83 resultados para 631
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the 3-year success rates of wide-body implants with a regular- or wide-neck configuration and a sandblasted, large grit, acid-etched (SLA) surface. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 151 implants were consecutively placed in posterior sites of 116 partially edentulous patients in a referral clinic at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern. All implants were restored with cemented crowns or fixed partial dentures after a healing period of 6 to 8 weeks (for implants placed without simultaneous bone augmentation) or 10 to 14 weeks (for implants with simultaneous bone augmentation). All patients were recalled 36 months following implant placement for a clinical and radiographic examination. RESULTS: One implant failed to integrate during healing, and 11 implants were lost to follow-up and considered dropouts. The remaining 139 implants showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings and were considered successfully integrated at the 3-year examination. This resulted in a 3-year success rate of 99.3%. Radiographic evaluation of 134 implants indicated stability of the crestal bone levels: During the study period, the crestal bone level changed less than 0.5 mm for 129 implants. CONCLUSION: Successful tissue integration was achieved with wide-body implants with a regular or a wide-neck configuration and an SLA surface with high predictability. This successful tissue integration was well maintained for up to 3 years of follow-up.
BACKGROUND: Vascular healing of intracoronary stents has been shown to be delayed in drug-eluting stents (DES) due to the cytotoxic compounds on the stent surface that prevent stent ingrowth and endothelialization. The lack of endothelialization explains the occurrence of late and very late stent thrombosis in DES. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 11 house swines (body weight 38-45 kg), 3 stents were implanted randomly into the 3 large epicardial coronary arteries, namely a bare-metal stent (BMS), a sirolimus-eluting stent with slow-release (SES) and a SES with extended-release (SESXR). Stent length was 18 mm, and stent diameter 3 mm. All stents were of identical design. Animals were followed for 3 (n = 3), 7 (n = 4) and 14 (n = 4) days, respectively. One animal died before implantation due to hyperthermia. On the day of explantation, the animals were euthanized and endothelialization was tested by scanning electron microscopy after drying and sputtering the samples. Endothelial coverage was determined semiquantitatively by 2 observers. RESULTS: Endothelialization was more rapid with BMS and SESXR than SES at 3 and 14 days. At 7 days there were no significant differences between the 2 SES. CONCLUSIONS: Endothelialization of intracoronary stents is faster with BMS and SESXR at 3 days than with SES. These differences persist at 14 days, suggesting delayed vascular healing with the slow-release SES.
Recent development of ultrasonographic equipment has allowed improved spatial resolution for visualizing normal and pathologic conditions of peripheral nerves. Regarding the brachial plexus, only ultrasonographic studies that have described the normal appearance have been reported. To the best of our knowledge, no case report regarding the ultrasonographic description of a brachial plexus lesion has been published. We report the ultrasonographic findings of a brachial plexus injury after extirpation of a suspected enlarged supraclavicular lymph node.
Objective: Suicide attempts are common in patients being treated for alcohol-use disorders (AUDs). However, clinical assessment of suicide risk is difficult. In this Swiss multisite study, we propose a decision tree to facilitate identification of profiles of AUD patients at high risk for suicidal behavior. Method: In this retrospective study, we used a sample of 700 patients (243 female), attending 1 of 12 treatment programs for AUDs in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Sixty-nine patients who reported a suicide attempt in the 3 months before the index treatment were compared using risk factors with 631 patients without a suicide attempt. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses were used to identify patients at risk of having had a suicide attempt in the previous 3 months. Results: Consistent with previous empirical findings in AUD patients, a prior history of attempted suicide and severe symptoms of depression and aggression considerably increased the risk of a suicide attempt and, in combination, raised the likelihood of a prior suicide attempt to 52%. In addition, one third of AUD patients who had a history of suicide attempts and previous inpatient psychiatric treatment, or who were male and had previous inpatient psychiatric treatment, also reported a suicide attempt. Conclusions: The empirically supported decision tree helps to identify profiles of suicidal AUD patients in Switzerland and supplements clinicians' judgments in making triage decisions for suicide management.
Unter kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive lassen sich Religionen als gemeinschaftsstiftende Sinndeutungssysteme verstehen, mit deren Hilfe die Verständigung über gemeinsame Glaubens- und Wertvorstellungen geregelt werden kann. Religionen erwachsen aus interkulturellen Prozessen, denn sie speisen aus unterschiedlichen kulturellen Quellen und Bedeutungstraditionen und ‘migrieren’ aus der ursprünglichen ‘Gemeinde’ in andere kulturelle Kontexte. ‘Fremd-Religionen’ werden adaptiv verändert und in die eigene kulturelle Praxis überführt. Solche Veränderungen von Religionen werden durch Literatur begleitet und bewahrt. Sie verleiht Sinnstiftungsprozessen von Kultur sprachliche Gestalt und reflektiert damit auch immer implizit oder explizit religiöse Vorstellungen. Unter interkultureller Perspektive läßt sich Literatur also auch als Speicher religiöser Vorstellungen unter den Bedingungen ihrer epochen- und kulturspezifischen Veränderungen verstehen. Der Band sucht diesen Veränderungen in der Literatur und ihrer Spiegelung in den Medien nachzugehen und zu prüfen, wie dadurch Gemeinsamkeiten, aber auch kulturelle Differenzen bewußt gemacht werden.
