47 resultados para Folding and refolding proteins


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Coilin is the signature protein of the Cajal body (CB), a nuclear suborganelle involved in the biogenesis of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). Newly imported Sm-class snRNPs are thought to traffic through CBs before proceeding to their final nuclear destinations. Loss of coilin function in mice leads to significant viability and fertility problems. Coilin interacts directly with the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) protein via dimethylarginine residues in its C-terminal domain. Although coilin hypomethylation results in delocalization of survival of motor neurons (SMN) from CBs, high concentrations of snRNPs remain within these structures. Thus, CBs appear to be involved in snRNP maturation, but factors that tether snRNPs to CBs have not been described. In this report, we demonstrate that the coilin C-terminal domain binds directly to various Sm and Lsm proteins via their Sm motifs. We show that the region of coilin responsible for this binding activity is separable from that which binds to SMN. Interestingly, U2, U4, U5, and U6 snRNPs interact with the coilin C-terminal domain in a glutathione S-transferase (GST)-pulldown assay, whereas U1 and U7 snRNPs do not. Thus, the ability to interact with free Sm (and Lsm) proteins as well as with intact snRNPs, indicates that coilin and CBs may facilitate the modification of newly formed snRNPs, the regeneration of 'mature' snRNPs, or the reclamation of unassembled snRNP components.


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The epigenetic influence of maternal cells on the development of their progeny has long been studied in various eukaryotes. Multicellular organisms usually provide their zygotes not only with nutrients but also with functional elements required for proper development, such as coding and non-coding RNAs. These maternally deposited RNAs exhibit a variety of functions, from regulating gene expression to assuring genome integrity. In ciliates, such as Paramecium these RNAs participate in the programming of large-scale genome reorganization during development, distinguishing germline-limited DNA, which is excised, from somatic-destined DNA. Only a handful of proteins playing roles in this process have been identified so far, including typical RNAi-derived factors such as Dicer-like and Piwi proteins. Here we report and characterize two novel proteins, Pdsg1 and Pdsg2 (Paramecium protein involved in Development of the Somatic Genome 1 and 2), involved in Paramecium genome reorganization. We show that these proteins are necessary for the excision of germline-limited DNA during development and the survival of sexual progeny. Knockdown of PDSG1 and PDSG2 genes affects the populations of small RNAs known to be involved in the programming of DNA elimination (scanRNAs and iesRNAs) and chromatin modification patterns during development. Our results suggest an association between RNA-mediated trans-generational epigenetic signal and chromatin modifications in the process of Paramecium genome reorganization.


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Single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) provides detailed insight into the mechanical (un)folding pathways and structural stability of membrane proteins. So far, SMFS could only be applied to membrane proteins embedded in native or synthetic membranes adsorbed to solid supports. This adsorption causes experimental limitations and raises the question to what extent the support influences the results obtained by SMFS. Therefore, we introduce here SMFS from native purple membrane freely spanning across nanopores. We show that correct analysis of the SMFS data requires extending the worm-like chain model, which describes the mechanical stretching of a polypeptide, by the cubic extension model, which describes the bending of a purple membrane exposed to mechanical stress. This new experimental and theoretical approach allows to characterize the stepwise (un)folding of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin and to assign the stability of single and grouped secondary structures. The (un)folding and stability of bacteriorhodopsin shows no significant difference between freely spanning and directly supported purple membranes. Importantly, the novel experimental SMFS setup opens an avenue to characterize any protein from freely spanning cellular or synthetic membranes.


