and C57BL/6JJcl (control) female mice in gene expression from parotid glands or parotid acinar cells. Subsequently, protein expression was assessed using immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. Similarly, enzyme activity in saliva was assessed using zymography. RESULTS: Based on gene expression analyses, Chia expression was higher in diabetic mice than non-diabetic mice and control mice; similarly, expression of chitinase, the protein encoded by Chia, was higher in diabetic mice. Saliva from NOD/ShiJcl mice had more chitinase than saliva from control mice. CONCLUSIONS: Chitinase was highly expressed in parotid acinar cells from diabetic mice compared with non-diabetic and control mice. Increased chitinase expression and enzyme activity may characterize the autoimmune diabetes in mice; however, further investigation is required to assess its use as a biomarker of xerostomia in humans.


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The intestinal protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia causes diarrhoea in humans and animals. In the present study, we used the C57BL/6 inbred mouse model to assess the impact of a nematode (Trichinella spiralis) infection on the course of a G. lamblia (clone GS/M-83-H7) infection. Acute trichinellosis coincided with transient intestinal inflammation and generated an intestinal environment that strongly promoted growth of G. lamblia trophozoites although the local anti-Giardia immunoglobulin (Ig) A production was not affected. This increased G. lamblia infection intensity correlated with intestinal mast cell infiltration, mast cell degranulation, and total IgE production. Furthermore, a G. lamblia single-infection investigated in parallel also resulted in intestinal mast cell accumulation but severe infiltration was triggered in the absence of IgE. Recently, intestinal mast cells emerging during a G. lamblia infection were reported to be involved in those immunological mechanisms that control intestinal proliferation of the parasite in mice. This anti-giardial activity was assumed to be related to the capacity of mast cells to produce IL-6. However, this previous assumption was questioned by our present immunohistological findings indicating that murine intestinal mast cells, activated during a G. lamblia infection were IL-6-negative. In the present co-infection experiments, mast cells induced during acute trichinellosis were not able to control a concurrent G. lamblia infection. This observation makes it feasible that the T. spiralis infection created an immunological and physiological environment that superimposed the anti-giardial effect of mast cells and thus favoured intestinal growth of G. lamblia trophozoites in double-infected mice. Furthermore, our findings raise the possibility that intestinal inflammation e.g. as a consequence of a 'pre-existing' nematode infection is a factor which contributes to increased susceptibility of a host to a G. lamblia infection. The phenomenon of a 'pre-existing' nematode infection prior to a G. lamblia infection is a frequent constellation in endemic areas of giardiasis and may therefore have a direct impact on the epidemiological situation of the disease.


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NcMIC4 is a Neospora caninum microneme protein that has been isolated and purified on the basis of its unique lactose-binding properties. We have shown that this protein binds to galactosyl residues of lactose; antibodies directed against NcMIC4 inhibit host cell interactions in vitro, thus making it a vaccine candidate. Because of this feature, NcMIC4 was first purified on a larger scale in its native, functionally active form using lactose-agarose affinity chromatography. Second, NcMIC4 was expressed in Escherichia coli as a histidine-tagged recombinant protein (recNcMIC4) and purified through Ni-affinity chromatography. Third, NcMIC4 cDNA was cloned into the mammalian pcDNA3.1 DNA vector and expression was confirmed upon transfection of Vero cells in vitro. For vaccination studies, we employed the murine cerebral infection model based on C57Bl/6 mice, employing experimental groups of 10 mice each. Two groups were injected intraperitoneally with purified native NcMIC4 and recNcMIC4, respectively, employing RIBI adjuvant. The third group was vaccinated intramuscularly with pcDNA-NcMIC4. Control groups included an infection control, an adjuvant control, and a pcDNA3.1 control group. Following 3 injections at 4-wk intervals, mice were challenged by i.p. inoculation of 2 x 10(6) N. caninum tachyzoites (Nc-1 isolate). During the course of parasite challenge (3 wk), mice from the 3 different test groups showed varying degrees of symptoms bearing a semblance to neosporosis, i.e., walking disorder, rounded back, apathy, and paralysis of the hind limbs. Control groups showed no symptoms at all. Most notably, vaccination with pcDNA-MIC4 proved antiprotective, with 60% of mice succumbing to infection within 3 wk, and all mice lacking a measurable anti-NcMIC4 IgG response. NcMIC4 in its native form elicited a substantial humoral IgG1 immune response and a reduction in cerebral parasite load compared to the controls, but 20% of mice succumbed to infection. Vaccination with recNcMIC4 also resulted in 20% of mice dying; however, in this group, cerebral parasite load was similar to the controls, and recNcMIC4 vaccination elicited a mixed IgG1/IgG2 response. In conclusion, vaccines based on NcMIC4, especially pcDNA-NcMIC4, render mice more susceptible to cerebral disease upon challenge with N. caninum tachyzoites.


