24 resultados para C5


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BACKGROUND Eculizumab is a humanized anti-C5 antibody approved for the treatment of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). Its use is increasing in children following reports of its safety and efficacy. METHODS We reviewed biochemical and clinical data related to possible drug-induced liver injury in 11 children treated with eculizumab for aHUS in a single center. RESULTS Elevated aminotransferases were observed in 7 children aged 6 to 11 years following eculizumab treatment for aHUS. Internationally accepted liver enzyme thresholds for drug-induced liver injury were exceeded in 5 cases. In all cases, liver injury was classified as mixed hepatocellular and cholestatic. Infectious and other causes were excluded in each case. One patient with no pre-existing liver disease developed tender hepatomegaly and liver enzyme derangement exceeding 20 times the upper limit of normal following initiation of eculizumab. Recurrent liver injury following re-challenge with eculizumab necessitated its discontinuation and transition to plasma therapy. CONCLUSIONS Hepatotoxicity in association with eculizumab is a potentially important yet previously unreported adverse event. We recommend monitoring liver enzymes in all patients receiving eculizumab. Further research is required to clarify the impact of this adverse event, to characterize the mechanism of potential hepatotoxicity, and to identify which patients are most at risk.


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A 7-year-old boy was presented with a long-standing slowly growing mass of the left supraorbital area. A biopsy specimen revealed a bland spindle cell proliferation with scattered polygonal cells with acidophilic cytoplasm and cross-striations. Our differential diagnosis included rhabdomyoma of fetal type, leiomyoma with trapping of regenerating skeletal muscle elements, and rhabdomyomatous mesenchymal hamartoma of the skin. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated strong positivity of myoglobin and desmin as well as negativity of caldesmon, suggesting skeletal muscle lineage. The excisional specimen confirmed our diagnosis of cutaneous fetal rhabdomyoma of intermediate type. Additional immunostaining performed on the excisional specimen showed strong Wilms Tumor 1 but only a very faint and focal p63 expression.


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The neoformation of chlorite and K-white mica in fault rocks from two main faults of the central Catalan Coastal Ranges, the Vallès and the Hospital faults, has allowed us to constrain the P–T conditions during fault evolution using thermodynamic modeling. Crystallization of M1 and M2 muscovite and microcline occured as result of deuteric alteration during the exhumation of the pluton (290 °C > T > 370 °C) in the Permian. After that, three tectonic events have been distinguished. The first tectonic event, attributed to the Mesozoic rifting, is characterized by precipitation of M3 and M4 phengite together with chlorite and calcite C1 at temperatures between 190 and 310 °C. The second tectonic event attributed to the Paleogene compression has only been identified in the Hospital fault with precipitation of low-temperature calcite C2. The shortcut produced during inversion of the Vallès fault was probably the responsible for the lack of neoformed minerals within this fault. Finally, the third tectonic event, which is related to the Neogene extension, is characterized in the Vallès fault by a new generation of chlorite, associated with calcite C4 and laumontite, formed at temperatures between 125 and 190 °C in the absence of K-white mica. Differently, the Hospital fault is characterized by the precipitation of calcite C3 during the syn-rift stage at temperatures around 150 °C and by low-temperature fluids precipitating calcites C5, C6 and PC1 during the post-rift stage. During the two extensional events (Mesozoic and Neogene), faults acted as conduits for hot fluids producing anomalous high geothermal gradients (50 °C/km minimum).


