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PURPOSE: We evaluated the incidence of pathological findings of the ureter at cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder and assessed the usefulness of intraoperative frozen section examination of the ureter. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Histopathological findings of ureteral frozen section examination were compared to the corresponding permanent sections and the diagnostic accuracy of frozen section examination was evaluated. These segments were then compared to the more proximal ureteral segments resected at the level where they cross over the common iliac arteries. The histopathological findings of the ureteral segments were then correlated for upper urinary tract recurrence and overall survival. RESULTS: Transitional cell carcinoma or carcinoma in situ was found on frozen section examination of the distal ureter in 39 of 805 patients (4.8%) and on permanent sections in 29 (3.6%). In 755 patients the false-negative rate of frozen section examination of the ureters was 0.8%. Of the patients with carcinoma in situ diagnosed on the first frozen section examination 80% also had carcinoma in situ in the bladder. Transitional cell carcinoma or carcinoma in situ in the most proximally resected ureteral segments was found in 1.2% of patients. After radical cystectomy there was tumor recurrence in the upper urinary tract in 3% of patients with negative ureteral frozen section examination and in 17% with carcinoma in situ on frozen section examination. CONCLUSIONS: Routine frozen section examination of the ureters at radical cystectomy is only recommended for patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder, provided the ureters are resected where they cross the common iliac arteries.
Focal ectopic activity in cardiac tissue is a key factor in the initiation and perpetuation of tachyarrhythmias. Because myofibroblasts as present in fibrotic remodeled myocardia and infarct scars depolarize cardiomyocytes by heterocellular electrotonic interactions via gap junctions in vitro, we investigated using strands of cultured ventricular cardiomyocytes coated with myofibroblasts, whether this interaction might give rise to depolarization-induced abnormal automaticity. Whereas uncoated cardiomyocyte strands were invariably quiescent, myofibroblasts induced synchronized spontaneous activity in a density dependent manner. Activations appeared at spatial myofibroblast densities >15.7% and involved more than 80% of the preparations at myofibroblast densities of 50%. Spontaneous activity was based on depolarization-induced automaticity as evidenced by: (1) suppression of activity by the sarcolemmal K(ATP) channel opener P-1075; (2) induction of activity in current-clamped single cardiomyocytes undergoing depolarization to potentials similar to those induced by myofibroblasts in cardiomyocyte strands; and (3) induction of spontaneous activity in cardiomyocyte strands coated with connexin 43 transfected Hela cells but not with communication deficient HeLa wild-type cells. Apart from unveiling the mechanism underlying the hallmark of monolayer cultures of cardiomyocytes, ie, spontaneous electromechanical activity, these findings open the perspective that myofibroblasts present in structurally remodeled myocardia following pressure overload and infarction might contribute to arrhythmogenesis by induction of ectopic activity.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Periodic leg movements in sleep (PLMS) are frequently accompanied by arousals and autonomic activation, but the pathophysiologic significance of these manifestations is unclear. DESIGN: Changes in heart rate variability (HRV), HRV spectra, and electroencephalogram (EEG) spectra associated with idiopathic PLMS were compared with changes associated with isolated leg movements and respiratory-related leg movements during sleep. Furthermore, correlations between electromyographic activity, HRV changes, and EEG changes were assessed. SETTING: Sleep laboratory. PATIENTS: Whole-night polysomnographic studies of 24 subjects fulfilling the criteria of either periodic leg movements disorder (n = 8), obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (n = 7), or normal polysomnography (n = 9) were used. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Spectral HRV changes started before all EEG changes and up to 6 seconds before the onset of all types of leg movements. An initial weak autonomic activation was followed by a sympathetic activation, an increase of EEG delta activity, and finally a progression to increased higher-frequency EEG rhythms. After movement onset, HRV indicated a vagal activation, and, the EEG, a decrease in spindle activity. Sympathetic activation, as measured by HRV spectra, was greater for PLMS than for all other movement types. In EEG, gamma synchronization began 1 to 2 seconds earlier for isolated leg movements and respiratory-related leg movements than for PLMS. Significant correlations were found between autonomic activations and electromyographic activity, as well as between autonomic activations and EEG delta activity, but not between higher-frequency EEG rhythms and EMG activity or HRV changes. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest a primary role of the sympathetic nervous system in the generation of PLMS.
