33 resultados para Fashion in motion pictures


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Hundreds of genetic variants in SCN5A, the gene coding for the pore-forming subunit of the cardiac sodium channel, Na(v) 1.5, have been described in patients with cardiac channelopathies as well as in individuals from control cohorts. The aim of this study was to characterize the biophysical properties of 2 naturally occurring Na(v) 1.5 variants, p.R689H and p.R689C, found in patients with cardiac arrhythmias and in control individuals. In addition, this study was motivated by the finding of the variant p.R689H in a family with sudden cardiac death (SCD) in children. When expressed in HEK293 cells, most of the sodium current (I(Na)) biophysical properties of both variants were indistinguishable from the wild-type (WT) channels. In both cases, however, an ∼2-fold increase of the tetrodotoxin-sensitive late I(Na) was observed. Action potential simulations and reconstruction of pseudo-ECGs demonstrated that such a subtle increase in the late I(Na) may prolong the QT interval in a nonlinear fashion. In conclusion, despite the fact that the causality link between p.R689H and the phenotype of the studied family cannot be demonstrated, this study supports the notion that subtle alterations of Na(v) 1.5 variants may increase the risk for cardiac arrhythmias.


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A depiction of the ancient Hebrew understanding of the human being must take into account the fact that the Bible does not contain a systematic anthropology, but unfolds the multiplicity of human existence inductively, aspectively, and in narrative fashion. In comparison to Greek body/soul dualism, but also in the context of body-(de-)construction and gender debates, this circumstance makes it a treasure trove of interesting, often contrasting recollections and insights with liberating potential. This assertion will be illustrated concretely in terms of the nexus points of the human body (throat, heart, and womb), the relationship of humans to animals and angels, and the questions of the power and value of a human being.


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BACKGROUND: The observation of conspecifics influences our bodily perceptions and actions: Contagious yawning, contagious itching, or empathy for pain, are all examples of mechanisms based on resonance between our own body and others. While there is evidence for the involvement of the mirror neuron system in the processing of motor, auditory and tactile information, it has not yet been associated with the perception of self-motion. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated whether viewing our own body, the body of another, and an object in motion influences self-motion perception. We found a visual-vestibular congruency effect for self-motion perception when observing self and object motion, and a reduction in this effect when observing someone else's body motion. The congruency effect was correlated with empathy scores, revealing the importance of empathy in mirroring mechanisms. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The data show that vestibular perception is modulated by agent-specific mirroring mechanisms. The observation of conspecifics in motion is an essential component of social life, and self-motion perception is crucial for the distinction between the self and the other. Finally, our results hint at the presence of a "vestibular mirror neuron system".


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OBJECTIVE: Mechanical evaluation of a novel screw position used for repair in a type III distal phalanx fracture model and assessment of solar canal penetration (SCP). STUDY DESIGN: Experimental study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Disarticulated equine hooves (n = 24) and 24 isolated distal phalanges. METHODS: Hooves/distal phalanges cut in a sagittal plane were repaired with 1 of 2 different cortical screw placements in lag fashion. In group 1 (conventional screw placement), the screw was inserted halfway between the proximal border of the solar canal (SC) and the subchondral bone surface on a line parallel to the dorsal cortex, whereas in group 2, the screw was inserted more palmar/plantar, where a perpendicular line drawn from the group 1 position reached the palmar/plantar cortex. Construct strength was evaluated by 3-point bending to failure. SCP was assessed by CT imaging and macroscopically. RESULTS: Screws were significantly longer in group 2 and in forelimbs. Group 2 isolated distal phalanges had a significantly more rigid fixation compared with the conventional screw position (maximum point at failure 31%, bending stiffness 41% higher). Lumen reduction of the SC was observed in 13/52 specimens (all from group 2), of which 9 were forelimbs. CONCLUSIONS: More distal screw positioning compared with the conventionally recommended screw position for internal fixation of type III distal phalangeal fractures allows placement of a longer screw and renders a more rigid fracture fixation. The novel screw position, however, carries a higher risk of SCP


