42 resultados para HEK293


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BACKGROUND: Increased activity of single ventricular L-type Ca(2+)-channels (L-VDCC) is a hallmark in human heart failure. Recent findings suggest differential modulation by several auxiliary beta-subunits as a possible explanation. METHODS AND RESULTS: By molecular and functional analyses of human and murine ventricles, we find that enhanced L-VDCC activity is accompanied by altered expression pattern of auxiliary L-VDCC beta-subunit gene products. In HEK293-cells we show differential modulation of single L-VDCC activity by coexpression of several human cardiac beta-subunits: Unlike beta(1) or beta(3) isoforms, beta(2a) and beta(2b) induce a high-activity channel behavior typical of failing myocytes. In accordance, beta(2)-subunit mRNA and protein are up-regulated in failing human myocardium. In a model of heart failure we find that mice overexpressing the human cardiac Ca(V)1.2 also reveal increased single-channel activity and sarcolemmal beta(2) expression when entering into the maladaptive stage of heart failure. Interestingly, these animals, when still young and non-failing ("Adaptive Phase"), reveal the opposite phenotype, viz: reduced single-channel activity accompanied by lowered beta(2) expression. Additional evidence for the cause-effect relationship between beta(2)-subunit expression and single L-VDCC activity is provided by newly engineered, double-transgenic mice bearing both constitutive Ca(V)1.2 and inducible beta(2) cardiac overexpression. Here in non-failing hearts induction of beta(2)-subunit overexpression mimicked the increase of single L-VDCC activity observed in murine and human chronic heart failure. CONCLUSIONS: Our study presents evidence of the pathobiochemical relevance of beta(2)-subunits for the electrophysiological phenotype of cardiac L-VDCC and thus provides an explanation for the single L-VDCC gating observed in human and murine heart failure.


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L-type calcium channels are composed of a pore, alpha1c (Ca(V)1.2), and accessory beta- and alpha2delta-subunits. The beta-subunit core structure was recently resolved at high resolution, providing important information on many functional aspects of channel modulation. In this study we reveal differential novel effects of five beta2-subunits isoforms expressed in human heart (beta(2a-e)) on the single L-type calcium channel current. These splice variants differ only by amino-terminal length and amino acid composition. Single-channel modulation by beta2-subunit isoforms was investigated in HEK293 cells expressing the recombinant L-type ion conducting pore. All beta2-subunits increased open probability, availability, and peak current with a highly consistent rank order (beta2a approximately = beta2b > beta2e approximately = beta2c > beta2d). We show graded modulation of some transition rates within and between deep-closed and inactivated states. The extent of modulation correlates strongly with the length of amino-terminal domains. Two mutant beta2-subunits that imitate the natural span related to length confirm this conclusion. The data show that the length of amino termini is a relevant physiological mechanism for channel closure and inactivation, and that natural alternative splicing exploits this principle for modulation of the gating properties of calcium channels.


