28 resultados para Gene Locus Pum
Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency is the most common inborn error of the urea cycle. OTC locus is located in the short arm of X-chromosome. Authors report a case of a woman who gave birth to monozygotic male twins who later died because of severe neonatal-onset hyperammonaemic encephalopathy caused by a novel mutation of OTC gene. Post-mortem liver biopsy was taken from the second twin; afterwards, blood was drawn from the mother for examination. DNA sequence data showed that the mother was a carrier of the same novel mutation that was previously detected in the case of her son. In OTC deficiency, detection of female carriers is important for genetic counselling and eventual prenatal diagnosis.
BACKGROUND: The arginine-vasopressin 1a receptor has been identified as a key determinant for social behaviour in Microtus voles, humans and other mammals. Nevertheless, the genetic bases of complex phenotypic traits like differences in social and mating behaviour among species and individuals remain largely unknown. Contrary to previous studies focusing on differences in the promotor region of the gene, we investigate here the level of functional variation in the coding region (exon 1) of this locus. RESULTS: We detected high sequence diversity between higher mammalian taxa as well as between species of the genus Microtus. This includes length variation and radical amino acid changes, as well as the presence of distinct protein variants within individuals. Additionally, negative selection prevails on most parts of the first exon of the arginine-vasopressin receptor 1a (avpr1a) gene but it contains regions with higher rates of change that harbour positively selected sites. Synonymous and non-synonymous substitution rates in the avpr1a gene are not exceptional compared to other genes, but they exceed those found in related hormone receptors with similar functions. DISCUSSION: These results stress the importance of considering variation in the coding sequence of avpr1a in regards to associations with life history traits (e.g. social behaviour, mating system, habitat requirements) of voles, other mammals and humans in particular.
Cardiomyopathies are myocardial diseases that lead to cardiac dysfunction, heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden death. In human medicine, cardiomyopathies frequently warrant heart transplantation in children and adults. Bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (BDCMP) is a heart muscle disorder that has been observed during the last 30 years in cattle of Holstein-Friesian origin. In Switzerland BDCMP affects Swiss Fleckvieh and Red Holstein breeds. BDCMP is characterized by a cardiac enlargement with ventricular remodeling and chamber dilatation. The common symptoms in affected animals are subacute subcutaneous edema, congestion of the jugular veins, and tachycardia with gallop rhythm. A cardiomegaly with dilatation and hypertrophy of all heart chambers, myocardial degeneration, and fibrosis are typical postmortem findings. It was shown that all BDCMP cases reported worldwide traced back to a red factor-carrying Holstein-Friesian bull, ABC Reflection Sovereign. An autosomal recessive mode of inheritance was proposed for BDCMP. Recently, the disease locus was mapped to a 6.7-Mb interval MSBDCMP06-BMS2785 on bovine Chr 18 (BTA18). In the present study the BDCMP locus was fine mapped by using a combined strategy of homozygosity mapping and association study. A BAC contig of 2.9 Mb encompassing the crucial interval was constructed to establish the correct marker order on BTA18. We show that the disease locus is located in a gene-rich interval of 1.0 Mb and is flanked by the microsatellite markers DIK3006 and MSBDCMP51.
DNA methylation patterns at the IGF2-H19 locus were investigated in sperm DNA from Swiss Landrace (SL) and Swiss Large White (LW) boars. The putative IGF2 differentially methylated regions (DMR) 0, 1 and 2, a quantitative trait nucleotide (QTN) region in the intron 3 and a CpG island in the intron 4 of the IGF2 gene as well as three regions around porcine CTCF binding sites within the H19 differentially methylated domain (DMD) were selected for the DNA methylation analysis. In both breeds putative IGF2 DMR0, 1, 2 and H19 DMD were hypermethylated. Significant differences in DNA methylation content were found between the two breeds in the two DMD regions proximal to the H19 gene. The IGF2 QTN region and the CpG island in the IGF2 intron 4 were hypomethylated in sperm DNA of both breeds. The methylation analysis revealed significantly more methylated CpG sites in the intron 4 of sperm from the LW breed than in that from SL. No difference was found in global DNA methylation between the two breeds. These results indicate differences in DNA methylation patterns between breeds and it remains to be established whether variation in DNA methylation patterns impacts on phenotypic traits.