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BACKGROUND: Streptococcus (S.) pneumoniae meningitis has a high lethality despite antibiotic treatment. Inflammation is a major pathogenetic factor, which is unresponsive to antibiotics. Therefore adjunctive therapies with antiinflammatory compounds have been developed. TNF484 is a TNF-alpha converting enzyme (TACE) inhibitor and has been found efficacious in experimental meningitis. Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) contributes to host response in pneumococcal meningitis by enhancing bacterial clearing and downmodulating inflammation. In this study, TNF484 was applied in mice, which lacked TLR2 and exhibited a strong meningeal inflammation. METHODS: 103 CFU S. pneumoniae serotype 3 was inoculated subarachnoidally into C57BL/6 wild type (wt) mice or TLR2-/-, CD14-/- and CD14-/-/TLR2-/- mice. Severity of disease and survival was followed over 9 days. Response to antibiotics (80 mg/kg ceftriaxone i.p. for 5 days) and/or TACE inhibitor treatment (1 mg/kg s.c. twice daily for 4 days) was evaluated. Animals were sacrificed after 12, 24, and 48 h for analysis of bacterial load in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain and for TNF and leukocyte measurements in CSF. RESULTS: TLR2-/- mice were significantly sicker than the other mouse strains 24 h after infection. All knockout mice showed higher disease severity after 48 h and died earlier than wt mice. TNF release into CSF was significantly more elevated in TLR2-/- than in the other strains after 24 h. Brain bacterial numbers were significantly higher in all knockout than wt mice after 24 h. Modulation of outcome by antibiotic and TACE inhibitor treatment was evaluated. With antibiotic therapy all wt, CD14-/- and TLR2-/-/CD14-/- mice, but only 79% of TLR2-/- mice, were rescued. TACE inhibitor treatment alone did not rescue, but prolonged survival in wt mice, and in TLR2-/- and CD14-/- mice to the values observed in untreated wt mice. By combined antibiotic and TACE inhibitor treatment 95% of TLR2-/- mice were rescued. CONCLUSION: During pneumococcal meningitis strong inflammation in TLR2-deficiency was associated with incomplete responsiveness to antibiotics and complete response to combined antibiotic and TACE inhibitor treatment. TACE inhibitor treatment offers a promising adjuvant therapeutic strategy in pneumococcal meningitis.


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The mouse Foxq1 gene, also known as Hfh1, encodes a winged helix/forkhead transcription factor. In adult mice, Foxq1 is highly expressed in kidney and stomach. Here, we report that Foxq1 is expressed during prenatal and postnatal stomach development and the transcripts are restricted to acid secreting parietal cells. Mice homozygous for a deletion of the Foxq1 locus on a 129/Sv x C57BL/6J hybrid genetic background display variable phenotypes consistent with requirement of the gene during embryogenesis. Approximately 50% of Foxq1-/- embryos die in utero. Surviving homozygous mutants are normal and fertile, and have a silky shiny coat. Although the parietal cell development is not affected in the absence of Foxq1, there is a lack of gastric acid secretion in response to various secretagogue stimuli. Ultrastructural analysis suggests that the gastric acid secretion defect in Foxq1-deficient mice might be due to impairment in the fusion of cytoplasmic tubulovesicles to the apical membrane of secretory canaliculi.