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Two bombesin analogs, Demobesin 4 and Demobesin 1, were characterized in vitro as gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptor agonist and antagonist, respectively, and were compared as (99m)Tc-labeled ligands for their in vitro and in vivo tumor-targeting properties. METHODS: N(4)-[Pro(1),Tyr(4),Nle(14)]Bombesin (Demobesin 4) and N(4)-[d-Phe(6),Leu-NHEt(13),des-Met(14)]bombesin(6-14) (Demobesin 1) were characterized in vitro for their binding properties with GRP receptor autoradiography using GRP receptor-transfected HEK293 cells, PC3 cells, and human prostate cancer specimens. Their ability to modulate calcium mobilization in PC3 and transfected HEK293 cells was analyzed as well as their ability to trigger internalization of the GRP receptor in transfected HEK293 cells, as determined qualitatively by immunofluorescence microscopy and quantitatively by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Further, their internalization properties as (99m)Tc-labeled radioligands were tested in vitro in both cell lines. Finally, their biodistribution was analyzed in PC3 tumor-bearing mice. RESULTS: A comparable binding affinity with the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) in the nanomolar range was measured for Demobesin 4 and Demobesin 1 in all tested tissues. Demobesin 4 behaved as an agonist by strongly stimulating calcium mobilization and by triggering GRP receptor internalization. Demobesin 1 was ineffective in stimulating calcium mobilization and in triggering GRP receptor internalization. However, in these assays, it behaved as a competitive antagonist as it reversed completely the agonist-induced effects in both systems. (99m)Tc-Labeled Demobesin 1 was only weakly taken up by PC3 cells or GRP receptor-transfected HEK293 cells (10% and 5%, respectively, of total added radioactivity) compared with (99m)Tc-labeled Demobesin 4 (45% of total added radioactivity in both cell lines). Remarkably, the biodistribution study revealed a much more pronounced uptake at 1, 4, and 24 h after injection of (99m)Tc-labeled Demobesin 1 in vivo into PC3 tumors than (99m)Tc-labeled Demobesin 4. In vivo competition experiments demonstrated a specific uptake in PC3 tumors and in physiologic GRP receptor-expressing tissues. The tumor-to-kidney ratios were 0.7 for Demobesin 4 and 5.2 for Demobesin 1 at 4 h. CONCLUSION: This comparative in vitro/in vivo study with Demobesin 1 and Demobesin 4 indicates that GRP receptor antagonists may be superior targeting agents to GRP receptor agonists, suggesting a change of paradigm in the field of bombesin radiopharmaceuticals.


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The annexins are a family of Ca(2+)- and phospholipid-binding proteins, which interact with membranes upon increase of [Ca(2+)](i) or during cytoplasmic acidification. The transient nature of the membrane binding of annexins complicates the study of their influence on intracellular processes. To address the function of annexins at the plasma membrane (PM), we fused fluorescent protein-tagged annexins A6, A1, and A2 with H- and K-Ras membrane anchors. Stable PM localization of membrane-anchored annexin A6 significantly decreased the store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE), but did not influence the rates of Ca(2+) extrusion. This attenuation was specific for annexin A6 because PM-anchored annexins A1 and A2 did not alter SOCE. Membrane association of annexin A6 was necessary for a measurable decrease of SOCE, because cytoplasmic annexin A6 had no effect on Ca(2+) entry as long as [Ca(2+)](i) was below the threshold of annexin A6-membrane translocation. However, when [Ca(2+)](i) reached the levels necessary for the Ca(2+)-dependent PM association of ectopically expressed wild-type annexin A6, SOCE was also inhibited. Conversely, knockdown of the endogenous annexin A6 in HEK293 cells resulted in an elevated Ca(2+) entry. Constitutive PM localization of annexin A6 caused a rearrangement and accumulation of F-actin at the PM, indicating a stabilized cortical cytoskeleton. Consistent with these findings, disruption of the actin cytoskeleton using latrunculin A abolished the inhibitory effect of PM-anchored annexin A6 on SOCE. In agreement with the inhibitory effect of annexin A6 on SOCE, constitutive PM localization of annexin A6 inhibited cell proliferation. Taken together, our results implicate annexin A6 in the actin-dependent regulation of Ca(2+) entry, with consequences for the rates of cell proliferation.


