49 resultados para 1. Plasma Physics
A multi-model analysis of Atlantic multidecadal variability is performed with the following aims: to investigate the similarities to observations; to assess the strength and relative importance of the different elements of the mechanism proposed by Delworth et al. (J Clim 6:1993–2011, 1993) (hereafter D93) among coupled general circulation models (CGCMs); and to relate model differences to mean systematic error. The analysis is performed with long control simulations from ten CGCMs, with lengths ranging between 500 and 3600 years. In most models the variations of sea surface temperature (SST) averaged over North Atlantic show considerable power on multidecadal time scales, but with different periodicity. The SST variations are largest in the mid-latitude region, consistent with the short instrumental record. Despite large differences in model configurations, we find quite some consistency among the models in terms of processes. In eight of the ten models the mid-latitude SST variations are significantly correlated with fluctuations in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), suggesting a link to northward heat transport changes. Consistent with this link, the three models with the weakest AMOC have the largest cold SST bias in the North Atlantic. There is no linear relationship on decadal timescales between AMOC and North Atlantic Oscillation in the models. Analysis of the key elements of the D93 mechanisms revealed the following: Most models present strong evidence that high-latitude winter mixing precede AMOC changes. However, the regions of wintertime convection differ among models. In most models salinity-induced density anomalies in the convective region tend to lead AMOC, while temperature-induced density anomalies lead AMOC only in one model. However, analysis shows that salinity may play an overly important role in most models, because of cold temperature biases in their relevant convective regions. In most models subpolar gyre variations tend to lead AMOC changes, and this relation is strong in more than half of the models.
Im ostfriesischen Moormerland sind Einflüsse auf einen Küstengrundwasserleiter zu finden. Zum einen wird der Tidefluss Ems durch Ausbaggerungen und den Betrieb des Emssperrwerks bei Gandersum stark bewirtschaftet, zum anderen bewirken das Wasserwerk Tergast in unmittelbarer Umgebung der Ems sowie der durch die Entwässerungsverbände künstlich erniedrigte Grundwasserspiegel ein hydraulisches Gefälle von der Ems hin zum Binnenland. In mehreren Projekten wurden von 1999 bis 2013 die hydrochemische Beschaffenheit und die hydraulischen Bedingungen untersucht, um die zukünftige Entwicklung des Küstengrundwasserleiters abzuschätzen. Mit den Umwelttracern Tritium, Helium-3, Helium-4, Argon-39 und Kohlenstoff-14 konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die heutige Verteilung von höher und gering mineralisierten Grundwässern das Resultat einer Überprägung des älteren, anthropogen unbeeinflussten Grundwasserströmungsfeldes durch ein jüngeres, anthropogen verändertes Strömungsfeld ist. Modellrechnungen zeigen, dass im Laufe der nächsten Jahrhunderte die Relikte des älteren Strömungsfeldes vollständig durch höher mineralisierte Grundwässer, die der künstlich induzierten Abflussrichtung folgen, überprägt werden.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) has been regarded as the main antifibrinolytic protein in diabetes, but recent work indicates that complement C3 (C3), an inflammatory protein, directly compromises fibrinolysis in type 1 diabetes. The aim of the current project was to investigate associations between C3 and fibrinolysis in a large cohort of individuals with type 2 diabetes. METHODS Plasma levels of C3, C-reactive protein (CRP), PAI-1 and fibrinogen were analysed by ELISA in 837 patients enrolled in the Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study. Fibrin clot lysis was analysed using a validated turbidimetric assay. RESULTS Clot lysis time correlated with C3 and PAI-1 plasma levels (r = 0.24, p < 0.001 and r = 0.22, p < 0.001, respectively). In a multivariable regression model involving age, sex, BMI, C3, PAI-1, CRP and fibrinogen, and using log-transformed data as appropriate, C3 was associated with clot lysis time (regression coefficient 0.227 [95% CI 0.161, 0.292], p < 0.001), as was PAI-1 (regression coefficient 0.033 [95% CI 0.020, 0.064], p < 0.05) but not fibrinogen (regression coefficient 0.003 [95% CI -0.046, 0.051], p = 0.92) or CRP (regression coefficient 0.024 [95% CI -0.008, 0.056], p = 0.14). No correlation was demonstrated between plasma levels of C3 and PAI-1 (r = -0.03, p = 0.44), consistent with previous observations that the two proteins affect different pathways in the fibrinolytic system. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION Similarly to PAI-1, C3 plasma levels are independently associated with fibrin clot lysis in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, future studies should analyse C3 plasma levels as a surrogate marker of fibrinolysis potential in this population.
