66 resultados para Brane Dynamics in Gauge Theories
Long-term dietary intervention frequently induces a rapid weight decline followed by weight stabilization/regain. Here, we sought to identify adipokine biomarkers that may reflect continued beneficial effects of dieting despite partial weight regain.
Theileria annulata is an intracellular protozoan parasite that infects B cells and macrophages of ruminants. Macrophages infected with T. annulata are de-differentiated and display tumour cell properties and a metastatic behaviour. How parasitized cells adapt their morphology, motility and invasive behaviour has not yet been addressed in detail. In this study, I investigated the regulation of host cell actin dynamics in T. annulata-transformed macrophages and how this affects host cell morphology and motility. T. annulata was found to promote the formation of filamentous-actin-rich podosome-type adhesions (PTAs) and lamellipodia, and to establish a polarized morphology of the infected cell. Characteristic for parasite-dependent host cell polarization is that infected cells display a single, persistent lamellipodium. Src kinases--in particular Hck--are required for the polar extension of this lamellipodium. Hck does so by promoting the clustered assembly of PTAs and accumulation of proteins of the Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin (ERM) family in lamellipodia. Polar accumulation of PTAs and ERM proteins correlates with focal matrix degradation underneath lamellipodia. These findings suggest that T. annulata equips its host cell with properties to adhere and invade. These properties are likely to promote the motile behaviour required for dissemination of infected cells in vivo.
As a consequence of flood impacts, communities inhabiting mountain areas are increasingly affected by considerable damage to infrastructure and property. The design of effective flood risk mitigation strategies and their subsequent implementation is crucial for a sustainable development in mountain areas. The assessment of the dynamic evolution of flood risk is the pillar of any subsequent planning process that is targeted at a reduction of the expected adverse consequences of the hazard impact. Given these premises, firstly, a comprehensive method to derive flood hazard process scenarios for well-defined areas at risk is presented. Secondly, conceptualisations of a static and dynamic flood risk assessment are provided. These are based on formal schemes to compute the risk mitigation performance of devised mitigation strategies within the framework of economic cost-benefit analysis. In this context, techniques suitable to quantify the expected losses induced by the identified flood impacts are provided.