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The amino-keto tautomer of supersonic jet-cooled cytosine undergoes intersystem crossing (ISC) from the v = 0 and low-lying vibronic levels of its S1(¹ππ*) state. We investigate these ISC rates experimentally and theoretically as a function of S1 state vibrational excess energy Eexc. The S1 vibronic levels are pumped with a ~5 ns UV laser, the S1 and triplet state ion signals are separated by prompt or delayed ionization with a second UV laser pulse. After correcting the raw ISC yields for the relative S1 and T1ionization cross sections, we obtain energy dependent ISC quantum yields Q corr ISC =1% –5%. These are combined with previously measured vibronic state-specific decay rates, giving ISC rates kISC = 0.4–1.5 ⋅ 10⁹ s⁻¹, the corresponding S1⇝S0internal conversion (IC) rates are 30–100 times larger. Theoretical ISC rates are computed using SCS-CC2 methods, which predict rapid ISC from the S1; v = 0 state with kISC = 3 ⋅ 10⁹ s⁻¹ to the T1(³ππ*) triplet state. The surprisingly high rate of this El Sayed-forbidden transition is caused by a substantial admixture of ¹nOπ* character into the S1(¹ππ*) wave function at its non-planar minimum geometry. The combination of experiment and theory implies that (1) below Eexc = 550 cm⁻¹ in the S1 state, S1⇝S0internal conversion dominates the nonradiative decay with kIC ≥ 2 ⋅ 10¹⁰ s⁻¹, (2) the calculated S1⇝T1 (¹ππ*⇝³ππ*) ISC rate is in good agreement with experiment, (3) being El-Sayed forbidden, the S1⇝T1 ISC is moderately fast (kISC = 3 ⋅ 10⁹ s⁻¹), and not ultrafast, as claimed by other calculations, and (4) at Eexc ~ 550 cm⁻¹ the IC rate increases by ~50 times, probably by accessing the lowest conical intersection (the C5-twist CI) and thereby effectively switching off the ISC decay channels.


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Recent reports focusing on virulence factors of periodontal pathogens implicated proteinases as major determinants of remarkable pathogenicity of these species, with special emphasis on their capacity to modulate complement activity. In particular, bacteria-mediated cleavage of C5 and subsequent release of C5a seems to be an important phenomenon in the manipulation of the local inflammatory response in periodontitis. In this study, we present mirolysin, a novel metalloproteinase secreted by Tannerella forsythia, a well-recognized pathogen strongly associated with periodontitis. Mirolysin exhibited a strong effect on all complement pathways. It inhibited the classical and lectin complement pathways due to efficient degradation of mannose-binding lectin, ficolin-2, ficolin-3, and C4, whereas inhibition of the alternative pathway was caused by degradation of C5. This specificity toward complement largely resembled the activity of a previously characterized metalloproteinase of T. forsythia, karilysin. Interestingly, mirolysin released the biologically active C5a peptide in human plasma and induced migration of neutrophils. Importantly, we demonstrated that combination of mirolysin with karilysin, as well as a cysteine proteinase of another periodontal pathogen, Prevotella intermedia, resulted in a strong synergistic effect on complement. Furthermore, mutant strains of T. forsythia, devoid of either mirolysin or karilysin, showed diminished survival in human serum, providing further evidence for the synergistic inactivation of complement by these metalloproteinases. Taken together, our findings on interactions of mirolysin with complement significantly add to the understanding of immune evasion strategies of T. forsythia and expand the knowledge on molecular mechanisms driving pathogenic events in the infected periodontium.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the biomechanical effect of an intervertebral spacer on construct stiffness in a PVC model and cadaveric canine cervical vertebral columns stabilized with monocortical screws/polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). STUDY DESIGN Biomechanical study. SAMPLE POPULATION PVC pipe; cadaveric canine vertebral columns. METHODS PVC model-PVC pipe was used to create a gap model mimicking vertebral endplate orientation and disk space width of large-breed canine cervical vertebrae; 6 models had a 4-mm gap with no spacer (PVC group 1); 6 had a PVC pipe ring spacer filling the gap (PCV group 2). Animals-large breed cadaveric canine cervical vertebral columns (C2-C7) from skeletally mature dogs without (cadaveric group 1, n = 6, historical data) and with an intervertebral disk spacer (cadaveric group 2, n = 6) were used. All PVC models and cadaver specimens were instrumented with monocortical titanium screws/PMMA. Stiffness of the 2 PVC groups was compared in extension, flexion, and lateral bending using non-destructive 4-point bend testing. Stiffness testing in all 3 directions was performed of the unaltered C4-C5 vertebral motion unit in cadaveric spines and repeated after placement of an intervertebral cortical allograft ring and instrumentation. Data were compared using a linear mixed model approach that also incorporated data from previously tested spines with the same screw/PMMA construct but without disk spacer (cadaveric group 1). RESULTS Addition of a spacer increased construct stiffness in both the PVC model (P < .001) and cadaveric vertebral columns (P < .001) compared to fixation without a spacer. CONCLUSIONS Addition of an intervertebral spacer significantly increased construct stiffness of monocortical screw/PMMA fixation.


