26 resultados para ALP


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BACKGROUND Allopurinol is a main cause of severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR). How allopurinol induces hypersensitivity remains unknown. Pre-disposing factors are the presence of the HLA-B*58:01 allele, renal failure and possibly the dose taken. OBJECTIVE Using an in vitro model, we sought to decipher the relationship among allopurinol metabolism, HLA-B*58:01 phenotype and drug concentrations in stimulating drug-specific T cells. METHODS Lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) results of patients who had developed allopurinol hypersensitivity were analysed. We generated allopurinol or oxypurinol-specific T cell lines (ALP/OXP-TCLs) from allopurinol naïve HLA-B*58:01(+) and HLA-B*58:01(-) individuals using various drug concentrations. Their reactivity patterns were analysed by flow cytometry and (51) Cr release assay. RESULTS Allopurinol allergic patients are primarily sensitized to oxypurinol in a dose-dependent manner. TCL induction data show that both the presence of HLA-B*58:01 allele and high concentration of drug are important for the generation of drug-specific T cells. The predominance of oxypurinol-specific lymphocyte response in allopurinol allergic patients can be explained by the rapid conversion of allopurinol to oxypurinol in vivo rather than to its intrinsic immunogenicity. OXP-TCLs do not recognize allopurinol and vice versa. Finally, functional avidity of ALP/OXP-TCL is dependent on both the induction dose and HLA-B*58:01 status. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE This study establishes the important synergistic role of drug concentration and HLA-B*58:01 allele in the allopurinol or oxypurinol-specific T cell responses. Despite the prevailing dogma that Type B adverse drug reactions are dose independent, allopurinol hypersensitivity is primarily driven by oxypurinol-specific T cell response in a dose-dependent manner, particular in the presence of HLA-B*58:01 allele.


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A large body of published work shows that proton (hydrogen 1 [(1)H]) magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy has evolved from a research tool into a clinical neuroimaging modality. Herein, the authors present a summary of brain disorders in which MR spectroscopy has an impact on patient management, together with a critical consideration of common data acquisition and processing procedures. The article documents the impact of (1)H MR spectroscopy in the clinical evaluation of disorders of the central nervous system. The clinical usefulness of (1)H MR spectroscopy has been established for brain neoplasms, neonatal and pediatric disorders (hypoxia-ischemia, inherited metabolic diseases, and traumatic brain injury), demyelinating disorders, and infectious brain lesions. The growing list of disorders for which (1)H MR spectroscopy may contribute to patient management extends to neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy, and stroke. To facilitate expanded clinical acceptance and standardization of MR spectroscopy methodology, guidelines are provided for data acquisition and analysis, quality assessment, and interpretation. Finally, the authors offer recommendations to expedite the use of robust MR spectroscopy methodology in the clinical setting, including incorporation of technical advances on clinical units. © RSNA, 2014 Online supplemental material is available for this article.


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Alpine grasslands are an important source of fodder for the cattle of Alpine farmers. Only during the short summer season can these pastures be used for grazing. With the anticipated climate change, it is likely that plant production – and thus the fodder basis for the cattle – will be influenced. Investigating the dependence of biomass production on topoclimatic factors will allow us to better understand how anticipated climate change may influence this traditional Alpine farming system. Because small-scale topoclimatological variations of the main meteorological variables: temperature, humidity, precipitation, shortwave incoming radiation and wind speed are not easily derived from available long-term climate stations in mountainous terrain, it was our goal to investigate the topoclimatic variations over the pastures belonging to the Alp Weissenstein research station north of the Albula Pass in the eastern Swiss Alps. We present a basic assessment of current topoclimatic conditions as a site characterization for ongoing ecological climate change studies. To be able to link short-term studies with long-term climate records, we related agrometeorological measurements with those of surrounding long-term sites run by MeteoSwiss, both on valley bottoms (Davos, Samedan), and on mountain tops (Weissfluhjoch, Piz Corvatsch). We found that the Davos climate station north of the study area is most closely correlated with the local climate of Alp Weissenstein, although a much closer site (Samedan) exists on the other side of the Albula Pass. Mountain top stations, however, did not provide a convincing approximation for the climate at Alp Weissenstein. Direct comparisons of near-surface measurements from a set of 11 small weather stations distributed over the domain where cattle and sheep are grazed indicate that nocturnal minimum air temperature and minimum vapor pressure deficit are mostly governed by the altitudinal gradient, whereas daily maxima – including also wind speed – are more strongly depending on vegetation cover and less on the altitude.