In vielen Teilen der Welt ist die akademische Beschäftigung mit der deutschen Sprache, Literatur und Kultur in Bedrängnis geraten. Während mancherorts die Absolventen der (interkulturellen) Germanistik noch ohne Schwierigkeiten eine Anstellung finden, für die sie ausgebildet wurden, wird andernorts ein Studium der Germanistik mangels einschlägiger Berufsaussichten erst gar nicht mehr aufgenommen. Daher stellt sich die Frage, was im Fache und von seinen Repräsentanten getan werden kann, um die Praxisrelevanz der (interkulturellen) Germanistik zu begründen bzw. zu steigern und die Absolventen in die Lage zu versetzen, (wieder) ‘vom Deutschen’ leben zu können. Die internationale Germanistik mit ihren je eigenen, oft regional und gar lokal geprägten Fachidentitäten ist stark an der Ausbildung von komparativen, multiperspektivischen und interkulturellen Betrachtungs- und Zugangsweisen interessiert, die den methodologischen Unilateralismus überwinden. Gerade die ‘Auslandsgermanistiken’ könnten sich so als Schnittstellendisziplinen profilieren und zugleich konsolidieren.
Der Band macht das ebenso geschichtsträchtige wie aktuelle und zukunftsweisende Thema «Ostmitteleuropa als Begegnungsraum» zum Gegenstand eines interdisziplinären Dialogs zwischen den Teilfächern der Germanistik einerseits und zwischen der Germanistik und anderen Fächern wie den Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Kommunikationswissenschaften anderseits. Der Titel verweist auf alle Arten der Begegnung – kulturelle, sprachliche, literarische, wirtschaftliche, soziale, mediale, konfessionelle – in dieser (insbesondere nach der sogenannten Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union in den Focus des Interesses geratenen) Region mit all ihren komplizierten historischen, politischen und ökonomischen Verwerfungen und Verflechtungen. Ostmitteleuropa als Schnittstelle eines facettenreichen interkulturellen Raums zwischen ehemals verfeindeten politischen Blöcken bietet eine Vielzahl von wenig erforschten Fragestellungen, bei deren Bearbeitung sich verschiedene theoretische Ansätze bewähren und die nicht selten auf empirischen Untersuchungen fußen. In vollem Bewusstsein der historischen Tiefendimension des Themas konzentrieren sich die Beiträge überwiegend auf die Gegenwart und jüngere Vergangenheit, um einerseits der ständig zunehmenden Bedeutung interkultureller Kommunikation auf den tangierten Fachgebieten gerecht zu werden, andererseits um das kreative Potential dieser in vielerlei Hinsicht stimulierenden europäischen Region zu erschließen.
Lichens are a key component of forest biodiversity. However, a comprehensive study analyzing lichen species richness in relation to several management types, extending over different regions and forest stages and including information on site conditions is missing for temperate European forests. In three German regions (Schwäbische Alb, Hainich-Dün, Schorfheide-Chorin), the so-called Biodiversity Exploratories, we studied lichen species richness in 631 forest plots of 400 m2 comprising different management types (unmanaged, selection cutting, deciduous and coniferous age-class forests resulting from clear cutting or shelterwood logging), various stand ages, and site conditions, typical for large parts of temperate Europe. We analyzed how lichen species richness responds to management and habitat variables (standing biomass, cover of deadwood, cover of rocks). We found strong regional differences with highest lichen species richness in the Schwäbische Alb, probably driven by regional differences in former air pollution, and in precipitation and habitat variables. Overall, unmanaged forests harbored 22% more threatened lichen species than managed age-class forests. In general, total, corticolous, and threatened lichen species richness did not differ among management types of deciduous forests. However, in the Schwäbische-Alb region, deciduous forests had 61% more lichen species than coniferous forests and they had 279% more threatened and 76% more corticolous lichen species. Old deciduous age classes were richer in corticolous lichen species than young ones, while old coniferous age-classes were poorer than young ones. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of stand continuity for conservation. To increase total and threatened lichen species richness we suggest (1) conserving unmanaged forests, (2) promoting silvicultural methods assuring stand continuity, (3) conserving old trees in managed forests, (4) promoting stands of native deciduous tree species instead of coniferous plantations, and (5) increasing the amount of deadwood in forests.