236 resultados para LUMBAR SPINE


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This case report describes the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and the treatment of a far lateral extrusion of disc material at the sixth and seventh lumbar vertebrae (L6-L7) in a five-year-old male Alpine Dachsbracke dog referred to our hospital for investigation of the complaint of a one week progressive lameness in the left pelvic limb and poorly localized back pain. An extra-foraminal left lateral disc herniation impinging on the sixth lumbar nerve root was diagnosed by MRI examinations. Due to the far lateral position of the extruded disc material on MRI, surgical opening of the spinal canal was not necessary. Removal of the herniated soft disc material impinging on the L6 nerve root, and fenestration of the L6-L7 disc was performed laterally. To the author's knowledge 'far-lateral' disc herniation beyond the neuroforamen without any spinal canal contact has not been described in dogs until now. A complete recovery with no evidence of pain was achieved only after a couple of weeks after surgery. We acknowledge that it is possible that other pathological mechanisms may have contributed to clinical signs and to a delayed recovery.


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STUDY DESIGN Descriptive anatomical study on ovine and human cadaveric lumbar spinal segments. OBJECTIVE To describe the alternative transpedicular approach to deliver therapeutic agents into intervertebral disc (IVD). SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA The present delivery approach of therapeutic agents (growth factors/cells/hydrogels) within the IVD is through injection, via the annulus fibrosus (AF). However, it has recently been demonstrated that small needle puncture of the AF leads to further degeneration and disc herniation. In addition, the injected material has a high chance to be extruded through the AF injury. METHODS Lumbar ovine and human spinal segments were used. Under fluoroscopy, a 2-mm Kirschner wire was introduced in the caudal vertebra through the pedicle and the inferior endplate to the nucleus pulposus. Gross anatomy analysis and high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) were performed to assess the right position of the wire in pedicles. Discography and nucleotomy were performed using a 14G cannula insertion or a 2-mm arthroscopic shaver blade, respectively. Nucleoplasty was also performed with agarose gel/contrast agent and imaged with HR-pQCT. RESULTS Gross anatomy, fluoroscopy, and HR-pQCT images showed that the nucleus pulposus could be approached through the endplate via the pedicle without affecting the spinal canal and the neural foramina. The contrast agent was delivered into the IVD and nucleus pulposus was removed from the disc and filled with agarose gel. CONCLUSION This study describes how a transpedicular approach can be used as an alternative route to deliver therapeutic agents to the disc without disruption of the AF showing the potential use of this technique in preclinical research and highlighting its clinical relevance for IVD regeneration.


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The purpose of the study is to determine the effects of the BIG 1-98 treatments on bone mineral density. BIG 1-98 compared 5-year adjuvant hormone therapy in postmenopausal women allocated to four groups: tamoxifen (T); letrozole (L); 2-years T, 3-years L (TL); and 2-years L, 3-years T (LT). Bone mineral density T-score was measured prospectively annually by dual energy X-ray absorption in 424 patients enrolled in a sub-study after 3 (n = 150), 4 (n = 200), and 5 years (n = 74) from randomization, and 1 year after treatment cessation. Prevalence of osteoporosis and the association of C-telopeptide, osteocalcin, and bone alkaline phosphatase with T-scores were assessed. At 3 years, T had the highest and TL the lowest T-score. All arms except for LT showed a decline up to 5 years, with TL exhibiting the greatest. At 5 years, there were significant differences on lumbar T-score only between T and TL, whereas for femur T-score, differences were significant for T versus L or TL, and L versus LT. The 5-year prevalence of spine and femur osteoporosis was the highest on TL (14.5 %, 7.1 %) then L (4.3 %, 5.1 %), LT (4.2 %, 1.4 %) and T (4 %, 0). C-telopeptide and osteocalcin were significantly associated with T-scores. While adjuvant L increases bone mineral density loss compared with T, the sequence LT has an acceptable bone safety profile. C-telopeptide and osteocalcin are useful markers of bone density that may be used to monitor bone health during treatment. The sequence LT may be a valid treatment option in patients with low and intermediate risk of recurrence.


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High-resolution quantitative computed tomography (HRQCT)-based analysis of spinal bone density and microstructure, finite element analysis (FEA), and DXA were used to investigate the vertebral bone status of men with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO). DXA of L1–L3 and total hip, QCT of L1–L3, and HRQCT of T12 were available for 73 men (54.6±14.0years) with GIO. Prevalent vertebral fracture status was evaluated on radiographs using a semi-quantitative (SQ) score (normal=0 to severe fracture=3), and the spinal deformity index (SDI) score (sum of SQ scores of T4 to L4 vertebrae). Thirty-one (42.4%) subjects had prevalent vertebral fractures. Cortical BMD (Ct.BMD) and thickness (Ct.Th), trabecular BMD (Tb.BMD), apparent trabecular bone volume fraction (app.BV/TV), and apparent trabecular separation (app.Tb.Sp) were analyzed by HRQCT. Stiffness and strength of T12 were computed by HRQCT-based nonlinear FEA for axial compression, anterior bending and axial torsion. In logistic regressions adjusted for age, glucocorticoid dose and osteoporosis treatment, Tb.BMD was most closely associated with vertebral fracture status (standardized odds ratio [sOR]: Tb.BMD T12: 4.05 [95% CI: 1.8–9.0], Tb.BMD L1–L3: 3.95 [1.8–8.9]). Strength divided by cross-sectional area for axial compression showed the most significant association with spine fracture status among FEA variables (2.56 [1.29–5.07]). SDI was best predicted by a microstructural model using Ct.Th and app.Tb.Sp (r2=0.57, p<0.001). Spinal or hip DXA measurements did not show significant associations with fracture status or severity. In this cross-sectional study of males with GIO, QCT, HRQCT-based measurements and FEA variables were superior to DXA in discriminating between patients of differing prevalent vertebral fracture status. A microstructural model combining aspects of cortical and trabecular bone reflected fracture severity most accurately.


