557 resultados para corpúsculos de Heinz
Proxy records and results of a three dimensional climate model show that European summer temperatures roughly a millennium ago were comparable to those of the last 25 years of the 20th century, supporting the existence of a summer "Medieval Warm Period" in Europe. Those two relatively mild periods were separated by a rather cold era, often referred to as the "Little Ice Age". Our modelling results suggest that the warm summer conditions during the early second millennium compared to the climate background state of the 13th–18th century are due to a large extent to the long term cooling induced by changes in land-use in Europe. During the last 200 years, the effect of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, which was partly levelled off by that of sulphate aerosols, has dominated the climate history over Europe in summer. This induces a clear warming during the last 200 years, allowing summer temperature during the last 25 years to reach back the values simulated for the early second millennium. Volcanic and solar forcing plays a weaker role in this comparison between the last 25 years of the 20th century and the early second millennium. Our hypothesis appears consistent with proxy records but modelling results have to be weighted against the existing uncertainties in the external forcing factors, in particular related to land-use changes, and against the uncertainty of the regional climate sensitivity. Evidence for winter is more equivocal than for summer. The forced response in the model displays a clear temperature maximum at the end of the 20th century. However, the uncertainties are too large to state that this period is the warmest of the past millennium in Europe during winter.
BACKGROUND: Delayed uterine involution has negative effects on the fertility of cows; use of prostaglandin F2alpha alone as a single treatment has not been shown to consistently improve fertility. Combined administration of PGF2alpha and PGE2 increased uterine pressure in healthy cows. We hypothesized, that the combination of both prostaglandins would accelerate uterine involution and have, therefore, a positive effect on fertility variables. In commercial dairy farming, the benefit of a single post partum combined prostaglandin treatment should be demonstrated. METHODS: 383 cows from commercial dairy farms were included in this study. Uterine size and secretion were evaluated at treatment 21-35 days post partum and 14 days later. Cows were randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups: PGF2alpha and PGE2, PGF2alpha or placebo. For every animal participating in the study, the following reproduction variables were recorded: Interval from calving to first insemination, days open, number of artificial inseminations (AI) to conception; subsequent treatment of uterus, subsequent treatment of ovaries. Plasma progesterone level at time of treatment was used as a covariable. For continuous measurements, analysis of variance was performed. Fisher's exact test for categorical non-ordered data and exact Kruskal-Wallis test for ordered data were used; pairwise group comparisons with Bonferroni adjustment of significance level were performed. RESULTS: There was no significant difference among treatment groups in uterine size. Furthermore, there was no significant difference among treatments concerning days open, number of AI, and subsequent treatment of uterus and ovaries. Days from calving to first insemination tended to be shorter for cows with low progesterone level given PGF2alpha and PGE2 in combination than for the placebo-group (P = 0.024). CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that the administration of PGF2alpha or a combination of PGF2alpha and PGE2 21 to 35 days post partum had no beneficial effect upon measured fertility variables. The exception was a tendency for a shorter interval from calving to first insemination after administration of the combination of PGF2alpha and PGE2, as compared to the placebo group. Further research should be done in herds with reduced fertility and/or an increased incidence of postpartum vaginal discharge.
The present study was conducted to estimate the direct losses due to Neospora caninum in Swiss dairy cattle and to assess the costs and benefits of different potential control strategies. A Monte Carlo simulation spreadsheet module was developed to estimate the direct costs caused by N. caninum, with and without control strategies, and to estimate the costs of these control strategies in a financial analysis. The control strategies considered were "testing and culling of seropositive female cattle", "discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows", "chemotherapeutical treatment of female offspring" and "vaccination of all female cattle". Each parameter in the module that was considered to be uncertain, was described using probability distributions. The simulations were run with 20,000 iterations over a time period of 25 years. The median annual losses due to N. caninum in the Swiss dairy cow population were estimated to be euro 9.7 million euros. All control strategies that required yearly serological testing of all cattle in the population produced high costs and thus were not financially profitable. Among the other control strategies, two showed benefit-cost ratios (BCR) >1 and positive net present values (NPV): "Discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows" (BCR=1.29, NPV=25 million euros ) and "chemotherapeutical treatment of all female offspring" (BCR=2.95, NPV=59 million euros). In economic terms, the best control strategy currently available would therefore be "discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows".
A dynamic deterministic simulation model was developed to assess the impact of different putative control strategies on the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in female Swiss dairy cattle. The model structure comprised compartments of "susceptible" and "infected" animals (SI-model) and the cattle population was divided into 12 age classes. A reference model (Model 1) was developed to simulate the current (status quo) situation (present seroprevalence in Switzerland 12%), taking into account available demographic and seroprevalence data of Switzerland. Model 1 was modified to represent four putative control strategies: testing and culling of seropositive animals (Model 2), discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows (Model 3), chemotherapeutic treatment of calves from seropositive cows (Model 4), and vaccination of susceptible and infected animals (Model 5). Models 2-4 considered different sub-scenarios with regard to the frequency of diagnostic testing. Multivariable Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis was used to assess the impact of uncertainty in input parameters. A policy of annual testing and culling of all seropositive cattle in the population reduced the seroprevalence effectively and rapidly from 12% to <1% in the first year of simulation. The control strategies with discontinued breeding with offspring from all seropositive cows, chemotherapy of calves and vaccination of all cattle reduced the prevalence more slowly than culling but were still very effective (reduction of prevalence below 2% within 11, 23 and 3 years of simulation, respectively). However, sensitivity analyses revealed that the effectiveness of these strategies depended strongly on the quality of the input parameters used, such as the horizontal and vertical transmission factors, the sensitivity of the diagnostic test and the efficacy of medication and vaccination. Finally, all models confirmed that it was not possible to completely eradicate N. caninum as long as the horizontal transmission process was not interrupted.