The atmospheric westerly flow in the North Atlantic (NA) sector is dominated by atmospheric waves or eddies generating via momentum flux convergence, the so-called eddy-driven jet. The position of this jet is variable and shows for the present-day winter climate three preferred latitudinal states: a northern, central, and southernposition in the NA. Here, the authors analyze the behavior of the eddy-driven jet under different glacial and interglacial boundary conditions using atmosphere–land-only simulations with the CCSM4 climate model. As state-of-the-art climate models tend to underestimate the trimodality of the jet latitude, the authors apply a bias correction and successfully extract the trimodal behavior of the jet within CCSM4. The analysis shows that during interglacial times (i.e., the early Holocene and the Eemian) the preferred jet positions are rather stable and the observed multimodality is the typical interglacial character of the jet. During glacial times, the jet is strongly enhanced, its position is shifted southward, and the trimodal behavior vanishes. This is mainly due to the presence of the Laurentide ice sheet (LIS). The LIS enhances stationary waves downstream, thereby accelerating and displacing the NA eddy-driven jet by anomalous stationary momentum flux convergence. Additionally, changes in the transient eddy activity caused by topography changes as well as other glacial boundary conditions lead to an acceleration of the westerly winds over the southern NA at the expenseof more northernareas. Consequently, bothstationaryand transient eddiesfoster the southward shift of the NA eddy-driven jet during glacial winter times.
Kℓ4 decays have several features of interest: they allow an accurate measurement of ππ-scattering lengths; they provide the best source for the determination of some low-energy constants of χPT; one form factor is directly related to the chiral anomaly, which can be measured here. We present a dispersive treatment of Kℓ4 decays that provides a resummation of ππ- and Kπ-rescattering effects. The free parameters of the dispersion relation are fitted to the data of the high-statistics experiments E865 and NA48/2. The matching to χPT at NLO and NNLO enables us to determine the LECs Lr1, Lr2 and Lr3. With recently published data from NA48/2, the LEC Lr9 can be determined as well. In contrast to a pure chiral treatment, the dispersion relation describes the observed curvature of one of the form factors, which we understand as a rescattering effect beyond NNLO.
Century-long observed gridded land precipitation datasets are a cornerstone of hydrometeorological research. But recent work has suggested that observed Northern Hemisphere midlatitude (NHML) land mean precipitation does not show evidence of an expected negative response to mid-twentieth-century aerosol forcing. Utilizing observed river discharges, the observed runoff is calculated and compared with observed land precipitation. The results show a near-zero twentieth-century trendinobserved NHML landmean runoff,in contrast to the significant positive trend in observed NHML land mean precipitation. However, precipitation and runoff share common interannual and decadal variability. An obvious split, or breakpoint, is found in the NHML land mean runoff–precipitation relationship in the 1930s. Using runoff simulated by six land surface models (LSMs), which are driven by the observed precipitation dataset, such breakpoints are absent. These findings support previous hypotheses that inhomogeneities exist in the early-twentieth-century NHML land mean precipitation record. Adjusting the observed precipitation record according to the observed runoff record largely accounts for the departure of the observed precipitation response from that predicted given the real-world aerosol forcing estimate, more than halving the discrepancy from about 6 to around 2 W m 22. Consideration of complementary observed runoff adds support to the suggestion that NHML-wide early-twentieth-century precipitation observations are unsuitable for climate change studies. The agreement between precipitation and runoff over Europe, however, is excellent, supporting the use of whole-twentieth-century observed precipitation datasets here.
