17 resultados para COLORADO
Past treelines can rarely be recorded by pollen percentages alone, but pollen concentration, pollen influx, and plant macrofossils (including stomata of conifers) are more reliable indicators. In addition, ancient forest soils above today's treeline may trace the maximum upper expansion of the forest since the last glaciation. Charcoal in such soil profiles may be radiocarbon dated. Our example from the Central Swiss Alps at the Alpe d'Essertse consists of a plant-macrofossil diagram and pollen diagrams of the pond Gouille Rion at 2343 m a.s.l. and a sequence of soil profiles from 1780 m to 2600 m a.s.l. The area around the pond was forested with LariJc decidua and Pinus cembra between 9500 and 3600 BP. After 4700 BP the forest became more open and Juniperus nana and Alnus viridis expanded (together with Picea abies in the subalpine forest). Between 1700 and 900 BP the Juniperus nana and Alnus viridis scrubs declined while meadows and pastures took over, so that the pond Gouille Rion was definitively above timber line. The highest Holocene treeline was at 2400 to 2450 m a.s.l. (i.e. 50 to 100 m higher than the uppermost single specimen of Pinus cembra today) between 9000 and 4700 BP, but it is not yet dated in more detail. The highest charcoal of Pinus cembra at 2380 m a.s.l. has a radiocarbon date of 6010 ± 70 BP. Around 6900 BP a strong climatic deterioration caused an opening of timberline forest. First indicators of anthropogenic influence occurred at 4700 BP, when the forest limit started to move down. The lowering of timberline after 4700 BP was probably due to combined effects of human and climatic impact.
Using miniature thermistors with integrated data loggers, the decrease in summer lake surface water temperature (LSWT) with increasing altitude a.s.l. was investigated in 10 Swiss Alpine lakes located between 613 m a.s.l. and 2339 m a.s.l. The LSWTs exhibit essentially the same short-term structure as regional air temperature, but are about 3 to 5°C higher than the air temperature at the altitude of the lake. LSWTs decrease approximately linearly with increasing altitude at a rate slightly greater than the surface air temperature lapse rate. Diel variations in LSWT are large, implying that single water temperature measurements are un- likely to be representative of the mean. Local factors will affect LSWT more than they affect air temperature, possibly resulting in severe distortion of the empirical relationship between the two. Several implications for paleoclimate reconstruction studies result. (1) Paleolimnologically reconstructed LSWTs are likely to be higher than the air temperatures prevailing at the altitude of the lake. (2) Lakes used for paleoclimate reconstruction should be selected to minimize local effects on LSWT. (3) The calibration of organism-specific quantitative paleotemperature inference models should not be based on single water temperature measurements. (4) Consideration should be given to calibrating such models directly against air temperature rather than water temperature. (5) The primary climate effect on the aquatic biota of high-altitude lakes may be mediated by the timing of the ice cover.