229 resultados para Boxberg, Katja
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE We evaluated cerebral white and gray matter changes in patients with iRLS in order to shed light on the pathophysiology of this disease. METHODS Twelve patients with iRLS were compared to 12 age- and sex-matched controls using whole-head diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) techniques. Evaluation of the DTI scans included the voxelwise analysis of the fractional anisotropy (FA), radial diffusivity (RD), and axial diffusivity (AD). RESULTS Diffusion tensor imaging revealed areas of altered FA in subcortical white matter bilaterally, mainly in temporal regions as well as in the right internal capsule, the pons, and the right cerebellum. These changes overlapped with changes in RD. Voxel-based morphometry did not reveal any gray matter alterations. CONCLUSIONS We showed altered diffusion properties in several white matter regions in patients with iRLS. White matter changes could mainly be attributed to changes in RD, a parameter thought to reflect altered myelination. Areas with altered white matter microstructure included areas in the internal capsule which include the corticospinal tract to the lower limbs, thereby supporting studies that suggest changes in sensorimotor pathways associated with RLS.
Endometriosis is a gynecologic disease that is characterized by nonspecific symptoms and invasive diagnostics. To date, there is no adequate noninvasive method for the diagnosis of endometriosis. Although more than 100 potential biomarkers have been investigated in blood and/or peritoneal fluid, none of these has proven useful in clinical practice. The aim to find a suitable panel of biomarkers that would allow noninvasive diagnosis thus remains of interest. We evaluated the concentrations of 16 cytokines and other secretory proteins in serum and peritoneal fluid of 58 women with ovarian endometriosis (cases) and 40 healthy women undergoing sterilization or patients with benign ovarian cysts (controls) using multiplexed double fluorescence-based immunometric assay platform and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Significantly higher concentrations of glycodelin-A were shown in serum, and significantly higher levels of glycodelin-A, IL-6, and IL-8, and lower levels of leptin were measured in the peritoneal fluid of cases versus controls. In serum, the best performance was shown by models that included the ratio of leptin/glycodelin-A and the ratio of ficolin 2/glycodelin-A, whereas in the peritoneal fluid the best models included the ratio of biglycan/leptin, regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted/IL-6 and ficolin-2/glycodelin-A, and IL-8 per milligram of total protein, all in combination with age. The models using serum and peritoneal fluid distinguished between ovarian endometriosis patients and controls regardless of the menstrual cycle phase with relatively high sensitivity (72.5% to 84.2%), specificity (78.4% to 91.2%), and area under the curve (0.85 to 0.90).
Neurokognitive Spätfolgen nach pädiatrischem Hirntumor spielen bei der immer grösser werdenden Anzahl von Überlebenden eine wichtige Rolle. Im Bereich der schulischen Fertigkeiten zeigen sich vor allem Defizite in der Lesekompetenz. Die Hauptziele der vorliegenden Studien bestanden darin, Hirnfunktionsstörungen bei einer ausgewählten Gruppe von Kindern und Jugendlichen (Hirntumorpatienten) zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose zu erfassen, sowie Wissen über alters- und intelligenzunabhängige Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die kognitive Leistung am Beispiel des Lesens bereitzustellen. Insgesamt flossen Daten von rund 180 Kindern und Jugendlichen in die jeweiligen Analysen ein, wobei sowohl ein klinisches Sample (Kinder und Jugendliche mit Krebserkrankungen) als auch Kinder aus unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen und in zwei verschiedenen Schulmodellen (Primarschule und Heilpädagogische Schule) berücksichtigt wurden. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass Krebserkrankungen, welche das zentrale Nervensystem betreffen, schon zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose Auswirkungen auf basale neurokognitive Fähigkeiten haben. Diese Defizite können zu einer Verzögerung der neurokognitiven Entwicklung beitragen. Daher müssen möglichst früh pädagogische und/oder therapeutische Massnahmen eingeleitet werden, welche in den Patienten- und Schulalltag implementiert werden können. Das hier vorgestellte neu entwickelte Wort-Bild-Training, das in einem ersten Schritt bei normalbegabten und geistig behinderten Kindern verschiedener Altersstufen positive Effekte auf die Verbesserung der Lesefertigkeit und des Leseverständnisses gezeigt hat, könnte ebenfalls eine wertvolle Fördermöglichkeit für Kinder mit Hirnfunktionsstörungen aufgrund onkologischer Erkrankungen darstellen. Obwohl die erreichte Verbesserung der Lesekompetenz eher klein ausfiel, wiesen die Effekte zumindest über kurze Zeit eine gewisse Stabilität auf. Dieser Befund spricht für die Möglichkeit der Einflussnahme auf die Leseprozesse durch das (auf implizitem statistischen Lernen basierende) Training, widerspiegelt gleichzeitig aber auch deren Grenzen. Das gewonnene Wissen wird in Bezug auf die Relevanz für die klinische und pädagogische Praxis diskutiert. Ausgehend von den eigenen Studienergebnissen wird schliesslich angeregt, impliziten Lernstrategien in den Lehrplänen einen höheren Stellenwert einzuräumen und mit der Förderung von einfachen Lesestrategien bei pädiatrischen Hirntumorpatienten möglichst frühzeitig zu beginnen.
Nach dem ersten, 2011 erschienenen Band versammelt der vorliegende zweite wiederum eine Auswahl von Beiträgen, die auf Analysen der Daten der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE (Transitionen von der Erstausbildung ins Erwerbsleben) basieren. Die kritischen Übergänge im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter werden aus soziologischen, ökonomischen, psychologischen und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Blickwinkeln beleuchtet. Die Beiträge widerspiegeln damit eindrücklich das analytische und interdisziplinäre Potenzial der TREE-Daten. Thematisch steht der langfristige Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft auf Bildungs- und Erwerbsverläufe, insbesondere auf den Zugang zu höherer Bildung, im Zentrum.
Welchen berulichen Status haben junge Erwachsene in der Schweiz zehn Jahre nach Beendigung der obligatorischen Schule im Alter von durchschnittlich 26 Jahren erreicht – und welche Faktoren beeinlussen ihn? Wie nehmen junge Erwachsene ihren Status im Vergleich zum elterlichen wahr und wie, denken sie, wird er sich in Zukunt noch verändern? Diese Forschungsfragen werden auf der Basis der TREE-Daten (Transitionen von der Erstausbildung ins Erwerbsleben) analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieses Beitrags zeigen, dass viele 26-Jährige den elterlichen Status bereits erreicht haben, in Zukunt aber noch mit einem weiteren Statusanstieg rechnen. Askriptive Merkmale wie Geschlecht, soziale Herkunt und Migrationshintergrund sowie der auf Sekundarstufe I besuchte Schultyp haben unter sonst vergleichbaren Bedingungen über den ganzen Bildungsverlauf hinweg einen bedeutsamen Einluss auf den berulichen Status. Dies deutet einerseits auf eine vergleichsweise hohe Status-“Vererblichkeit“ zwischen den Generationen hin, andererseits auf erhebliche Verletzungen des meritokratischen Prinzips, wonach für den Bildungserfolg und die erreichte Position in der Gesellschat vor allem die individuelle Leistung massgeblich sein sollte.
Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Ausbildungs- und Erwerbsverläufen vom Ende der obligatorischen Schulzeit bis ins junge Erwachsenenalter. Als empirische Datengrundlage dient die Längsschnittstudie TREE („Transitionen von der Erstausbildung ins Erwerbsleben“). Die Auswertungen beruhen auf den Daten der ersten acht Befragungswellen von 2001 bis 2010.
