22 resultados para CARLO-QUANTUM-MECHANICS


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The (2 + 1)-d U(1) quantum link model is a gauge theory, amenable to quantum simulation, with a spontaneously broken SO(2) symmetry emerging at a quantum phase transition. Its low-energy physics is described by a (2 + 1)-d RP(1) effective field theory, perturbed by an SO(2) breaking operator, which prevents the interpretation of the emergent pseudo-Goldstone boson as a dual photon. At the quantum phase transition, the model mimics some features of deconfined quantum criticality, but remains linearly confining. Deconfinement only sets in at high temperature.


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Polar molecular crystals seem to contradict a quantum mechanical statement, according to which no stationary state of a system features a permanent electrical polarization. By stationary we understand here an ensemble for which thermal averaging applies. In the language of statistical mechanics we have thus to ask for the thermal expectation value of the polarization in molecular crystals. Nucleation aggregates and growing crystal surfaces can provide a single degree of freedom for polar molecules required to average the polarization. By means of group theoretical reasoning and Monte Carlo simulations we show that such systems thermalize into a bi-polar state featuring zero bulk polarity. A two domain, i.e. bipolar state is obtained because boundaries are setting up opposing effective electrical fields. Described phenomena can be understood as a process of partial ergodicity-restoring. Experimentally, a bi-polar state of molecular crystals was demonstrated using phase sensitive second harmonic generation and scanning pyroelectric microscopy


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The quantum dimer model on the square lattice is a U(1) gauge theory that addresses aspects of the physics of high-Tc superconductors. Using a quantum Monte Carlo method, we show that the theory exists in a confining columnar valence bond solid phase. The interfaces separating distinct columnar phases display plaquette order, which, however, is not realized as a bulk phase. Static “electric” charges are confined by flux tubes that consist of multiple strands, each carrying a fractionalized flux ¼. A soft pseudo-Goldstone mode (which becomes exactly massless at the Rokhsar-Kivelson point) extends deep into the columnar phase, with potential implications for high-Tc physics.


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Using quantum Monte Carlo, we study the nonequilibrium transport of magnetization in large open strongly correlated quantum spin-12 systems driven by purely dissipative processes that conserve the uniform or staggered magnetization, disregarding unitary Hamiltonian dynamics. We prepare both a low-temperature Heisenberg ferromagnet and an antiferromagnet in two parts of the system that are initially isolated from each other. We then bring the two subsystems in contact and study their real-time dissipative dynamics for different geometries. The flow of the uniform or staggered magnetization from one part of the system to the other is described by a diffusion equation that can be derived analytically.