25 resultados para EXAFS XANES Cu(I) Cu(II) soluzioni


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Clay mineral-rich sedimentary formations are currently under investigation to evaluate their potential use as host formations for installation of deep underground disposal facilities for radioactive waste (e.g. Boom Clay (BE), Opalinus Clay (CH), Callovo-Oxfordian argillite (FR)). The ultimate safety of the corresponding repository concepts depends largely on the capacity of the host formation to limit the flux towards the biosphere of radionuclides (RN) contained in the waste to acceptably low levels. Data for diffusion-driven transfer in these formations shows extreme differences in the measured or modelled behaviour for various radionuclides, e. g. between halogen RN (Cl-36, I-129) and actinides (U-238,U-235, Np-237, Th-232, etc.), which result from major differences between RN of the effects on transport of two phenomena: diffusion and sorption. This paper describes recent research aimed at improving understanding of these two phenomena, focusing on the results of studies carried out during the EC Funmig IP on clayrocks from the above three formations and from the Boda formation (HU). Project results regarding phenomena governing water, cation and anion distribution and mobility in the pore volumes influenced by the negatively-charged surfaces of clay minerals show a convergence of the modelling results for behaviour at the molecular scale and descriptions based on electrical double layer models. Transport models exist which couple ion distribution relative to the clay-solution interface and differentiated diffusive characteristics. These codes are able to reproduce the main trends in behaviour observed experimentally, e.g. D-e(anion) < D-e(HTO) < D-e(cation) and D-e(anion) variations as a function of ionic strength and material density. These trends are also well-explained by models of transport through ideal porous matrices made up of a charged surface material. Experimental validation of these models is good as regards monovalent alkaline cations, in progress for divalent electrostatically-interacting cations (e.g. Sr2+) and still relatively poor for 'strongly sorbing', high K-d cations. Funmig results have clarified understanding of how clayrock mineral composition, and the corresponding organisation of mineral grain assemblages and their associated porosity, can affect mobile solute (anions, HTO) diffusion at different scales (mm to geological formation). In particular, advances made in the capacity to map clayrock mineral grain-porosity organisation at high resolution provide additional elements for understanding diffusion anisotropy and for relating diffusion characteristics measured at different scales. On the other hand, the results of studies focusing on evaluating the potential effects of heterogeneity on mobile species diffusion at the formation scale tend to show that there is a minimal effect when compared to a homogeneous property model. Finally, the results of a natural tracer-based study carried out on the Opalinus Clay formation increase confidence in the use of diffusion parameters measured on laboratory scale samples for predicting diffusion over geological time-space scales. Much effort was placed on improving understanding of coupled sorption-diffusion phenomena for sorbing cations in clayrocks. Results regarding sorption equilibrium in dispersed and compacted materials for weakly to moderately sorbing cations (Sr2+, Cs+, Co2+) tend to show that the same sorption model probably holds in both systems. It was not possible to demonstrate this for highly sorbing elements such as Eu(III) because of the extremely long times needed to reach equilibrium conditions, but there does not seem to be any clear reason why such elements should not have similar behaviour. Diffusion experiments carried out with Sr2+, Cs+ and Eu(III) on all of the clayrocks gave mixed results and tend to show that coupled diffusion-sorption migration is much more complex than expected, leading generally to greater mobility than that predicted by coupling a batch-determined K-d and Ficks law based on the diffusion behaviour of HTO. If the K-d measured on equivalent dispersed systems holds as was shown to be the case for Sr, Cs (and probably Co) for Opalinus Clay, these results indicate that these cations have a D-e value higher than HTO (up to a factor of 10 for Cs+). Results are as yet very limited for very moderate to strongly sorbing species (e.g. Co(II), Eu(III), Cu(II)) because of their very slow transfer characteristics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New coordination polymers [M(Pht)(4-MeIm)2(H2O)]n (M=Co (1), Cu (2); Pht2−=dianion of o-phthalic acid; 4-MeIm=4-methylimidazole) have been synthesized and characterized by IR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, thermogravimetric analysis and magnetic measurements. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 are isostructural and consist of [M(4-MeIm)2(H2O)] building units linked in infinite 1D helical chains by 1,6-bridging phthalate ions which also act as chelating ligands through two O atoms from one carboxylate group in the case of 1. In complex 1, each Co(II) atom adopts a distorted octahedral N2O4 geometry being coordinated by two N atoms from two 4-MeIm, three O atoms of two phthalate residues and one O atom of a water molecule, whereas the square-pyramidal N2O3 coordination of the Cu(II) atom in 2 includes two N atoms of N-containing ligands, two O atoms of two carboxylate groups from different Pht, and a water molecule. An additional strong O–H⋯O hydrogen bond between a carboxylate group of the phthalate ligand and a coordinated water molecule join the 1D helical chains to form a 2D network in both compounds. The thermal dependences of the magnetic susceptibilities of the polymeric helical Co(II) chain compound 1 were simulated within the temperature range 20–300 K as a single ion case, whereas for the Cu(II) compound 2, the simulations between 25 and 300 K, were made for a linear chain using the Bonner–Fisher approximation. Modelling the experimental data of compound 1 with MAGPACK resulted in: g=2.6, |D|=62 cm−1. Calculations using the Bonner–Fisher approximation gave the following result for compound 2: g=2.18, J=–0.4 cm−1.


