41 resultados para Kangas, Susanna


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To investigate whether alterations in RNA editing (an enzymatic base-specific change to the RNA sequence during primary transcript formation from DNA) of neurotransmitter receptor genes and of transmembrane ion channel genes play a role in human temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), this exploratory study analyzed 14 known cerebral editing sites in RNA extracted from the brain tissue of 41 patients who underwent surgery for mesial TLE, 23 with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE+HS). Because intraoperatively sampled RNA cannot be obtained from healthy controls and the best feasible control is identically sampled RNA from patients with a clinically shorter history of epilepsy, the primary aim of the study was to assess the correlation between epilepsy duration and RNA editing in the homogenous group of MTLE+HS. At the functionally relevant I/V site of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.1, an inverse correlation of RNA editing was found with epilepsy duration (r=-0.52, p=0.01) but not with patient age at surgery, suggesting a specific association with either the epileptic process itself or its antiepileptic medication history. No significant correlations were found between RNA editing and clinical parameters at other sites within glutamate receptor or serotonin 2C receptor gene transcripts. An "all-or-none" (≥95% or ≤5%) editing pattern at most or all sites was discovered in 2 patients. As a secondary part of the study, RNA editing was also analyzed as in the previous literature where up to now, few single editing sites were compared with differently obtained RNA from inhomogenous patient groups and autopsies, and by measuring editing changes in our mouse model. The present screening study is first to identify an editing site correlating with a clinical parameter, and to also provide an estimate of the possible effect size at other sites, which is a prerequisite for power analysis needed in planning future studies.


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Seladin-1 (SELective Alzheimer's Disease INdicator-1) is an anti-apoptotic gene, which is down-regulated in brain regions affected by Alzheimer's disease (AD). In addition, seladin-1 catalyzes the conversion of desmosterol into cholesterol. Disruption of cholesterol homeostasis in neurons may increase cell susceptibility to toxic agents. Because the hippocampus and the subventricular zone, which are affected in AD, are the unique regions containing stem cells with neurogenic potential in the adult brain, it might be hypothesized that this multipotent cell compartment is the predominant source of seladin-1 in normal brain. In the present study, we isolated and characterized human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) as a model of cells with the ability to differentiate into neurons. hMSC were then differentiated toward a neuronal phenotype (hMSC-n). These cells were thoroughly characterized and proved to be neurons, as assessed by molecular and electrophysiological evaluation. Seladin-1 expression was determined and found to be significantly reduced in hMSC-n compared to undifferentiated cells. Accordingly, the total content of cholesterol was decreased after differentiation. These original results demonstrate for the first time that seladin-1 is abundantly expressed by stem cells and appear to suggest that reduced expression in AD might be due to an altered pool of multipotent cells.


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Speech coding might have an impact on music perception of cochlear implant users. This questionnaire study compares the musical activities and perception of postlingually deafened cochlear implant users with three different coding strategies (CIS, ACE, SPEAK) using the Munich Music Questionnaire. Overall, the self-reported perception of music of CIS, SPEAK, and ACE users did not differ by very much.


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BACKGROUND: Surfactant protein type B (SPB) is needed for alveolar gas exchange. SPB is increased in the plasma of patients with heart failure (HF), with a concentration that is higher when HF severity is highest. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between plasma SPB and both alveolar-capillary diffusion at rest and ventilation versus carbon dioxide production during exercise. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighty patients with chronic HF and 20 healthy controls were evaluated consecutively, but the required quality for procedures was only reached by 71 patients with HF and 19 healthy controls. Each subject underwent pulmonary function measurements, including lung diffusion for carbon monoxide and membrane diffusion capacity, and maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test. Plasma SPB was measured by immunoblotting. In patients with HF, SPB values were higher (4.5 [11.1] versus 1.6 [2.9], P=0.0006, median and 25th to 75th interquartile), whereas lung diffusion for carbon monoxide (19.7+/-4.5 versus 24.6+/-6.8 mL/mm Hg per min, P<0.0001, mean+/-SD) and membrane diffusion capacity (28.9+/-7.4 versus 38.7+/-14.8, P<0.0001) were lower. Peak oxygen consumption and ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope were 16.2+/-4.3 versus 26.8+/-6.2 mL/kg per min (P<0.0001) and 29.7+/-5.9 and 24.5+/-3.2 (P<0.0001) in HF and controls, respectively. In the HF population, univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between plasma SPB and lung diffusion for carbon monoxide, membrane diffusion capacity, peak oxygen consumption, and ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope (P<0.0001 for all). On multivariable logistic regression analysis, membrane diffusion capacity (beta, -0.54; SE, 0.018; P<0.0001), peak oxygen consumption (beta, -0.53; SE, 0.036; P=0.004), and ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope (beta, 0.25; SE, 0.026; P=0.034) were independently associated with SPB. CONCLUSIONS: Circulating plasma SPB levels are related to alveolar gas diffusion, overall exercise performance, and efficiency of ventilation showing a link between alveolar-capillary barrier damage, gas exchange abnormalities, and exercise performance in HF.