Although the positive effects of different kinds of physical activity (PA) on cognitive functioning have already been demonstrated in a variety of studies, the role of cognitive engagement in promoting children’s executive functions is still unclear. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the effects of two qualitatively different chronic PA interventions on executive functions in primary school children. 181 children aged between 10 and 12 years were assigned to either a 6-week physical education program with a high level of physical exertion and high cognitive engagement (team games), a physical education program with high physical exertion but low cognitive engagement (aerobic exercise), or to a physical education program with both low physical exertion and low cognitive engagement (control condition). Executive functions (updating, inhibition, shifting) and aerobic fitness (multistage 20-meter shuttle run test) were measured before and after the respective condition. Results revealed that both interventions (team games and aerobic exercise) have a positive impact on children’s aerobic fitness (4-5 % increase in estimated VO2max). Importantly, an improvement in shifting performance was found only in the team games and not in the aerobic exercise or control condition. Thus, the inclusion of cognitive engagement in PA seems to be the most promising type of chronic intervention to enhance executive functions in children, providing further evidence for the importance of the qualitative aspects of PA.
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to describe autofluorescence lifetime characteristics in Stargardt disease (STGD) using fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO) and to investigate potential prognostic markers for disease activity and progression. METHODS Fluorescence lifetime data of 16 patients with STGD (mean age, 40 years; range, 22-56 years) and 15 age-matched controls were acquired using a fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscope based on a Heidelberg Engineering Spectralis system. Autofluorescence was excited with a 473-nm laser, and decay times were measured in a short (498-560 nm) and long (560-720 nm) spectral channel. Clinical features, autofluorescence lifetimes and intensity, and corresponding optical coherence tomography images were analyzed. One-year follow-up examination was performed in eight STGD patients. Acquired data were correlated with in vitro measured decay times of all-trans retinal and N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine. RESULTS Patients with STGD displayed characteristic autofluorescence lifetimes within yellow flecks (446 ps) compared with 297 ps in unaffected areas. In 15% of the STGD eyes, some flecks showed very short fluorescence lifetimes (242 ps). Atrophic areas were characterized by long lifetimes (474 ps), with some remaining areas of normal to short lifetimes (322 ps) toward the macular center. CONCLUSIONS Patients with recent disease onset showed flecks with very short autofluorescence lifetimes, which is possible evidence of accumulation of retinoids deriving from the visual cycle. During the study period, many of these flecks changed to longer lifetimes, possibly due to accumulation of lipofuscin. Therefore, FLIO might serve as a useful tool for monitoring of disease progression. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01981148.).
BACKGROUND Double-checking is widely recommended as an essential method to prevent medication errors. However, prior research has shown that the concept of double-checking is not clearly defined, and that little is known about actual practice in oncology, for example, what kind of checking procedures are applied. OBJECTIVE To study the practice of different double-checking procedures in chemotherapy administration and to explore nurses' experiences, for example, how often they actually find errors using a certain procedure. General evaluations regarding double-checking, for example, frequency of interruptions during and caused by a check, or what is regarded as its essential feature was assessed. METHODS In a cross-sectional survey, qualified nurses working in oncology departments of 3 hospitals were asked to rate 5 different scenarios of double-checking procedures regarding dimensions such as frequency of use in practice and appropriateness to prevent medication errors; they were also asked general questions about double-checking. RESULTS Overall, 274 nurses (70% response rate) participated in the survey. The procedure of jointly double-checking (read-read back) was most commonly used (69% of respondents) and rated as very appropriate to prevent medication errors. Jointly checking medication was seen as the essential characteristic of double-checking-more frequently than 'carrying out checks independently' (54% vs 24%). Most nurses (78%) found the frequency of double-checking in their department appropriate. Being interrupted in one's own current activity for supporting a double-check was reported to occur frequently. Regression analysis revealed a strong preference towards checks that are currently implemented at the responders' workplace. CONCLUSIONS Double-checking is well regarded by oncology nurses as a procedure to help prevent errors, with jointly checking being used most frequently. Our results show that the notion of independent checking needs to be transferred more actively into clinical practice. The high frequency of reported interruptions during and caused by double-checks is of concern.
