64 resultados para 100-625C


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The aim of the study was to assess sleep-wake habits and disorders and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in an unselected outpatient epilepsy population. Sleep-wake habits and presence of sleep disorders were assessed by means of a clinical interview and a standard questionnaire in 100 consecutive patients with epilepsy and 90 controls. The questionnaire includes three validated instruments: the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) for EDS, SA-SDQ for sleep apnea (SA), and the Ullanlinna Narcolepsy Scale (UNS) for narcolepsy. Sleep complaints were reported by 30% of epilepsy patients compared to 10% of controls (p=0.001). The average total sleep time was similar in both groups. Insufficient sleep times were suspected in 24% of patients and 33% of controls. Sleep maintenance insomnia was more frequent in epilepsy patients (52% vs. 38%, p=0.06), whereas nightmares (6% vs. 16%, p=0.04) and bruxism (10% vs. 19%, p=0.07) were more frequent in controls. Sleep onset insomnia (34% vs. 28%), EDS (ESS >or=10, 19% vs. 14%), SA (9% vs. 3%), restless legs symptoms (RL-symptoms, 18% vs. 12%) and most parasomnias were similarly frequent in both groups. In a stepwise logistic regression model loud snoring and RL-symptoms were found to be the only independent predictors of EDS in epilepsy patients. In conclusion, sleep-wake habits and the frequency of most sleep disorders are similar in non-selected epilepsy patients as compared to controls. In epilepsy patients, EDS was predicted by a history of loud snoring and RL-symptoms but not by SA or epilepsy-related variables (including type of epilepsy, frequency of seizures, and number of antiepileptic drugs).


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BACKGROUND: A high proportion of patients with essential hypertension need a combination therapy to reach the therapeutic goal. In the present study, the tolerability and efficacy of a fixed, once daily combination of the AT1 blocker Losartan (100 mg) and the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) (25 mg) for patients in the real-life situation was investigated. Special consideration was given to the results of ambulatory 24-hourblood pressure (ABP) measurements. METHODS: The open label, prospective non-interventional surveillance study took place from October 2005 to June 2006. A total of 1139 patients over 18 years in age were included whose blood pressures could not be adequately treated with HCTZ alone and for whom an individual dose titration for Losartan and HCTZ had already been performed. RESULTS: The average age (+/- standard deviation) of the patients was 61.2 +/- 11.6 years; 55.8% were men. Comorbidities were common. Specifically, left ventricular hypertrophy was present in 3.1% of the patients, coronary heart disease in 30.1%, chronic heart failure in 11.8% and status post myocardial infarction in 10.5%, respectively. In addition to the Losartan/HCTZ treatment, 61.0% of the patients received a second antihypertensive medicine. After an average treatment duration of 50.4 +/- 17.2 days, the base line systolic blood pressure of 160.8 +/- 16.3 mmHg decreased by 24.0 +/- 17.0 mmHg (-14.4%) and the diastolic blood pressure of 94.4 +/- 9.9 mmHg decreased by 11.8 +/- 10.2 mmHg (-11.8%). For the ABP measurements, the overall average systolic and diastolic blood pressures fell by 16.9 +/- 14.2 mmHg and 8.8 +/-10.3 mmHg, the day average by 17.3 +/- 14.8 mmHg and 9.0 +/- 10.2 mmHg and the night average by 15.1 +/- 17.6 mmHg and 7.8 +/- 11.7 mmHg, respectively. In twelve of the 1139 patients (1.1%), a total of 15 adverse events occurred. A causal connection with the medication was suspected in only in one case (one patient with three). CONCLUSION: The combination of Losartan/HCTZ 100/25 mg, as the exclusive therapy or in addition to other antihypertensive medicines, was for patients, many of whom who had comorbidities, in the real-life situation well tolerated and effective. The efficacy was demonstrated also during the night through ABP.


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Two single-dose regimens of ciprofloxacin, 100 and 250 mg, were compared in the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women. Cure rates 5 days after therapy did not significantly differ, being 16 of 19 (84%) with the 100-mg dose and 17 of 19 (89%) with the 250-mg dose. Ciprofloxacin was well tolerated.