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In this study, we describe the isolation of Laribacter hongkongensis, a recently described genus and species of bacterium, in pure culture on charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate agar from the stool of six patients with diarrhea. Three patients were residents of Hong Kong, and three of Switzerland. In none of the stool samples obtained from these six patients was Salmonella, Shigella, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Vibrio, Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, or Campylobacter recovered. Rotavirus antigen detection, electron microscopic examination for viruses, and microscopic examinations for ova and cysts were all negative for the stool samples obtained from the three patients in Hong Kong. Enterotoxigenic E. coli was recovered from one of the patients in Hong Kong. Unlike L. hongkongensis type strain HKU1, all the six strains were motile with bipolar flagellae. Sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA genes of the six strains showed that they all had sequences with only 0-2 base differences to that of the type strain. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of the SpeI digested genomic DNA of the six isolates and that of the type strain revealed that the seven isolates were genotypically unrelated strains. More extensive epidemiologic studies should be carried out to ascertain the causative association between L. hongkongensis and diarrhea and to define the reservoir and modes of transmission of L. hongkongensis.


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The SLC43 family is composed of only three genes coding for the plasma membrane facilitator system l amino acid transporters LAT3 (SLC43A1; TC 2.A.1.44.1) and LAT4 (SLC43A2; TC 2.A.1.44.2), and the orphan protein EEG1 (SLC43A3; TC 2.A.1.44.3). Besides the known mechanism of transport of LAT3 and LAT4, their physiological roles still remain quite obscure. Morphants suggested a role of LAT3 in renal podocyte development in zebrafish. Expression in liver and skeletal muscle, and up-regulation by starvation suggest a role of LAT3 in the flux of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) from liver and skeletal muscle to the bloodstream. Finally, LAT3 is up-regulated in androgen-dependent cancers, suggesting a role in mTORC1 signaling in this type of tumors. In addition, LAT4 might contribute to the transfer of BCAAs from mother to fetus. Unfortunately, the EEG1 mouse model (EEG1(Y221∗)) described here has not yet offered a clue to the physiological role of this orphan protein.


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The first cases of early-onset progressive polyneuropathy appeared in the Alaskan Malamute population in Norway in the late 1970s. Affected dogs were of both sexes and were ambulatory paraparetic, progressing to non-ambulatory tetraparesis. On neurologic examination, affected dogs displayed predominantly laryngeal paresis, decreased postural reactions, decreased spinal reflexes and muscle atrophy. The disease was considered eradicated through breeding programmes but recently new cases have occurred in the Nordic countries and the USA. The N-myc downstream-regulated gene (NDRG1) is implicated in neuropathies with comparable symptoms or clinical signs both in humans and in Greyhound dogs. This gene was therefore considered a candidate gene for the polyneuropathy in Alaskan Malamutes. The coding sequence of the NDRG1 gene derived from one healthy and one affected Alaskan Malamute revealed a non-synonymous G>T mutation in exon 4 in the affected dog that causes a Gly98Val amino acid substitution. This substitution was categorized to be "probably damaging" to the protein function by PolyPhen2 (score: 1.000). Subsequently, 102 Alaskan Malamutes from the Nordic countries and the USA known to be either affected (n = 22), obligate carriers (n = 7) or healthy (n = 73) were genotyped for the SNP using TaqMan. All affected dogs had the T/T genotype, the obligate carriers had the G/T genotype and the healthy dogs had the G/G genotype except for 13 who had the G/T genotype. A protein alignment showed that residue 98 is conserved in mammals and also that the entire NDRG1 protein is highly conserved (94.7%) in mammals. We conclude that the G>T substitution is most likely the mutation that causes polyneuropathy in Alaskan Malamutes. Our characterization of a novel candidate causative mutation for polyneuropathy offers a new canine model that can provide further insight into pathobiology and therapy of human polyneuropathy. Furthermore, selection against this mutation can now be used to eliminate the disease in Alaskan Malamutes.