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We report the characterisation of 27 cardiovascular-related traits in 23 inbred mouse strains. Mice were phenotyped either in response to chronic administration of a single dose of the beta-adrenergic receptor blocker atenolol or under a low and a high dose of the beta-agonist isoproterenol and compared to baseline condition. The robustness of our data is supported by high trait heritabilities (typically H(2)>0.7) and significant correlations of trait values measured in baseline condition with independent multistrain datasets of the Mouse Phenome Database. We then focused on the drug-, dose-, and strain-specific responses to beta-stimulation and beta-blockade of a selection of traits including heart rate, systolic blood pressure, cardiac weight indices, ECG parameters and body weight. Because of the wealth of data accumulated, we applied integrative analyses such as comprehensive bi-clustering to investigate the structure of the response across the different phenotypes, strains and experimental conditions. Information extracted from these analyses is discussed in terms of novelty and biological implications. For example, we observe that traits related to ventricular weight in most strains respond only to the high dose of isoproterenol, while heart rate and atrial weight are already affected by the low dose. Finally, we observe little concordance between strain similarity based on the phenotypes and genotypic relatedness computed from genomic SNP profiles. This indicates that cardiovascular phenotypes are unlikely to segregate according to global phylogeny, but rather be governed by smaller, local differences in the genetic architecture of the various strains.


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Although neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) plays a substantial role in skeletal muscle physiology, nNOS-knockout mice manifest an only mild phenotypic malfunction in this tissue. To identify proteins that might be involved in adaptive responses in skeletal muscle of knockout mice lacking nNOS, 2D-PAGE with silver-staining and subsequent tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was performed using extracts of extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) derived from nNOS-knockout mice in comparison to C57Bl/6 control mice. Six proteins were significantly (P < or = 0.05) more highly expressed in EDL of nNOS-knockout mice than in that of C57 control mice, all of which are involved in the metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These included prohibitin (2.0-fold increase), peroxiredoxin-3 (1.9-fold increase), Cu(2+)/Zn(2+)-dependent superoxide dismutase (SOD; 1.9-fold increase), heat shock protein beta-1 (HSP25; 1.7-fold increase) and nucleoside diphosphate kinase B (2.6-fold increase). A significantly higher expression (4.1-fold increase) and a pI shift from 6.5 to 5.9 of peroxiredoxin-6 in the EDL of nNOS-knockout mice were confirmed by quantitative immunoblotting. The concentrations of the mRNA encoding five of these proteins (the exception being prohibitin) were likewise significantly (P < or = 0.05) higher in the EDL of nNOS-knockout mice. A higher intrinsic hydrogen peroxidase activity (P < or = 0.05) was demonstrated in EDL of nNOS-knockout mice than C57 control mice, which was related to the presence of peroxiredoxin-6. The treatment of mice with the chemical NOS inhibitor L-NAME for 3 days induced a significant 3.4-fold up-regulation of peroxiredoxin-6 in the EDL of C57 control mice (P < or = 0.05), but did not alter its expression in EDL of nNOS-knockout mice. ESR spectrometry demonstrated the levels of superoxide to be 2.5-times higher (P < or = 0.05) in EDL of nNOS-knockout mice than in C57 control mice while an in vitro assay based on the emission of 2,7-dichlorofluorescein fluorescence disclosed the concentration of ROS to be similar in both strains of mice. We suggest that the up-regulation of proteins that are implicated in the metabolism of ROS, particularly of peroxiredoxin-6, within skeletal muscles of nNOS-knockout mice functionally compensates for the absence of nNOS in scavenging of superoxide.


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Advances in spinal cord injury (SCI) research are dependent on quality animal models, which in turn rely on sensitive outcome measures able to detect functional differences in animals following injury. To date, most measurements of dysfunction following SCI rely either on the subjective rating of observers or the slow throughput of manual gait assessment. The present study compares the gait of normal and contusion-injured mice using the TreadScan system. TreadScan utilizes a transparent treadmill belt and a high-speed camera to capture the footprints of animals and automatically analyze gait characteristics. Adult female C57Bl/6 mice were introduced to the treadmill prior to receiving either a standardized mild, moderate, or sham contusion spinal cord injury. TreadScan gait analyses were performed weekly for 10 weeks and compared with scores on the Basso Mouse Scale (BMS). Results indicate that this software successfully differentiates sham animals from injured animals on a number of gait characteristics, including hindlimb swing time, stride length, toe spread, and track width. Differences were found between mild and moderate contusion injuries, indicating a high degree of sensitivity within the system. Rear track width, a measure of the animal's hindlimb base of support, correlated strongly both with spared white matter percentage and with terminal BMS. TreadScan allows for an objective and rapid behavioral assessment of locomotor function following mild-moderate contusive SCI, where the majority of mice still exhibit hindlimb weight support and plantar paw placement during stepping.