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Currently there are no effective vaccines for the control of bovine neosporosis. During the last years several subunit vaccines based on immunodominant antigens and other proteins involved in adhesion, invasion and intracellular proliferation of Neospora caninum have been evaluated as targets for vaccine development in experimental mouse infection models. Among them, the rhoptry antigen NcROP2 and the immunodominant NcGRA7 protein have been assessed with varying results. Recent studies have shown that another rhoptry component, NcROP40, and NcNTPase, a putative dense granule antigen, exhibit higher expression levels in tachyzoites of virulent N. caninum isolates, suggesting that these could be potential vaccine candidates to limit the effects of infection. In the present work, the safety and efficacy of these recombinant antigens formulated in Quil-A adjuvant as monovalent vaccines or pair-wise combinations (rNcROP40+rNcROP2 and rNcGRA7+rNcNTPase) were evaluated in a pregnant mouse model of neosporosis. All the vaccine formulations elicited a specific immune response against their respective native proteins after immunization. Mice vaccinated with rNcROP40 and rNcROP2 alone or in combination produced the highest levels of IFN-γ and exhibited low parasite burdens and low IgG antibody levels after the challenge. In addition, most of the vaccine formulations were able to increase the median survival time in the offspring. However, pup survival only ensued in the groups vaccinated with rNcROP40+rNcROP2 (16.2%) and rNcROP2 (6.3%). Interestingly, vertical transmission was not observed in those survivor pups immunized with rNcROP40+rNcROP2, as shown by PCR analyses. These results show a partial protection against N. caninum infection after vaccination with rNcROP40+rNcROP2, suggesting a synergistic effect of the two recombinant rhoptry antigens.


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Members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters play a pivotal role in cellular lipid efflux. To identify candidate cholesterol transporters implicated in lipid homeostasis and mammary gland (MG) physiology, we compared expression and localization of ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCA7 and their regulatory genes in mammary tissues of different species during the pregnancy-lactation cycle. Murine and bovine mammary glands (MGs) were investigated during different functional stages. The abundance of mRNAs was determined by quantitative RT-PCR. Furthermore, transporter proteins were localized in murine, bovine, and human MGs by immunohistochemistry. In the murine MG, ABCA1 mRNA abundance was elevated during nonlactating compared with lactating stages, whereas ABCA7 and ABCA1 mRNA profiles were not altered. In the bovine MG, ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCA7 mRNAs abundances were increased during nonlactating stages compared with lactation. Furthermore, associations between mRNA levels of transporters and their regulatory genes LXRalpha, PPARgamma, and SREBPs were found. ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCA7 proteins were localized in glandular MG epithelial cells (MEC) during lactation, whereas during nonlactating stages, depending on species, the proteins showed distinct localization patterns in MEC and adipocytes. Our results demonstrate that ABCA1, ABCG1, and ABCA7 are differentially expressed between lactation and nonlactating stages and in association with regulatory genes. Combined expression and localization data suggest that the selected cholesterol transporters are universal MG transporters involved in transport and storage of cholesterol and in lipid homeostasis of MEC. Because of the species-specific expression patterns of transporters in mammary tissue, mechanisms of cholesterol homeostasis seem to be differentially regulated between species.


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Sirtuins and hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIF) have well-established roles in regulating cellular responses to metabolic and oxidative stress. Recent reports have linked these two protein families by demonstrating that sirtuins can regulate the activity of HIF-1 and HIF-2. Here we investigated the role of SIRT1, a NAD+-dependent deacetylase, in the regulation of HIF-1 activity in hypoxic conditions. Our results show that in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines, hypoxia did not alter SIRT1 mRNA or protein expression, whereas it predictably led to the accumulation of HIF-1α and the up-regulation of its target genes. In hypoxic models in vitro and in in vivo models of systemic hypoxia and xenograft tumor growth, knockdown of SIRT1 protein with shRNA or inhibition of its activity with small molecule inhibitors impaired the accumulation of HIF-1α protein and the transcriptional increase of its target genes. In addition, endogenous SIRT1 and HIF-1α proteins co-immunoprecipitated and loss of SIRT1 activity led to a hyperacetylation of HIF-1α. Taken together, our data suggest that HIF-1α and SIRT1 proteins interact in HCC cells and that HIF-1α is a target of SIRT1 deacetylase activity. Moreover, SIRT1 is necessary for HIF-1α protein accumulation and activation of HIF-1 target genes under hypoxic conditions.