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We present a 63 year old man with new onset of fluctuating headache and behavioural changes showing marked inhibition and disorientation. After non invasive and invasive diagnostics an isolated cerebral vasculitis was found. Key results have been found in cerebral MRI and cerebral digital subtraction angiography with irregularities of vessel calibre of the intracerebral arteries. During treatment with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and Cyclophosphamid pulse therapy qualitative disorders and headache rapidly regressed. We discuss differential diagnosis of secondary headache, etiology of cerebral vasculitides, diagnostic challenge and therapy in isolated cerebral vasculitis.


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Die Stadt Bern bildete im 18. Jahrhundert den grössten Stadtstaat nördlich der Alpen. Sie wurde von vielen ausländischen Reisenden als eine der schönsten Städte der Eidgenossenschaft gepriesen und trotz ihrer aristokratischen Regierungsform als vorbildliches Staatswesen dargestellt. Nach dem Untergang des Ancien Régime 1798 und den folgenden gesellschaftlichen und politischen Umwälzungen wurde Bern 1848 zur Bundesstadt der Schweiz erkoren. Als reformiertes, urbanes Zentrum, an der Schnittstelle von deutschen und französischen Einflüssen gelegen, kannte Bern eine überraschend vielgestaltige Theaterkultur, die für die Zeitspanne des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts noch nie systematisch untersucht worden ist. Das vorliegende Werk leistet einen Beitrag, um diese Forschungslücke in der Schweizer Theaterhistoriographie zu schliessen. Kulturelle Ausdrucksformen des Menschen im Allgemeinen und Theaterpraktiken im Besonderen stehen in enger Wechselwirkung mit den sozialen, politischen und geistesgeschichtlichen Gegebenheiten einer Zeit. Erscheinungsformen theatralen Handelns im Kontext der konkreten gesellschaftshistorischen Bedingungen bilden denn auch den Untersuchungsgegenstand dieser quellennahen Studie. Vier Schwerpunktkapitel behandeln je eine Theaterform, die den Untersuchungszeitraum in besonderem Masse prägten: Reisende Theatergesellschaften, Liebhabertheater, Schauereignisse des Äusseren Stands sowie historische Festzüge und Festspiele. In der Schweiz, die keine Königshöfe oder Fürstenresidenzen kannte, gehörten die reisenden Theatergesellschaften zu den wichtigsten Akteuren im Berufstheaterwesen. Der komplizierte obrigkeitliche Verwaltungsapparat, dem sich die fremden Theatertruppen stellen mussten, das Zusammenleben in der städtischen Gemeinschaft und die bunte Palette des theatralen Unterhaltungsangebots werden in einem ersten Teil anhand exemplarischer Beispiele vorgestellt. Während das professionelle Theaterschaffen im Berichtszeitraum weitgehend von ausländischen Kräften getragen wurde, pflegte die einheimische Bevölkerung mehrheitlich die dilettierende Kunstausübung. Im Unterschied zum gewerbsmässig betriebenen Theater genoss das Liebhabertheater ein weit höheres Sozialprestige. Die vielfältigen Ausformungen der bernischen Laientheaterkultur sind Gegenstand des zweiten Kapitels, wobei der Bogen gespannt wird von der Salongeselligkeit des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zum Vereinstheaterwesen des 19. Jahrhunderts. Eine interessante Facette des sozialen Rollenspiels wird in den Aktionen des Äusseren Standes nachgewiesen, einer Vereinigung junger Patriziersöhne, die sich mit fiktiven Regierungssitzungen, Gerichtsverhandlungen und farbenprächtigen Umzügen, auf ihre künftige Magistratsrolle vorbereiteten. Die Institution des Äusseren Stands und die von ihr organisierten Schauereignisse stehen ziemlich exzeptionell in der schweizerischen, ja sogar in der europäischen Theaterlandschaft da. Für das Nationalbewusstsein und das Selbstverständnis des 1848 gegründeten Schweizer Bundesstaats waren die historischen Festzüge und Festspiele von besonderer Bedeutung. Die Stadt Bern setzte mit ihrer monumental aufgezogenen Gründungsfeier im Jahre 1891 Massstäbe. Die Wirkungsästhetik der Festspielinszenierung beruhte im Wesentlichen auf einer präzisen Choreographie der Masse und der eigens zu diesem Anlass komponierten Musik. Die Rezeptionsbelege zeugen durchweg von einer gefühlsmässigen Überwältigung des Publikums. Die nicht nur für Bern typische Festspieleuphorie des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts war eine Antwort auf die von vielen Zeitgenossen als brüchig empfundene Lebenswirklichkeit. Die Autorin liefert mit ihrer Studie zum Theater in Bern eine facettenreiche Darstellung der einzelnen Theaterformen, benennt Akteure, Zuschauer und Interessenvertreter, beschreibt die Spielstätten und die Aufführungspraxis, situiert die szenischen Vorgänge im historischen Kontext und fragt nach den Funktionen, die sie erfüllten. Auf diese Weise entfaltet sich ein einzigartiges kulturgeschichtliches Panorama einer reformierten Stadt der Eidgenossenschaft im Übergang vom 18. ins 19. Jahrhundert. Es gelingt der Autorin, ein anschauliches Bild der vielfältigen Theaterlandschaft der Stadt Bern von 1700-1900 zu zeichnen und vor dem Hintergrund der gesellschaftspolitischen Bedingungen die Kontinuitäten, Brüche und Besonderheiten im bernischen Theatralitätsgefüge sichtbar zu machen. Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts »Berner Theatergeschichte« des Instituts für Theaterwissenschaft Bern und der Schweizerischen Theatersammlung. Die Historikerin und Theaterwissenschaftlerin Susanna Tschui promovierte mit dieser Arbeit an der Universität Bern. Sie ist als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Archiv- und Museumswesen tätig.