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This paper describes the syntheses and characterization of two new copper(II) diphosphonates: [NH3(CH2)2NH3]2[Cu2(hedp)2]·H2O (1) and [NH3CH(CH3)CH2NH3]2[Cu2(hedp)2] (2) (hedp = 1-hydroxyethylidenediphosphonate). Both compounds exhibit similar one-dimensional linear chain structures. The symmetrical {Cu2(hedp)2} dimers are connected by edge-shared {CuO5} square pyramids and form infinite chains. The Cu(II) ions are alternately bridged by O–P–O groups and O atoms. The Cu–O–Cu angles are 95.8(1) and 96.1(1)° for 1 and 2, respectively. Their magnetic properties show moderately strong antiferromagnetic interactions in both compounds.


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The gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPr) is an important molecular target for the visualization and therapy of tumors and can be targeted with radiolabeled bombesin derivatives. The present study aims to develop statine-based bombesin receptor antagonists suitable for labeling with 64Cu for imaging by positron emission tomography (PET). The potent GRPr antagonist D-Phe-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Sta-Leu-NH2 was conjugated to the sarcophagine (3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaazabicyclo[6.6.6] icosane=Sar) derivative 5-(8-methyl-3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaaza-bicyclo[6.6.6]icosan-1-ylamino)-5-oxopentanoic acid (MeCOSar) via PEG4 (LE1) and PEG2 (LE2) spacers and radiolabeled with 64Cu2+ with >95% yield and specific activities of about 100 MBq/nmol. Both Cu(II) conjugates have high affinity for GRPr (IC50: natCu-LE1, 1.4±0.1 nM; natCu-LE2, 3.8±0.6 nM). The antagonistic properties of both conjugates were confirmed by Ca2+-flux measurements. Biodistribution studies of Cu-64-LE1 exhibited specific targeting of the tumor (19.6±4.7% IA/g at 1 h p.i.) and GRPr-positive organs. Biodistribution and PET images at 4 and 24 h postinjection showed increasing tumor-to-background ratios with time. This was illustrated by the acquisition of PET images showing high tumor-to-normal tissue contrast. This study demonstrates the high affinity of the MeCOSar-PEGx-bombesin conjugates to GRPr. The stability of 64Cu complexes of MeCOSar, the long half-life of 64Cu, and the suitable biodistribution profile of the 64Cu-labeled peptides lead to PET images of high contrast suitable for potential translation into the clinic.


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The explorative coordination chemistry of the bridging ligand TTF-PPB is presented. Its strong binding ability to Co(II) and then to Ni(II) or Cu(II) in the presence of hexafluoroacetylacetonate (hfac(-)), forming new mono-and dinuclear complexes 1-3, is described. X-ray crystallographic studies have been conducted in the case of the free ligand TTF-PPB as well as its complexes [Co(TTF-PPB)(hfac)(2)] (1) and [Co(hfac)(2)(mu-TTF-PPB)Ni(hfac)(2)] (2). Each metal ion is bonded to two bidentate hfac-anions through their oxygen atoms and two nitrogen atoms of the PPB moiety with a distorted octahedral coordination geometry. Specifically, nitrogen donor atoms of TTF-PPB adopt a cis-coordination but not in the equatorial plane, which is quite rare. Electronic absorption, photoinduced intraligand charge transfer ((1)ILCT), and electrochemical behaviour of 1-3 have been investigated. UV-Vis spectroscopy shows very strong bands in the UV region consistent with ligand centred pi-pi* transitions and an intense broad band in the visible region corresponding to a spin-allowed pi-pi* (1)ILCT transition. Upon coordination, the (1)ILCT band is bathochromically shifted by 3100, 6100 and 5900 cm(-1) on going from 1 to 3. The electrochemical studies reveal that all of them undergo two reversible oxidation and one reversible reduction processes, ascribed to the successive oxidations of the TTF moiety and the reduction of the PPB unit, respectively.


