60 resultados para Felicia Sartori
High altitude constitutes an exciting natural laboratory for medical research. While initially, the aim of high-altitude research was to understand the adaptation of the organism to hypoxia and find treatments for altitude-related diseases, over the past decade or so, the scope of this research has broadened considerably. Two important observations led to the foundation for the broadening of the scientific scope of high-altitude research. First, high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) represents a unique model which allows studying fundamental mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension and lung edema in humans. Secondly, the ambient hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure facilitates the detection of pulmonary and systemic vascular dysfunction at an early stage. Here, we review studies that, by capitalizing on these observations, have led to the description of novel mechanisms underpinning lung edema and pulmonary hypertension and to the first direct demonstration of fetal programming of vascular dysfunction in humans.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) involves the manipulation of early embryos at a time when they may be particularly vulnerable to external disturbances. Environmental influences during the embryonic and fetal development influence the individual's susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, raising concerns about the potential consequences of ART on the long-term health of the offspring.
Chronic mountain sickness (CMS) is a major public health problem in mountainous regions of the world. In its more advanced stages, exercise intolerance is often found, but the underlying mechanism is not known. Recent evidence indicates that exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension is markedly exaggerated in CMS. We speculated that this problem may cause pulmonary fluid accumulation and aggravate hypoxemia during exercise.
Sleep disordered breathing with central apnea or hypopnea frequently occurs at high altitude and is thought to be caused by a decrease in blood CO(2) level. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of added respiratory dead space on sleep disordered breathing.
Macrophage-mediated chronic inflammation is mechanistically linked to insulin resistance and atherosclerosis. Although arginase I is considered antiinflammatory, the role of arginase II (Arg-II) in macrophage function remains elusive. This study characterizes the role of Arg-II in macrophage inflammatory responses and its impact on obesity-linked type II diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.
Nitric oxide (NO) regulates arterial pressure by modulating peripheral vascular tone and sympathetic vasoconstrictor outflow. NO synthesis is impaired in several major cardiovascular disease states. Loss of NO-induced vasodilator tone and restraint on sympathetic outflow could result in exaggerated pressor responses to mental stress.
Pulmonary hypertension in high-altitude dwellers: novel mechanisms, unsuspected predisposing factors
Studies of high-altitude populations, and in particular of maladapted subgroups, may provide important insight into underlying mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of hypoxemia-related disease states in general. Over the past decade, studies involving short-term hypoxic exposure have greatly advanced our knowledge regarding underlying mechanisms and predisposing events of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Studies in high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)-prone subjects, a condition characterized by exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, have provided evidence for the central role of pulmonary vascular endothelial and respiratory epithelial nitric oxide (NO) for pulmonary artery pressure homeostasis. More recently, it has been shown that pathological events during the perinatal period (possibly by impairing pulmonary NO synthesis), predispose to exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension later in life. In an attempt to translate some of this new knowledge to the understanding of underlying mechanisms and predisposing events of chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, we have recently initiated a series of studies among high-risk subpopulations (experiments of nature) of high-altitude dwellers. These studies have allowed to identify novel risk factors and underlying mechanisms that may predispose to sustained hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. The aim of this article is to briefly review this new data, and demonstrate that insufficient NO synthesis/bioavailability, possibly related in part to augmented oxidative stress, may represent an important underlying mechanism predisposing to pulmonary hypertension in high-altitude dwellers.
BACKGROUND: Drugs are routinely combined in anesthesia and pain management to obtain an enhancement of the desired effects. However, a parallel enhancement of the undesired effects might take place as well, resulting in a limited therapeutic usefulness. Therefore, when addressing the question of optimal drug combinations, side effects must be taken into account. METHODS: By extension of a previously published interaction model, the authors propose a method to study drug interactions considering also their side effects. A general outcome parameter identified as patient's well-being is defined by superposition of positive and negative effects. Well-being response surfaces are computed and analyzed for varying drugs pharmacodynamics and interaction types. In particular, the existence of multiple maxima and of optimal drug combinations is investigated for the combination of two drugs. RESULTS: Both drug pharmacodynamics and interaction type affect the well-being surface and the deriving optimal combinations. The effect of the interaction parameters can be explained in terms of synergy and antagonism and remains unchanged for varying pharmacodynamics. For all simulations performed for the combination of two drugs, the presence of more than one maximum was never observed. CONCLUSIONS: The model is consistent with clinical knowledge and supports previously published experimental results on optimal drug combinations. This new framework improves understanding of the characteristics of drug combinations used in clinical practice and can be used in clinical research to identify optimal drug dosing.
CD40 and its ligand regulate pleiotropic biological responses, including cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. In many inflammatory lung diseases, tissue damage by environmental or endogenous oxidants plays a major role in disease pathogenesis. As the epithelial barrier is a major target for these oxidants, we postulated that CD40, the expression of which is increased in asthma, plays a role in the regulation of apoptosis of bronchial epithelial cells exposed to oxidants. Using 16HBE 14o- cells exposed to oxidant stress, we found that ligation of CD40 (induced by G28-5 monoclonal antibodies) enhanced cell survival and increased the number of cells in G2/M (interphase between DNA synthesis and mitosis) of the cell cycle. This was associated with NF-kappaB and activator protein-1 activation and increased expression of the inhibitor of apoptosis, c-IAP1. However, oxidant stress-induced apoptosis was found to be caspase- and calpain-independent implicating CD40 ligation as a regulator of caspase-independent cell death. This was confirmed by the demonstration that CD40 ligation prevented mitochondrial release and nuclear translocation of apoptosis inducing factor. In conclusion, we demonstrate a novel role for CD40 as a regulator of epithelial cell survival against oxidant stress. Furthermore, we have identified, for the first time, an endogenous inhibitory pathway of caspase-independent cell death.
