33 resultados para 36-330


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OBJECTIVE To examine outcome data for cats and dogs with congenital internal hydrocephalus following treatment via ventriculoperitoneal shunting to determine treatment-associated changes in neurologic signs, the nature and incidence of postoperative complications, and survival time. DESIGN Retrospective multicenter case series. ANIMALS 30 dogs and 6 cats with congenital internal hydrocephalus (confirmed via CT or MRI). PROCEDURES Medical records for dogs and cats with internal hydrocephalus that underwent unilateral ventriculoperitoneal shunt implantation from 2001 through 2009 were evaluated. Data collected included the nature and incidence of postoperative complications, change in clinical signs following surgery, and survival time. To compare pre- and postoperative signs, 2-way frequency tables were analyzed with a 1-sided exact McNemar test. RESULTS 8 of 36 (22%) animals developed postoperative complications, including shunt malfunction, shunt infection, and seizure events. Three dogs underwent shunt revision surgery. Thirteen (36%) animals died as a result of hydrocephalus-related complications or were euthanized. Following shunt implantation, clinical signs resolved in 7 dogs and 2 cats; overall, 26 (72%) animals had an improvement of clinical signs. After 18 months, 20 animals were alive, and the longest follow-up period was 9.5 years. Most deaths and complications occurred in the first 3 months after shunt placement. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that ventriculoperitoneal shunt implantation is a viable option for treatment of dogs or cats with congenital hydrocephalus. Because complications are most likely to develop in the first 3 months after surgery, repeated neurologic and imaging evaluations are warranted during this period.


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INTRODUCTION Apical surgery is an important treatment option for teeth with postendodontic apical periodontitis. However, little information is available regarding treatment planning in cases referred for apical surgery. This study evaluated the decisions made in such cases and analyzed the variables influencing the decision-making process. METHODS The study retrospectively assessed clinical and radiographic data of 330 teeth that had been referred to a specialist in apical surgery with regard to the treatment decisions made in those teeth. The clinical and radiographic variables were divided into subcategories to analyze which factors influenced the decision-making process. RESULTS The treatment decisions included apical surgery (59.1%), tooth extraction (25.8%), no treatment (9.1%), and nonsurgical endodontic retreatment (6.1%). Variables that showed statistically significant differences comparing treatment decisions among subcategories included probing depth (P = .001), clinical attachment level (P = .0001), tooth mobility (P = .012), pain (P = .014), clinical signs (P = .0001), length (P = .041) and quality (P = .026) of the root canal filling, and size (P = .0001) and location (P = .0001) of the periapical lesion. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that apical surgery was the most frequently made treatment decision in teeth referred to a specialist in apical surgery, but every fourth tooth was considered nonretainable and was scheduled for extraction. The data showed that the most common variables that influenced the decision to extract teeth were teeth with an increased probing depth and tooth mobility and teeth presenting with lesions not located at the apex.


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Aims: To assess observations with multimodality imaging of the Absorb bioresorbable everolimus-eluting vascular scaffold performed in two consecutive cohorts of patients who were serially investigated either at 6 and 24 months or at 12 and 36 months. Methods and results: In the ABSORB multicentre single-arm trial, 45 patients (cohort B1) and 56 patients (cohort B2) underwent serial invasive imaging, specifically quantitative coronary angiography (QCA), intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), radiofrequency backscattering (IVUS-VH) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Between one and three years, late luminal loss remained unchanged (6 months: 0.19 mm, 1 year: 0.27 mm, 2 years: 0.27 mm, 3 years: 0.29 mm) and the in-segment angiographic restenosis rate for the entire cohort B (n=101) at three years was 6%. On IVUS, mean lumen, scaffold, plaque and vessel area showed enlargement up to two years. Mean lumen and scaffold area remained stable between two and three years whereas significant reduction in plaque behind the struts occurred with a trend toward adaptive restrictive remodelling of EEM. Hyperechogenicity of the vessel wall, a surrogate of the bioresorption process, decreased from 23.1% to 10.4% with a reduction of radiofrequency backscattering for dense calcium and necrotic core. At three years, the count of strut cores detected on OCT increased significantly, probably reflecting the dismantling of the scaffold; 98% of struts were covered. In the entire cohort B (n=101), the three-year major adverse cardiac event rate was 10.0% without any scaffold thrombosis. Conclusions: The current investigation demonstrated the dynamics of vessel wall changes after implantation of a bioresorbable scaffold, resulting at three years in stable luminal dimensions, a low restenosis rate and a low clinical major adverse cardiac events rate.