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Renal reabsorption of inorganic phosphate (P(i)) is mainly mediated by the Na(+)-dependent P(i)-cotransporter NaPi-IIa that is expressed in the brush-border membrane (BBM) of renal proximal tubules. Regulation and apical expression of NaPi-IIa are known to depend on a network of interacting proteins. Most of the interacting partners identified so far associate with the COOH-terminal PDZ-binding motif (TRL) of NaPi-IIa. In this study GABA(A) receptor-associated protein (GABARAP) was identified as a novel interacting partner of NaPi-IIa applying a membrane yeast-two-hybrid system (MYTH 2.0) to screen a mouse kidney library with the TRL-truncated cotransporter as bait. GABARAP mRNA and protein are present in renal tubules, and the interaction of NaPi-IIa and GABARAP was confirmed by using glutathione S-transferase pulldowns from BBM and coimmunoprecipitations from transfected HEK293 cells. Amino acids 36-68 of GABARAP were identified as the determinant for the described interaction. The in vivo effects of this interaction were studied in a murine model. GABARAP(-/-) mice have reduced urinary excretion of P(i), higher Na(+)-dependent (32)P(i) uptake in BBM vesicles, and increased expression of NaPi-IIa in renal BBM compared with GABARAP(+/+) mice. The expression of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger regulatory factor (NHERF)1, an important scaffold for the apical expression of NaPi-IIa, is also increased in GABARAP(-/-) mice. The absence of GABARAP does not interfere with the regulation of the cotransporter by either parathyroid hormone or acute changes of dietary P(i) content.


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The SNTA1-encoded α1-syntrophin (SNTA1) missense mutation, p.A257G, causes long QT syndrome (LQTS) by pathogenic accentuation of Nav1.5's sodium current (I Na). Subsequently, we found p.A257G in combination with the SNTA1 polymorphism, p.P74L in 4 victims of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as well as in 3 adult controls. We hypothesized that p.P74L-SNTA1 could functionally modify the pathogenic phenotype of p.A257G-SNTA1, thus explaining its occurrence in non-LQTS populations. The SNTA1 variants p.P74L, p.A257G, and the combination variant p.P74L/p.A257G were engineered using PCR-based overlap-extension and were co-expressed heterologously with SCN5A in HEK293 cells. I Na was recorded using the whole-cell method. Compared to wild-type (WT), the significant increase in peak I Na and window current found with p.A257G was reversed by the intragenic variant p.P74L (p.P74L/p.A257G). These results report for the first time the intragenic rescue of an LQT-associated SNTA1 mutation when found in combination with the SNTA1 polymorphism p.P74L, suggesting an ever-increasing picture of complexity in terms of genetic risk stratification for arrhythmia.


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BACKGROUND Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a leading cause of death during the first 6 months after birth. About 5% to 10% of SIDS may stem from cardiac channelopathies such as long-QT syndrome. We recently implicated mutations in alpha1-syntrophin (SNTA1) as a novel cause of long-QT syndrome, whereby mutant SNTA1 released inhibition of associated neuronal nitric oxide synthase by the plasma membrane Ca-ATPase PMCA4b, causing increased peak and late sodium current (I(Na)) via S-nitrosylation of the cardiac sodium channel. This study determined the prevalence and functional properties of SIDS-associated SNTA1 mutations. METHODS AND RESULTS Using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and DNA sequencing of SNTA1's open reading frame, 6 rare (absent in 800 reference alleles) missense mutations (G54R, P56S, T262P, S287R, T372M, and G460S) were identified in 8 (approximately 3%) of 292 SIDS cases. These mutations were engineered using polymerase chain reaction-based overlap extension and were coexpressed heterologously with SCN5A, neuronal nitric oxide synthase, and PMCA4b in HEK293 cells. I(Na) was recorded using the whole-cell method. A significant 1.4- to 1.5-fold increase in peak I(Na) and 2.3- to 2.7-fold increase in late I(Na) compared with controls was evident for S287R-, T372M-, and G460S-SNTA1 and was reversed by a neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. These 3 mutations also caused a significant depolarizing shift in channel inactivation, thereby increasing the overlap of the activation and inactivation curves to increase window current. CONCLUSIONS Abnormal biophysical phenotypes implicate mutations in SNTA1 as a novel pathogenic mechanism for the subset of channelopathic SIDS. Functional studies are essential to distinguish pathogenic perturbations in channel interacting proteins such as alpha1-syntrophin from similarly rare but innocuous ones.