Humans and dogs are both affected by the allergic skin disease atopic dermatitis (AD), caused by an interaction between genetic and environmental factors. The German shepherd dog (GSD) is a high-risk breed for canine AD (CAD). In this study, we used a Swedish cohort of GSDs as a model for human AD. Serum IgA levels are known to be lower in GSDs compared to other breeds. We detected significantly lower IgA levels in the CAD cases compared to controls (p = 1.1 × 10(-5)) in our study population. We also detected a separation within the GSD cohort, where dogs could be grouped into two different subpopulations. Disease prevalence differed significantly between the subpopulations contributing to population stratification (λ = 1.3), which was successfully corrected for using a mixed model approach. A genome-wide association analysis of CAD was performed (n cases = 91, n controls = 88). IgA levels were included in the model, due to the high correlation between CAD and low IgA levels. In addition, we detected a correlation between IgA levels and the age at the time of sampling (corr = 0.42, p = 3.0 × 10(-9)), thus age was included in the model. A genome-wide significant association was detected on chromosome 27 (praw = 3.1 × 10(-7), pgenome = 0.03). The total associated region was defined as a ~1.5-Mb-long haplotype including eight genes. Through targeted re-sequencing and additional genotyping of a subset of identified SNPs, we defined 11 smaller haplotype blocks within the associated region. Two blocks showed the strongest association to CAD. The ~209-kb region, defined by the two blocks, harbors only the PKP2 gene, encoding Plakophilin 2 expressed in the desmosomes and important for skin structure. Our results may yield further insight into the genetics behind both canine and human AD.
Highland cattle with congenital crop ears have notches of variable size on the tips of both ears. In some cases, cartilage deformation can be seen and occasionally the external ears are shortened. We collected 40 cases and 80 controls across Switzerland. Pedigree data analysis confirmed a monogenic autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with variable expressivity. All affected animals could be traced back to a single common ancestor. A genome-wide association study was performed and the causative mutation was mapped to a 4 Mb interval on bovine chromosome 6. The H6 family homeobox 1 (HMX1) gene was selected as a positional and functional candidate gene. By whole genome re-sequencing of an affected Highland cattle, we detected 6 non-synonymous coding sequence variants and two variants in an ultra-conserved element at the HMX1 locus with respect to the reference genome. Of these 8 variants, only a non-coding 76 bp genomic duplication (g.106720058_106720133dup) located in the conserved region was perfectly associated with crop ears. The identified copy number variation probably results in HMX1 misregulation and possible gain-of-function. Our findings confirm the role of HMX1 during the development of the external ear. As it is sometimes difficult to phenotypically diagnose Highland cattle with slight ear notches, genetic testing can now be used to improve selection against this undesired trait.
Plant infections by the soil bacterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes result in neoplastic disease with the formation of hairy roots at the site of infection. Expression of a set of oncogenes residing on the stably integrated T-DNA is responsible for the disease symptoms. Besides the rol (root locus) genes, which are essential for the formation of hairy roots, the open reading frame orf13 mediates cytokinin-like effects, suggesting an interaction with hormone signaling pathways. Here we show that ORF13 induced ectopic expression of KNOX (KNOTTED1-like homeobox) class transcription factors, as well as of several genes involved in cell cycle control in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). ORF13 has a retinoblastoma (RB)-binding motif and interacted with maize (Zea mays) RB in vitro, whereas ORF13, bearing a point mutation in the RB-binding motif (ORF13*), did not. Increased cell divisions in the vegetative shoot apical meristem and accelerated formation of leaf primordia were observed in plants expressing orf13, whereas the expression of orf13* had no influence on cell division rates in the shoot apical meristem, suggesting a role of RB in the regulation of the cell cycle in meristematic tissues. On the other hand, ectopic expression of LeT6 was not dependent on a functional RB-binding motif. Hormone homeostasis was only altered in explants of leaves, whereas in the root no effects were observed. We suggest that ORF13 confers meristematic competence to cells infected by A. rhizogenes by inducing the expression of KNOX genes and promotes the transition of infected cells from the G1 to the S phase by binding to RB.