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AIM We investigated the association between angiographically verified coronary artery disease (CAD) and subgingival Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola. MATERIALS AND METHODS The cross-sectional study population (n = 445) comprised 171 (38.4%) patients with Stable CAD, 158 (35.5%) with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and 116 (26.1%) with no significant CAD (No CAD). All patients participated in clinical and radiological oral health examinations. Pooled subgingival bacterial samples were analysed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization assays. RESULTS In all study groups, the presence of P. gingivalis, T. forsythia and T. denticola indicated a significant (p ≤ 0.001) linear association with the extent of alveolar bone loss (ABL), but A. actinomycetemcomitans did not (p = 0.074). With a threshold level of bacterial cells 1 × 10(5) A. actinomycetemcomitans was significantly more prevalent in the Stable CAD group (42.1%) compared to the No CAD group (30.2%) (p = 0.040). In a multi-adjusted logistic regression analysis using this threshold, A. actinomycetemcomitans positivity associated with Stable CAD (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.00-3.35, p = 0.049), but its level or levels of other bacteria did not. CONCLUSIONS The presence of subgingival A. actinomycetemcomitans associates with an almost twofold risk of Stable CAD independently of alveolar bone loss.


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BACKGROUND Patients with prior coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) who present with an acute coronary syndrome have a high risk for recurrent events. Whether intensive antiplatelet therapy with ticagrelor might be beneficial compared with clopidogrel is unknown. In this substudy of the PLATO trial, we studied the effects of randomized treatment dependent on history of CABG. METHODS Patients participating in PLATO were classified according to whether they had undergone prior CABG. The trial's primary and secondary end points were compared using Cox proportional hazards regression. RESULTS Of the 18,613 study patients, 1,133 (6.1%) had prior CABG. Prior-CABG patients had more high-risk characteristics at study entry and a 2-fold increase in clinical events during follow-up, but less major bleeding. The primary end point (composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke) was reduced to a similar extent by ticagrelor among patients with (19.6% vs 21.4%; adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 0.91 [0.67, 1.24]) and without (9.2% vs 11.0%; adjusted HR, 0.86 [0.77, 0.96]; P(interaction) = .73) prior CABG. Major bleeding was similar with ticagrelor versus clopidogrel among patients with (8.1% vs 8.7%; adjusted HR, 0.89 [0.55, 1.47]) and without (11.8% vs 11.4%; HR, 1.08 [0.98, 1.20]; P(interaction) = .46) prior CABG. CONCLUSIONS Prior-CABG patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome are a high-risk cohort for death and recurrent cardiovascular events but have a lower risk for major bleeding. Similar to the results in no-prior-CABG patients, ticagrelor was associated with a reduction in ischemic events without an increase in major bleeding.