18 resultados para Aspartic peptidase


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A 14-kDa outer membrane protein (OMP) was purified from Actinobacillus pleuro-pneumoniae serotype 2. The protein strongly reacts with sera from pigs experimentally or naturally infected with any of the 12 serotypes of A. pleuropneumoniae. The gene encoding this protein was isolated from a gene library of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 reference strain by immunoscreening. Expression of the cloned gene in Escherichia coli revealed that the protein is also located in the outer membrane fraction of the recombinant host. DNA sequence analysis of the gene reveals high similarity of the protein's amino acid sequence to that of the E. coli peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein PAL, to the Haemophilus influenzae OMP P6 and to related proteins of several other Gram-negative bacteria. We have therefore named the 14-kDa protein PalA, and its corresponding gene, palA. The 20 amino-terminal amino acid residues of PalA constitute a signal sequence characteristic of membrane lipoproteins of prokaryotes with a recognition site for the signal sequence peptidase II and a sorting signal for the final localization of the mature protein in the outer membrane. The DNA sequence upstream of palA contains an open reading frame which is highly similar to the E. coli tolB gene, indicating a gene cluster in A. pleuropneumoniae which is very similar to the E. coli tol locus. The palA gene is conserved and expressed in all A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes and in A. lignieresii. A very similar palA gene is present in A. suis and A. equuli.


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Sodium-proton antiporters rapidly exchange protons and sodium ions across the membrane to regulate intracellular pH, cell volume, and sodium concentration. How ion binding and release is coupled to the conformational changes associated with transport is not clear. Here, we report a crystal form of the prototypical sodium-proton antiporter NhaA from Escherichia coli in which the protein is seen as a dimer. In this new structure, we observe a salt bridge between an essential aspartic acid (Asp163) and a conserved lysine (Lys300). An equivalent salt bridge is present in the homologous transporter NapA, but not in the only other known crystal structure of NhaA, which provides the foundation of most existing structural models of electrogenic sodium-proton antiport. Molecular dynamics simulations show that the stability of the salt bridge is weakened by sodium ions binding to Asp164 and the neighboring Asp163. This suggests that the transport mechanism involves Asp163 switching between forming a salt bridge with Lys300 and interacting with the sodium ion. pKa calculations suggest that Asp163 is highly unlikely to be protonated when involved in the salt bridge. As it has been previously suggested that Asp163 is one of the two residues through which proton transport occurs, these results have clear implications to the current mechanistic models of sodium-proton antiport in NhaA.


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A new family of peptide receptors, the incretin receptor family, overexpressed on many neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) is of great importance because it may enable the in vivo peptide-based receptor targeting of a category of NETs that does not express the somatostatin receptor. Impressive in vivo diagnostic data were published for glucagonlike peptide 1 receptor-targeting radiopeptides. Recently, promising in vitro data have appeared for the second member of the incretin family, the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor. This prompted us to develop and evaluate a new class of radioligands with the potential to be used for the in vivo targeting of GIP receptor-positive tumors. METHODS GIP(1-42) was modified C-terminally, and the truncated peptides [Lys(30)(aminohexanoic acid [Ahx]-DOTA)]GIP(1-30)NH2 (EG1), [Lys(16)(Ahx-DOTA)]GIP(1-30)NH2 (EG2), and [Nle(14), Lys(30)(Ahx-DOTA)]GIP(1-30)NH2 (EG4) were conjugated with Ahx-DOTA via the Lys(16) and Lys(30) side chains. Their inhibitory concentration of 50% (IC50) was determined using [(125)I-Tyr(10)]GIP(1-30) as radioligand and GIP(1-30) as control peptide. The DOTA conjugates were labeled with (111)In and (68)Ga. In vitro evaluation included saturation and internalization studies using the pancreatic endocrine cell line INR1G9 transfected with the human GIP receptor (INR1G9-hGIPr). The in vivo evaluation consisted of biodistribution and PET imaging studies on nude mice bearing INR1G9-hGIPr tumors. RESULTS Binding studies (IC50 and saturation studies) showed high affinity toward GIP receptor for the GIP conjugates. Specific in vitro internalization was found, and almost the entire cell-associated activity was internalized (>90% of the cell-bound activity), supporting the agonist potency of the (111)In-vectors. (111)In-EG4 and (68)Ga-EG4 were shown to specifically target INR1G9-hGIPr xenografts, with tumor uptake of 10.4% ± 2.2% and 17.0% ± 4.4% injected activity/g, 1 h after injection, respectively. Kidneys showed the highest uptake, which could be reduced by approximately 40%-50% with a modified-fluid-gelatin plasma substitute or an inhibitor of the serine protease dipeptidyl peptidase 4. The PET images clearly visualized the tumor. CONCLUSION The evaluation of EG4 as a proof-of-principle radioligand indicated the feasibility of imaging GIP receptor-positive tumors. These results prompt us to continue the development of this family of radioligands for imaging of a broad spectrum of NETs.