148 resultados para Clinical efficacy


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T-cells specific for foreign (e.g., viral) antigens can give rise to strong protective immune responses, whereas self/tumor antigen-specific T-cells are thought to be less powerful. However, synthetic T-cell vaccines composed of Melan-A/MART-1 peptide, CpG and IFA can induce high frequencies of tumor-specific CD8 T-cells in PBMC of melanoma patients. Here we analyzed the functionality of these T-cells directly ex vivo, by multiparameter flow cytometry. The production of multiple cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, IL-2) and upregulation of LAMP-1 (CD107a) by tumor (Melan-A/MART-1) specific T-cells was comparable to virus (EBV-BMLF1) specific CD8 T-cells. Furthermore, phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT5 and ERK1/2, and expression of CD3 zeta chain were similar in tumor- and virus-specific T-cells, demonstrating functional signaling pathways. Interestingly, high frequencies of functionally competent T-cells were induced irrespective of patient's age or gender. Finally, CD8 T-cell function correlated with disease-free survival. However, this result is preliminary since the study was a Phase I clinical trial. We conclude that human tumor-specific CD8 T-cells can reach functional competence in vivo, encouraging further development and Phase III trials assessing the clinical efficacy of robust vaccination strategies.


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The economic burden associated with osteoporosis is considerable. As such, cost-effectiveness analyses are important contributors to the diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making process. The aim of this study was to review the cost effectiveness of treating post-menopausal osteoporosis with bisphosphonates and identify the key factors that influence the cost effectiveness of such treatment in the Swiss setting. A systematic search of databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library) was conducted to identify published literature on the cost effectiveness of bisphosphonates in post-menopausal osteoporosis in the Swiss setting. Outcomes were compared with similar studies in Western European countries. Three cost-effectiveness studies of bisphosphonates in this patient population were identified; all were from a healthcare payer perspective. Outcomes showed that, relative to no treatment, treatment with oral bisphosphonates was predicted to be cost saving for most women aged ≥70 years with osteoporosis or at least one risk factor for fracture, and cost effective for women aged ≥75 years without prior fracture when used as a component of a population-based screen-and-treat programme. Results were most sensitive to changes in fracture risk, cost of fractures, cost of treatment, nursing home admissions and adherence with treatment. Swiss results were generally comparable to those in other European settings. Assuming similar clinical efficacy, lowering treatment cost (through the use of price-reduced brand-name or generic drugs) and/or improving adherence should both contribute to further improving the cost effectiveness of bisphosphonates in women with post-menopausal osteoporosis. Published evidence indicates that bisphosphonates are estimated to be similarly cost effective or cost saving in most treatment scenarios of post-menopausal osteoporosis in Switzerland and in neighbouring European countries.


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ThioTEPA, an alkylating agent with anti-tumor activity, has been used as an effective anticancer drug since the 1950s. However, a complete understanding of how its alkylating activity relates to clinical efficacy has not been achieved, the total urinary excretion of thioTEPA and its metabolites is not resolved, and the mechanism of formation of the potentially toxic metabolites S-carboxymethylcysteine (SCMC) and thiodiglycolic acid (TDGA) remains unclear. In this study, the metabolism of thioTEPA in a mouse model was comprehensively investigated using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS) based-metabolomics. The nine metabolites identified in mouse urine suggest that thioTEPA underwent ring-opening, N-dechloroethylation, and conjugation reactions in vivo. SCMC and TDGA, two downstream thioTEPA metabolites, were produced from thioTEPA from two novel metabolites 1,2,3-trichloroTEPA (VII) and dechloroethyltrichloroTEPA (VIII). SCMC and TDGA excretion were increased about 4-fold and 2-fold, respectively, in urine following the thioTEPA treatment. The main mouse metabolites of thioTEPA in vivo were TEPA (II), monochloroTEPA (III) and thioTEPA-mercapturate (IV). In addition, five thioTEPA metabolites were detected in serum and all shared similar disposition. Although thioTEPA has a unique chemical structure which is not maintained in the majority of its metabolites, metabolomic analysis of its biotransformation greatly contributed to the investigation of thioTEPA metabolism in vivo, and provides useful information to understand comprehensively the pharmacological activity and potential toxicity of thioTEPA in the clinic.


