37 resultados para Barrier Function


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A modified Astra type multistage liquid impinger (MSLI) with integrated bronchial cell monolayers was used to study deposition and subsequent drug absorption on in vitro models of the human airway epithelial barrier. Inverted cell culture of Calu-3 cells on the bottom side of cell culture filter inserts was integrated into a compendial MSLI. Upside down cultivation did not impair the barrier function, morphology and viability of Calu-3 cells. Size selective deposition with subsequent absorption was studied for three different commercially available dry powder formulations of salbutamol sulphate and budesonide. After deposition without size separation the absorption rates from the aerosol formulations differed but correlated with the size of the carrier lactose particles. However, after deposition in the MSLI, simulating relevant impaction and causing the separation of small drug crystals from the carrier lactose, the absorption rates of the three formulations were identical, confirming the bioequivalence of the three formulations.


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The serine protease CAP1/Prss8 is crucial for skin barrier function, lung alveolar fluid clearance and has been unveiled as diagnostic marker for specific cancer types. Here, we show that a constitutive knockout of CAP1/Prss8 leads to embryonic lethality. These embryos presented no specific defects, but it is during this period, and in particular at E13.5, that wildtype placentas show an increased expression of CAP1/Prss8, thus suggesting a placental defect in the knockout situation. The placentas of knockout embryos exhibited significantly reduced vascular development and incomplete cellular maturation. In contrary, epiblast-specific deletion of CAP1/Prss8 allowed development until birth. These CAP1/Prss8-deficient newborns presented abnormal epidermis, and died soon after birth due to impaired skin function. We thus conclude that a late placental insufficiency might be the primary cause of embryonic lethality in CAP1/Prss8 knockouts. This study highlights a novel and crucial role for CAP1/Prss8 in placental development and function.


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INTRODUCTION Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) is a multifactorial disease defined by an inability of the fetus to reach its growth potential. IUGR not only increases the risk of neonatal mortality/morbidity, but also the risk of metabolic syndrome during adulthood. Certain placental proteins have been shown to be implicated in IUGR development, such as proteins from the GH/IGF axis and angiogenesis/apoptosis processes. METHODS Twelve patients with term IUGR pregnancy (birth weight < 10th percentile) and 12 CTRLs were included. mRNA was extracted from the fetal part of the placenta and submitted to a subtraction method (Clontech PCR-Select cDNA Subtraction). RESULTS One candidate gene identified was the long non-coding RNA NEAT1 (nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1). NEAT1 is the core component of a subnuclear structure called paraspeckle. This structure is responsible for the retention of hyperedited mRNAs in the nucleus. Overall, NEAT1 mRNA expression was 4.14 (±1.16)-fold increased in IUGR vs. CTRL placentas (P = 0.009). NEAT1 was exclusively localized in the nuclei of the villous trophoblasts and was expressed in more nuclei and with greater intensity in IUGR placentas than in CTRLs. PSPC1, one of the three main proteins of the paraspeckle, co-localized with NEAT1 in the villous trophoblasts. The expression of NEAT1_2 mRNA, the long isoform of NEAT1, was only modestly increased in IUGR vs. CTRL placentas. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION The increase in NEAT1 and its co-localization with PSPC1 suggests an increase in paraspeckles in IUGR villous trophoblasts. This could lead to an increased retention of important mRNAs in villous trophoblasts nuclei. Given that the villous trophoblasts are crucial for the barrier function of the placenta, this could in part explain placental dysfunction in idiopathic IUGR fetuses.


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BACKGROUND Hand eczema has a high impact on patients' quality of life. The treatment focuses on improving skin barrier function. OBJECTIVES To evaluate the effects and acceptance of a novel educational program for patients with hand eczema. METHODS Retrospectively, the records of 36 patients who attended the prevention program and follow-up visits were analyzed. Physician global assessment (PGA) scores, acceptance and behavioral changes were assessed. RESULTS In 67% of patients, an improvement of the hand eczema could be attributed to the effects of our educational program. The mean PGA score significantly decreased from 3 before education to 2.2 during follow-up. Behavioral changes in both skin care and protection were reported in 81 and 86%, respectively. CONCLUSIONs: Our educational program had a positive effect on clinical outcome as well as adherence to skin care and protection measures. Its integration in a hand eczema clinic was feasible and well accepted by the patients.