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We demonstrate that the IAT is crucially influenced by the order in which the two IAT-blocks are administered. In three studies the IAT-effect is shown to change in magnitude and sign when the order of the ‘compatible’ and the ‘incompatible’ block is reversed. Order effects are caused by cognitive inertia, the difficulty to switch from one categorization rule to another categorization rule. Cognitive inertia distorts correlations between IAT-scores and other variables. While the common practice of counterbalancing block-order between-subjects does not cancel out these distortions, we show in study 4 that counterbalancing block-order repeatedly within-subjects can eliminate order effects.


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La collecte de l’eau est réalisée avec succès depuis des millénaires dans les régions du monde entier – certaines interventions récentes ont également eu un impact local significatif. Pourtant, le potentiel de cette technique reste largement inconnu, non reconnu et non apprécié. Il est temps de transposer à plus grande échelle les « bonnes pratiques » de collecte de l’eau, celles qui ont survécu au temps ou qui ont émergé des nouvelles expériences, après des décennies de focalisation presque exclusive sur la maîtrise des flux d’eau douce dans les rivières et les lacs grâce à des investissements dans des infrastructures d’irrigation.La collecte de l’eau offre des opportunités sous-exploitées pour les systèmes principalement d’exploitation pluviale des zones arides dans le monde en développement. Celle-ci fonctionne mieux précisément dans les zones où la pauvreté rurale est la pire. Quand elle est bien réalisée, son impact est à la fois de réduire la faim et de lutter contre la pauvreté, tout en améliorant la résilience de l’environnement. Ces connaissances sur les technologies de collecte d’eau et sur les milieux dans lesquels elles ont tendance à donner de meilleurs résultats, représentent une véritable richesse cachée. Pour la première fois, ces connaissances sont traitées, rassemblées et rendues disponibles à travers un tel outil organisé, illustré et instructif reliant les technologies aux réseaux des connaissances, outil qui servira aux utilisateurs présumés de ces directives pratiques pour mieux comprendre et mettre en oeuvre leurs choix


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We measured the concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in bulk samples and metal separates of 14 ordinary chondrite falls with long exposure ages and high metamorphic grades. In addition, we measured concentrations of the cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl in metal separates and in the nonmagnetic fractions of the selected meteorites. Using cosmogenic 36Cl and 36Ar measured in the metal separates, we determined 36Cl-36Ar cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) ages, which are shielding-independent and therefore particularly reliable. Using the cosmogenic noble gases and radionuclides, we are able to decipher the CRE history for the studied objects. Based on the correlation 3He/21Ne versus 22Ne/21Ne, we demonstrate that, among the meteorites studied, only one suffered significant diffusive losses (about 35%). The data confirm that the linear correlation 3He/21Ne versus 22Ne/21Ne breaks down at high shielding. Using 36Cl-36Ar exposure ages and measured noble gas concentrations, we determine 21Ne and 38Ar production rates as a function of 22Ne/21Ne. The new data agree with recent model calculations for the relationship between 21Ne and 38Ar production rates and the 22Ne/21Ne ratio, which does not always provide unique shielding information. Based on the model calculations, we determine a new correlation line for 21Ne and 38Ar production rates as a function of the shielding indicator 22Ne/21Ne for H, L, and LL chondrites with preatmospheric radii less than about 65 cm. We also calculated the 10Be/21Ne and 26Al/21Ne production rate ratios for the investigated samples, which show good agreement with recent model calculations.


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The medial arterial supply to 68 of the 72 coxofemoral joints of 36 medium to large breed dogs was examined ultrasonographically. The medial circumflex femoral artery and three branches were identified; the artery and its transverse branch were identified in all 68 joints, and the deep branch was identified in 61 joints, and the ascending branch was identified in 63. However, the acetabular and obturator branches were not identified. The pulsatility index, the mean velocity and the peak systolic velocity of the medial circumflex femoral artery were determined and associated with a radiographic score of degenerative coxofemoral joint disease and a lath distraction index (LDI). In joints with a LDI greater than 0.35, the pulsatility index was significantly lower (P=0.023) and its mean velocity was higher (P=0.005). However, no significant associations were observed in individual dogs when the measurements in both joints were taken into account.


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