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Allopurinol (ALP) hypersensitivity is a major cause of severe cutaneous adverse reactions and is strongly associated with the HLA-B*58:01 allele. However, it can occur in the absence of this allele with identical clinical manifestations. The immune mechanism of ALP-induced severe cutaneous adverse reactions is poorly understood, and the T cell-reactivity pattern in patients with or without the HLA-B*58:01 allele is not known. To understand the interactions among the drug, HLA, and TCR, we generated T cell lines that react to ALP or its metabolite oxypurinol (OXP) from HLA-B*58:01(+) and HLA-B*58:01(-) donors and assessed their reactivity. ALP/OXP-specific T cells reacted immediately to the addition of the drugs and bypassed intracellular Ag processing, which is consistent with the "pharmacological interaction with immune receptors" (p-i) concept. This direct activation occurred regardless of HLA-B*58:01 status. Although most OXP-specific T cells from HLA-B*58:01(+) donors were restricted by the HLA-B*58:01 molecule for drug recognition, ALP-specific T cells also were restricted to other MHC class I molecules. This can be explained by in silico docking data that suggest that OXP binds to the peptide-binding groove of HLA-B*58:01 with higher affinity. The ensuing T cell responses elicited by ALP or OXP were not limited to particular TCR Vβ repertoires. We conclude that the drug-specific T cells are activated by OXP bound to HLA-B*58:01 through the p-i mechanism.


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INTRODUCTION Cardiac myocytes utilize three high-capacity Na transport processes whose precise function can determine myocyte fate and the triggering of arrhythmias in pathological settings. We present recent results on the regulation of all three transporters that may be important for an understanding of cardiac function during ischemia/reperfusion episodes. METHODS AND RESULTS Refined ion selective electrode (ISE) techniques and giant patch methods were used to analyze the function of cardiac Na/K pumps, Na/Ca exchange (NCX1), and Na/H exchange (NHE1) in excised cardiac patches and intact myocytes. To consider results cohesively, simulations were developed that account for electroneutrality of the cytoplasm, ion homeostasis, water homeostasis (i.e., cell volume), and cytoplasmic pH. The Na/K pump determines the average life-time of Na ions (3-10 minutes) as well as K ions (>30 minutes) in the cytoplasm. The long time course of K homeostasis can determine the time course of myocyte volume changes after ion homeostasis is perturbed. In excised patches, cardiac Na/K pumps turn on slowly (-30 seconds) with millimolar ATP dependence, when activated for the first time. In steady state, however, pumps are fully active with <0.2 mM ATP and are nearly unaffected by high ADP (2 mM) and Pi (10 mM) concentrations as may occur in ischemia. NCX1s appear to operate with slippage that contributes to background Na influx and inward current in heart. Thus, myocyte Na levels may be regulated by the inactivation reactions of the exchanger which are both Na- and proton-dependent. NHE1 also undergo strong Na-dependent inactivation, whereby a brief rise of cytoplasmic Na can cause inactivation that persists for many minutes after cytoplasmic Na is removed. This mechanism is blocked by pertussis toxin, suggesting involvement of a Na-dependent G-protein. Given that maximal NCX1- and NHE1-mediated ion fluxes are much greater than maximal Na/K pump-mediated Na extrusion in myocytes, the Na-dependent inactivation mechanisms of NCX1 and NHE1 may be important determinants of cardiac Na homeostasis. CONCLUSIONS Na/K pumps appear to be optimized to continue operation when energy reserves are compromised. Both NCX1 and NHE1 activities are regulated by accumulation of cytoplasmic Na. These principles may importantly control cardiac cytoplasmic Na and promote myocyte survival during ischemia/reperfusion episodes by preventing Ca overload.


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Introduction: Discectomy and spinal fusion is the gold standard for spinal surgery to relieve pain. However, fusion can be hindered for yet unknown reasons that lead to non-fusions with pseudo-arthrose. It is hence appealing to develop biomaterials that can enhance bone formation. Clinical observations indicate that presence of residual intervertebral disc (IVD) tissue might hinder the ossification. We hypothesize that BMP-antagonists are constantly secreted by IVD cells and potentially prevent the ossification process. Furthermore, L51P, the engineered BMP2 variant, stimulates osteoinduction of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) by antagonizing BMP-inhibitors. Methods: Human MSCs, primary nucleus pulposus (NPC) and annulus pulposus cells (AFC) were isolated and expanded in monolayer cultures up to passage 3. IVD cells were seeded in 1.2% alginate beads (4Mio/mL) and separated by culture inserts from MSCs in a co-culture set-up. MSCs were kept in 1:control medium, 2:osteogenic medium+alginate control, 3:osteogenic medium+NPC (±L51P) and 4:osteogenic medium+AFC (±L51P) for 21 days. Relative gene expression of bone-related genes, Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) assay and histological staining were performed. Results: Osteogenesis of MSCs was hindered as shown by reduced alizarin red staining in the presence of NPC. No such inhibition was observed if co-cultured with alginate only or in the presence of AFC. The results were confirmed on the RNA and protein level. Addition of L51P to the co-cultures induced mineralization of MSCs, however a reduced ALP was observed. Conclusion: We demonstrated that NPC secrete BMP-antagonists that prevent osteogenesis of MSCs and L51P can antagonize BMP-antagonists and induce bone formation.