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Bombesin receptors are under intense investigation as molecular targets since they are overexpressed in several prevalent solid tumors. We rationally designed and synthesized a series of modified bombesin (BN) peptide analogs to study the influence of charge and spacers at the N-terminus, as well as amino acid substitutions, on both receptor binding affinity and pharmacokinetics. This enabled development of a novel (64/67)Cu-labeled BN peptide for PET imaging and targeted radiotherapy of BN receptor-positive tumors. Our results show that N-terminally positively charged peptide ligands had significantly higher affinity to human gastrin releasing peptide receptor (GRPr) than negatively charged or uncharged ligands (IC(50): 3.2±0.5 vs 26.3±3.5 vs 41.5±2.5 nM). The replacement of Nle(14) by Met, and deletion of D-Tyr(6), further resulted in 8-fold higher affinity. Contrary to significant changes to human GRPr binding, modifications at the N-terminal and at the 6(th), 11(th), and 14(th) position of BN induced only slight influences on affinity to mouse GRPr. [Cu(II)]-CPTA-[βAla(11)] BN(7-14) ([Cu(II)]-BZH7) showed the highest internalization rate into PC-3 cells with relatively slow efflux because of its subnanomolar affinity to GRPr. Interestingly, [(64/67)Cu]-BZH7 also displayed similar affinities to the other 2 human BN receptor subtypes. In vivo studies showed that [(64/67)Cu]-BZH7 had a high accumulation in PC-3 xenografts and allowed for clear-cut visualization of the tumor in PET imaging. In addition, a CPTA-glycine derivative, forming a hippurane-type spacer, enhanced kidney clearance of the radiotracer. These data indicate that the species variation of BN receptor plays an important role in screening radiolabeled BN. As well, the positive charge from the metallated complex at the N-terminal significantly increases affinity to human GRPr. Application of these observations enabled the novel ligand [(64/67)Cu]-BZH7 to clearly visualize PC-3 tumors in vivo. This study provides a strong starting point for optimizing radiopeptides for targeting carcinomas that express any of the BN receptor subtypes.


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Chelated somatostatin agonists have been shown to be sensitive to N-terminal radiometal modifications, with Ga-DOTA agonists having significantly higher binding affinity than their Lu-, In-, and Y-DOTA correlates. Recently, somatostatin antagonists have been successfully developed as alternative tracers to agonists. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether chelated somatostatin antagonists are also sensitive to radiometal modifications and how. We have synthesized 3 different somatostatin antagonists, DOTA-p-NO(2)-Phe-c[D-Cys-Tyr-D-Aph(Cbm)-Lys-Thr-Cys]-D-Tyr-NH(2), DOTA-Cpa-c[D-Cys-Aph(Hor)-D-Aph(Cbm)-Lys-Thr-Cys]-D-Tyr-NH(2) (DOTA-JR11), and DOTA-p-Cl-Phe-c[D-Cys-Tyr-D-Aph(Cbm)-Lys-Thr-Cys]-D-Tyr-NH(2), and added various radiometals including In(III), Y(III), Lu(III), Cu(II), and Ga(III). We also replaced DOTA with 1,4,7-triazacyclononane,1-glutaric acid-4,7-acetic acid (NODAGA) and added Ga(III). The binding affinity of somatostatin receptors 1 through 5 was evaluated in all cases. In all 3 resulting antagonists, the Ga-DOTA analogs were the lowest-affinity radioligands, with a somatostatin receptor 2 binding affinity up to 60 times lower than the respective Y-DOTA, Lu-DOTA, or In-DOTA compounds. Interestingly, however, substitution of DOTA by the NODAGA chelator was able to increase massively its binding affinity in contrast to the Ga-DOTA analog. The 3 NODAGA analogs are antagonists in functional tests. In vivo biodistribution studies comparing (68)Ga-DOTATATE agonist with (68)Ga-DOTA-JR11 and (68)Ga-NODAGA-JR11 showed not only that the JR11 antagonist radioligands were superior to the agonist ligands but also that (68)Ga-NODAGA-JR11 was the tracer of choice and preferable to (68)Ga-DOTA-JR11 in transplantable HEK293-hsst(2) tumors in mice. One may therefore generalize that somatostatin receptor 2 antagonists are sensitive to radiometal modifications and may preferably be coupled with a (68)Ga-NODAGA chelator-radiometal complex.