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Purpose The effectiveness of vertebral augmentation techniques is a currently highly debated issue. The biomechanical literature suggests that cement filling volumes may play an important role in the ‘‘dosage’’ of vertebral augmentation and its pain alleviating effect. Good clinical data about filling volumes are scarce and most patient series are small. Therefore, we investigated the predictors of pain alleviation after balloon kyphoplasty in the nationwide SWISSspine registry where cement volumes are also recorded. Methods All single-level vertebral fractures with no additional fracture stabilization and availability of at least one follow-up within 6 months after surgery were included. The following potential predictors were assessed in a multivariate logistic regression model with the group’s average pain alleviation of 41 points on VAS as the desired outcome: patient age, patient sex, diagnosis, preoperative pain, level of fracture, type of fracture, age of fracture, segmental kyphotic deformity, cement volume, vertebral body filling volume, and cement extrusions. Results There were 194 female and 82 males with an average age of 70.4 and 65.3 years, respectively. Female patients were about twice as likely for achieving the average pain relief compared to males (p = 0.04). The preoperative pain level was the strongest predictor in that the likelihood for achieving an at least 41-point pain relief increased by about 8 % with each additional point of preoperative pain (p\0.001). A thoraco-lumbar fracture had a three times higher odds for the average pain relief compared with a lumbar fracture (p = 0.03). An A.3.1 fracture only had about a third of the probability for average pain relief compared with an A.1.1 fracture (p = 0.004). Cement volumes up to 4.5 ml only had an approximately 40 % chance for a minimum 41-point pain alleviation as compared with cement volumes of at least 4.5 ml (p = 0.007). In addition, the relationship between cement volume and pain alleviation followed a dose-dependent pattern. Conclusions Cement volume was revealed as a significant predictor for pain relief in BKP. Cement volume was the third most important influential covariate and the most important modifiable and operator dependent one. The clear dose-outcome relationship between cement filling volumes and pain relief additionally supports these findings. Cement volumes of [4.5 ml seem to be recommendable for achieving relevant pain alleviation. Patient sex and fracture type and location were further significant predictors and all these covariates should be recorded and reported in future studies about the pain alleviating effectiveness of vertebral augmentation procedures.


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Disc degeneration, usually associated with low back pain and changes of intervertebral stiffness, represents a major health issue. As the intervertebral disc (IVD) morphology influences its stiffness, the link between mechanical properties and degenerative grade is partially lost without an efficient normalization of the stiffness with respect to the morphology. Moreover, although the behavior of soft tissues is highly nonlinear, only linear normalization protocols have been defined so far for the disc stiffness. Thus, the aim of this work is to propose a nonlinear normalization based on finite elements (FE) simulations and evaluate its impact on the stiffness of human anatomical specimens of lumbar IVD. First, a parameter study involving simulations of biomechanical tests (compression, flexion/extension, bilateral torsion and bending) on 20 FE models of IVDs with various dimensions was carried out to evaluate the effect of the disc's geometry on its compliance and establish stiffness/morphology relations necessary to the nonlinear normalization. The computed stiffness was then normalized by height (H), cross-sectional area (CSA), polar moment of inertia (J) or moments of inertia (Ixx, Iyy) to quantify the effect of both linear and nonlinear normalizations. In the second part of the study, T1-weighted MRI images were acquired to determine H, CSA, J, Ixx and Iyy of 14 human lumbar IVDs. Based on the measured morphology and pre-established relation with stiffness, linear and nonlinear normalization routines were then applied to the compliance of the specimens for each quasi-static biomechanical test. The variability of the stiffness prior to and after normalization was assessed via coefficient of variation (CV). The FE study confirmed that larger and thinner IVDs were stiffer while the normalization strongly attenuated the effect of the disc geometry on its stiffness. Yet, notwithstanding the results of the FE study, the experimental stiffness showed consistently higher CV after normalization. Assuming that geometry and material properties affect the mechanical response, they can also compensate for one another. Therefore, the larger CV after normalization can be interpreted as a strong variability of the material properties, previously hidden by the geometry's own influence. In conclusion, a new normalization protocol for the intervertebral disc stiffness in compression, flexion, extension, bilateral torsion and bending was proposed, with the possible use of MRI and FE to acquire the discs' anatomy and determine the nonlinear relations between stiffness and morphology. Such protocol may be useful to relate the disc's mechanical properties to its degree of degeneration.


