263 resultados para Claudi, Ulrike: Grammaticalization
Large inter-individual variability in drug response and toxicity, as well as in drug concentrations after application of the same dosage, can be of genetic, physiological, pathophysiological, or environmental origin. Absorption, distribution and metabolism of a drug and interactions with its target often are determined by genetic differences. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variations can appear at the level of drug metabolizing enzymes (e.g., the cytochrome P450 system), drug transporters, drug targets or other biomarker genes. Pharmacogenetics or toxicogenetics can therefore be relevant in forensic toxicology. This review presents relevant aspects together with some examples from daily routines.
Response to analgesics, anticancer pharmacotherapy and pharmacotherapy of other cancer related symptoms vary broadly between individuals. Age, disease, comorbidities, concomitant medication, organ function and patients' compliance may partly explain the differences. However, the focus of ongoing research has shifted towards genomic variants of phase I and II drug metabolizing enzymes with one important goal being an individual dose adjustment according to a patient's genotype. Polymorphisms of the cytochrome P 450 2D6 influence the metabolism of many drugs including the analgesics codeine, tramadol, hydrocodone and oxycodone, as well as the metabolism of tricyclic antidepressants and the anticancer drug tamoxifen. Other candidate genes such as (opioid)-receptors, transporters and other molecules important for pharmacotherapy in pain management are discussed. Although pharmacogenetics as a diagnostic tool has the potential to improve patient therapy, study results are often equivocal and limited by small sample sizes and often by their retrospective design. Well designed studies are needed to demonstrate superiority of pharmoacogenetics to conventional dosing regimes.
Genomic variations influencing response to pharmacotherapy of pain are currently under investigation. Drug-metabolizing enzymes represent a major target of ongoing research in order to identify associations between an individual's drug response and genetic profile. Polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP2D6) influence metabolism of codeine, tramadol, hydrocodone, oxycodone and tricyclic antidepressants. Blood concentrations of some NSAIDs depend on CYP2C9 and/or CYP2C8 activity. Genomic variants of these genes associate well with NSAIDs' side effect profile. Other candidate genes, such as those encoding (opioid) receptors, transporters and other molecules important for pharmacotherapy in pain management, are discussed; however, study results are often equivocal. Besides genetic variants, further variables, for example, age, disease, comorbidity, concomitant medication, organ function as well as patients' compliance, may have an impact on pharmacotherapy and need to be addressed when pain therapists prescribe medication. Although pharmacogenetics as a diagnostic tool has the potential to improve patient therapy, well-designed studies are needed to demonstrate superiority to conventional dosing regimes.
Opposing effects of ondansetron and tramadol on the serotonin pathway have been suggested which possibly increase tramadol consumption and emesis when co-administered. In a randomized, double-blinded study, 179 patients received intravenous ondansetron, metoclopramide, or placebo for emesis prophylaxis. Analgesic regimen consisted of tramadol intraoperative loading and subsequent patient-controlled analgesia. Tramadol consumption and response to antiemetic treatment were compared. Additionally, plasma concentrations of ondansetron and (+)O-demethyltramadol and CYP2D6 genetic variants were analyzed as possible confounders influencing analgesic and antiemetic efficacy. Tramadol consumption did not differ between the groups. Response rate to antiemetic prophylaxis was superior in patients receiving ondansetron (85.0%) compared with placebo (66.7%, P = .046), with no difference to metoclopramide (69.5%). Less vomiting was reported in the immediate postoperative hours in the verum groups (ondansetron 5.0%, metoclopramide 5.1%) compared with placebo (18.6%; P = .01). Whereas plasma concentrations of (+)O-demethyltramadol were significantly correlated to CYP2D6 genotype, no influence was detected for ondansetron. Co-administration of ondansetron neither increased tramadol consumption nor frequency of PONV in this postoperative setting. PERSPECTIVE: Controversial findings were reported for efficacy of tramadol and ondansetron when co-administered due to their opposing serotonergic effects. Co-medication of these drugs neither increased postoperative analgesic consumption nor frequency of emesis in this study enrolling patients recovering from major surgery.