BACKGROUND: HIV-1 infected individuals have an increased cardiovascular risk which is partially mediated by dyslipidemia. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in multiple genes involved in lipid transport and metabolism are presumed to modulate the risk of dyslipidemia in response to antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: The contribution to dyslipidemia of 20 selected single nucleotide polymorphisms of 13 genes reported in the literature to be associated with plasma lipid levels (ABCA1, ADRB2, APOA5, APOC3, APOE, CETP, LIPC, LIPG, LPL, MDR1, MTP, SCARB1, and TNF) was assessed by longitudinally modeling more than 4400 plasma lipid determinations in 438 antiretroviral therapy-treated participants during a median period of 4.8 years. An exploratory genetic score was tested that takes into account the cumulative contribution of multiple gene variants to plasma lipids. RESULTS: Variants of ABCA1, APOA5, APOC3, APOE, and CETP contributed to plasma triglyceride levels, particularly in the setting of ritonavir-containing antiretroviral therapy. Variants of APOA5 and CETP contributed to high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels. Variants of CETP and LIPG contributed to non-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, a finding not reported previously. Sustained hypertriglyceridemia and low high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol during the study period was significantly associated with the genetic score. CONCLUSIONS: Single nucleotide polymorphisms of ABCA1, APOA5, APOC3, APOE, and CETP contribute to plasma triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels during antiretroviral therapy exposure. Genetic profiling may contribute to the identification of patients at risk for antiretroviral therapy-related dyslipidemia.
The modified American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) lesion morphology classification scheme has prognostic impact for early and late outcomes when bare-metal stents are used. Its value after drug-eluting stent placement is unknown. The predictive value of this lesion morphology classification system in patients treated using sirolimus-eluting stents included in the German Cypher Registry was prospectively examined. The study population included 6,755 patients treated for 7,960 lesions using sirolimus-eluting stents. Lesions were classified as type A, B1, B2, or C. Lesion type A or B1 was considered simple (35.1%), and type B2 or C, complex (64.9%). The combined end point of all deaths, myocardial infarction, or target vessel revascularization was seen in 2.6% versus 2.4% in the complex and simple groups, respectively (p = 0.62) at initial hospital discharge, with a trend for higher rates of myocardial infarction in the complex group. At the 6-month clinical follow-up and after adjusting for other independent factors, the composite of cumulative death, myocardial infarction, and target vessel revascularization was nonsignificantly different between groups (11.4% vs 11.2% in the complex and simple groups, respectively; odds ratio 1.08, 95% confidence interval 0.8 to 1.46). This was also true for target vessel revascularization alone (8.3% of the complex group, 9.0% of the simple group; odds ratio 0.87, 95% confidence interval 0.72 to 1.05). In conclusion, the modified ACC/AHA lesion morphology classification system has some value in determining early complications after sirolimus-eluting stent implantation. Clinical follow-up results at 6 months were generally favorable and cannot be adequately differentiated on the basis of this lesion morphology classification scheme.
Mitochondrial translation in the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei relies on imported eukaryotic-type tRNAs as well as on bacterial-type ribosomes that have the shortest known rRNAs. Here we have identified the mitochondrial translation elongation factors EF-Tu, EF-Ts, EF-G1 and release factor RF1 of trypanosomatids and show that their ablation impairs growth and oxidative phosphorylation. In vivo labelling experiments and a SILAC-based analysis of the global proteomic changes induced by EF-Tu RNAi directly link EF-Tu to mitochondrial translation. Moreover, EF-Tu RNAi reveals downregulation of many nuclear encoded subunits of cytochrome oxidase as well as of components of the bc1-complex, whereas most cytosolic ribosomal proteins were upregulated. Interestingly, T. brucei EF-Tu has a 30-amino-acid-long, highly charged subdomain, which is unique to trypanosomatids. A combination of RNAi and complementation experiments shows that this subdomain is essential for EF-Tu function, but that it can be replaced by a similar sequence found in eukaryotic EF-1a, the cytosolic counterpart of EF-Tu. A recent cryo-electron microscopy study revealed that trypanosomatid mitochondrial ribosomes have a unique intersubunit space that likely harbours the EF-Tu binding site. These findings suggest that the trypanosomatid-specific EF-Tu subdomain serves as an adaption for binding to these unusual mitochondrial ribosomes.