29 resultados para Crayfish Digestive organs


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Background. Changes in hepatosplanchnic lactate exchange are likely to contribute to hyperlactatemia in sepsis. We hypothesized that septic and cardiogenic shock have different effects on hepatosplanchnic lactate exchange and its contribution to hyperlactatemia. Materials and Methods. 24 anesthetized pigs were randomized to fecal peritonitis (P), cardiac tamponade (CT), and to controls ( per group). Oxygen transport and lactate exchange were calculated during 24 hours. Results. While hepatic lactate influx increased in P and in CT, hepatic lactate uptake remained unchanged in P and decreased in CT. Hepatic lactate efflux contributed 20% (P) and 33% (CT), respectively, to whole body venous efflux. Despite maintained hepatic arterial blood flow, hepatic oxygen extraction did not increase in CT. Conclusions. Whole body venous lactate efflux is of similar magnitude in hyperdynamic sepsis and in cardiogenic shock. Although jejunal mucosal pCO2 gradients are increased, enhanced lactate production from other tissues is more relevant to the increased arterial lactate. Nevertheless, the liver fails to increase hepatic lactate extraction in response to rising hepatic lactate influx, despite maintained hepatic oxygen consumption. In cardiac tamponade, regional, extrasplanchnic lactate production is accompanied by hepatic failure to increase oxygen extraction and net hepatic lactate output, despite maintained hepatic arterial perfusion.


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PURPOSE To determine the variability of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in various anatomic regions in the upper abdomen measured with magnetic resonance (MR) systems from different vendors and with different field strengths. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ten healthy men (mean age, 36.6 years ± 7.7 [standard deviation]) gave written informed consent to participate in this prospective ethics committee-approved study. Diffusion-weighted (DW) MR imaging was performed in each subject with 1.5- and 3.0-T MR systems from each of three vendors at two institutions. Two readers independently measured ADC values in seven upper abdominal regions (left and right liver lobe, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and renal cortex and medulla). ADC values were tested for interobserver differences, as well as for differences related to field strength and vendor, with repeated-measures analysis of variance; coefficients of variation (CVs) and variance components were calculated. RESULTS Interreader agreement was excellent (intraclass coefficient, 0.876). ADC values were (77.5-88.8) ×10(-5) mm(2)/sec in the spleen and (250.6-278.5) ×10(-5) mm(2)/sec in the gallbladder. There were no significant differences between ADC values measured at 1.5 T and those measured at 3.0 T in any anatomic region (P >.10 for all). In two of seven regions at 1.5 T (left and right liver lobes, P < .023) and in four of seven regions at 3.0 T (left liver lobe, pancreas, and renal cortex and medulla, P < .008), intervendor differences were significant. CVs ranged from 7.0% to 27.1% depending on the anatomic location. CONCLUSION Despite significant intervendor differences in ADC values of various anatomic regions of the upper abdomen, ADC values of the gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and kidney may be comparable between MR systems from different vendors and between different field strengths.