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether biomarkers improve the prediction of recurrence-free, disease-specific, and overall survival in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer. A tissue microarray was constructed from prostate specimens of 278 patients who underwent open radical retropubic prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer. For immunohistochemical studies, antibodies were used against matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, MMP-3, MMP-7, MMP-9, MMP-13, and MMP-19, as well as against vascular endothelial growth factor, hypoxia-induced factor 1 , basic fibroblast growth factor, and cluster of differentiation 31. Univariate and multivariable analyses were performed to evaluate the potential predictors of overall, disease-specific, and recurrence-free survival. In univariate analysis of patients with clinically organ-confined prostate cancer, only higher expression levels of MMP-9 (hazard ratio [0.6], 95% CI 0.45-0.8) had a protective effect in terms of overall survival. This positive effect of high MMP-9 expression was also observed for recurrence-free (HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.78-0.99) and disease-specific survival (HR 0.5, 95% CI 0.36-0.73). In multivariable analysis, none of these potential markers was found to be an independent prognostic factor of survival. Of all MMPs and angiogenic factors tested, MMP-9 expression has the potential as a prognostic marker in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy for clinically organ-confined cases of prostate cancer.
Background To assess the criterion and construct validity of the KIDSCREEN-10 well-being and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) score, a short version of the KIDSCREEN-52 and KIDSCREEN-27 instruments. Methods The child self-report and parent report versions of the KIDSCREEN-10 were tested in a sample of 22,830 European children and adolescents aged 8–18 and their parents (n = 16,237). Correlation with the KIDSCREEN-52 and associations with other generic HRQoL measures, physical and mental health, and socioeconomic status were examined. Score differences by age, gender, and country were investigated. Results Correlations between the 10-item KIDSCREEN score and KIDSCREEN-52 scales ranged from r = 0.24 to 0.72 (r = 0.27–0.72) for the self-report version (proxy-report version). Coefficients below r = 0.5 were observed for the KIDSCREEN-52 dimensions Financial Resources and Being Bullied only. Cronbach alpha was 0.82 (0.78), test–retest reliability was ICC = 0.70 (0.67) for the self- (proxy-)report version. Correlations between other children self-completed HRQoL questionnaires and KIDSCREEN-10 ranged from r = 0.43 to r = 0.63 for the KIDSCREEN children self-report and r = 0.22–0.40 for the KIDSCREEN parent proxy report. Known group differences in HRQoL between physically/mentally healthy and ill children were observed in the KIDSCREEN-10 self and proxy scores. Associations with self-reported psychosomatic complaints were r = −0.52 (−0.36) for the KIDSCREEN-10 self-report (proxy-report). Statistically significant differences in KIDSCREEN-10 self and proxy scores were found by socioeconomic status, age, and gender. Conclusions Our results indicate that the KIDSCREEN-10 provides a valid measure of a general HRQoL factor in children and adolescents, but the instrument does not represent well most of the single dimensions of the original KIDSCREEN-52. Test–retest reliability was slightly below a priori defined thresholds.