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BACKGROUND Functional characterization of mutations involving the SCN5A-encoded cardiac sodium channel has established the pathogenic mechanisms for type 3 long QT syndrome and type 1 Brugada syndrome and has provided key insights into the physiological importance of essential structure-function domains. OBJECTIVE This study sought to present the clinical and biophysical phenotypes discerned from compound heterozygosity mutations in SCN5A on different alleles in a toddler diagnosed with QT prolongation and fever-induced ventricular arrhythmias. METHODS A 22-month-old boy presented emergently with fever and refractory ventricular tachycardia. Despite restoration of sinus rhythm, the infant sustained profound neurological injury and died. Using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and direct DNA sequencing, comprehensive open-reading frame/splice mutational analysis of the 12 known long QT syndrome susceptibility genes was performed. RESULTS The infant had 2 SCN5A mutations: a maternally inherited N-terminal frame shift/deletion (R34fs/60) and a paternally inherited missense mutation, R1195H. The mutations were engineered by site-directed mutagenesis and heterologously expressed transiently in HEK293 cells. As expected, the frame-shifted and prematurely truncated peptide, SCN5A-R34fs/60, showed no current. SCN5A-R1195H had normal peak and late current but abnormal voltage-dependent gating parameters. Surprisingly, co-expression of SCN5A-R34fs/60 with SCN5A-R1195H elicited a significant increase in late sodium current, whereas co-expression of SCN5A-WT with SCN5A-R34fs/60 did not. CONCLUSIONS A severe clinical phenotype characterized by fever-induced monomorphic ventricular tachycardia and QT interval prolongation emerged in a toddler with compound heterozygosity involving SCN5A: R34fs/60, and R1195H. Unexpectedly, the 94-amino-acid fusion peptide derived from the R34fs/60 mutation accentuated the late sodium current of R1195H-containing Na(V)1.5 channels in vitro.


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BACKGROUND Congenital long-QT syndrome (LQTS) is potentially lethal secondary to malignant ventricular arrhythmias and is caused predominantly by mutations in genes that encode cardiac ion channels. Nearly 25% of patients remain without a genetic diagnosis, and genes that encode cardiac channel regulatory proteins represent attractive candidates. Voltage-gated sodium channels have a pore-forming alpha-subunit associated with 1 or more auxiliary beta-subunits. Four different beta-subunits have been described. All are detectable in cardiac tissue, but none have yet been linked to any heritable arrhythmia syndrome. METHODS AND RESULTS We present a case of a 21-month-old Mexican-mestizo female with intermittent 2:1 atrioventricular block and a corrected QT interval of 712 ms. Comprehensive open reading frame/splice mutational analysis of the 9 established LQTS-susceptibility genes proved negative, and complete mutational analysis of the 4 Na(vbeta)-subunits revealed a L179F (C535T) missense mutation in SCN4B that cosegregated properly throughout a 3-generation pedigree and was absent in 800 reference alleles. After this discovery, SCN4B was analyzed in 262 genotype-negative LQTS patients (96% white), but no further mutations were found. L179F was engineered by site-directed mutagenesis and heterologously expressed in HEK293 cells that contained the stably expressed SCN5A-encoded sodium channel alpha-subunit (hNa(V)1.5). Compared with the wild-type, L179F-beta4 caused an 8-fold (compared with SCN5A alone) and 3-fold (compared with SCN5A + WT-beta4) increase in late sodium current consistent with the molecular/electrophysiological phenotype previously shown for LQTS-associated mutations. CONCLUSIONS We provide the seminal report of SCN4B-encoded Na(vbeta)4 as a novel LQT3-susceptibility gene.