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Trypanosoma brucei and related pathogens transcribe most genes as polycistronic arrays that are subsequently processed into monocistronic mRNAs. Expression is frequently regulated post-transcriptionally by cis-acting elements in the untranslated regions (UTRs). GPEET and EP procyclins are the major surface proteins of procyclic (insect midgut) forms of T. brucei. Three regulatory elements common to the 3' UTRs of both mRNAs regulate mRNA turnover and translation. The glycerol-responsive element (GRE) is unique to the GPEET 3' UTR and regulates its expression independently from EP. A synthetic RNA encompassing the GRE showed robust sequence-specific interactions with cytoplasmic proteins in electromobility shift assays. This, combined with column chromatography, led to the identification of 3 Alba-domain proteins. RNAi against Alba3 caused a growth phenotype and reduced the levels of Alba1 and Alba2 proteins, indicative of interactions between family members. Tandem-affinity purification and co-immunoprecipitation verified these interactions and also identified Alba4 in sub-stoichiometric amounts. Alba proteins are cytoplasmic and are recruited to starvation granules together with poly(A) RNA. Concomitant depletion of all four Alba proteins by RNAi specifically reduced translation of a reporter transcript flanked by the GPEET 3' UTR. Pulldown of tagged Alba proteins confirmed interactions with poly(A) binding proteins, ribosomal protein P0 and, in the case of Alba3, the cap-binding protein eIF4E4. In addition, Alba2 and Alba3 partially cosediment with polyribosomes in sucrose gradients. Alba-domain proteins seem to have exhibited great functional plasticity in the course of evolution. First identified as DNA-binding proteins in Archaea, then in association with nuclear RNase MRP/P in yeast and mammalian cells, they were recently described as components of a translationally silent complex containing stage-regulated mRNAs in Plasmodium. Our results are also consistent with stage-specific regulation of translation in trypanosomes, but most likely in the context of initiation.


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Repetitive proteins (RP) of Trypanosoma cruzi are highly present in the parasite and are strongly recognized by sera from Chagas' disease patients. Flagelar Repetitive Antigen (FRA), which is expressed in all steps of the parasite life cycle, is the RP that displays the greatest number of aminoacids per repeat and has been indicated as one of the most suitable candidate for diagnostic test because of its high performance in immunoassays. Here we analyzed the influence of the number of repeats on the immunogenic and antigenic properties of the antigen. Recombinant proteins containing one, two, and four tandem repeats of FRA (FRA1, FRA2, and FRA4, respectively) were obtained and the immune response induced by an equal amount of repeats was evaluated in a mouse model. The reactivity of specific antibodies present in sera from patients naturally infected with T. cruzi was also assessed against FRA1, FRA2, and FRA4 proteins, and the relative avidity was analyzed. We determined that the number of repeats did not increase the humoral response against the antigen and this result was reproduced when the repeated motifs were alone or fused to a non-repetitive protein. By contrast, the binding affinity of specific human antibodies increases with the number of repeated motifs in FRA antigen. We then concluded that the high ability of FRA to be recognized by specific antibodies from infected individuals is mainly due to a favorable polyvalent interaction between the antigen and the antibodies. In accordance with experimental results, a 3D model was proposed and B epitope in FRA1, FRA2, and FRA4 were predicted.


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The morbilliviruses measles virus (MeV) and canine distemper virus (CDV) both rely on two surface glycoproteins, the attachment (H) and fusion proteins, to promote fusion activity for viral cell entry. Growing evidence suggests that morbilliviruses infect multiple cell types by binding to distinct host cell surface receptors. Currently, the only known in vivo receptor used by morbilliviruses is CD150/SLAM, a molecule expressed in certain immune cells. Here we investigated the usage of multiple receptors by the highly virulent and demyelinating CDV strain A75/17. We based our study on the assumption that CDV-H may interact with receptors similar to those for MeV, and we conducted systematic alanine-scanning mutagenesis on CDV-H throughout one side of the beta-propeller documented in MeV-H to contain multiple receptor-binding sites. Functional and biochemical assays performed with SLAM-expressing cells and primary canine epithelial keratinocytes identified 11 residues mutation of which selectively abrogated fusion in keratinocytes. Among these, four were identical to amino acids identified in MeV-H as residues contacting a putative receptor expressed in polarized epithelial cells. Strikingly, when mapped on a CDV-H structural model, all residues clustered in or around a recessed groove located on one side of CDV-H. In contrast, reported CDV-H mutants with SLAM-dependent fusion deficiencies were characterized by additional impairments to the promotion of fusion in keratinocytes. Furthermore, upon transfer of residues that selectively impaired fusion induction in keratinocytes into the CDV-H of the vaccine strain, fusion remained largely unaltered. Taken together, our results suggest that a restricted region on one side of CDV-H contains distinct and overlapping sites that control functional interaction with multiple receptors.