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Background: The differentiation of ADSC is regulated by many factors, including oxygen tensions. Evidences have suggested that low oxygen tension or hypoxia is involved in the osteogenic, adipogenic differentiations of MSCs. Expansion and induction of ADSCs under hypoxia generally result in enhanced osteogenic, differentiation. Therefore, we analyzed bovine ADSC differentiations in Normoxia and hypoxia conditions Methodology: Recently (<8h) cow tail from a slaughterhouse, take out some fat from the tail and fat cells was isolated by using for isolation of ADSC protocol, the expansion cells were put into osteogenic and adipogenic medium for 3 weeks in hypoxia and normoxia conditions separately and characterized by Von kossa, Alizarin red and Oil red O staining and further by using real-time PCR by using primers of osteocalcin, Collagen type1, cbfa1/runx2, ALP, ostepontin, osteonectin, BMP2, BMP24, BMP27, noggin, gremlin, Nestin and HIF1A,VEGFA,PPARG,Leptin. Results: Our experiment results show hypoxia promotes osteogenesis but suppresses adipogenesis.


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OBJECTIVES Bone replacement grafting materials play an important role in regenerative dentistry. Despite a large array of tested bone-grafting materials, little information is available comparing the effects of bone graft density on in vitro cell behavior. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to compare the effects of cells seeded on bone grafts at low and high density in vitro for osteoblast adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation. MATERIALS AND METHODS The response of osteoblasts to the presence of a growth factor (enamel matrix derivative, (EMD)) in combination with low (8 mg per well) or high (100 mg per well) bone grafts (BG; natural bone mineral, Bio-Oss®) density, was studied and compared for osteoblast cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation as assessed by real-time PCR. Standard tissue culture plastic was used as a control with and without EMD. RESULTS The present study demonstrates that in vitro testing of bone-grafting materials is largely influenced by bone graft seeding density. Osteoblast adhesion was up to 50 % lower when cells were seeded on high-density BG when compared to low-density BG and control tissue culture plastic. Furthermore, proliferation was affected in a similar manner whereby cell proliferation on high-density BG (100 mg/well) was significantly increased when compared to that on low-density BG (8 mg/well). In contrast, cell differentiation was significantly increased on high-density BG as assessed by real-time PCR for markers collagen 1 (Col 1), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and osteocalcin (OC) as well as alizarin red staining. The effects of EMD on osteoblast adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation further demonstrated that the bone graft seeding density largely controls in vitro results. EMD significantly increased cell attachment only on high-density BG, whereas EMD was able to further stimulate cell proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts on control culture plastic and low-density BG when compared to high-density BG. CONCLUSION The results from the present study demonstrate that the in vitro conditions largely influence cell behavior of osteoblasts seeded on bone grafts and in vitro testing. CLINICAL RELEVANCE These results also illustrate the necessity for careful selection of bone graft seeding density to optimize in vitro testing and provide the clinician with a more accurate description of the osteopromotive potential of bone grafts.


