57 resultados para Human Genome Project.


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The transient receptor potential channel (TRP) family comprises at least 28 genes in the human genome. These channels are widely expressed in many different tissues, including those of the cardiovascular system. The transient receptor potential channel melastatin 4 (TRPM4) is a Ca(2+)-activated non-specific cationic channel, which is impermeable to Ca(2+). TRPM4 is expressed in many cells of the cardiovascular system, such as cardiac cells of the conduction pathway and arterial and venous smooth muscle cells. This review article summarizes the recently described roles of TRPM4 in normal physiology and in various disease states. Genetic variants in the human gene TRPM4 have been linked to several cardiac conduction disorders. TRPM4 has also been proposed to play a crucial role in secondary hemorrhage following spinal cord injuries. Spontaneously hypertensive rats with cardiac hypertrophy were shown to over-express the cardiac TRPM4 channel. Recent studies suggest that TRPM4 plays an important role in cardiovascular physiology and disease, even if most of the molecular and cellular mechanisms have yet to be elucidated. We conclude this review article with a brief overview of the compounds that have been shown to either inhibit or activate TRPM4 under experimental conditions. Based on recent findings, the TRPM4 channel can be proposed as a future target for the pharmacological treatment of cardiovascular disorders, such as hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias.


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Background Levels of differentiation among populations depend both on demographic and selective factors: genetic drift and local adaptation increase population differentiation, which is eroded by gene flow and balancing selection. We describe here the genomic distribution and the properties of genomic regions with unusually high and low levels of population differentiation in humans to assess the influence of selective and neutral processes on human genetic structure. Methods Individual SNPs of the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP) showing significantly high or low levels of population differentiation were detected under a hierarchical-island model (HIM). A Hidden Markov Model allowed us to detect genomic regions or islands of high or low population differentiation. Results Under the HIM, only 1.5% of all SNPs are significant at the 1% level, but their genomic spatial distribution is significantly non-random. We find evidence that local adaptation shaped high-differentiation islands, as they are enriched for non-synonymous SNPs and overlap with previously identified candidate regions for positive selection. Moreover there is a negative relationship between the size of islands and recombination rate, which is stronger for islands overlapping with genes. Gene ontology analysis supports the role of diet as a major selective pressure in those highly differentiated islands. Low-differentiation islands are also enriched for non-synonymous SNPs, and contain an overly high proportion of genes belonging to the 'Oncogenesis' biological process. Conclusions Even though selection seems to be acting in shaping islands of high population differentiation, neutral demographic processes might have promoted the appearance of some genomic islands since i) as much as 20% of islands are in non-genic regions ii) these non-genic islands are on average two times shorter than genic islands, suggesting a more rapid erosion by recombination, and iii) most loci are strongly differentiated between Africans and non-Africans, a result consistent with known human demographic history.


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A genetic linkage map of the horse consisting of 742 markers, which comprises a single linkage group for each of the autosomes and the X chromosome, is presented. The map has been generated from two three-generation full-sibling reference families, sired by the same stallion, in which there are 61 individuals in the F2 generation. Each linkage group has been assigned to a chromosome and oriented with reference to markers mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The average interval between markers is 3.7 cM and the linkage groups collectively span 2772 cM. The 742 markers comprise 734 microsatellite and 8 gene-based markers. The utility of the microsatellite markers for comparative mapping has been significantly enhanced by comparing their flanking sequences with the human genome sequence; this enabled conserved segments between human and horse to be identified. The new map provides a valuable resource for genetically mapping traits of interest in the horse.


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Hepatic fibrosis is the response to chronic injury from viral, toxic, metabolic, cholestatic, or autoimmune liver injury. However, only a minority of affected individuals develop advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis, suggesting that modifiers determine the individual risk. Aside from well-established progression factors including gender, duration of exposure to the disease, and ethnicity, unknown host genetic factors are likely to influence disease progression and prognosis. Potential genetic susceptibility loci are single nucleotide polymorphisms in fibrosis-associated genes, point mutations, microsatellites, and haplotype blocks composed of genes pivotal for fibrosis development. However, the study of complex polygenetic diseases poses numerous pitfalls in contrast to the elucidation of monogenetic (i.e., Mendelian) diseases. Many publications on the role of certain genetic variants in modulating the progression of hepatic fibrosis have been limited by inadequate study design and low statistical power. At present, powerful research strategies are being developed that allow the application of knowledge derived from the successful sequencing of the human genome that will help to translate our newly acquired insight into practical improvements for research activities and medical practice.