The recent development of a goat SNP genotyping microarray enables genome-wide association studies in this important livestock species. We investigated the genetic basis of the black and brown coat colour in Valais Blacknecked and Coppernecked goats. A genome-wide association analysis using goat SNP50 BeadChip genotypes of 22 cases and 23 controls allowed us to map the locus for the brown coat colour to goat chromosome 8. The TYRP1 gene is located within the associated chromosomal region, and TYRP1 variants cause similar coat colour phenotypes in different species. We thus considered TYRP1 as a strong positional and functional candidate. We resequenced the caprine TYRP1 gene by Sanger and Illumina sequencing and identified two non-synonymous variants, p.Ile478Thr and p.Gly496Asp, that might have a functional impact on the TYRP1 protein. However, based on the obtained pedigree and genotype data, the brown coat colour in these goats is not due to a single recessive loss-of-function allele. Surprisingly, the genotype distribution and the pedigree data suggest that the (496) Asp allele might possibly act in a dominant manner. The (496) Asp allele was present in 77 of 81 investigated Coppernecked goats and did not occur in black goats. This strongly suggests heterogeneity underlying the brown coat colour in Coppernecked goats. Functional experiments or targeted matings will be required to verify the unexpected preliminary findings.
The molecular regulation of horn growth in ruminants is still poorly understood. To investigate this process, we collected 1019 hornless (polled) animals from different cattle breeds. High-density SNP genotyping confirmed the presence of two different polled associated haplotypes in Simmental and Holstein cattle co-localized on BTA 1. We refined the critical region of the Simmental polled mutation to 212 kb and identified an overlapping region of 932 kb containing the Holstein polled mutation. Subsequently, whole genome sequencing of polled Simmental and Holstein cows was used to determine polled associated genomic variants. By genotyping larger cohorts of animals with known horn status we found a single perfectly associated insertion/deletion variant in Simmental and other beef cattle confirming the recently published possible Celtic polled mutation. We identified a total of 182 sequence variants as candidate mutations for polledness in Holstein cattle, including an 80 kb genomic duplication and three SNPs reported before. For the first time we showed that hornless cattle with scurs are obligate heterozygous for one of the polled mutations. This is in contrast to published complex inheritance models for the bovine scurs phenotype. Studying differential expression of the annotated genes and loci within the mapped region on BTA 1 revealed a locus (LOC100848215), known in cow and buffalo only, which is higher expressed in fetal tissue of wildtype horn buds compared to tissue of polled fetuses. This implicates that the presence of this long noncoding RNA is a prerequisite for horn bud formation. In addition, both transcripts associated with polledness in goat and sheep (FOXL2 and RXFP2), show an overexpression in horn buds confirming their importance during horn development in cattle.
Cataract is a known condition leading to opacification of the eye lens causing partial or total blindness. Mutations are known to cause autosomal dominant or recessive inherited forms of cataracts in humans, mice, rats, guinea pigs and dogs. The use of large-sized animal models instead of those using mice for the study of this condition has been discussed due to the small size of rodent lenses. Four juvenile-onset cases of bilateral incomplete immature nuclear cataract were recently observed in Romagnola cattle. Pedigree analysis suggested a monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance. In addition to the cataract, one of the cases displayed abnormal head movements. Genome-wide association and homozygosity mapping and subsequent whole genome sequencing of a single case identified two perfectly associated sequence variants in a critical interval of 7.2 Mb on cattle chromosome 28: a missense point mutation located in an uncharacterized locus and an 855 bp deletion across the exon 19/intron 19 border of the bovine nidogen 1 (NID1) gene (c.3579_3604+829del). RT-PCR showed that NID1 is expressed in bovine lenses while the transcript of the second locus was absent. The NID1 deletion leads to the skipping of exon 19 during transcription and is therefore predicted to cause a frameshift and premature stop codon (p.1164fs27X). The truncated protein lacks a C-terminal domain essential for binding with matrix assembly complexes. Nidogen 1 deficient mice show neurological abnormalities and highly irregular crystal lens alterations. This study adds NID1 to the list of candidate genes for inherited cataract in humans and is the first report of a naturally occurring mutation leading to non-syndromic catarct in cattle provides a potential large animal model for human cataract.