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Apicomplexan parasites possess an apical complex that is composed of two secretory organelles recognized as micronemes and rhoptries. Rhoptry contents are secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole during the host cell invasion process. Several rhoptry proteins have been identified in Toxoplasma gondii and seem to be involved in host-pathogen interactions and some of them are considered to be important virulence factors. Only one rhoptry protein, NcROP2, has been identified and extensively characterized in the closely related parasite Neospora caninum, and this has showed immunoprotective properties. Thus, with the aim of increasing knowledge of the rhoptry protein repertoire in N. caninum, a subcellular fractionation of tachyzoites was performed to obtain fractions enriched for this secretory organelle. 2-D SDS-PAGE followed by MS and LC/MS-MS were applied for fraction analysis and 8 potential novel rhoptry components (NcROP1, 5, 8, 30 and NcRON2, 3, 4, 8) and several kinases, proteases and phosphatases proteins were identified with a high homology to those previously found in T. gondii. Their existence in N. caninum tachyzoites suggests their involvement in similar events or pathways that occur in T. gondii. These novel proteins may be considered as targets that could be useful in the future development of immunoprophylactic measures.


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The primary aim was to investigate the effect of combined butafosfan and cyanocobalamin on liver metabolism in early lactating cows through mRNA expression measurements of genes encoding 31 enzymes and transport proteins of major metabolic processes in the liver using 16 multiparous early lactating dairy cows. The treatments included i.v. injection of 10 mL/100 kg of body weight combined butafosfan and cyanocobalamin (TG, n = 8) on 3 d consecutively at 25 +/- 3 d in milk or injection with physiological saline solution similarly applied (CG, n = 8). Results include a higher daily milk production for TG cows (41.1 +/- 0.9 kg, mean +/- SEM) compared with CG cows (39.5 +/- 0.7 kg). In plasma, the concentration of inorganic phosphorus was lower in the TG cows (1.25 +/- 0.08 mmol/L) after the treatment than in the CG cows (1.33 +/- 0.07 mmol/L). The plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration was 0.65 +/- 0.13 mmol/L for all cows before the treatment, and remained unaffected post treatment. The unique result was that in the liver, the mRNA abundance of acyl-coenzyme A synthetase long-chain family member 1, involved in fatty acid oxidation and biosynthesis, was lower across time points after the treatment for TG compared with CG cows (17.5 +/- 0.15 versus 18.1 +/- 0.24 cycle threshold, log(2), respectively). In conclusion, certain effects of combined butafosfan and cyanocobalamin were observed on mRNA abundance of a gene in the liver of nonketotic early lactating cows.


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Background Numerous interactions between the coagulation and complement systems have been shown. Recently, links between coagulation and mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1) of the complement lectin pathway have been proposed. Our aim was to investigate MASP-1 activation of factor XIII (FXIII), fibrinogen, prothrombin, and thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) in plasma-based systems, and to analyse effects of MASP-1 on plasma clot formation, structure and lysis. Methodology/Principal Findings We used a FXIII incorporation assay and specific assays to measure the activation products prothrombin fragment F1+2, fibrinopeptide A (FPA), and activated TAFI (TAFIa). Clot formation and lysis were assessed by turbidimetric assay. Clot structure was studied by scanning electron microscopy. MASP-1 activated FXIII and, contrary to thrombin, induced FXIII activity faster in the Val34 than the Leu34 variant. MASP-1-dependent generation of F1+2, FPA and TAFIa showed a dose-dependent response in normal citrated plasma (NCP), albeit MASP-1 was much less efficient than FXa or thrombin. MASP-1 activation of prothrombin and TAFI cleavage were confirmed in purified systems. No FPA generation was observed in prothrombin-depleted plasma. MASP-1 induced clot formation in NCP, affected clot structure, and prolonged clot lysis. Conclusions/Significance We show that MASP-1 interacts with plasma clot formation on different levels and influences fibrin structure. Although MASP-1-induced fibrin formation is thrombin-dependent, MASP-1 directly activates prothrombin, FXIII and TAFI. We suggest that MASP-1, in concerted action with other complement and coagulation proteins, may play a role in fibrin clot formation.