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Voclosporin, a novel immunomodulatory drug inhibiting the calcineurin enzyme, was developed to prevent organ graft rejection and to treat autoimmune diseases. The chemical structure of voclosporin is similar to that of cyclosporine A, with a difference in one amino acid, leading to superior calcineurin inhibition and less variability in plasma concentration. Compared with placebo, voclosporin may significantly reduce inflammation and prevent recurrences of inflammation in patients with noninfectious uveitis. Future studies have to show if these advantages are accompanied by greater clinical efficacy and fewer side effects compared with the classic calcineurin inhibitors.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common pathogen causing non-epidemic bacterial meningitis worldwide. The immune response and inflammatory processes contribute to the pathophysiology. Hence, the anti-inflammatory dexamethasone is advocated as adjuvant treatment although its clinical efficacy remains a question at issue. In experimental models of pneumococcal meningitis, dexamethasone increased neuronal damage in the dentate gyrus. Here, we investigated expressional changes in the hippocampus and cortex at 72 h after infection when dexamethasone was given to infant rats with pneumococcal meningitis. Nursing Wistar rats were intracisternally infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae to induce experimental meningitis or were sham-infected with pyrogen-free saline. Besides antibiotics, animals were either treated with dexamethasone or saline. Expressional changes were assessed by the use of GeneChip® Rat Exon 1.0 ST Arrays and quantitative real-time PCR. Protein levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cytokines and chemokines were evaluated in immunoassays using Luminex xMAP® technology. In infected animals, 213 and 264 genes were significantly regulated by dexamethasone in the hippocampus and cortex respectively. Separately for the cortex and the hippocampus, Gene Ontology analysis identified clusters of biological processes which were assigned to the predefined categories "inflammation", "growth", "apoptosis" and others. Dexamethasone affected the expression of genes and protein levels of chemokines reflecting diminished activation of microglia. Dexamethasone-induced changes of genes related to apoptosis suggest the downregulation of the Akt-survival pathway and the induction of caspase-independent apoptosis. Signalling of pro-neurogenic pathways such as transforming growth factor pathway was reduced by dexamethasone resulting in a lack of pro-survival triggers. The anti-inflammatory properties of dexamethasone were observed on gene and protein level in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. Further dexamethasone-induced expressional changes reflect an increase of pro-apoptotic signals and a decrease of pro-neurogenic processes. The findings may help to identify potential mechanisms leading to apoptosis by dexamethasone in experimental pneumococcal meningitis.


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To evaluate patency and clinical efficacy of endovascular therapy for infrainguinal bypass obstructions.


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The efficacy of traditional anti-cancer agents is hampered by toxicity to normal tissues, due to the lack of specificity for malignant cells. Recent advances in our understanding of molecular genetics and tumor biology have led to the identification of signaling pathways and their regulators implicated in tumorigenesis and malignant progression. Consequently, novel biological agents were designed which specifically target key regulators of cell survival and proliferation activated in malignant cells and thus are superior to unspecific cytotoxic agents. Antisense molecules comprising conventional single-stranded antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) and small interfering RNA (siRNA) inhibit gene expression on the transcript level. Thus, they specifically target the genetic basis of cancer and are particularly useful for inhibiting the expression of oncogenes the protein products of which are inaccessible to small molecules or inhibitory antibodies. Despite the somewhat disappointing results of recent antisense oncology trials, the identification of new cancer targets and ongoing progress in ASO and siRNA technology together with improvements in tumor targeted delivery have raised new hopes that this fascinating intervention concept will eventually translate into enhanced clinical efficacy.