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Low back pain is a common ailment in dogs, particularly in specific breeds such as the German shepherd dog. A number of structures such as facet joint capsules, ligaments, dorsal root ganglia, periosteum, vertebral endplates and meninges have been associated with this condition. Yet, in spite of all diagnostic efforts, the origin of pain remains obscure in a substantial proportion of all cases. A further structure often being involved in vertebral column disorders is the intervertebral disc. The presence of nerves, however, is a precondition for pain sensation and, consequently, structures lacking innervation can be left out of consideration as a cause for low back pain. Nerve fibres have been demonstrated at the periphery of the intervertebral disc in man, rabbit and rat. With regard to the dog, however, the extent of intervertebral disc innervation is still being disputed. The goal of the present study, therefore, was to substantiate and expand current knowledge of intervertebral disc innervation. Protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 was used for immunohistochemical examination of serial transversal and sagittal paraffin sections of lumbar discs from adult dogs. This general marker revealed nerve fibres to be confined to the periphery of the intervertebral discs. These results indicate that even limited pathological processes affecting the outer layers of the intervertebral disc are prone to cause low back pain.


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INTRODUCTION Toward the end of the nineteenth century, it was Gowers, Horsley and Macewen who first reported successful surgical procedures for the treatment of subdural extramedullary tumors. Following this, Church and Eisendrath as well as Putnam and Warren reported unsuccessful attempts to treat subpial spinal pathologies in their patients. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century did reports of successful interventions of this type accumulate. In the analysis of these case reports, the authors noticed a certain lack of accuracy about the anatomical allocations and descriptions of intra- and extramedullary spinal lesions. From this, the question of who actually carried out the pioneering works in the early twentieth century in the field of surgery of intramedullary pathologies arose. METHODS Analysis of the relevant original publications of Hans Brun and research on the poorly documented information about his life history by personally contacting contemporary relatives. RESULTS The literature analysis showed that the Swiss neurologist Otto Veraguth and surgeon Hans Brun made fundamental contributions to subpial spinal cord surgery at the very beginning of the last century that remain valid today. According to our research, Hans Brun should be remembered as the third surgeon (after von Eiselsberg and Elsberg) who successfully removed an intramedullary lesion in a patient. CONCLUSION Brun should be remembered as an early and successful surgeon in this specialized field. His operative work is described in detail in this article. At the same time, his achievements in the fields of brain and disc herniation surgery are presented.


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Numerical models of the intervertebral disc, which address mechanical questions commonly make use of the difference in water content between annulus and nucleus, and thus fluid and solid parts are separated. Despite this simplification, models remain complex due to the anisotropy and nonlinearity of the annulus and regional variations of the collagen fibre density. Additionally, it has been shown that cross-links make a large contribution to the stiffness of the annulus. Because of this complex composite structure, it is difficult to reproduce several sets of experimental data with one single set of material parameters. This study addresses the question to which extent the ultrastructure of the intervertebral disc should be modelled so that its moment-angle behaviour can be adequately described. Therefore, a hyperelastic constitutive law, based on continuum mechanical principles was derived, which does not only consider the anisotropy from the collagen fibres, but also interactions among the fibres and between the fibres and the ground substance. Eight ovine lumbar intervertebral discs were tested on a custom made spinal loading simulator in flexion/extension, lateral bending and axial rotation. Specimen-specific geometrical models were generated using CT images and T2 maps to distinguish between annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus. For the identification of the material parameters the annulus fibrosus was described with two scenarios: with and without fibre-matrix and fibre-fibre interactions. Both scenarios showed a similar behaviour on a load displacement level. Comparing model predictions to the experimental data, the mean RMS of all specimens and all load cases was 0.54±0.15° without the interaction and 0.54±0.19° when the fibre-matrix and fibre-fibre interactions were included. However, due to the increased stiffness when cross-links effects were included, this scenario showed more physiological stress-strain relations in uniaxial and biaxial stress states. Thus, the present study suggests that fibre-matrix and fibre-fibre interactions should be considered in the constitutive law when the model addresses questions concerning the stress field of the annulus fibrosus.


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In attempts to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of spinal injuries and spinal deformities, several experimental and numerical studies have been conducted to understand the biomechanical behavior of the spine. However, numerical biomechanical studies suffer from uncertainties associated with hard- and soft-tissue anatomies. Currently, these parameters are identified manually on each mesh model prior to simulations. The determination of soft connective tissues on finite element meshes can be a tedious procedure, which limits the number of models used in the numerical studies to a few instances. In order to address these limitations, an image-based method for automatic morphing of soft connective tissues has been proposed. Results showed that the proposed method is capable to accurately determine the spatial locations of predetermined bony landmarks. The present method can be used to automatically generate patient-specific models, which may be helpful in designing studies involving a large number of instances and to understand the mechanical behavior of biomechanical structures across a given population.