Hypothyroidism is a complex clinical condition found in both humans and dogs, thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. In this study we present a multi-breed analysis of predisposing genetic risk factors for hypothyroidism in dogs using three high-risk breeds-the Gordon Setter, Hovawart and the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Using a genome-wide association approach and meta-analysis, we identified a major hypothyroidism risk locus shared by these breeds on chromosome 12 (p = 2.1x10-11). Further characterisation of the candidate region revealed a shared ~167 kb risk haplotype (4,915,018-5,081,823 bp), tagged by two SNPs in almost complete linkage disequilibrium. This breed-shared risk haplotype includes three genes (LHFPL5, SRPK1 and SLC26A8) and does not extend to the dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) class II gene cluster located in the vicinity. These three genes have not been identified as candidate genes for hypothyroid disease previously, but have functions that could potentially contribute to the development of the disease. Our results implicate the potential involvement of novel genes and pathways for the development of canine hypothyroidism, raising new possibilities for screening, breeding programmes and treatments in dogs. This study may also contribute to our understanding of the genetic etiology of human hypothyroid disease, which is one of the most common endocrine disorders in humans.
The insulin-like growth factor 2 antisense (Igf2as) gene is part of the Ins-Igf2-H19 imprinted gene cluster. The function of the paternally expressed Igf2as is still elusive. In our previous work, we showed that Igf2as transcripts were located in the cytoplasm of C2C12 mouse myoblast cells, associated with polysomes and polyadenylated suggesting that Igf2as is protein coding. In the present work, the protein coding capacity of Igf2as was investigated. We demonstrate for the first time the existence of a polypeptide translated from an Igf2as construct. Furthermore, an RNA-Seq analysis was performed using RNA prepared from skeletal muscles of newborn wild-type and ∆ DMR1-U2 mice to further elucidate the function of Igf2as transcripts. We found no evidence for a regulatory role of Igf2as in the imprinted gene cluster. Interestingly, the RNA-Seq analysis indicated that Igf2as plays a role in the energy metabolism, the cell cycle, histone acetylation and muscle contraction pathways. Our Igf2as investigations further elucidated that there are two distinct Igf2as transcripts corresponding to two putative ORFs.
BACKGROUND Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease triggered by allergic reactions involving IgE antibodies directed towards environmental allergens. We previously identified a ~1.5 Mb locus on canine chromosome 27 associated with CAD in German shepherd dogs (GSDs). Fine-mapping indicated association closest to the PKP2 gene encoding plakophilin 2. RESULTS Additional genotyping and association analyses in GSDs combined with control dogs from five breeds with low-risk for CAD revealed the top SNP 27:19,086,778 (p = 1.4 × 10(-7)) and a rare ~48 kb risk haplotype overlapping the PKP2 gene and shared only with other high-risk CAD breeds. We selected altogether nine SNPs (four top-associated in GSDs and five within the ~48 kb risk haplotype) that spanned ~280 kb forming one risk haplotype carried by 35 % of the GSD cases and 10 % of the GSD controls (OR = 5.1, p = 5.9 × 10(-5)), and another haplotype present in 85 % of the GSD cases and 98 % of the GSD controls and conferring a protective effect against CAD in GSDs (OR = 0.14, p = 0.0032). Eight of these SNPs were analyzed for transcriptional regulation using reporter assays where all tested regions exerted regulatory effects on transcription in epithelial and/or immune cell lines, and seven SNPs showed allelic differences. The DNA fragment with the top-associated SNP 27:19,086,778 displayed the highest activity in keratinocytes with 11-fold induction of transcription by the risk allele versus 8-fold by the control allele (pdifference = 0.003), and also mapped close (~3 kb) to an ENCODE skin-specific enhancer region. CONCLUSIONS Our experiments indicate that multiple CAD-associated genetic variants located in cell type-specific enhancers are involved in gene regulation in different cells and tissues. No single causative variant alone, but rather multiple variants combined in a risk haplotype likely contribute to an altered expression of the PKP2 gene, and possibly nearby genes, in immune and epithelial cells, and predispose GSDs to CAD.