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The role of the platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib-V-IX receptor in thrombin activation of platelets has remained controversial although good evidence suggests that blocking this receptor affects platelet responses to this agonist. The mechanism of expression of procoagulant activity in response to platelet agonists is also still obscure. Here, the binding site for thrombin on GPIb is shown to have a key role in the exposure of negatively charged phospholipids on the platelet surface and thrombin generation, in response to thrombin, which also requires protease-activated receptor-1, GPIIb-IIIa, and platelet-platelet contact. Von Willebrand factor binding to GPIb is not essential to initiate development of platelet procoagulant activity. Inhibition of fibrinogen binding to GPIIb-IIIa also failed to block platelet procoagulant activity. Both heparin and low molecular weight heparin block thrombin-induced platelet procoagulant activity, which may account for part of their clinical efficacy. This study demonstrates a new, critical role for platelet GPIb in hemostasis, showing that platelet activation and coagulation are tightly interwoven, which may have implications for alternative therapies for thrombotic diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Surgical profundaplasty (SP)is used mainly as an adjunct to endovascular management of peripheral vascular disease (PAD) today. Results from earlier series of profundaplasty alone have been controversial, especially regarding its hemodynamic effect. The question is: Can profundaplasty alone still be useful? Our aim was to evaluate its role in the modern management of vascular patients. METHODS: This was a retrospective outcome study. A consecutive series of 97 patients (106 legs) from January 2000 through December 2003 were included. In 55 (52%) legs, the superficial femoral artery was occluded. These patients were included in the current analysis. Of these patients 14 (25%) were female. Mean age was 71 ((11) years. Nineteen (35%) were diabetic. The indication for operation was claudication in 29 (53%), critical leg ischemia (CLI) in 26 (47%), either with rest pain in 17 (31%), or ulcer/gangrene in 9 (16%). Endarterectomy with patch angioplasty with bovine pericardium was performed in all cases. Mean follow-up was 33 ( 14 months. Mean preoperative ankle brachial index (ABI) was 0.6. Sustained clinical efficacy was defined as upward shift of 1 or greater on the Rutherford scale without repeat target limb revascularization (TLR) or amputation. Mortality, morbidity, need for TLR, or amputation were separate endpoints. RESULTS: Postoperatively, ABI was significantly improved (mean = 0.7), in 24 (44%) by more than 0.15. At three years, cumulative clinical success rate was 80%. Overall, patients with claudication had a better outcome than those with CLI (p = 0.04). Two (4%) major amputations and 2 (4%) minor ones were performed, all in patients with CLI. None of the 9 (16%) ulcers healed. CONCLUSION: Profundaplasty is still a valuable option for patients with femoral PAD and claudication without tissue loss. It is a straightforward procedure that combines good efficacy with low complication rates. Further endovascular treatment may be facilitated. It is not useful for patients with the combination of critical ischemia and tissue loss.


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Candida albicans is the most frequent cause of fungal keratitis in temperate regions. Caspofungin has potent activity against Candida spp. in a variety of clinical settings. Little is known, however, about its activity against fungal keratitis. We compared the efficacy of topical caspofungin with that of topical amphotericin B (AMB) in a rabbit model of experimental keratomycosis. Keratitis was induced with a standardized inoculum of Candida albicans (SC 5314) placed on the debrided cornea. Twenty-four hours after infection, animals were randomly assigned to treatment with 0.15% caspofungin, 0.5% caspofungin, 0.15% AMB, and a saline control (n = 12 rabbits in each group). For the first 12 h, treatment was repeated every 30 min and, after a 12-h pause, was resumed at hourly intervals for another 12 h. The animals were examined and killed 12 h after administration of the last dose. Treatment effects were evaluated by clinical assessment, fungal culture, and histopathology. Drug treatment significantly reduced corneal fungal recovery from 3.78 log10 CFU in saline-treated animals to 2.97, 1.76, and 1.18 log10 CFU in animals treated with 0.15% caspofungin, 0.5% caspofungin, and 0.15% AMB, respectively. By histopathology, the mean hyphal density was significantly lower in the corneas of treated animals than in those of the controls; there was no difference in hyphal densities between the different treatment groups. The depth of corneal invasion was not significantly reduced by the antifungal treatments. By clinical assessment, keratitis progressed in animals treated with saline, whereas disease progression was inhibited by all drug treatment regimens. In our rabbit model, 0.5% caspofungin was as effective as 0.15% AMB for the topical treatment of Candida keratitis. The potential clinical efficacy of caspofungin awaits further investigation.


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Clinical efficacy of aerosol therapy in premature newborns depends on the efficiency of delivery of aerosolized drug to the bronchial tree. To study the influence of various anatomical, physical, and physiological factors on aerosol delivery in preterm newborns, it is crucial to have appropriate in vitro models, which are currently not available. We therefore constructed the premature infant nose throat-model (PrINT-Model), an upper airway model corresponding to a premature infant of 32-wk gestational age by three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of a three-planar magnetic resonance imaging scan and subsequent 3D-printing. Validation was realized by visual comparison and comparison of total airway volume. To study the feasibility of measuring aerosol deposition, budesonide was aerosolized through the cast and lung dose was expressed as percentage of nominal dose. The airway volumes of the initial magnetic resonance imaging and validation computed tomography scan showed a relative deviation of 0.94%. Lung dose at low flow (1 L/min) was 61.84% and 9.00% at high flow (10 L/min), p < 0.0001. 3D-reconstruction provided an anatomically accurate surrogate of the upper airways of a 32-wk-old premature infant, making the model suitable for future in vitro testing.