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Divalent metal ion transporter 1 (DMT1) is a proton-coupled Fe(2+) transporter that is essential for iron uptake in enterocytes and for transferrin-associated endosomal iron transport in many other cell types. DMT1 dysfunction is associated with several diseases such as iron overload disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. The main objective of the present work is to develop and validate a fluorescence-based screening assay for DMT1 modulators. We found that Fe(2+) or Cd(2+) influx could be reliably monitored in calcium 5-loaded DMT1-expressing HEK293 cells using the FLIPR Tetra fluorescence microplate reader. DMT1-mediated metal transport shows saturation kinetics depending on the extracellular substrate concentration, with a K0.5 value of 1.4 µM and 3.5 µM for Fe(2+) and Cd(2+), respectively. In addition, Cd(2+) was used as a substrate for DMT1, and we find a Ki value of 2.1 µM for a compound (2-(3-carbamimidoylsulfanylmethyl-benzyl)-isothiourea) belonging to the benzylisothioureas family, which has been identified as a DMT1 inhibitor. The optimized screening method using this compound as a reference demonstrated a Z' factor of 0.51. In summary, we developed and validated a sensitive and reproducible cell-based fluorescence assay suitable for the identification of compounds that specifically modulate DMT1 transport activity.


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TRPV5 and TRPV6 are two major calcium transport pathways in the human body maintaining calcium homeostasis. TRPV5 is mainly expressed in the distal convoluted and connecting tubule where it is the major, regulated pathway for calcium reabsorption. TRPV6 serves as an important calcium entry pathway in the duodenum and the placenta. Previously, we showed that human TRPV6 (hTRPV6) transports several heavy metals. In this study we tested whether human TRPV5 (hTRPV5) also transports cadmium and zinc, and whether hTRPV5 together with hTRPV6 are involved in cadmium and zinc toxicity. The hTRPV5 mRNA and protein were expressed in HEK293 cells transiently transfected with pTagRFP-C1-hTRPV5. The overexpression of the hTRPV5 protein at the plasma membrane was revealed by cell surface biotinylation and immunofluorescence techniques. We observed that both cadmium and zinc permeate hTRPV5 in ion imaging experiments using Fura-2 or Newport Green DCF. Our results were further confirmed using whole-cell patch clamp technique. Transient overexpression of hTRPV5 or hTRPV6 sensitized cells to cadmium and zinc. Toxicity curves of cadmium and zinc were also shifted in hTRPV6 expressing HEK293 cells clones. Our results suggest that TRPV5 and TRPV6 are crucial gates controlling cadmium and zinc levels in the human body especially under low calcium dietary conditions, when these channels are maximally upregulated.


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Hundreds of genetic variants in SCN5A, the gene coding for the pore-forming subunit of the cardiac sodium channel, Na(v) 1.5, have been described in patients with cardiac channelopathies as well as in individuals from control cohorts. The aim of this study was to characterize the biophysical properties of 2 naturally occurring Na(v) 1.5 variants, p.R689H and p.R689C, found in patients with cardiac arrhythmias and in control individuals. In addition, this study was motivated by the finding of the variant p.R689H in a family with sudden cardiac death (SCD) in children. When expressed in HEK293 cells, most of the sodium current (I(Na)) biophysical properties of both variants were indistinguishable from the wild-type (WT) channels. In both cases, however, an ∼2-fold increase of the tetrodotoxin-sensitive late I(Na) was observed. Action potential simulations and reconstruction of pseudo-ECGs demonstrated that such a subtle increase in the late I(Na) may prolong the QT interval in a nonlinear fashion. In conclusion, despite the fact that the causality link between p.R689H and the phenotype of the studied family cannot be demonstrated, this study supports the notion that subtle alterations of Na(v) 1.5 variants may increase the risk for cardiac arrhythmias.


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FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed RNA-binding protein of the hnRNP family, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors, through chromosomal translocations, in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) [1]. To date, FUS/TLS has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes such as gene expression control, transcriptional regulation, pre-mRNA splicing and miRNA processing [2]. In addition, some evidences link FUS/TLS to genome stability control and DNA damage response. In fact, mice lacking FUS/TLS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) and show high levels of chromosome instability and in response to double-strand breaks, FUS/TLS gets phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [3,4,5]. Furthermore, the inducible depletion of FUS/TLS in a neuroblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y FUS/TLS TET-off iKD) subjected to genotoxic stress (IR) resulted in an increased phosphorylation of γH2AX respect to control cells, suggesting an higher activation of the DNA damage response. The study aims to investigate the specific role of FUS/TLS in DNA damage response through the characterization of the proteomic profile of SH-SY5Y FUS/TLS iKD cells subjected to DNA damage stress, by mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics (e.g. SILAC). Preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS/TLS interacting proteins in HEK293 cells, expressing a recombinant flag-tagged FUS/TLS protein, highlighted the interactions with several proteins involved in DNA damage response, such as DNA-PK, XRCC-5/-6, and ERCC-6, raising the possibilities that FUS/TLS is involved in this pathway, even thou its exact role still need to be addressed.