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BACKGROUND: Duplications and deletions in the human genome can cause disease or predispose persons to disease. Advances in technologies to detect these changes allow for the routine identification of submicroscopic imbalances in large numbers of patients. METHODS: We tested for the presence of microdeletions and microduplications at a specific region of chromosome 1q21.1 in two groups of patients with unexplained mental retardation, autism, or congenital anomalies and in unaffected persons. RESULTS: We identified 25 persons with a recurrent 1.35-Mb deletion within 1q21.1 from screening 5218 patients. The microdeletions had arisen de novo in eight patients, were inherited from a mildly affected parent in three patients, were inherited from an apparently unaffected parent in six patients, and were of unknown inheritance in eight patients. The deletion was absent in a series of 4737 control persons (P=1.1x10(-7)). We found considerable variability in the level of phenotypic expression of the microdeletion; phenotypes included mild-to-moderate mental retardation, microcephaly, cardiac abnormalities, and cataracts. The reciprocal duplication was enriched in nine children with mental retardation or autism spectrum disorder and other variable features (P=0.02). We identified three deletions and three duplications of the 1q21.1 region in an independent sample of 788 patients with mental retardation and congenital anomalies. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified recurrent molecular lesions that elude syndromic classification and whose disease manifestations must be considered in a broader context of development as opposed to being assigned to a specific disease. Clinical diagnosis in patients with these lesions may be most readily achieved on the basis of genotype rather than phenotype.


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Estradiol and progesterone are crucial for the acquisition of receptivity and the change in transcriptional activity of target genes in the implantation window. The aim of this study was to differentiate the regulation of genes in the endometrium of patients with recurrent implantation failure (IF) versus those who became pregnant after in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Moreover, the effect of embryo-derived factors on endometrial transcriptional activity was studied. Nine women with known IVF outcome (IF, M, miscarriage, OP, ongoing pregnancy) and undergoing hysteroscopy with endometrial biopsy were enrolled. Biopsies were taken during the midluteal phase. After culture in the presence of embryo-conditioned IVF media, total RNA was extracted and submitted to reverse transcription, target cDNA synthesis, biotin labelling, fragmentation and hybridization using the Affymetrix Human Genome U133A 2.0 Chip. Differential expression of selected genes was re-analysed by quantitative PCR, in which the results were calculated as threshold cycle differences between the groups and normalized to Glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase and beta-actin. Differences were seen for several genes from endometrial tissue between the IF and the pregnancy groups, and when comparing OP with M, 1875 up- and 1807 down-regulated genes were returned. Real-time PCR analysis confirmed up-regulation for somatostatin, PLAP-2, mucin 4 and CD163, and down-regulation of glycodelin, IL-24, CD69, leukaemia inhibitory factor and prolactin receptor between Op and M. When the different embryo-conditioned media were compared, no significant differential regulation could be demonstrated. Although microarray profiling may currently not be sensitive enough for studying the effects of embryo-derived factors on the endometrium, the observed differences in gene expression between M and OP suggest that it will become an interesting tool for the identification of fertility-relevant markers produced by the endometrium.


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The field of transport biology has steadily grown over the past decade and is now recognized as playing an important role in manifestation and treatment of disease. The SLC (solute carrier) gene series has grown to now include 52 families and 395 transporter genes in the human genome. A list of these genes can be found at the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) website (see www.genenames.org/genefamilies/SLC). This special issue features mini-reviews for each of these SLC families written by the experts in each field. The existing online resource for solute carriers, the Bioparadigms SLC Tables (www.bioparadigms.org), has been updated and significantly extended with additional information and cross-links to other relevant databases, and the nomenclature used in this database has been validated and approved by the HGNC. In addition, the Bioparadigms SLC Tables functionality has been improved to allow easier access by the scientific community. This introduction includes: an overview of all known SLC and "non-SLC" transporter genes; a list of transporters of water soluble vitamins; a summary of recent progress in the structure determination of transporters (including GLUT1/SLC2A1); roles of transporters in human diseases and roles in drug approval and pharmaceutical perspectives.


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Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have a multilineage differentiation potential and provide immunosuppressive and antimicrobial functions. Murine as well as human MSCs restrict the proliferation of T cells. However, species-specific differences in the underlying molecular mechanisms have been described. Here, we analyzed the antiparasitic effector mechanisms active in murine MSCs. Murine MSCs, in contrast to human MSCs, could not restrict the growth of a highly virulent strain of Toxoplasma gondii (BK) after stimulation with IFN-γ. However, the growth of a type II strain of T. gondii (ME49) was strongly inhibited by IFN-γ-activated murine MSCs. Immunity-related GTPases (IRGs) as well as guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs) contributed to this antiparasitic effect. Further analysis showed that IFN-γ-activated mMSCs also inhibit the growth of Neospora caninum, a parasite belonging to the apicomplexan group as well. Detailed studies with murine IFN-γ-activated MSC indicated an involvement in IRGs like Irga6, Irgb6 and Irgd in the inhibition of N. caninum. Additional data showed that, furthermore, GBPs like mGBP1 and mGBP2 could have played a role in the anti-N. caninum effect of murine MSCs. These data underline that MSCs, in addition to their regenerative and immunosuppressive activity, function as antiparasitic effector cells as well. However, IRGs are not present in the human genome, indicating a species-specific difference in anti-T. gondii and anti-N. caninum effect between human and murine MSCs.