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Systemic therapy for atopic dermatitis (AD) is indicated in patients with severe disease refractory to adequate topical treatment. Currently available drugs aim to decrease inflammation by suppressing and/or modulating immune responses and thus may indirectly improve skin barrier function, resulting in a decrease in clinical signs and symptoms in particular pruritus. Before considering systemic treatment, patient adherence to topical treatment including skin care has to be ensured. The selection of the drug depends on the disease severity, localization, complications, concomitant diseases, and age of the patient, but also on their availability and costs as well as the doctor's experience. Bearing in mind the potential risk of resistance, systemic therapy with antibiotics should be exclusively considered in clinically manifest infections such as in children. Here, we review recently published clinical trials and case reports on systemic therapy of pediatric and adult patients with AD to draw conclusions for clinical practice. Although AD is a common disease, controlled clinical studies investigating the efficacy of systemic drugs are scarce, except for cyclosporine, which has been approved for the therapy of severe AD.


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AIM To provide an overview on the biology and soft tissue wound healing around teeth and dental implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS This narrative review focuses on cell biology and histology of soft tissue wounds around natural teeth and dental implants. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The available data indicate that: (a) Oral wounds follow a similar pattern. (b) The tissue specificities of the gingival, alveolar and palatal mucosa appear to be innately and not necessarily functionally determined. (c) The granulation tissue originating from the periodontal ligament or from connective tissue originally covered by keratinized epithelium has the potential to induce keratinization. However, it also appears that deep palatal connective tissue may not have the same potential to induce keratinization as the palatal connective tissue originating from an immediately subepithelial area. (d) Epithelial healing following non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy appears to be completed after a period of 7–14 days. Structural integrity of a maturing wound between a denuded root surface and a soft tissue flap is achieved at approximately 14-days post-surgery. (e) The formation of the biological width and maturation of the barrier function around transmucosal implants requires 6–8 weeks of healing. (f) The established peri-implant soft connective tissue resembles a scar tissue in composition, fibre orientation, and vasculature. (g) The peri-implant junctional epithelium may reach a greater final length under certain conditions such as implants placed into fresh extraction sockets versus conventional implant procedures in healed sites.


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The major multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein (Pgp) contributes to the barrier function of several tissues and organs, including the brain. In a subpopulation of Collies and seven further dog breeds, a 4 base pair deletion has been described in the Pgp-encoding MDR1 gene. This deletion results in the absence of a functional form of Pgp and loss of its protective function. Severe intoxication with the Pgp substrate ivermectin has been attributed to the genetically determined lack of Pgp. An allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based screening method has been developed to detect the mutant allele and to determine if a dog is homozygous or heterozygous for the mutation. Based on this validation, the allele-specific PCR proved to be a robust, reproducible and specific tool, allowing rapid determination of the MDR1 genotype of dogs of at risk breeds using blood samples or buccal swabs.


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The barrier surfaces of the skin, lung, and intestine are constantly exposed to environmental stimuli that can result in inflammation and tissue damage. Interleukin (IL)-33-dependent group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are enriched at barrier surfaces and have been implicated in promoting inflammation; however, the mechanisms underlying the tissue-protective roles of IL-33 or ILC2s at surfaces such as the intestine remain poorly defined. Here we demonstrate that, following activation with IL-33, expression of the growth factor amphiregulin (AREG) is a dominant functional signature of gut-associated ILC2s. In the context of a murine model of intestinal damage and inflammation, the frequency and number of AREG-expressing ILC2s increases following intestinal injury and genetic disruption of the endogenous AREG-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway exacerbated disease. Administration of exogenous AREG limited intestinal inflammation and decreased disease severity in both lymphocyte-sufficient and lymphocyte-deficient mice, revealing a previously unrecognized innate immune mechanism of intestinal tissue protection. Furthermore, treatment with IL-33 or transfer of ILC2s ameliorated intestinal disease severity in an AREG-dependent manner. Collectively, these data reveal a critical feedback loop in which cytokine cues from damaged epithelia activate innate immune cells to express growth factors essential for ILC-dependent restoration of epithelial barrier function and maintenance of tissue homeostasis.