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Intensified aquaculture has strong impact on fish health by stress and infectious diseases and has stimulated the interest in the orchestration of cytokines and growth factors, particularly their influence by environmental factors, however, only scarce data are available on the GH/IGF-system, central physiological system for development and tissue shaping. Most recently, the capability of the host to cope with tissue damage has been postulated as critical for survival. Thus, the present study assessed the combined impacts of estrogens and bacterial infection on the insulin-like growth factors (IGF) and tumor-necrosis factor (TNF)-α. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to 2 different concentrations of 17β-estradiol (E2) and infected with Yersinia ruckeri. Gene expressions of IGF-I, IGF-II and TNF-α were measured in liver, head kidney and spleen and all 4 estrogen receptors (ERα1, ERα2, ERβ1 and ERβ2) known in rainbow trout were measured in liver. After 5 weeks of E2 treatment, hepatic up-regulation of ERα1 and ERα2, but down-regulation of ERß1 and ERß2 were observed in those groups receiving E2-enriched food. In liver, the results further indicate a suppressive effect of Yersinia-infection regardless of E2-treatment on day 3, but not of E2-treatment on IGF-I whilst TNF-α gene expression was not influenced by Yersinia-infection but was reduced after 5 weeks of E2-treatment. In spleen, the results show a stimulatory effect of Yersinia-infection, but not of E2-treatment on both, IGF-I and TNF-α gene expressions. In head kidney, E2 strongly suppressed both, IGF-I and TNF-α. To summarise, the treatment effects were tissue- and treatment-specific and point to a relevant role of IGF-I in infection.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are immunotoxicants in fish. In mammals, phase I metabolites are believed to be critically involved in the immunotoxicity of PAHs. This mechanism has been suggested for fish as well. The present study investigates the capacity of immune organs (head kidney, spleen) of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, to metabolize the prototypic PAH, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). To this end, we analyzed 1) the induction of enzymatic capacity measured as 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity in immune organs compared with liver, 2) the organ profiles of BaP metabolites generated in vivo, and 3) rates of microsomal BaP metabolite production in vitro. All measurements were done for control fish and for fish treated with an intraperitoneal injection of 15 mg BaP/kg body weight. In exposed trout, the liver, head kidney, and spleen contained similar levels of BaP, whereas EROD induction differed significantly between the organs, with liver showing the highest induction factor (132.8×), followed by head kidney (38.4×) and spleen (1.4×). Likewise, rates of microsomal metabolite formation experienced the highest induction in the liver of BaP-exposed trout, followed by the head kidney and spleen. Microsomes from control fish displayed tissue-specific differences in metabolite production. In contrast, in BaP-exposed trout, microsomes of all organs produced the potentially immunotoxic BaP-7,8-dihydrodiol as the main metabolite. The findings from this study show that PAHs, like BaP, are distributed into immune organs of fish and provide the first evidence that immune organs possess inducible PAH metabolism leading to in situ production of potentially immunotoxic PAH metabolites.


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Thyroid hormones are involved in modulating the immune system in mammals. In contrast, there is no information on the role played by these hormones in the immune system of teleost fish. Here we provide initial evidence for the presence of active thyroid signaling in immune organs and cells of teleosts. We demonstrate that immune organs (head kidney and spleen) and isolated leukocytes (from head kidney and peripheral blood) of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) express both thyroid receptor α (THRA) and β (THRB). Absolute mRNA levels of THRA were significantly higher than those of THRB. THRA showed higher expression in immune organs and isolated immune cells compared to the reference organ, liver, while THRB showed the opposite. In vivo exposure of trout to triiodothryronine (T3) or the anti-thyroid agent propylthiouracil (PTU) altered THR expression in immune organs and cells. Effect of T3 and PTU over the relative expression of selected marker genes of immune cell subpopulations was also studied. Treatments changed the relative expression of markers of cytotoxic, helper and total T cells (cd4, cd8a, trb), B lymphocytes (mIgM) and macrophages (csf1r). These findings suggest that the immune system of rainbow trout is responsive to thyroid hormones.


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The digestive tract is colonized from birth by a bacterial population called the microbiota which influences the development of the immune system. Modifications in its composition are associated with problems such as obesity or inflammatory bowel diseases. Antibiotics are known to influence the intestinal microbiota but other environmental factors such as cigarette smoking also seem to have an impact on its composition. This influence might partly explain weight gain which is observed after smoking cessation. Indeed there is a modification of the gut microbiota which becomes similar to that of obese people with a microbiotical profile which is more efficient to extract calories from ingested food. These new findings open new fields of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches through the regulation of the microbiota.