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OBJECTIVE To compare biomechanical stiffness of cadaveric canine cervical spine constructs stabilized with bicortical stainless steel pins and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), monocortical stainless steel screws with PMMA, or monocortical titanium screws with PMMA. STUDY DESIGN Biomechanical cadaver study. ANIMALS Eighteen canine cervical vertebral columns (C2-C7) were collected from skeletally mature dogs (weighing 22-32 kg). METHODS Specimens were radiographed and examined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Stiffness of the unaltered C4-C5 intervertebral motion unit was measured in extension, flexion and lateral bending using non-destructive 4-point bend testing. Specimens were then stabilized by (1) bicortical stainless steel pins/PMMA, (2) monocortical stainless steel screws/PMMA, or (3) monocortical titanium screws/PMMA. Mechanical testing was repeated and stiffness data from unaltered specimens and the 3 treatment groups were compared. RESULTS All 3 surgical methods significantly increased stiffness of the C4-C5 motion unit compared with the unaltered specimen (P < .001 for all treatments), but stiffness was not significantly different among the 3 fixation groups (P = .578). CONCLUSIONS In this model, monocortical screw fixation (with stainless steel or titanium screws) was biomechanically equivalent to bicortical fixation.


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We propose a way to incorporate NTBs for the four workhorse models of the modern trade literature in computable general equilibrium models (CGEs). CGE models feature intermediate linkages and thus allow us to study global value chains (GVCs). We show that the Ethier-Krugman monopolistic competition model, the Melitz firm heterogeneity model and the Eaton and Kortum model can be defined as an Armington model with generalized marginal costs, generalized trade costs and a demand externality. As already known in the literature in both the Ethier-Krugman model and the Melitz model generalized marginal costs are a function of the amount of factor input bundles. In the Melitz model generalized marginal costs are also a function of the price of the factor input bundles. Lower factor prices raise the number of firms that can enter the market profitably (extensive margin), reducing generalized marginal costs of a representative firm. For the same reason the Melitz model features a demand externality: in a larger market more firms can enter. We implement the different models in a CGE setting with multiple sectors, intermediate linkages, non-homothetic preferences and detailed data on trade costs. We find the largest welfare effects from trade cost reductions in the Melitz model. We also employ the Melitz model to mimic changes in Non tariff Barriers (NTBs) with a fixed cost-character by analysing the effect of changes in fixed trade costs. While we work here with a model calibrated to the GTAP database, the methods developed can also be applied to CGE models based on the WIOD database.


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This paper examines concerns about the impact that TTIP could have on existing and future climate policies and laws from the inclusion of provisions on investment protection including investor-to-State dispute settlement (ISDS), the reduction of non-tariff barriers and the introduction of rules for trade in energy and raw materials. It argues that from an environmental perspective, ISDS should not necessarily be seen as a regime that goes against the defence of the environment or prevention of climate change. Although it might be used to challenge policies of an EU home State that increase levels of environmental protection, it can also be used to contest changes in an EU home State’s environmental policies that would reduce the protection of the environment, if foreign investment is affected. To a large extent, this also holds true for other areas of TTIP negotiations. While the achievement of a balance between rules that promote trade and those that maintain policy space for governments to respond to environmental concerns has to be closely monitored, benefits for climate could be seized from harmonisation of carbon laws at the level of the strictest regulations of two parties, provisions that promote trade in low carbon technologies and renewable energy and bilateral cooperation on climate change.