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OBJECTIVES The aim of this Short Communication was to present a workflow for the superimposition of intraoral scan (IOS), cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and extraoral face scan (EOS) creating a 3D virtual dental patient. MATERIAL AND METHODS As a proof-of-principle, full arch IOS, preoperative CBCT, and mimic EOS were taken and superimposed to a unique 3D data pool. The connecting link between the different files was to detect existing teeth as constant landmarks in all three data sets. RESULTS This novel application technique successfully demonstrated the feasibility of building a craniofacial virtual model by image fusion of IOS, CBCT, and EOS under 3D static conditions. CONCLUSIONS The presented application is the first approach that realized the fusion of intraoral and facial surfaces combined with skeletal anatomy imaging. This novel 3D superimposition technique allowed the simulation of treatment planning, the exploration of the patients' expectations, and the implementation as an effective communication tool. The next step will be the development of a real-time 4D virtual patient in motion.


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Visual imagery – similar to visual perception – activates feature-specific and category-specific visual areas. This is frequently observed in experiments where the instruction is to imagine stimuli that have been shown immediately before the imagery task. Hence, feature-specific activation could be related to the short-term memory retrieval of previously presented sensory information. Here, we investigated mental imagery of stimuli that subjects had not seen before, eliminating the effects of short-term memory. We recorded brain activation using fMRI while subjects performed a behaviourally controlled guided imagery task in predefined retinotopic coordinates to optimize sensitivity in early visual areas. Whole brain analyses revealed activation in a parieto-frontal network and lateral–occipital cortex. Region of interest (ROI) based analyses showed activation in left hMT/V5+. Granger causality mapping taking left hMT/V5+ as source revealed an imagery-specific directed influence from the left inferior parietal lobule (IPL). Interestingly, we observed a negative BOLD response in V1–3 during imagery, modulated by the retinotopic location of the imagined motion trace. Our results indicate that rule-based motion imagery can activate higher-order visual areas involved in motion perception, with a role for top-down directed influences originating in IPL. Lower-order visual areas (V1, V2 and V3) were down-regulated during this type of imagery, possibly reflecting inhibition to avoid visual input from interfering with the imagery construction. This suggests that the activation in early visual areas observed in previous studies might be related to short- or long-term memory retrieval of specific sensory experiences.