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C57BL/6 mice were infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites during pregnancy, yielding a transplacental infection of developing fetuses. Subsequently, congenitally infected newborn mice were treated either once or three times with toltrazuril (or placebo) at a concentration of 31.25 mg compound per kg body weight. Both toltrazuril and placebo treatment had no negative effect on newborns, as noninfected treated pups developed normally without differences in mortality and morbidity to matching nontreated control animals. Already one application of toltrazuril was significantly (p < 0.01) able to delay the outbreak of neosporosis in newborn mice, when compared to placebo-treated infected controls. We found significantly higher proportion of surviving newborns in one-time-toltrazuril-treated and three-time-toltrazuril-treated groups (34% and 54%, respectively) when compared to one-time-placebo-treated and three-time-placebo-treated groups (14% and 30%, respectively). There was no significant difference (p = 0.2) in the proportion of surviving pups between one-time-toltrazuril and three-time-toltrazuril treatment. However, the number of diseased and Neospora-positive pups (46% and 47%, respectively) was markedly reduced after three-time-toltrazuril treatment compared to all other groups. Three-time-treatment also resulted in the highest antibody (IgG, IgG2a) response. Pharmacokinetic analyses using individual serum samples revealed that, although toltrazuril was absorbed and metabolized to toltrazuril sulfone by newborn mice, medicated animals exhibited an unexpected rapid turn-over (half-life time) of the compound. Toltrazuril and the metabolite were also found in brain tissues, indicating that passage of the blood-brain barrier occurred. In conclusion, we could show that three times treatment with toltrazuril had a high impact on the course of infection in congenitally N. caninum-infected newborn mice.


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To ascertain whether reactive oxygen species (ROS) contribute to training-induced adaptation of skeletal muscle, we administered ROS-scavenging antioxidants (AOX; 140 mg/l of ascorbic acid, 12 mg/l of coenzyme Q10 and 1% N-acetyl-cysteine) via drinking water to 16 C57BL/6 mice. Sixteen other mice received unadulterated tap water (CON). One cohort of both groups (CON(EXE) and AOX(EXE) ) was subjected to treadmill exercise for 4 weeks (16-26 m/min, incline of 5°-10°). The other two cohorts (CON(SED) and AOX(SED) ) remained sedentary. In skeletal muscles of the AOX(EXE) mice, GSSG and the expression levels of SOD-1 and PRDX-6 were significantly lower than those in the CON(EXE) mice after training, suggesting disturbance of ROS levels. The peak power related to the body weight and citrate synthase activity was not significantly influenced in mice receiving AOX. Supplementation with AOX significantly altered the mRNA levels of the exercise-sensitive genes HK-II, GLUT-4 and SREBF-1c and the regulator gene PGC-1alpha but not G6PDH, glycogenin, FABP-3, MCAD and CD36 in skeletal muscle. Although the administration of AOX during endurance exercise alters the expression of particular genes of the ROS metabolism, it does not influence peak power or generally shift the metabolism, but it modulates the expression of specific genes of the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and PGC-1alpha within murine skeletal muscle.


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The immunomodulatory FTY720 (fingolimod) is presently approved for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. It is a prodrug that acts by modulating sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor signaling. In this study, we have developed and characterized two novel oxazolo-oxazole derivatives of FTY720, ST-968 and the oxy analog ST-1071, which require no preceding activating phosphorylation, and proved to be active in intact cells and triggered S1P1 and S1P3, but not S1P2, receptor internalization as a result of receptor activation. Functionally, ST-968 and ST-1071 acted similar to FTY720 to abrogate S1P-triggered chemotaxis of mouse splenocytes, mouse T cells and human U937 cells, and reduced TNFa- and LPS-stimulated endothelial cell permeability. The compounds also reduced TNFα-induced ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 mRNA expression, but restored TNFα-mediated downregulation of PECAM-1 mRNA expression. In an in vivo setting, the application of ST-968 or ST-1071 to mice resulted in a reduction of blood lymphocytes and significantly reduced the clinical symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6 mice comparable to FTY720 either by prophylactic or therapeutic treatment. In parallel to the reduced clinical symptoms, infiltration of immune cells in the brain was strongly reduced, and in isolated tissues of brain and spinal cord, the mRNA and protein expressions of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, as well as of matrix metalloproteinase-9 were reduced by all compounds, whereas PECAM-1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase TIMP-1 were upregulated. In summary, the data suggest that these novel butterfly derivatives of FTY720 could have considerable implication for future therapies of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.