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This study evaluates the clinical applicability of administering sodium nitroprusside by a closed-loop titration system compared with a manually adjusted system. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) was registered every 10 and 30 sec during the first 150 min after open heart surgery in 20 patients (group 1: computer regulation) and in ten patients (group 2: manual regulation). The results (16,343 and 2,912 data points in groups 1 and 2, respectively), were then analyzed in four time frames and five pressure ranges to indicate clinical efficacy. Sixty percent of the measured MAP in both groups was within the desired +/- 10% during the first 10 min. Thereafter until the end of observation, the MAP was maintained within +/- 10% of the desired set-point 90% of the time in group 1 vs. 60% of the time in group 2. One percent and 11% of data points were +/- 20% from the set-point in groups 1 and 2, respectively (p less than .05, chi-square test). The computer-assisted therapy provided better control of MAP, was safe to use, and helped to reduce nursing demands.


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OBJECTIVES: We sought to assess the safety and clinical efficacy of patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure under fluoroscopic guidance only, without intraprocedural echocardiography. BACKGROUND: Percutaneous PFO closure has been shown to be safe and feasible using several devices. It is generally performed using simultaneously fluoroscopic and transesophageal or intracardiac echocardiographic guidance. Transesophageal echocardiography requires sedation or general anesthesia and intubation to avoid aspiration. Intracardiac echocardiography is costly and has inherent risks. Both lengthen the procedure. The Amplatzer PFO Occluder (AGA Medical Corporation, Golden Valley, Minnesota) can be safely implanted without echocardiographic guidance. METHODS: A total of 620 patients (51 +/- 12 years; 66% male) underwent PFO closure using the Amplatzer PFO Occluder for secondary prevention of presumed paradoxical embolism. Based on size and mobility of the PFO and the interatrial septum, an 18-mm device was used in 50 patients, a 25-mm device in 492, and a 35-mm device in 78. RESULTS: All procedures were successful, with 5 procedural complications (0.8%): 4 arteriovenous fistulae requiring elective surgical correction, and 1 transient ischemic attack. Contrast transesophageal echocardiography at 6 months showed complete closure in 91% of patients, whereas a minimal, moderate, or large residual shunt persisted in 6%, 2%, and 1%, respectively. During a mean follow-up period of 3.0 +/- 1.9 years (median: 2.6 years; total patient-years: 1,871), 5 ischemic strokes, 8 transient ischemic attacks, and no peripheral emboli were reported. Freedom from recurrent ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, or peripheral embolism was 99% at 1 year, 99% at 2 years, and 97% at 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: The Amplatzer PFO Occluder affords excellent safety and long-term clinical efficacy of percutaneous PFO closure without intraprocedural echocardiography.


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Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) confer a substantial healthcare burden in the Western world. Surgical or endovascular therapy is indicated in patients with a maximum diameter exceeding 5.5 cm. Patients with smaller AAA must undergo a specific ultrasound surveillance program aimed at avoiding exposure to an increased risk of rupture once their AAA exceeds the threshold for active treatment. Based on improved understanding of the pathophysiology of AAA, recent years provided initial insight into potential medical treatment options. The presence of AAA is currently regarded a coronary artery disease risk equivalent. ACE inhibitors, statins and JNK-inhibitors were shown to have the potential to slow down progression. Since cigarette smoking is the main risk factor for both the development and progression of AAA, smoking cessation remains a key goal. Further prospective studies will assess the clinical efficacy of various promising drug treatment approaches aimed at slowing disease progression of small AAA and after endovascular therapy.


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Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) with bioabsorbable collagen membranes (CM) is commonly used for the treatment of periodontal defects. The objective of this systematic review of randomized clinical trials was to assess the clinical efficacy of GTR procedures with CM, with or without bone substitutes, in periodontal infrabony defects compared with that of open flap debridement (OFD) alone. Primary outcomes were tooth loss and gain in clinical attachment level (CAL). Screening of records, data extraction, and risk-of-bias assessments were performed by two reviewers. Weighted mean differences were estimated by random effects meta-analysis. We included 21 reports on 17 trials. Risk of bias was generally high. No data were available for the primary outcome tooth loss. The summary treatment effect for change in CAL for GTR with CM compared with OFD was 1.58 mm (95% CI, 1.27 to 1.88). Despite large between-trial heterogeneity (I2 = 75%, p < .001), all trials favored GTR over OFD. No differences in treatment effects were detected between trials of GTR with CM alone and trials of GTR with CM in combination with bone substitutes (p for interaction, .31). GTR with CM, with or without substitutes, may result in improved clinical outcomes compared with those achieved with OFD alone. Our findings support GTR with CM for the treatment of infrabony periodontal defects.