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Little is known about the effects of smoking on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However the co-occurrence of smoking and IBD often happens in ambulatory care. Smokers have a doubled risk of developing a Crohn's disease with a more active disease course. After quitting, a decrease in risk can be observed after only one year. An inverse relationship is found between smoking and ulcerative colitis. Smoking seems protective for the development of the disease and its course is less active among smokers. Smoking cessation transitorily increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis. Nevertheless, continuing smoking cannot be justified among those patients given the risks of long-term extra-digestive effects. It is thus important to counsel all smokers with an IBD to quit smoking.


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PURPOSE To reliably determine the amplitude of the transmit radiofrequency ( B1+) field in moving organs like the liver and heart, where most current techniques are usually not feasible. METHODS B1+ field measurement based on the Bloch-Siegert shift induced by a pair of Fermi pulses in a double-triggered modified Point RESolved Spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence with motion-compensated crusher gradients has been developed. Performance of the sequence was tested in moving phantoms and in muscle, liver, and heart of six healthy volunteers each, using different arrangements of transmit/receive coils. RESULTS B1+ determination in a moving phantom was almost independent of type and amplitude of the motion and agreed well with theory. In vivo, repeated measurements led to very small coefficients of variance (CV) if the amplitude of the Fermi pulse was chosen above an appropriate level (CV in muscle 0.6%, liver 1.6%, heart 2.3% with moderate amplitude of the Fermi pulses and 1.2% with stronger Fermi pulses). CONCLUSION The proposed sequence shows a very robust determination of B1+ in a single voxel even under challenging conditions (transmission with a surface coil or measurements in the heart without breath-hold). Magn Reson Med, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In a representative cross-sectional study during 12 months of the years 2008/2009 in four abattoirs in Switzerland, lung and pleura lesions as well as lesions of slaughter carcasses and organs of 34 706 pigs were studied for frequency and type of macroscopic lesions. Of the 24276 examined pigs, 91.2% of the lungs, 94.4% of the heart and 95.5% of the livers showed no macroscopically visible lesions. Pigs that were produced for a label program had significantly less bronchopneumonia and pneumonia residuals, pleuritis and liver lesions due to echinococcosis. Pigs supervised by the Swiss Pig Health Service (SGD), showed significantly less bronchopneumonia and pneumonia residuals, diffuse pleuritis, pleuritis/pericarditis and milkspots compared to the non-SGD supervised farms. Thanks to the national eradication program for enzootic pneumonia (EP) and actinobacillosis, the health-status of lungs has been considerably improved and the prevalence of pleurisy decreased considerably. The results of this study indicate a good herd health in Swiss pig production.


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Leaves originate from the shoot apical meristem, a small mound of undifferentiated tissue at the tip of the stem. Leaf formation begins with the selection of a group of founder cells in the so-called peripheral zone at the flank of the meristem, followed by the initiation of local growth and finally morphogenesis of the resulting bulge into a differentiated leaf. Whereas the mechanisms controlling the switch between meristem propagation and leaf initiation are being identified by genetic and molecular analyses, the radial positioning of leaves, known as phyllotaxis, remains poorly understood. Hormones, especially auxin and gibberellin, are known to influence phyllotaxis, but their specific role in the determination of organ position is not clear. We show that inhibition of polar auxin transport blocks leaf formation at the vegetative tomato meristem, resulting in pinlike naked stems with an intact meristem at the tip. Microapplication of the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) to the apex of such pins restores leaf formation. Similarly, exogenous IAA induces flower formation on Arabidopsis pin-formed1-1 inflorescence apices, which are blocked in flower formation because of a mutation in a putative auxin transport protein. Our results show that auxin is required for and sufficient to induce organogenesis both in the vegetative tomato meristem and in the Arabidopsis inflorescence meristem. In this study, organogenesis always strictly coincided with the site of IAA application in the radial dimension, whereas in the apical–basal dimension, organ formation always occurred at a fixed distance from the summit of the meristem. We propose that auxin determines the radial position and the size of lateral organs but not the apical–basal position or the identity of the induced structures.