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OBJECTIVE: Measures to reduce radiation exposure and injected iodine mass are becoming more important with the widespread and often repetitive use of pulmonary CT angiography (CTA) in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. In this retrospective study, we analyzed the capability of 2 low-kilovoltage CTA-protocols to achieve these goals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ninety patients weighing less than 100 kg were examined by a pulmonary CTA protocol using either 100 kVp (group A) or 80 kVp (group B). Volume and flow rate of contrast medium were reduced in group B (75 mL at 3 mL/s) compared with group A (100 mL at 4 mL/s). Attenuation was measured in the central and peripheral pulmonary arteries, and the contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) were calculated. Entrance skin dose was estimated by measuring the surface dose in an ovoid-cylindrical polymethyl methacrylate chest phantom with 2 various dimensions corresponding to the range of chest diameters in our patients. Quantitative image parameters, estimated effective dose, and skin dose in both groups were compared by the t test. Arterial enhancement, noise, and overall quality were independently assessed by 3 radiologists, and results were compared between the groups using nonparametric tests. RESULTS: Mean attenuation in the pulmonary arteries in group B (427.6 +/- 116 HU) was significantly higher than in group A (342.1 +/- 87.7 HU; P < 0.001), whereas CNR showed no difference (group A, 20.6 +/- 7.3 and group B, 22.2 +/- 7.1; P = 0.302). Effective dose was lower by more than 40% with 80 kVp (1.68 +/- 0.23 mSv) compared with 100 kVp (2.87 +/- 0.88 mSv) (P < 0.001). Surface dose was significantly lower at 80 kVp compared with 100 kVp at both phantom dimensions (2.75 vs. 3.22 mGy; P = 0.027 and 2.22 vs. 2.73 mGy; P = 0.005, respectively). Image quality did not differ significantly between the groups (P = 0.151). CONCLUSIONS: Using 80 kVp in pulmonary CTA permits reduced patient exposure by 40% and CM volume by 25% compared with 100 kVp without deterioration of image quality in patients weighing less than 100 kg.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of local intra-arterial thrombolysis (LIT) using urokinase in patients with acute stroke due to middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion. METHODS: We analyzed clinical and radiological findings and functional outcome 3 months after LIT with urokinase of 100 consecutive patients. To measure outcome, the modified Rankin scale (mRs) score was used. RESULTS: Angiography showed occlusion of the M1 segment of the MCA in 57 patients, of the M2 segment in 21, and of the M3 or M4 segment in 22. The median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score at admission was 14, and, on average, 236 minutes elapsed from symptom onset to LIT. Forty-seven patients (47%) had an excellent outcome (mRs score 0 to 1), 21 (21%) a good outcome (mRs score 2), and 22 (22%) a poor outcome (mRs score 3 to 5). Ten patients (10%) died. Excellent or good outcome (mRs score < or =2) was seen in 59% of patients with M1 or M2 and 95% of those with M(3) or M(4) MCA occlusions. Recanalization as seen on angiography was complete (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction [TIMI] grade 3) in 20% of patients and partial (TIMI grade 2) in 56% of patients. Age <60 years (P<0.05), low NIHSS score at admission (P<0.00001), and vessel recanalization (P=0.0004) were independently associated with excellent or good outcome and diabetes with poor outcome (P=0.002). Symptomatic cerebral hemorrhage occurred in 7 patients (7%). CONCLUSIONS: LIT with urokinase that is administered by a single organized stroke team is safe and can be as efficacious as thrombolysis has been in large multicenter clinical trials.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare image quality and radiation dose of thoracoabdominal computed tomography (CT) angiography at 80 and 100 kVp and to assess the feasibility of reducing contrast medium volume from 60 to 45 mL at 80 kVp. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study had institutional review board approval; informed consent was waived. Seventy-five patients who had undergone thoracoabdominal 64-section multidetector-row CT angiography were divided into 3 groups of 25 patients each. Patients of groups A (tube voltage, 100 kVp) and B (tube voltage, 80 kVp) received 60 mL of contrast medium at 4 mL/s. Patients of group C (tube voltage, 80 kVp) received 45 mL of contrast medium at 3 mL/s. Mean aortoiliac attenuation, image noise, and contrast-to-noise ratio were assessed. The measurement of radiation dose was based on the volume CT dose index. Three independent readers assessed the diagnostic image quality. RESULTS: Mean aortoiliac attenuation for group B (621.1 +/- 90.5 HU) was significantly greater than for groups A and C (485.2 +/- 110.5 HU and 483.1 +/- 119.8 HU; respectively) (P < 0.001). Mean image noise was significantly higher for groups B and C than for group A (P < 0.05). The contrast-to-noise ratio did not significantly differ between the groups (group A, 35.0 +/- 13.8; group B, 31.7 +/- 10.1; group C, 27.3 +/- 11.5; P = 0.08). Mean volume CT dose index in groups B and C (5.2 +/- 0.4 mGy and 4.9 +/- 0.3 mGy, respectively) were reduced by 23.5% and 27.9%, respectively, compared with group A (6.8 +/- 0.8 mGy) (P < 0.001). The average overall diagnostic image quality for the 3 groups was graded as good or better. The score for group A was significantly higher than that for group C (P < 0.01), no difference was seen between group A and B (P = 0.92). CONCLUSIONS: Reduction of tube voltage from 100 to 80 kVp for thoracoabdominal CT angiography significantly reduces radiation dose without compromising image quality. Reduction of contrast medium volume to 45 mL at 80 kVp resulted in lower but still diagnostically acceptable image quality.


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The objective of this retrospective study was to assess image quality with pulmonary CT angiography (CTA) using 80 kVp and to find anthropomorphic parameters other than body weight (BW) to serve as selection criteria for low-dose CTA. Attenuation in the pulmonary arteries, anteroposterior and lateral diameters, cross-sectional area and soft-tissue thickness of the chest were measured in 100 consecutive patients weighing less than 100 kg with 80 kVp pulmonary CTA. Body surface area (BSA) and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) were calculated. Three radiologists analyzed arterial enhancement, noise, and image quality. Image parameters between patients grouped by BW (group 1: 0-50 kg; groups 2-6: 51-100 kg, decadally increasing) were compared. CNR was higher in patients weighing less than 60 kg than in the BW groups 71-99 kg (P between 0.025 and <0.001). Subjective ranking of enhancement (P = 0.165-0.605), noise (P = 0.063), and image quality (P = 0.079) did not differ significantly across all patient groups. CNR correlated moderately strongly with weight (R = -0.585), BSA (R = -0.582), cross-sectional area (R = -0.544), and anteroposterior diameter of the chest (R = -0.457; P < 0.001 all parameters). We conclude that 80 kVp pulmonary CTA permits diagnostic image quality in patients weighing up to 100 kg. Body weight is a suitable criterion to select patients for low-dose pulmonary CTA.