24 resultados para Hill equation
The present study investigated the association between individual differences in sociosexual orientation and four aspects of body image in 156 male and 136 female students. While men were characterized by a less restricted sociosexual orientation, higher self-perceived physical attractiveness, and more pronounced self-rated physical assertiveness, women placed more emphasis on accentuation of body presentation. Structural equation modeling revealed significant positive relationships between sociosexual attitudes and physical attractiveness and accentuation of body presentation as well as between sociosexual behavior and physical attractiveness for the total sample. When introducing sex as a grouping variable, the attitudinal and behavioral components of sociosexuality were reliably related to both physical attractiveness and accentuation of body presentation as two aspects of body image in men, but not in women. Furthermore, our findings suggest that accentuation of body presentation represents a goal-directed behavior in men to increase the likelihood of having uncommitted sex but serves additional functions widely unrelated to unrestrictive sociosexual behavior in women.
In the last century, several mathematical models have been developed to calculate blood ethanol concentrations (BAC) from the amount of ingested ethanol and vice versa. The most common one in the field of forensic sciences is Widmark's equation. A drinking experiment with 10 voluntary test persons was performed with a target BAC of 1.2 g/kg estimated using Widmark's equation as well as Watson's factor. The ethanol concentrations in the blood were measured using headspace gas chromatography/flame ionization and additionally with an alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH)-based method. In a healthy 75-year-old man a distinct discrepancy between the intended and the determined blood ethanol concentration was observed. A blood ethanol concentration of 1.83 g/kg was measured and the man showed signs of intoxication. A possible explanation for the discrepancy is a reduction of the total body water content in older people. The incident showed that caution is advised when using the different mathematical models in aged people. When estimating ethanol concentrations, caution is recommended with calculated results due to potential discrepancies between mathematical models and biological systems
Species coexistence has been a fundamental issue to understand ecosystem functioning since the beginnings of ecology as a science. The search of a reliable and all-encompassing explanation for this issue has become a complex goal with several apparently opposing trends. On the other side, seemingly unconnected with species coexistence, an ecological state equation based on the inverse correlation between an indicator of dispersal that fits gamma distribution and species diversity has been recently developed. This article explores two factors, whose effects are inconspicuous in such an equation at the first sight, that are used to develop an alternative general theoretical background in order to provide a better understanding of species coexistence. Our main outcomes are: (i) the fit of dispersal and diversity values to gamma distribution is an important factor that promotes species coexistence mainly due to the right-skewed character of gamma distribution; (ii) the opposite correlation between species diversity and dispersal implies that any increase of diversity is equivalent to a route of “ecological cooling” whose maximum limit should be constrained by the influence of the third law of thermodynamics; this is in agreement with the well-known asymptotic trend of diversity values in space and time; (iii) there are plausible empirical and theoretical ways to apply physical principles to explain important ecological processes; (iv) the gap between theoretical and empirical ecology in those cases where species diversity is paradoxically high could be narrowed by a wave model of species coexistence based on the concurrency of local equilibrium states. In such a model, competitive exclusion has a limited but indispensable role in harmonious coexistence with functional redundancy. We analyze several literature references as well as ecological and evolutionary examples that support our approach, reinforcing the meaning equivalence between important physical and ecological principles.
We study the relativistic version of the Schrödinger equation for a point particle in one dimension with the potential of the first derivative of the delta function. The momentum cutoff regularization is used to study the bound state and scattering states. The initial calculations show that the reciprocal of the bare coupling constant is ultraviolet divergent, and the resultant expression cannot be renormalized in the usual sense, where the divergent terms can just be omitted. Therefore, a general procedure has been developed to derive different physical properties of the system. The procedure is used first in the nonrelativistic case for the purpose of clarification and comparisons. For the relativistic case, the results show that this system behaves exactly like the delta function potential, which means that this system also shares features with quantum filed theories, like being asymptotically free. In addition, in the massless limit, it undergoes dimensional transmutation, and it possesses an infrared conformal fixed point. The comparison of the solution with the relativistic delta function potential solution shows evidence of universality.
Systematic consideration of scientific support is a critical element in developing and, ultimately, using adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) for various regulatory applications. Though weight of evidence (WoE) analysis has been proposed as a basis for assessment of the maturity and level of confidence in an AOP, methodologies and tools are still being formalized. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Users' Handbook Supplement to the Guidance Document for Developing and Assessing AOPs (OECD 2014a; hereafter referred to as the OECD AOP Handbook) provides tailored Bradford-Hill (BH) considerations for systematic assessment of confidence in a given AOP. These considerations include (1) biological plausibility and (2) empirical support (dose-response, temporality, and incidence) for Key Event Relationships (KERs), and (3) essentiality of key events (KEs). Here, we test the application of these tailored BH considerations and the guidance outlined in the OECD AOP Handbook using a number of case examples to increase experience in more transparently documenting rationales for assigned levels of confidence to KEs and KERs, and to promote consistency in evaluation within and across AOPs. The major lessons learned from experience are documented, and taken together with the case examples, should contribute to better common understanding of the nature and form of documentation required to increase confidence in the application of AOPs for specific uses. Based on the tailored BH considerations and defining questions, a prototype quantitative model for assessing the WoE of an AOP using tools of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is described. The applicability of the approach is also demonstrated using the case example aromatase inhibition leading to reproductive dysfunction in fish. Following the acquisition of additional experience in the development and assessment of AOPs, further refinement of parameterization of the model through expert elicitation is recommended. Overall, the application of quantitative WoE approaches hold promise to enhance the rigor, transparency and reproducibility for AOP WoE determinations and may play an important role in delineating areas where research would have the greatest impact on improving the overall confidence in the AOP.