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BACKGROUND It is unknown why patients with extensive ulcerative colitis (UC) have a higher risk of colorectal cancer compared with patients with left-sided UC. This study characterizes the inflammatory processes in left-sided UC, pancolitis, and UC-associated dysplasia at the transcriptional level to identify potential biomarkers and transcripts of importance for the carcinogenic behavior of chronic inflammation. METHODS The Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 was applied on colonic biopsies from UC patients with left-sided UC, pancolitis, dysplasia, and controls. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry were performed for validating selected transcripts in the initial cohort and in 2 independent cohorts of patients with UC. Microarray data were analyzed by principal component analysis, and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry data by the Wilcoxon's rank-sum test. RESULTS The principal component analysis results revealed separate clusters for left-sided UC, pancolitis, dysplasia, and controls. Close clustering of dysplastic and pancolitic samples indicated similarities in gene expression. Indeed, 101 and 656 parallel upregulated and downregulated transcripts, respectively, were identified in specimens from dysplasia and pancolitis. Validation of selected transcripts hereof identified insulin receptor alpha (INSRA) and MAP kinase interacting serine/threonine kinase 2 (MKNK2) with an enhanced expression in dysplasia compared with left-sided UC and controls, whereas laminin γ2 (LAMC2) was found with a lower expression in dysplasia compared with the remaining 3 groups. CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates pancolitis and left-sided UC as distinct inflammatory processes at the transcriptional level, and identifies INSRA, MKNK2, and LAMC2 as potential critical transcripts in the inflammation-driven preneoplastic process of UC.


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The following, from the 12th OESO World Conference: Cancers of the Esophagus, includes commentaries on approaches to the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of esophageal cancer in Europe, South Africa, Kenya, Australia, and China; the molecular classification of esophageal cancers (including cancers at the gastroesophageal junction); the Japanese classification; the scope of the Human Variome Project; and the topographic-anatomic subclassification of adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction.


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Mortality owing to liver cancer has increased in the past 20 years, and the latest estimates indicate that the global health burden of this disease will continue to grow. Most patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are still diagnosed at intermediate or advanced disease stages, where curative approaches are often not feasible. Among the treatment options available, the molecular targeted agent sorafenib is able to significantly increase overall survival in these patients. Thereafter, up to seven large, randomized phase III clinical trials investigating other molecular therapies in the first-line and second-line settings have failed to improve on the results observed with this agent. Potential reasons for this include intertumour heterogeneity, issues with trial design and a lack of predictive biomarkers of response. During the past 5 years, substantial advances in our knowledge of the human genome have provided a comprehensive picture of commonly mutated genes in patients with HCC. This knowledge has not yet influenced clinical decision-making or current clinical practice guidelines. In this Review the authors summarize the molecular concepts of progression, discuss the potential reasons for clinical trial failure and propose new concepts of drug development, which might lead to clinical implementation of emerging targeted agents.


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The domestic dog offers a unique opportunity to explore the genetic basis of disease, morphology and behaviour. Humans share many diseases with our canine companions, making dogs an ideal model organism for comparative disease genetics. Using newly developed resources, genome-wide association studies in dog breeds are proving to be exceptionally powerful. Towards this aim, veterinarians and geneticists from 12 European countries are collaborating to collect and analyse the DNA from large cohorts of dogs suffering from a range of carefully defined diseases of relevance to human health. This project, named LUPA, has already delivered considerable results. The consortium has collaborated to develop a new high density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. Mutations for four monogenic diseases have been identified and the information has been utilised to find mutations in human patients. Several complex diseases have been mapped and fine mapping is underway. These findings should ultimately lead to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying complex diseases in both humans and their best friend.


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BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus, a leading cause of chronic or acute infections, is traditionally considered an extracellular pathogen despite repeated reports of S. aureus internalization by a variety of non-myeloid cells in vitro. This property potentially contributes to bacterial persistence, protection from antibiotics and evasion of immune defenses. Mechanisms contributing to internalization have been partly elucidated, but bacterial processes triggered intracellularly are largely unknown. RESULTS: We have developed an in vitro model using human lung epithelial cells that shows intracellular bacterial persistence for up to 2 weeks. Using an original approach we successfully collected and amplified low amounts of bacterial RNA recovered from infected eukaryotic cells. Transcriptomic analysis using an oligoarray covering the whole S. aureus genome was performed at two post-internalization times and compared to gene expression of non-internalized bacteria. No signs of cellular death were observed after prolonged internalization of Staphylococcus aureus 6850 in epithelial cells. Following internalization, extensive alterations of bacterial gene expression were observed. Whereas major metabolic pathways including cell division, nutrient transport and regulatory processes were drastically down-regulated, numerous genes involved in iron scavenging and virulence were up-regulated. This initial adaptation was followed by a transcriptional increase in several metabolic functions. However, expression of several toxin genes known to affect host cell integrity appeared strictly limited. CONCLUSION: These molecular insights correlated with phenotypic observations and demonstrated that S. aureus modulates gene expression at early times post infection to promote survival. Staphylococcus aureus appears adapted to intracellular survival in non-phagocytic cells.