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During vertebrate development, the lung inaugurates as an endodermal bud from the primitive foregut. Dichotomous subdivision of the bud results in arborizing airways that form the prospective gas exchanging chambers, where a thin blood-gas barrier (BGB) is established. In the mammalian lung, this proceeds through conversion of type II cells to type I cells, thinning, and elongation of the cells as well as extrusion of the lamellar bodies. Subsequent diminution of interstitial tissue and apposition of capillaries to the alveolar epithelium establish a thin BGB. In the noncompliant avian lung, attenuation proceeds through cell-cutting processes that result in remarkable thinning of the epithelial layer. A host of morphoregulatory molecules, including transcription factors such as Nkx2.1, GATA, HNF-3, and WNT5a; signaling molecules including FGF, BMP-4, Shh, and TFG- β and extracellular proteins and their receptors have been implicated. During normal physiological function, the BGB may be remodeled in response to alterations in transmural pressures in both blood capillaries and airspaces. Such changes are mitigated through rapid expression of the relevant genes for extracellular matrix proteins and growth factors. While an appreciable amount of information regarding molecular control has been documented in the mammalian lung, very little is available on the avian lung.


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Theileria annulata is an intracellular protozoan parasite that infects B cells and macrophages of ruminants. Macrophages infected with T. annulata are de-differentiated and display tumour cell properties and a metastatic behaviour. How parasitized cells adapt their morphology, motility and invasive behaviour has not yet been addressed in detail. In this study, I investigated the regulation of host cell actin dynamics in T. annulata-transformed macrophages and how this affects host cell morphology and motility. T. annulata was found to promote the formation of filamentous-actin-rich podosome-type adhesions (PTAs) and lamellipodia, and to establish a polarized morphology of the infected cell. Characteristic for parasite-dependent host cell polarization is that infected cells display a single, persistent lamellipodium. Src kinases--in particular Hck--are required for the polar extension of this lamellipodium. Hck does so by promoting the clustered assembly of PTAs and accumulation of proteins of the Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin (ERM) family in lamellipodia. Polar accumulation of PTAs and ERM proteins correlates with focal matrix degradation underneath lamellipodia. These findings suggest that T. annulata equips its host cell with properties to adhere and invade. These properties are likely to promote the motile behaviour required for dissemination of infected cells in vivo.


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The clinical use of anthracyclines in cancer therapy is limited by dose-dependent cardiotoxicity that involves cardiomyocyte injury and death. We have tested the hypothesis that anthracyclines affect protein degradation pathways in adult cardiomyocytes. To this aim, we assessed the effects of doxorubicin (Doxo) on apoptosis, autophagy and the proteasome/ubiquitin system in long-term cultured adult rat cardiomyocytes. Accumulation of poly-ubiquitinated proteins, increase of cathepsin-D-positive lysosomes and myofibrillar degradation were observed in Doxo-treated cardiomyocytes. Chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome was initially increased and then inhibited by Doxo over a time-course of 48 h. Proteasome 20S proteins were down-regulated by higher doses of Doxo. The expression of MURF-1, an ubiquitin-ligase specifically targeting myofibrillar proteins, was suppressed by Doxo at all concentrations measured. Microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3B (LC3)-positive punctae and both LC3-I and -II proteins were induced by Doxo in a dose-dependent manner, as confirmed by using lentiviral expression of green fluorescence protein bound to LC3 and live imaging. The lysosomotropic drug chloroquine led to autophagosome accumulation, which increased with concomitant Doxo treatment indicating enhanced autophagic flux. We conclude that Doxo causes a downregulation of the protein degradation machinery of cardiomyocytes with a resulting accumulation of poly-ubiquitinated proteins and autophagosomes. Although autophagy is initially stimulated as a compensatory response to cytotoxic stress, it is followed by apoptosis and necrosis at higher doses and longer exposure times. This mechanism might contribute to the late cardiotoxicity of anthracyclines by accelerated aging of the postmitotic adult cardiomyocytes and to the susceptibility of the aging heart to anthracycline cancer therapy.