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PURPOSE Fundus autofluorescence (AF) is characterized not only by its intensity or excitation and emission spectra but also by the lifetimes of the fluorophores. Fluorescence lifetime is influenced by the fluorophore's microenvironment and may provide information about the metabolic tissue state. We report quantitative and qualitative autofluorescence lifetime imaging of the ocular fundus in mice. METHODS A fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscope (FLIO) was used to measure fluorescence lifetimes of endogenous fluorophores in the murine retina. FLIO imaging was performed in 1-month-old C57BL/6, BALB/c, and C3A.Cg-Pde6b(+)Prph2(Rd2)/J mice. Measurements were repeated at monthly intervals over the course of 6 months. For correlation with structural changes, an optical coherence tomogram was acquired. RESULTS Fundus autofluorescence lifetime images were readily obtained in all mice. In the short spectral channel (498-560 nm), mean ± SEM AF lifetimes were 956 ± 15 picoseconds (ps) in C57BL/6; 801 ± 35 ps in BALB/c mice; and 882 ± 37 ps in C3A.Cg-Pde6b(+)Prph2(Rd2)/J mice. In the long spectral channel (560-720 nm), mean ± SEM AF lifetimes were 298 ± 14 ps in C57BL/6 mice, 241 ± 10 ps in BALB/c mice, and 288 ± 8 ps in C3A.Cg-Pde6b(+)Prph2(Rd2)/J mice. There was a general decrease in mean AF lifetimes with age. CONCLUSIONS Although fluorescence lifetime values differ among mouse strains, we found little variance within the groups. Fundus autofluorescence lifetime imaging in mice may provide additional information for understanding retinal disease processes and may facilitate monitoring of therapeutic effects in preclinical studies.


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The immunomodulatory drug FTY720 is presently approved for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. It is a prodrug that requires activation by sphingosine kinase 2 (SK-2) to induce T cell homing to secondary lymphoid tissue. In this study, we have investigated the role of SK-2 in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6 mice. We show that SK-2 deficiency reduced clinical symptoms of EAE. Furthermore, in SK-2-deficient mice, the protective effect of FTY720 on EAE was abolished, while the non-prodrug FTY720-derivative ST-968 was still fully active. Protection was paralleled by reduced numbers of T-lymphocytes in blood and a reduced blood-brain-barrier leakage. This correlated with reduced mRNA expression of ICAM-1, VCAM-1, but enhanced expression of PECAM-1. A similar regulation of permeability and of PECAM-1 was seen in primary cultures of isolated mouse brain vascular endothelial cells and in a human immortalized cell line upon SK-2 knockdown. In summary, these data demonstrated that deletion of SK-2 exerts a protective effect on the pathogenesis of EAE in C57BL/6 mice and that SK-2 is essential for the protective effect of FTY720 but not of ST-968. Thus, ST-968 is a promising novel immunomodulatory compound that may be a valuable alternative to FTY720 under conditions where SK-2 activity is limited.


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Cognitive processes are influenced by underlying affective states, and tests of cognitive bias have recently been developed to assess the valence of affective states in animals. These tests are based on the fact that individuals in a negative affective state interpret ambiguous stimuli more pessimistically than individuals in a more positive state. Using two strains of mice we explored whether unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) can induce a negative judgement bias and whether variation in the expression of stereotypic behaviour is associated with variation in judgement bias. Sixteen female CD-1 and 16 female C57BL/6 mice were trained on a tactile conditional discrimination test with grade of sandpaper as a cue for differential food rewards. Once they had learned the discrimination, half of the mice were subjected to UCMS for three weeks to induce a negative affective state. Although UCMS induced a reduced preference for the higher value reward in the judgement bias test, it did not affect saccharine preference or hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) activity. However, UCMS affected responses to ambiguous (intermediate) cues in the judgement bias test. While control mice showed a graded response to ambiguous cues, UCMS mice of both strains did not discriminate between ambiguous cues and tended to show shorter latencies to the ambiguous cues and the negative reference cue. UCMS also increased bar-mouthing in CD-1, but not in C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, mice with higher levels of stereotypic behaviour made more optimistic choices in the judgement bias test. However, no such relationship was found for stereotypic bar-mouthing, highlighting the importance of investigating different types of stereotypic behaviour separately.