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FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed protein of the hnRNP family, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [Vance C. et al., 2009]. FUS is a 53 kDa nuclear protein that contains structural domains, such as a RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) and a zinc finger motif, that give to FUS the ability to bind to both RNA and DNA sequences. It has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes, such as pre-mRNA splicing, miRNA processing, gene expression control and transcriptional regulation [Fiesel FC. and Kahle PJ., 2011]. Moreover, some evidences link FUS to genome stability control and DNA damage response: mice lacking FUS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) and show high levels of chromosome instability and, in response to double-strand breaks, FUS is phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [Kuroda M. et al., 2000; Hicks GG. et al., 2000; Gardiner M. et al., 2008]. Furthermore, preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS interacting proteins in HEK293 cells, expressing a recombinant flag-tagged FUS protein, highlighted the interactions with proteins involved in DNA damage response, such as DNA-PK, XRCC-5/-6, and ERCC-6, raising the possibilities that FUS is involved in this pathway, even though its role still needs to be clarified. This study aims to investigate the biological roles of FUS in human cells and in particular the putative role in DNA damage response through the characterization of the proteomic profile of the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y upon FUS inducible depletion, by a quantitative proteomic approach. The SH-SY5Y cell line that will be used in this study expresses, in presence of tetracycline, a shRNA that targets FUS mRNA, leading to FUS protein depletion (SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells). To quantify changes in proteins expression levels a SILAC strategy (Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell culture) will be conducted on SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells and a control SH-SY5Y cell line (that expresses a mock shRNA) and the relative changes in proteins levels will be evaluated after five and seven days upon FUS depletion, by nanoliquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS) and bioinformatics analysis. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells, when subjected to genotoxic stress (high dose of IR), upon inducible depletion of FUS, showed a increased phosphorylation of gH2AX with respect to control cells, suggesting an higher activation of the DNA damage response.


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Congenital distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) from mutations of the B1 subunit of the V-ATPase is considered an autosomal recessive disease. We analyzed a dRTA kindred with a truncation-mutation of B1 (p.Phe468fsX487) previously shown to have failure of assembly into the V1 domain of the V-ATPase. All heterozygous carriers in this kindred have normal plasma bicarbonate concentrations, thus evaded the diagnosis of RTA. However, inappropriately high urine pH, hypocitraturia, and hypercalciuria are present either individually or in combination in the heterozygotes at baseline. Two of the heterozygotes studied also have inappropriate urinary acidification with acute ammonium chloride loading and impaired urine-blood pCO2 gradient during bicarbonaturia indicating presence of H+ gradient and flux defects. In normal human renal papillae, wild type B1 is located primarily on the plasma membrane but papilla from one of the heterozygote who had kidney stones had renal tissue secured from surgery showed B1 in both plasma membrane as well as a diffuse intracellular staining. Titrating increasing amounts of the mutant B1 subunit did not exhibit negative dominance over the expression, cellular distribution, or H+-pump activity of the wild type B1 in mammalian HEK293 cells and in V-ATPase-deficient S. cerevisiae. This is the first demonstration of renal acidification defects and nephrolithiasis in heterozygous carriers of mutant B1 subunit; which cannot be attributable to negative dominance. We propose that heterozygosity may lead to mild real acidification defects due to haploinsufficiency. B1 heterozygosity should be considered in patients with calcium nephrolithiasis and urinary abnormalities such as alkalinuria or hypocitraturia.