113 resultados para Dynamics of pollutant removal
Alternans of cardiac action potential duration (APD) is a well-known arrhythmogenic mechanism which results from dynamical instabilities. The propensity to alternans is classically investigated by examining APD restitution and by deriving APD restitution slopes as predictive markers. However, experiments have shown that such markers are not always accurate for the prediction of alternans. Using a mathematical ventricular cell model known to exhibit unstable dynamics of both membrane potential and Ca2+ cycling, we demonstrate that an accurate marker can be obtained by pacing at cycle lengths (CLs) varying randomly around a basic CL (BCL) and by evaluating the transfer function between the time series of CLs and APDs using an autoregressive-moving-average (ARMA) model. The first pole of this transfer function corresponds to the eigenvalue (λalt) of the dominant eigenmode of the cardiac system, which predicts that alternans occurs when λalt≤−1. For different BCLs, control values of λalt were obtained using eigenmode analysis and compared to the first pole of the transfer function estimated using ARMA model fitting in simulations of random pacing protocols. In all versions of the cell model, this pole provided an accurate estimation of λalt. Furthermore, during slow ramp decreases of BCL or simulated drug application, this approach predicted the onset of alternans by extrapolating the time course of the estimated λalt. In conclusion, stochastic pacing and ARMA model identification represents a novel approach to predict alternans without making any assumptions about its ionic mechanisms. It should therefore be applicable experimentally for any type of myocardial cell.
The vascular-stromal compartment of lymph nodes is important for lymph node function, and high endothelial venules (HEVs) play a critical role in controlling the entry of recirculating lymphocytes. In autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases, lymph node swelling is often accompanied by apparent HEV expansion and, potentially, targeting HEV expansion could be used therapeutically to limit autoimmunity. In previous studies using mostly flow cytometry analysis, we defined three differentially regulated phases of lymph node vascular-stromal growth: initiation, expansion, and the re-establishment of vascular quiescence and stabilization. In this study, we use optical projection tomography to better understand the morphologic aspects of HEV growth upon immunization with ovalbumin/CFA (OVA/CFA). We find HEV elongation as well as modest arborization during the initiation phase, increased arborization during the expansion phase, and, finally, vessel narrowing during the re-establishment of vascular quiescence and stabilization. We also examine acutely enlarged autoinflammatory lymph nodes induced by regulatory T cell depletion and show that HEVs are expanded and morphologically similar to the expanded HEVs in OVA/CFA-stimulated lymph nodes. These results reinforce the idea of differentially regulated, distinct phases of vascular-stromal growth after immunization and suggest that insights gained from studying immunization-induced lymph node vascular growth may help to understand how the lymph node vascular-stromal compartment could be therapeutically targeted in autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases.
Studies about transmission rates of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae in hospitals and households are scarce.
Excitation of tert-butylnitrite into the first and second UV absorption bands leads to efficient dissociation into the fragment radicals NO and tert-butoxy in their electronic ground states (2)Π and (2)E, respectively. Velocity distributions and angular anisotropies for the NO fragment in several hundred rotational and vibrational quantum states were obtained by velocity-map imaging and the recently developed 3D-REMPI method. Excitation into the well resolved vibronic progression bands (k = 0, 1, 2) of the NO stretch mode in the S(1) ← S(0) transition produces NO fragments mostly in the vibrational state with v = k, with smaller fractions in v = k - 1 and v = k - 2. It is concluded that dissociation occurs on the purely repulsive PES of S(1) without barrier. All velocity distributions from photolysis via the S(1)(nπ*) state are monomodal and show high negative anisotropy (β ≈ -1). The rotational distributions peak near j = 30.5 irrespective of the vibronic state S(1)(k) excited and the vibrational state v of the NO fragment. On average 46% of the excess energy is converted to kinetic energy, 23% and 31% remain as internal energy in the NO fragment and the t-BuO radical, respectively. Photolysis via excitation into the S(2) ← S(0) transition at 227 nm yields NO fragments with about equal populations in v = 0 and v = 1. The rotational distributions have a single maximum near j = 59.5. The velocity distributions are monomodal with positive anisotropy β ≈ 0.8. The average fractions of the excess energy distributed into translation, internal energy of NO, and internal energy of t-BuO are 39%, 23%, and 38%, respectively. In all cases ∼8500 cm(-1) of energy remain in the internal degrees of freedom of the t-BuO fragment. This is mostly assigned to rotational energy. An ab initio calculation of the dynamic reaction path shows that not only the NO fragment but also the t-BuO fragment gain large angular momentum during dissociation on the purely repulsive potential energy surface of S(2).