The experiment investigated the impact of sleep restriction on pain perception and related evoked potential correlates (laser-evoked potentials, LEPs). Ten healthy subjects with good sleep quality were investigated in the morning twice, once after habitual sleep and once after partial sleep restriction. Additionally, we studied the impact of attentional focussing on pain and LEPs by directing attention to (intensity discrimination) or away from the stimulus (mental arithmetic). Laser stimuli directed to the hand dorsum were rated as 30% more painful after sleep restriction (49+/-7 mm) than after a night of habitual sleep (38+/-7 mm). A significant interaction between attentional focus and sleep condition suggested that attentional focusing was less distinctive under sleep restriction. Intensity discrimination was preserved. In contrast, the amplitude of the early parasylvian N1 of LEPs was significantly smaller after a night of partial sleep restriction (-36%, p<0.05). Likewise, the amplitude of the vertex N2-P2 was significantly reduced (-34%, p<0.01); also attentional modulation of the N2-P2 was reduced. Thus, objective (LEPs) and subjective (pain ratings) parameters of nociceptive processing were differentially modulated by partial sleep restriction. We propose, that sleep reduction leads to an impairment of activation in the ascending pathway (leading to reduced LEPs). In contradistinction, pain perception was boosted, which we attribute to lack of pain control distinct from classical descending inhibition, and thus not affecting the projection pathway. Sleep-restricted subjects exhibit reduced attentional modulation of pain stimuli and may thus have difficulties to readily attend to or disengage from pain.
To evaluate whether virtual non-enhanced imaging (VNI) is effective to replace true non-enhanced imaging (TNI) applying iodine removal in intravenous dual-energy CT-cholangiography.
Background. To explore effects of a health risk appraisal for older people (HRA-O) program with reinforcement, we conducted a randomized controlled trial in 21 general practices in Hamburg, Germany. Methods. Overall, 2,580 older patients of 14 general practitioners trained in reinforcing recommendations related to HRA-O-identified risk factors were randomized into intervention (n = 878) and control (n = 1,702) groups. Patients (n = 746) of seven additional matched general practitioners who did not receive this training served as a comparison group. Patients allocated to the intervention group, and their general practitioners, received computer-tailored written recommendations, and patients were offered the choice between interdisciplinary group sessions (geriatrician, physiotherapist, social worker, and nutritionist) and home visits (nurse). Results. Among the intervention group, 580 (66%) persons made use of personal reinforcement (group sessions: 503 [87%], home visits: 77 [13%]). At 1-year follow-up, persons in the intervention group had higher use of preventive services (eg, influenza vaccinations, adjusted odds ratio 1.7; 95% confidence interval 1.4–2.1) and more favorable health behavior (eg, high fruit/fiber intake, odds ratio 2.0; 95% confidence interval 1.6–2.6), as compared with controls. Comparisons between intervention and comparison group data revealed similar effects, suggesting that physician training alone had no effect. Subgroup analyses indicated favorable effects for HRA-O with personal reinforcement, but not for HRA-O without reinforcement. Conclusions. HRA-O combined with physician training and personal reinforcement had favorable effects on preventive care use and health behavior.
Increasing evidence supports GnRH agonists to be an effective treatment to preserve ovarian function during chemotherapy, but the initial flare-up of FSH during the first week after GnRH agonist application still limits its use. The combination of GnRH agonists with GnRH antagonists might solve this problem to some extent as the addition of GnRH antagonists at least significantly reduces the FSH flare-up.
The cognitive mechanisms underlying personal neglect are not well known. One theory postulates that personal neglect is due to a disorder of contralesional body representation. In the present study, we have investigated whether personal neglect is best explained by impairments in the representation of the contralesional side of the body, in particular, or a dysfunction of the mental representation of the contralesional space in general. For this, 22 patients with right hemisphere cerebral lesions (7 with personal neglect, 15 without personal neglect) and 13 healthy controls have been studied using two experimental tasks measuring representation of the body and extrapersonal space. In the tasks, photographs of left and right hands as well as left and right rear-view mirrors presented from the front and the back had to be judged as left or right. Our results show that patients with personal neglect made more errors when asked to judge stimuli of left hands and left rear-view mirrors than either patients without personal neglect or healthy controls. Furthermore, regression analyses indicated that errors in interpreting left hands were the best predictor of personal neglect, while other variables such as extrapersonal neglect, somatosensory or motor impairments, or deficits in left extrapersonal space representation had no predictive value of personal neglect. These findings suggest that deficient body representation is the major mechanism underlying personal neglect.