We present the observations of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) produced at the lunar surface in the Earth's magnetotail. When the Moon was located in the terrestrial plasma sheet, Chandrayaan-1 Energetic Neutrals Analyzer (CENA) detected hydrogen ENAs from the Moon. Analysis of the data from CENA together with the Solar Wind Monitor (SWIM) onboard Chandrayaan-1 reveals the characteristic energy of the observed ENA energy spectrum (the e-folding energy of the distribution function) ∼100 eV and the ENA backscattering ratio (defined as the ratio of upward ENA flux to downward proton flux) <∼0.1. These characteristics are similar to those of the backscattered ENAs in the solar wind, suggesting that CENA detected plasma sheet particles backscattered as ENAs from the lunar surface. The observed ENA backscattering ratio in the plasma sheet exhibits no significant difference in the Southern Hemisphere, where a large and strong magnetized region exists, compared with that in the Northern Hemisphere. This is contrary to the CENA observations in the solar wind, when the backscattering ratio drops by ∼50% in the Southern Hemisphere. Our analysis and test particle simulations suggest that magnetic shielding of the lunar surface in the plasma sheet is less effective than in the solar wind due to the broad velocity distributions of the plasma sheet protons.
Early initiation of combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) during primary HIV-1 infection may prevent the establishment of large viral reservoirs, possibly resulting in improved control of plasma viraemia rebound after ART cessation.
Background Numerous interactions between the coagulation and complement systems have been shown. Recently, links between coagulation and mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1) of the complement lectin pathway have been proposed. Our aim was to investigate MASP-1 activation of factor XIII (FXIII), fibrinogen, prothrombin, and thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) in plasma-based systems, and to analyse effects of MASP-1 on plasma clot formation, structure and lysis. Methodology/Principal Findings We used a FXIII incorporation assay and specific assays to measure the activation products prothrombin fragment F1+2, fibrinopeptide A (FPA), and activated TAFI (TAFIa). Clot formation and lysis were assessed by turbidimetric assay. Clot structure was studied by scanning electron microscopy. MASP-1 activated FXIII and, contrary to thrombin, induced FXIII activity faster in the Val34 than the Leu34 variant. MASP-1-dependent generation of F1+2, FPA and TAFIa showed a dose-dependent response in normal citrated plasma (NCP), albeit MASP-1 was much less efficient than FXa or thrombin. MASP-1 activation of prothrombin and TAFI cleavage were confirmed in purified systems. No FPA generation was observed in prothrombin-depleted plasma. MASP-1 induced clot formation in NCP, affected clot structure, and prolonged clot lysis. Conclusions/Significance We show that MASP-1 interacts with plasma clot formation on different levels and influences fibrin structure. Although MASP-1-induced fibrin formation is thrombin-dependent, MASP-1 directly activates prothrombin, FXIII and TAFI. We suggest that MASP-1, in concerted action with other complement and coagulation proteins, may play a role in fibrin clot formation.
The results from the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) experiment onboard Chandrayaan-1 have revealed several hitherto unknown and interesting aspects about the interaction of solar wind with the Moon. The SARA experiment had two sensors — CENA and SWIM. The Chandrayaan-1 energetic neutrals analyzer (CENA), detected energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), and the Solar Wind Monitor (SWIM) measured ions of solar wind origin. In this review, we summarize the observations made by the SARA experiment, which are: (1) substantial (~20%) and sustained backscattering of solar wind protons from lunar surface as energetic neutral hydrogen,1 (2) minimagnetosphere around magnetic anomalies on Moon using the backscattered ENAs,2 (3) reflection of solar wind protons from the Moon surface,3 (4) huge (~50%) deflection of solar wind protons over strong magnetic anomalies,4 and (5) presence of protons in the near-lunar plasma wake.5 These results have implications on the lunar plasma environment, implantation of solar wind hydrogen on lunar surface, and behavior of small scale magnetic anomalies on planetary bodies. The SARA observations suggest that similar processes may happen on other airless bodies covered with regolith in the solar system as well as in extra-solar system. This paper presents a review of the results obtained from the SARA observation.