Neospora caninum ranges among the major causes of infectious abortion in cattle worldwide. The present study was designed to improve the serodiagnostic tools by complementing a conventional ELISA with a highly sensitive and species-specific N. caninum immunoblot. To evaluate this test combination, sera from several groups of cows were tested. The first group, consisting of experimentally infected calves, showed that immunoblot antibody reactivities were detectable 1 to 3 days earlier than those found in ELISA. The first immunodominant bands that appeared were a 29-kDa (NcSAG1) and a 36-kDa (NcSRS2) antigen. Other groups, based upon naturally infected cattle, were used to compare the diagnostic sensitivity of ELISA and immunoblotting. Overall, N. caninum immunoblotting exhibited a higher sensitivity (98%) than ELISA (87%). Conversely, immunoblotting also confirm in two other cases, true transient negativation in some animals. In general, banding patterns and band staining intensity correlated to the semiquantitative ELISA findings. On the other hand, the banding pattern could not be used to discriminate between sera from animals with a recent abortion and those of cows with latent N. caninum infection. We also addressed putative cross-reactions due to infection with Toxoplasma gondii. Sera from animals with a serologically proven T. gondii infection were either clearly negative by Neospora immunoblotting or they yielded a specific immunoblot antibody profile indicating a double infection with N. caninum. Sera from animals with positive findings in both Toxoplasma and Neospora ELISA thus provided dichotomic results in the immunoblot by allowing to confirm or to rule out the specificity of the antibody reaction in Neospora ELISA. Altogether, our findings demonstrate that N. caninum immunoblotting is a very sensitive and specific complementary tool to improve the serology for N. caninum infections in cattle.
Neospora caninum is widely recognized as one of the most important infectious organisms causing abortion and stillbirth in cattle. This parasite causes severe economical losses worldwide. Infection is mostly passed vertically from mother to calf during pregnancy. Under certain circumstances, an infection can lead to abortion, but in most cases it results in a chronically infected calf, which itself will represent the next endogenously infectious generation. So far, no reliable therapeutic or metaphylactic tool has been developed. One possibility to control the problem may consist of treating newborn calves that became vertically infected by a persistently infected mother. This may allow parasite-free offspring. The aim of the present study was to address the questions: (1) can serology be used to assess efficiency of treatment in toltrazuril-medicated animals? and (2) is a strategic prevention measure possible by means of producing N. caninum-free calves from positive cows? Calves from Neospora-seropositive cows and heifers were randomly split into two different medication groups: 36 calves were medicated with toltrazuril and 36 calves obtained a placebo. Medication (20 mg toltrazuril per kg bw) was administered three times, every second day, within the 7 days post natum. Three months after medication, there was no difference in antibody reactivity between the two groups. At later time points (4-6 months), however, significant differences were found, as explained by a strong humoral immunity after chemotherapeutical affection of parasites, while the placebo-treated animals only responded weakly to the persistent infection. In summary, we concluded that (1) serology was not an entirely appropriate tool to answer our initial question and (2) toltrazuril has the potential to eliminate N. caninum in newborn calves. As a consequence, we plan to follow up toltrazuril-medicated calves clinically and serologically over a longer period and investigate if they give birth to Neospora-free calves.
The present study was designed to exploratively determine (a) how many healthy calves, born from seropositive mothers, were also precolostrally seropositive; (b) how many precolostrally negative calves became postcolostrally positive; and (c) in these calves, how the IgG1/IgG2 situation developed pre- and postcolostrally. All calves were born from mothers that were determined to be seropositive in a conventional Neospora caninum-ELISA and by immunoblotting. When the diagnostic performance of the conventional ELISA was compared with that of immunoblotting and an IgG1/IgG2-ELISA in the calves, the latter two exhibited a higher sensitivity: From a total of 15 precolostral calf sera, 7 were positive in the conventional ELISA (diagnostic sensitivity 47%) compared to 15 that were positive by immunoblotting (diagnostic sensitivity 100%) and 12 that were positive by the IgG1/IgG2-ELISA (diagnostic sensitivity 80%). With regard to IgG1/IgG2 findings in the dams, IgG2 appeared as the dominant subclass in the humoral immune response of adult cattle, while in calves, IgG1 appeared as the main prenatally/precolostrally reactive antibody isotype. Provided that precolostral seropositivity reflects postnatal persistent infection with N. caninum, we then postulate that, basically, all of our study calves born form N. caninum-seropositive mothers were prenatally infected with the parasite, and may, thus, all become members of the next transmitting generation.
We conducted a longitudinal study to follow-up the anti-Neospora caninum serologic status in 30 initially seropositive and 83 initially seronegative cows during their pregnancy. Study cows were blood-sampled every other month during pregnancy until parturition. Blood serum samples were screened for anti-N. caninum antibodies by ELISA. Cows that seroconverted were re-tested by immunoblot as a confirmation test. Among 30 seropositive cows, 28 cows remained seropositive during the whole pregnancy, whereas 2 cows transiently tested negative at least once during pregnancy. Among 83 seronegative cows, 82 cows remained seronegative and 1 cow tested positive three times during the sixth, eighth and last month of pregnancy. As only 2 out of 30 seropositive animals and 1 out of 83 animals changed their serologic status during pregnancy, the study results indicate that there is only a minor temporal instability of anti-N. caninum antibody reactivity in adult cattle.