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BACKGROUND Clinical observations indicate that the presence of nucleus pulposus (NP) tissue during spinal fusion hinders the rate of disc ossification. While the underlying mechanism remains unknown, this observation could be due to incomplete removal of NP cells (NPCs) that secrete factors preventing disc calcification, such as bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists including noggin and members of the DAN (differential screening selected gene aberrative in neuroblastoma) family. METHODS Monolayer human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were cocultured withNPCs and annulus fibrosus cells (AFCs) embedded in alginate for 21 days. At the end of coculture, MSCs were stained for mineral deposition by alizarin red, and relative expression of bone-related genes [Runt-related transcription factor 2, (RUNX2), Osteopontin (OPN), and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)] and ALP activity were analyzed. Relative expression of three BMP antagonists, chordin (CHRD), gremlin (GREM1), and noggin (NOG), was determined in primary human NPCs and AFCs. These cells were also stained for Gremlin and Noggin by immunocytochemistry. RESULTS Alizarin red staining showed that MSC osteogenesis in monolayer cultures was inhibited by coculture with NPCs or AFCs. ALP activity and RT-PCR analyses confirmed these results and demonstrated inhibition of osteogenesis of MSC in the presence of disc cells. NOG was significantly up-regulated in MSCs after coculture. Relative gene expression of intervertebral disc (IVD) cells showed higher expression of GREM1 in NPCs than in AFCs. CONCLUSIONS We show that primary IVD cells inhibit osteogenesis of MSCs. BMP inhibitors NOG, GREM1 and CHRD were expressed in IVD cells. GREM1 appears to be differentially expressed in NPCs and AFCs. Our results have implications for the design and development of treatments for non-union in spinal fusion.


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BACKGROUND Bone morphogenetic protein 9 (BMP9) has previously been characterized as one of the most osteogenic growth factors of the BMP-family, however, up until now, these experiments have only been demonstrated using adenovirus-transfection experiments (gene therapy). With the recent development of recombinant human (rh)BMP9, the aim of the present study was to investigate its osteopromotive potential versus rhBMP2 when loaded onto a collagen membrane. METHODS ST2 stromal bone marrow cells were seeded onto 1)control; 2)rhBMP2-low(10ng/ml); 3)rhBMP2-high(100ng/ml); 4)rhBMP9-low(10ng/ml); and 5)rhBMP9-high(100ng/ml) porcine collagen membranes. Groups were then compared for cell adhesion at 8 hours, cell proliferation at 1, 3 and 5 days real-time PCR at 3 and 14 days for genes encoding Runx2, alkaline phosphatase(ALP) and bone sialoprotein(BSP) at 3 and 14 days and alizarin red staining at 14 days. RESULTS While rhBMP2 and rhBMP9 demonstrated little effects on cell attachment and proliferation, pronounced increases were observed on osteoblast differentiation. It was found that all groups significantly induced ALP mRNA levels at 3 days and BSP levels at 14 days, however rhBMP9-high demonstrated significantly higher values when compared to all other groups for ALP levels (5-fold increase at 3 days and 2-fold increase at 14 days). Alizarin red staining further revealed that both concentrations of rhBMP9 induced up to 3-fold more staining when compared to rhBMP2. CONCLUSION These results indicate that the combination of collagen membranes with rhBMP9 significantly induced significantly higher ALP mRNA expression and alizarin red staining when compared to rhBMP2. These findings suggest that rhBMP9 may be a suitable growth factor for future regenerative procedures in bone biology.


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BACKGROUND Recombinant bone morphogenetic protein two (rhBMP2) has been utilised for a variety of clinical applications in orthopaedic surgery and dental procedures. Despite its widespread use, concerns have been raised regarding its short half-life and transient bioactivity in vivo. Recent investigation aimed at developing rhBMP2 synthesized from a shorter polypeptide chain (108 amino acids) has been undertaken. METHODS The osteopromotive properties of BMP2 were investigated on cell behaviour. Five concentrations of rhBMP2_108 including 10, 50, 100, 200 and 500 ng/ml were compared to a commercially available rhBMP2 (100 ng/ml). Each of the working concentrations of rhBMP2_108 were investigated on MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts for their ability to induce osteoblast recruitment, proliferation and differentiation as assessed by alkaline phosphatase (ALP) staining, alizarin red staining, and real-time PCR for genes encoding ALP, osteocalcin (OCN), collagen-1 (COL-1) and Runx2. RESULTS The results demonstrate that all concentrations of rhBMP2_108 significantly improved cell recruitment and proliferation of osteoblasts at 5 days post seeding. Furthermore, rhBMP2_108 had the most pronounced effects on osteoblast differentiation. It was found that rhBMP2_108 had over a four fold significant increase in ALP activity at seven and 14 days post-seeding and the concentrations ranging from 50 to 200 ng/ml demonstrated the most pronounced effects. Analysis of real-time PCR for genes encoding ALP, OCN, COL-1 and Runx2 further confirmed dose-dependant increases at 14 days post-seeding. Furthermore, alizarin red staining demonstrated a concentration dependant increase in staining at 14 days. CONCLUSION The results from the present study demonstrate that this shorter polypeptide chain of rhBMP2_108 is equally as bioactive as commercially available rhBMP2 for the recruitment of progenitor cells by facilitating their differentiation towards the osteoblast lineage. Future in vivo study are necessary to investigate its bioactivity.