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Unique intercellular junctional complexes between the central nervous system (CNS) microvascular endothelial cells and the choroid plexus epithelial cells form the endothelial blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the epithelial blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB), respectively. These barriers inhibit paracellular diffusion, thereby protecting the CNS from fluctuations in the blood. Studies of brain barrier integrity during development, normal physiology, and disease have focused on BBB and BCSFB tight junctions but not the corresponding endothelial and epithelial adherens junctions. The crosstalk between adherens junctions and tight junctions in maintaining barrier integrity is an understudied area that may represent a promising target for influencing brain barrier function.


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To test the hypothesis that the lectin-like domain of tumor necrosis factor, mimicked by the TIP peptide, can improve lung function after unilateral orthotopic lung isotransplantation. Because of a lack of a specific treatment for ischemia reperfusion-mediated lung injury, accompanied by a disrupted barrier integrity and a dysfunctional alveolar liquid clearance, alternative therapies restoring these parameters after lung transplantation are required.


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Recent findings are reported about certain aspects of the structure and function of the mammalian and avian lungs that include (a) the architecture of the air capillaries (ACs) and the blood capillaries (BCs); (b) the pulmonary blood capillary circulatory dynamics; (c) the adaptive molecular, cellular, biochemical, compositional, and developmental characteristics of the surfactant system; (d) the mechanisms of the translocation of fine and ultrafine particles across the airway epithelial barrier; and (e) the particle-cell interactions in the pulmonary airways. In the lung of the Muscovy duck Cairina moschata, at least, the ACs are rotund structures that are interconnected by narrow cylindrical sections, while the BCs comprise segments that are almost as long as they are wide. In contrast to the mammalian pulmonary BCs, which are highly compliant, those of birds practically behave like rigid tubes. Diving pressure has been a very powerful directional selection force that has influenced phenotypic changes in surfactant composition and function in lungs of marine mammals. After nanosized particulates are deposited on the respiratory tract of healthy human subjects, some reach organs such as the brain with potentially serious health implications. Finally, in the mammalian lung, dendritic cells of the pulmonary airways are powerful agents in engulfing deposited particles, and in birds, macrophages and erythrocytes are ardent phagocytizing cellular agents. The morphology of the lung that allows it to perform different functions-including gas exchange, ventilation of the lung by being compliant, defense, and secretion of important pharmacological factors-is reflected in its "compromise design."


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Migrating lymphocytes acquire a polarized phenotype with a leading and a trailing edge, or uropod. Although in vitro experiments in cell lines or activated primary cell cultures have established that Rho-p160 coiled-coil kinase (ROCK)-myosin II-mediated uropod contractility is required for integrin de-adhesion on two-dimensional surfaces and nuclear propulsion through narrow pores in three-dimensional matrices, less is known about the role of these two events during the recirculation of primary, nonactivated lymphocytes. Using pharmacological antagonists of ROCK and myosin II, we report that inhibition of uropod contractility blocked integrin-independent mouse T cell migration through narrow, but not large, pores in vitro. T cell crawling on chemokine-coated endothelial cells under shear was severely impaired by ROCK inhibition, whereas transendothelial migration was only reduced through endothelial cells with high, but not low, barrier properties. Using three-dimensional thick-tissue imaging and dynamic two-photon microscopy of T cell motility in lymphoid tissue, we demonstrated a significant role for uropod contractility in intraluminal crawling and transendothelial migration through lymph node, but not bone marrow, endothelial cells. Finally, we demonstrated that ICAM-1, but not anatomical constraints or integrin-independent interactions, reduced parenchymal motility of inhibitor-treated T cells within the dense lymphoid microenvironment, thus assigning context-dependent roles for uropod contraction during lymphocyte recirculation.