OBJECTIVE To determine changes in creatinine concentrations following the administration of 6% tetrastarch (hydroxyethyl starch [HES] 130/0.4) compared to crystalloids (CRYSs) in critically ill dogs. DESIGN Retrospective case series (2010-2013). SETTING University teaching hospital. ANIMALS Two hundred and one dogs admitted to the intensive care unit with initial plasma creatinine concentrations not exceeding laboratory reference intervals (52-117 μmol/L [0.6-1.3 mg/dL]) and receiving either CRYSs alone (CRYS group, n = 115) or HES with or without CRYSs (HES group, n = 86) for at least 24 hours. INTERVENTIONS None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS Creatinine concentrations at admission to the intensive care unit (T0), and 2-13 days (T1) and 2-12 weeks (T2) after initiation of fluid therapy were analyzed. Creatinine concentrations were analyzed as absolute values and as the maximum percentage change from T0 to T1 (T1max%) and from T0 to T2 (T2max%), respectively. Creatinine concentrations were available for 192 dogs during T1 and 37 dogs during T2. The median cumulative dose of HES was 86 mL/kg (range, 12-336 mL/kg). No difference was detected between the groups for age, gender, body weight, and length of hospitalization. Outcome was significantly different between the HES (66% survived) and the CRYS (87% survived) groups (P = 0.014). No significant difference was detected between groups for creatinine concentrations at T0, T1, T2, T1max%, or T2max%. No significant difference was detected between the groups for T1max% creatinine in dogs subclassified as having systemic inflammatory response syndrome or sepsis. CONCLUSIONS HES administration in this canine population did not result in increased creatinine concentrations compared to administration of CRYSs. Further studies are needed to establish the safety of HES in critically ill dogs.
Petunia hybrida is a popular bedding plant that has a long history as a genetic model system. We report the whole-genome sequencing and assembly of inbred derivatives of its two wild parents, P. axillaris N and P. inflata S6. The assemblies include 91.3% and 90.2% coverage of their diploid genomes (1.4 Gb; 2n = 14) containing 32,928 and 36,697 protein-coding genes, respectively. The genomes reveal that the Petunia lineage has experienced at least two rounds of hexaploidization: the older gamma event, which is shared with most Eudicots, and a more recent Solanaceae event that is shared with tomato and other solanaceous species. Transcription factors involved in the shift from bee to moth pollination reside in particularly dynamic regions of the genome, which may have been key to the remarkable diversity of floral colour patterns and pollination systems. The high-quality genome sequences will enhance the value of Petunia as a model system for research on unique biological phenomena such as small RNAs, symbiosis, self-incompatibility and circadian rhythms.
Eine Krebserkrankung bedingt die Auseinandersetzung mit der Krankheit an sich, Gedanken an den Tod und die weitere Lebensgestaltung. Darüber hinaus können sich Selbstkonzept und Selbstwertgefühl einer Frau aufgrund von Körperbildveränderungen und möglicher Infertilität massiv verändern. Rollenkonflikte in Bezug auf die Sorge für andere und die Sorge um sich selbst müssen bewältigt werden. Beziehungen werden in Frage gestellt und verändert. Wie reagieren Frauen unterschiedlichen Alters auf all diese Herausforderungen? Auf welche persönlichen und sozialen Ressourcen können sie zurückgreifen? Wie verändern sich das Selbstbild und die Lebensqualität der betroffenen Frauen durch die Erkrankung? Welche positiven psychologischen Veränderungen können sie als Ergebnis oder Folge ihres Adaptationsprozesses erleben? Diese Fragen stehen im Zentrum des Vortrags, in dem verschiedene Phasen des Loslassens, der Zielanpassung und des persönlichen Wachstums von Frauen mit einer Krebserkrankung thematisiert werden.