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A kvalitatív módszerekkel nyert kutatási eredményeink értelmezése során a transznacionális tér, a transznacionális és az etnikai migráció elméleti és szemléleti kereteit egyaránt figyelembe vettük. Az általunk vizsgált migrációs folyamatok transznacionális térben zajlanak, és a transznacionális irodalomban leírt migráns élethelyzetek, gyakorlatok – különböző nemzetállamokban elhelyezkedő lokalitásokhoz való egyidejű, bár eltérő intenzitású kötődés, kapcsolatok – több példájával is találkoztunk. Ludger Pries nyomán a transznacionális migrációt és a transznacionális migráns alakját olyan ideáltípusnak tekintettük, amelyhez az egyes migráns utak és helyzetek csupán közelítenek, és empirikus eredményeink alapján azt mondhatjuk, hogy a valóban plurilokális, vagyis a két helyhez való egyidejű, intenzív és tartós kötődés s az ehhez kapcsolódó gyakorlatok csupán a migránsok kisebbségét, illetve a migrációs életpályák egy-egy szakaszát jellemzik. A vizsgált migrációs folyamatokban az etnicitás strukturális tényezőként és a migráns tapasztalatok értelmezési kereteként egyaránt perdöntő szerepet játszik. Az etnikai migráció szakirodalomban tárgyalt mindhárom magyarázó modellje – az anyaországba való hazatérés, a gazdasági okokból való, illetve a kisebbségi létben elszenvedett sérelmek által ösztönzött migráció – alkalmas a migrációt kiváltó és mozgató okok elemzésére, a migráns narratívák értelmezésére, azt azonban nem állíthatjuk, hogy bármelyikük kizárólagos érvényre tehet szert. Más kutatókhoz hasonlóan Rogers Brubaker meghatározását tartjuk a leginkább gyümölcsözőnek, aki az etnikai migráció tág értelmezését használva minden olyan vándorlási folyamatot etnikai migrációnak tekint, amelyben az etnicitás kulturális és szimbolikus tőkeként szabályozó szerepet játszik. This special issue of Tér és Társadalom presents some results of an international research project carried out by researchers from Switzerland, Hungary and Serbia between 2010 and 2012. The topic of the research was “Integrating (Trans-)national Migrants in Transition States” (TRANSMIG) and was financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The research aimed to explore and interpret migration flows from the Vojvodina (Serbia) to Hungary and from ex-Yugoslav republics to the Vojvodina. In the first period of the last twenty years, wars which contributed to the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the formation of new national states have caused migration flows. After the change of the millennium, educational migration of Vojvodina Hungarian youth can be considered the most important migratory movement from the Vojvodina to Hungary. Labour (economic) migration also occurs, but this cannot be understood as a one-way movement, since in the Hungarian–Serbian border zone migrants from the Vojvodina who already resettled to Hungary commute to the Vojvodina. While interpreting the qualitative research data the theoretical frameworks and approaches of transnational space, transnationalism and ethnic migration were taken into consideration. The migration movement in question occurs in a transnational social space where migrants are in constant motion. By their movements and actions that space is continually recreated. With Ludger Pries we see a transnational migrant as an ideal type to whom individual migratory movements and positions only approximate. Based on our empirical results we can conclude that real pluri-local, intensive and long-lasting bonding to two places at the same time and the relating practices only characterise a minority of migrants and certain sections of migratory careers. In the migration processes studied, ethnicity as a term is needed as a “structural factor” and frame of interpretation to approach migrant experiences. All three explanatory models for ethnic migration – return migration, economic migration, migration motivated by grievances suffered in a minority situation – are suitable to analyse the reasons that initiated migration and kept it in motion. They are helpful in interpreting migrant narratives. However, none of the reasons can claim exclusive validity. Agreeing with other researchers, we find Roger Brubaker’s definition the most useful: Ethnic migration should be comprehended in a broad sense. In addition, every migration can be considered as “ethnically” motivated where ethnicity plays a dominant role as a cultural and symbolic capital.


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The stereoselective syntheses of 7,8,9-trideoxypeloruside A (4) and a monocyclic peloruside A analogue lacking the entire tetrahydropyran moiety (3) are described. The syntheses proceeded through the PMB-ether of an ω-hydroxy β-keto aldehyde as a common intermediate which was elaborated into a pair of diastereomeric 1,3-syn and -anti diols by stereoselective Duthaler–Hafner allylations and subsequent 1,3-syn or anti reduction. One of these isomers was further converted into a tetrahydropyran derivative in a high-yielding Prins reaction, to provide the precursor for bicyclic analogue 4. Downstream steps for both syntheses included the substrate-controlled addition of a vinyl lithium intermediate to an aldehyde, thus connecting the peloruside side chain to C15 (C13) of the macrocyclic core structure in a fully stereoselective fashion. In the case of monocyclic 3 macrocyclization was based on ring-closing olefin metathesis (RCM), while bicyclic 4 was cyclized through Yamaguchi-type macrolactonization. The macrolactonization step was surprisingly difficult and was accompanied by extensive cyclic dimer formation. Peloruside A analogues 3 and 4 inhibited the proliferation of human cancer cell lines in vitro with micromolar and sub-micromolar IC50 values, respectively. The higher potency of 4 highlights the importance of the bicyclic core structure of peloruside A for nM biological activity.