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Control of metabolic pathways is a major task of the somatotropic axis and its constituents. Insulinlike growth-factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) bind IGF-I and -II and act as carriers and regulators of their activities in blood, body fluids and tissues. Over two periods of physiological adaptation, this study investigated the binding pattern of IGF-I to IGFBPs in the plasma of 50 multiparous Holstein dairy cows and identified relationships with the hepatic mRNA abundance of IGFBPs and plasma IGF-I during the lactational negative energy balance (NEB) and during a deliberately induced NEB by feed restriction. Period 1 lasted from week 3 antepartum (a.p.) to week 12 postpartum (p.p.) and period 2, the period of feed restriction, started at around 100 DIM and lasted for three weeks with a control (C) and a restricted group (R). Blood samples and liver biopsies were collected in week 3 a.p., and in weeks 1 and 4 p.p. of period 1 and in weeks 0 and 3 of period 2. For column chromatography of IGFBPs, plasma samples of all animals were pooled by group and time points of sampling. Plasma IGF-I dropped from week 3 a.p. to week 1 p.p. and thereafter increased until week 0 (period 2) and did not change up to week 3 of period 2. The binding of IGF-I to plasma IGFBP-1 and -2 increased in period 1 from week 3 a.p. to week 4 p.p., while at the same time it decreased for IGFBP-3. During period 2, the binding of IGF-I to plasma IGFBP-1 and -2 decreased for both groups, but less for R cows. In C cows, the IGF-I binding to IGFBP-3 in plasma increased from week 0 to week 3 of period 2, whereas R cows showed a slight decrease. In period 1, hepatic mRNA abundance of IGFBP-3 followed the plasma IGFBP-3 binding in contrast to the mRNA abundances of IGFBP-1 and -2. The latter increased from week 3 a.p. to week 1 p.p. and decreased afterwards whereas IGF-I binding to IGFBP-1 and -2 increased. In week 3 of period 2, the binding of IGF-I to IGFBP-1 and -2 and their hepatic mRNA abundance were higher in R cows compared to C cows. Hepatic mRNA abundance of IGF-I was consistently positively correlated with plasma IGF-I, especially pronounced during the NEBs in week 1 p.p. (period 1) and in week 3 (period 2) in R cows. While no distinct relation between mRNA abundance of IGFBP-1 and plasma IGF-I was evident, the mRNA abundance of IGFBP-2 was inversely related to plasma IGF-I over all experimental time points independent of treatment. The mRNA abundance of IGFBP-3 was particularly correlated with plasma IGF-I during the 2 experimental stages of a NEB. Obviously IGFBP-3, but not IGFBP-1 and -2, binding in plasma closely followed the respective pattern of hepatic mRNA abundance during the entire experimental period. The fact that changes in the different plasma IGFBPs during altering metabolic stages in different stages of lactation do not always strictly follow their mRNA abundance in liver suggests tissues other than the liver flexibly contributing to the IGFBP pool in plasma as well as a partially post-transcriptional regulation of IGFBP synthesis.


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Intensified aquaculture has strong impact on fish health by stress and infectious diseases and has stimulated the interest in the orchestration of cytokines and growth factors, particularly their influence by environmental factors, however, only scarce data are available on the GH/IGF-system, central physiological system for development and tissue shaping. Most recently, the capability of the host to cope with tissue damage has been postulated as critical for survival. Thus, the present study assessed the combined impacts of estrogens and bacterial infection on the insulin-like growth factors (IGF) and tumor-necrosis factor (TNF)-α. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to 2 different concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E2) and infected with Yersinia ruckeri. Gene expressions of IGF-I, IGF-II and TNF-α were measured in liver, head kidney and spleen and all 4 estrogen receptors (ERα1, ERα2, ERβ1 and ERβ2) known in rainbow trout were measured in liver. After 5 weeks of E2 treatment, hepatic up-regulation of ERα1 and ERα2, but down-regulation of ERß1 and ERß2 were observed in those groups receiving E2-enriched food. In liver, the results further indicate a suppressive effect of Yersinia-infection regardless of E2-treatment on day 3, but not of E2-treatment on IGF-I whilst TNF-α gene expression was not influenced by Yersinia-infection but was reduced after 5 weeks of E2-treatment. In spleen, the results show a stimulatory effect of Yersinia-infection, but not of E2-treatment on both, IGF-I and TNF-α gene expressions. In head kidney, E2 strongly suppressed both, IGF-I and TNF-α. To summarise, the treatment effects were tissue- and treatment-specific and point to a relevant role of IGF-I in infection.


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The accurate electron density distribution and magnetic properties of two metal-organic polymeric magnets, the quasi-one-dimensional (1D) Cu(pyz)(NO3)2 and the quasi-two-dimensional (2D) [Cu(pyz)2(NO3)]NO3·H2O, have been investigated by high-resolution single-crystal X-ray diffraction and density functional theory calculations on the whole periodic systems and on selected fragments. Topological analyses, based on quantum theory of atoms in molecules, enabled the characterization of possible magnetic exchange pathways and the establishment of relationships between the electron (charge and spin) densities and the exchange-coupling constants. In both compounds, the experimentally observed antiferromagnetic coupling can be quantitatively explained by the Cu-Cu superexchange pathway mediated by the pyrazine bridging ligands, via a σ-type interaction. From topological analyses of experimental charge-density data, we show for the first time that the pyrazine tilt angle does not play a role in determining the strength of the magnetic interaction. Taken in combination with molecular orbital analysis and spin density calculations, we find a synergistic relationship between spin delocalization and spin polarization mechanisms and that both determine the bulk magnetic behavior of these Cu(II)-pyz coordination polymers.