CONTEXT: Individuals susceptible to high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) are characterized by exaggerated pulmonary hypertension and arterial hypoxemia at high altitude, but the underlying mechanism is incompletely understood. Anecdotal evidence suggests that shunting across a patent foramen ovale (PFO) may exacerbate hypoxemia in HAPE. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that PFO is more frequent in HAPE-susceptible individuals and may contribute to more severe arterial hypoxemia at high altitude. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Case-control study of 16 HAPE-susceptible participants and 19 mountaineers resistant to this condition (repeated climbing to peaks above 4000 m and no symptoms of HAPE). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Presence of PFO determined by transesophageal echocardiography, estimated pulmonary artery pressure by Doppler echocardiography, and arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry in HAPE-susceptible and HAPE-resistant participants at low (550 m) and high altitude (4559 m). RESULTS: The frequency of PFO was more than 4 times higher in HAPE-susceptible than in HAPE-resistant participants, both at low altitude (56% vs 11%, P = .004; odds ratio [OR], 10.9 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.9-64.0]) and high altitude (69% vs 16%, P = .001; OR, 11.7 [95% CI, 2.3-59.5]). At high altitude, mean (SD) arterial oxygen saturation prior to the onset of pulmonary edema was significantly lower in HAPE-susceptible participants than in the control group (73% [10%] vs 83% [7%], P = .001). Moreover, in the HAPE-susceptible group, participants with a large PFO had more severe arterial hypoxemia (65% [6%] vs 77% [8%], P = .02) than those with smaller or no PFO. CONCLUSIONS: Patent foramen ovale was roughly 4 times more frequent in HAPE-susceptible mountaineers than in participants resistant to this condition. At high altitude, HAPE-susceptible participants with a large PFO had more severe hypoxemia. We speculate that at high altitude, a large PFO may contribute to exaggerated arterial hypoxemia and facilitate HAPE.
Pulmonary edema is a problem of major clinical importance resulting from a persistent imbalance between forces that drive water into the airspace of the lung and the biological mechanisms for its removal. Here, we will review the fundamental mechanisms implicated in the regulation of alveolar fluid homeostasis. We will then describe the perturbations of pulmonary fluid homeostasis implicated in the pathogenesis of pulmonary edema in conditions associated with increased pulmonary capillary pressure, namely cardiogenic pulmonary edema and high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), with particular emphasis on the latter that has provided important new insight into underlying mechanisms of pulmonary edema. We will provide evidence that impaired pulmonary endothelial and epithelial nitric oxide synthesis and/or bioavailability may represent a central underlying defect predisposing to exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, and, in turn, capillary stress failure and alveolar fluid flooding. We will then demonstrate that exaggerated pulmonary hypertension, while possibly a prerequisite, may not always be sufficient to cause HAPE, and how defective alveolar fluid clearance may represent a second important pathogenic mechanism. Finally, we will outline, how this new insight gained from studies in HAPE, may be translated into the management of pulmonary edema and hypoxemia related disease states in general.
High altitude constitutes an exciting natural laboratory for medical research. Over the past decade, it has become clear that the results of high-altitude research may have important implications not only for the understanding of diseases in the millions of people living permanently at high altitude, but also for the treatment of hypoxemia-related disease states in patients living at low altitude. High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a life-threatening condition occurring in predisposed, but otherwise healthy subjects, and, therefore, allows to study underlying mechanisms of pulmonary edema in humans, in the absence of confounding factors. Over the past decade, evidence has accumulated that HAPE results from the conjunction of two major defects, augmented alveolar fluid flooding resulting from exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, and impaired alveolar fluid clearance related to defective respiratory transepithelial sodium transport. Here, after a brief presentation of the clinical features of HAPE, we review this novel concept. We provide experimental evidence for the novel concept that impaired pulmonary endothelial and epithelial nitric oxide synthesis and/or bioavailability may represent the central underlying defect predisposing to exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and alveolar fluid flooding. We demonstrate that exaggerated pulmonary hypertension, while possibly a condition sine qua non, may not be sufficient to cause HAPE, and how defective alveolar fluid clearance may represent a second important pathogenic mechanism. Finally, we outline how this insight gained from studies in HAPE may be translated into the management of hypoxemia related disease states in general.
BACKGROUND: nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the regulation of cardiovascular and glucose homeostasis. Mice lacking the gene encoding the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) are insulin-resistant, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. nNOS is expressed in skeletal muscle tissue where it may regulate glucose uptake. Alternatively, nNOS driven NO synthesis may facilitate skeletal muscle perfusion and substrate delivery. Finally, nNOS dependent NO in the central nervous system may facilitate glucose disposal by decreasing sympathetic nerve activity. METHODS: in nNOS null and control mice, we studied whole body glucose uptake and skeletal muscle blood flow during hyperinsulinaemic clamp studies in vivo and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle preparations in vitro. We also examined the effects of alpha-adrenergic blockade (phentolamine) on glucose uptake during the clamp studies. RESULTS: as expected, the glucose infusion rate during clamping was roughly 15 percent lower in nNOS null than in control mice (89 (17) vs 101 (12) [-22 to -2]). Insulin stimulation of muscle blood flow in vivo, and intrinsic muscle glucose uptake in vitro, were comparable in the two groups. Phentolamine, which had no effect in the wild-type mice, normalised the insulin sensitivity in the mice lacking the nNOS gene. CONCLUSIONS: insulin resistance in nNOS null mice was not related to defective insulin stimulation of skeletal muscle perfusion and substrate delivery or insulin signaling in the skeletal muscle cell, but to a sympathetic alpha-adrenergic mechanism.