35 resultados para Diglossia (Linguistica)
The present study investigates life stories of established Italian workforce migrants living in the city of Berne, Switzerland, in regard to “language related major life events” (De Bot, 2007). These events are important in terms of changes happening in the linguistic setting during the life span and influence language development. In this sense, during the process of retirement, a new phase of life begins, which, amongst other things, has to be reorganized in relation to social contact and language use. One of my main questions is how the subjects handle the changes happening within and after the process of retirement in respect to the use of different languages and how this “language related major life event” is constructed and described by the migrants. One of these changes happens due to the fact that, after retirement, the social network at the workplace (the primary source of language input) can get (partially) lost and with it, the use of the local language. The fact that migrants living in Berne are confronted with diglossia (Standard German and Swissgerman), that the Canton of Berne is bilingual (German and French) and that the migrants' mother tongue (Italian) is one of the Swiss national languages, makes this question even more interesting. A second question will consider the influence of the fact that most of the subjects in question lived with the idea of return migration, but as shown in a previous study (Alter/Vieillesse/Anziani, NFP 32, 1999), only a third returned back while another third remained in the host country and the final third chose the commuting option. I will first examine these processes, changes and influences by using quantitative questionnaires in order to obtain general information on demographic data, the social situation, and a self-assessment of linguistic skills. Secondly, I will use qualitative interviews to get in-depth information of the subjects’ life stories and language biographies. The results of this project are meant to deliver insight into different aspects that have not been looked at in detail to this point: which factors of the life stories of Italian workforce migrants, who decided to remain in Switzerland after retirement, influence the linguistic changes in general and the ones happening around retirement in particular.
La nostra proposta presenta alcuni aspetti e risultati di un progetto dell'Università di Berna che si occupa delle conseguenze del pensionamento sulle competenze plurilingui di immigrati italiani nella Svizzera tedesca. Rifacendoci a De Bot (2007), che ha definito come “language related major life events” i momenti nella vita rilevanti per mutamenti delle competenze linguistiche, ipotizziamo che il pensionamento possa costituire un punto di svolta nella biografia linguistica di migranti (ma non solo) anche se finora mancano gli studi sull’argomento. Nel caso delle persone prese in considerazione il pensionamento rappresenta un momento fondamentale, quasi paragonabile, per le conseguenze che implica, al momento della migrazione. Se quest'ultima è stata, nella maggior parte dei casi, caratterizzata dalla ricerca di lavoro, la nuova fase della vita dopo il pensionamento comporta mutamenti nelle reti sociali e ha conseguenze anche per l'uso delle lingue. Un punto centrale della ricerca è la domanda di come i migranti affrontino questo momento all’interno della situazione diglossica della Svizzera tedesca, in cui lo svizzero tedesco è stato imparato attraverso il contatto strumentale e accanto ad esso si è mantenuta la lingua d'origine (cfr.Berruto 1991). La metodologia applicata consiste in due fasi: nella prima si utilizzano questionari per ottenere informazioni generali sui dati demografici e sulla situazione sociale, e per elicitare autovalutazioni delle competenze linguistiche. Nella seconda si effettuano interviste semiguidate per ottenere informazioni più approfondite sulla vita e sulle biografie linguistiche. Per ottenere dati relativi alle competenze linguistiche, viene inoltre utilizzato un test di competenza dello svizzero tedesco, sviluppato all’interno del progetto sulla base del SOPI (cfr.Kenyon 2000).
Our proposal presents some aspects and results of a project of the University of Bern dealing with the consequences of retirement on multilingual competences. Referring to De Bot (2007), who defined "language related major life events" as moments in life relevant for changes in multilingual competences, we assume that retirement can be a turning point in a language biography. Firstly, there are phenomena, such as the cessation of the use of a foreign language, which was formerly related to work. Secondly, retirement might elicit the improvement of foreign language skills as a way to spend excess time after retirement or as a “cognitive exercise”. Many language schools have identified the people of advanced age as a group of major interest and increasingly offer so-called 50+ (fifty plus) courses in their curriculum. Furthermore, the concept of lifelong learning is increasingly gaining importance, as the reference by the European commission (LLP) indicates. However, most of the programs are intended for educated middle-class people and there are considerably fewer offers for people who are less familiar with learning environments in general. The present paper aims at investigating the multilingual setting of an offer of the second kind: a German language course designed for retired, established Italian workforce migrants living in the city of Berne, Switzerland. The multilingual setting is given by the facts that migrants living in Berne are confronted with diglossia (Standard German and Swissgerman dialects), that the Canton of Berne is bilingual (German and French) and that the migrants' mother tongue, Italian, is one of the Swiss national languages. As previous studies have shown, most of the Italian migrants have difficulties with the acquisition of Standard German due to the diglossic situation (Werlen, 2007) or never even learnt any of the German varieties. Another outcome of the linguistic situation the migrants are confronted with in Berne, is the usage of a continuum of varieties between Swissgerman dialect and Standard German (Zanovello-Müller, 1998). Therefore, in the classroom we find several varieties of German, as well as the Italian language and its varieties. In the present paper we will investigate the use of multilingual competences within the classroom and the dynamics of second language acquisition in a setting of older adults (>60 years old), learning their host country’s language after 40 years or more of living in it. The methods applied are an ethnographic observation of the language class, combined with qualitative interviews to gain in-depth information of the subjects’ life stories and language biographies.
Pensionamento e plurilinguismo. Un'indagine qualitativa su immigrati italiani e su svizzeri tedeschi
Che cosa succede con le competenze linguistiche quando una persona va in pensione? Perde delle competenze perché si indebolisce il contatto con la rete sociale del lavoro o acquisisce nuove competenze grazie alla maggiore disponibilità di tempo (frequentando per esempio un corso di lingua)? Partendo da queste domande il presente lavoro indaga la tematica finora poco studiata della percezione di cambiamenti riguardo all’uso e alle competenze delle lingue durante il processo del pensionamento. Dopo aver passato in rassegna il quadro interdisciplinare degli studi incentrati sulla terza età, viene discusso il complesso di fattori che interagiscono nelle dinamiche del pensionamento. Nella seconda parte del lavoro, si presenta invece una serie di indagini empiriche svolte dall’autrice che offrono un primo approccio sociolinguistico ai mutamenti legati a questo importante momento della vita.