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During vertebrate development, the lung inaugurates as an endodermal bud from the primitive foregut. Dichotomous subdivision of the bud results in arborizing airways that form the prospective gas exchanging chambers, where a thin blood-gas barrier (BGB) is established. In the mammalian lung, this proceeds through conversion of type II cells to type I cells, thinning, and elongation of the cells as well as extrusion of the lamellar bodies. Subsequent diminution of interstitial tissue and apposition of capillaries to the alveolar epithelium establish a thin BGB. In the noncompliant avian lung, attenuation proceeds through cell-cutting processes that result in remarkable thinning of the epithelial layer. A host of morphoregulatory molecules, including transcription factors such as Nkx2.1, GATA, HNF-3, and WNT5a; signaling molecules including FGF, BMP-4, Shh, and TFG- β and extracellular proteins and their receptors have been implicated. During normal physiological function, the BGB may be remodeled in response to alterations in transmural pressures in both blood capillaries and airspaces. Such changes are mitigated through rapid expression of the relevant genes for extracellular matrix proteins and growth factors. While an appreciable amount of information regarding molecular control has been documented in the mammalian lung, very little is available on the avian lung.


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BACKGROUND: Pulmonary inflammation after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has been linked to respiratory dysfunction and ultrastructural injury. Whether pretreatment with methylprednisolone (MP) can preserve pulmonary surfactant and blood-air barrier, thereby improving pulmonary function, was tested in a porcine CPB-model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After randomizing pigs to placebo (PLA; n = 5) or MP (30 mg/kg, MP; n = 5), animals were subjected to 3 h of CPB with 1 h of cardioplegic cardiac arrest. Hemodynamic data, plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha, ELISA), and pulmonary function parameters were assessed before, 15 min after CPB, and 8 h after CPB. Lung biopsies were analyzed for TNF-alpha (Western blot) or blood-air barrier and surfactant morphology (electron microscopy, stereology). RESULTS: Systemic TNF-alpha increased and cardiac index decreased at 8 h after CPB in PLA (P < 0.05 versus pre-CPB), but not in MP (P < 0.05 versus PLA). In both groups, at 8 h after CPB, PaO(2) and PaO(2)/FiO(2) were decreased and arterio-alveolar oxygen difference and pulmonary vascular resistance were increased (P < 0.05 versus baseline). Postoperative pulmonary TNF-alpha remained unchanged in both groups, but tended to be higher in PLA (P = 0.06 versus MP). The volume fraction of inactivated intra-alveolar surfactant was increased in PLA (58 +/- 17% versus 83 +/- 6%) and MP (55 +/- 18% versus 80 +/- 17%) after CPB (P < 0.05 versus baseline for both groups). Profound blood-air barrier injury was present in both groups at 8 h as indicated by an increased blood-air barrier integrity score (PLA: 1.28 +/- 0.03 versus 1.70 +/- 0.1; MP: 1.27 +/- 0.08 versus 1.81 +/- 0.1; P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Despite reduction of the systemic inflammatory response and pulmonary TNF-alpha generation, methylprednisolone fails to decrease pulmonary TNF-alpha and to preserve pulmonary surfactant morphology, blood-air barrier integrity, and pulmonary function after CPB.


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The central nervous system (CNS) has long been regarded as an immune privileged organ implying that the immune system avoids the CNS not to disturb its homeostasis, which is critical for proper function of neurons. Meanwhile, it is accepted that immune cells do in fact gain access to the CNS and that immune responses are mounted within this tissue. However, the unique CNS microenvironment strictly controls these immune reactions starting with tightly regulating immune cell entry into the tissue. The endothelial blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the epithelial blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier control immune cell entry into the CNS, which is rare under physiological conditions. During a variety of pathological conditions of the CNS such as viral or bacterial infections, or during inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), immunocompetent cells readily traverse the BBB and subsequently enter the CNS parenchyma. Most of our current knowledge on the molecular mechanisms involved in immune cell entry into the CNS has been derived from studies performed in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for MS. Thus, a large part of our current knowledge on immune cell entry across the BBBs is based on the results obtained in this animal model. Similarly, knowledge on the benefits and potential risks associated with therapeutic targeting of immune cell recruitment across the BBB in human diseases are mostly derived from such treatment regimen in MS. Other mechanisms of immune cell entry into the CNS might therefore apply under different pathological conditions such as bacterial meningitis or stroke and need to be considered.