Signal proteins are able to adapt their response to a change in the environment, governing in this way a broad variety of important cellular processes in living systems. While conventional molecular-dynamics (MD) techniques can be used to explore the early signaling pathway of these protein systems at atomistic resolution, the high computational costs limit their usefulness for the elucidation of the multiscale transduction dynamics of most signaling processes, occurring on experimental timescales. To cope with the problem, we present in this paper a novel multiscale-modeling method, based on a combination of the kinetic Monte-Carlo- and MD-technique, and demonstrate its suitability for investigating the signaling behavior of the photoswitch light-oxygen-voltage-2-Jα domain from Avena Sativa (AsLOV2-Jα) and an AsLOV2-Jα-regulated photoactivable Rac1-GTPase (PA-Rac1), recently employed to control the motility of cancer cells through light stimulus. More specifically, we show that their signaling pathways begin with a residual re-arrangement and subsequent H-bond formation of amino acids near to the flavin-mononucleotide chromophore, causing a coupling between β-strands and subsequent detachment of a peripheral α-helix from the AsLOV2-domain. In the case of the PA-Rac1 system we find that this latter process induces the release of the AsLOV2-inhibitor from the switchII-activation site of the GTPase, enabling signal activation through effector-protein binding. These applications demonstrate that our approach reliably reproduces the signaling pathways of complex signal proteins, ranging from nanoseconds up to seconds at affordable computational costs.
The rotational nature of shifting cultivation poses several challenges to its detection by remote sensing. Consequently, there is a lack of spatial data on the dynamics of shifting cultivation landscapes on a regional, i.e. sub-national, or national level. We present an approach based on a time series of Landsat and MODIS data and landscape metrics to delineate the dynamics of shifting cultivation landscapes. Our results reveal that shifting cultivation is a land use system still widely and dynamically utilized in northern Laos. While there is an overall reduction in the areas dominated by shifting cultivation, some regions also show an expansion. A review of relevant reports and articles indicates that policies tend to lead to a reduction while market forces can result in both expansion and reduction. For a better understanding of the different factors affecting shifting cultivation landscapes in Laos, further research should focus on spatially explicit analyses.
Focusing of four hemoglobins with concurrent electrophoretic mobilization was studied by computer simulation. A dynamic electrophoresis simulator was first used to provide a detailed description of focusing in a 100-carrier component, pH 6-8 gradient using phosphoric acid as anolyte and NaOH as catholyte. These results are compared to an identical simulation except that the catholyte contained both NaOH and NaCl. A stationary, steady-state distribution of carrier components and hemoglobins is produced in the first configuration. In the second, the chloride ion migrates into and through the separation space. It is shown that even under these conditions of chloride ion flux a pH gradient forms. All amphoteric species acquire a slight positive charge upon focusing and the whole pattern is mobilized towards the cathode. The cathodic gradient end is stable whereas the anodic end is gradually degrading due to the continuous accumulation of chloride. The data illustrate that the mobilization is a cationic isotachophoretic process with the sodium ion being the leading cation. The peak height of the hemoglobin zones decreases somewhat upon mobilization, but the zones retain a relatively sharp profile, thus facilitating detection. The electropherograms that would be produced by whole column imaging and by a single detector placed at different locations along the focusing column are presented and show that focusing can be commenced with NaCl present in the catholyte at the beginning of the experiment. However, this may require detector placement on the cathodic side of the catholyte/sample mixture interface.