297 resultados para 290 Other religions


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Hinduism Today is a quarterly magazine that appears in roughly 15.000 copies, shipped to nearly 60 countries worldwide. The majority of readers are Hindus in diverse diaspora countries, mainly Singapur, Malaysia, Mauritius, Trinidad und the USA. Its editors are monks of Kauai Adheenam, belonging to the Śaiva Siddhānta Church, situated in Kauai, Hawai’i, USA. One of the magazine’s declared goals is to foster global Hindu solidarity and educate Hindus worldwide about their religion. In this paper, I want to take a look at the history of this magazine in connection with the Śaiva Siddhānta Church, and at the development of the expressed aims behind its publication. For this, I draw on fieldwork done in Kauai in January, 2014. After a brief introduction to some theoretical and methodological preliminaries of my work, I shall, give an overview of the history of the Śaiva Siddhānta Church, founded by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Following this, I will deal in more detail with the origins and development of the magazine and the websites connected with it. I will focus especially on the role the magazine was intended to play for global Hindu diasporas. A fourth chapter will analyze the modes of definition employed in order to depict Hinduism as a unified global religion. In conclusion, I shall briefly reflect upon the specific agenda of “Global Hinduism” and the strategies of positioning as followed by the publishers of Hinduism Today.


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The Śaiva Siddhānta Church (ŚSC), based in Kauai HI, USA, has been holding rites of conversion to Hinduism since the 1960s. These rites include studying one’s “former” religion, officially declaring severance from it in the presence of a minister or mentor, choosing and officially adopting a new Hindu name as well as aligning with “the Hindu community”. Starting from here, this paper will address the question of community with respect to (1) the meanings of the term, (2) the idea of Hinduism as “a global religion” upheld by numerous “communities” worldwide and (3) the relevance of “community” in the conversion process. For doing so, I will draw on source material published by the Himalayan Academy, a branch of the ŚSC, in the global magazine Hinduism Today, in book publications and on their various websites.


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Der Vortrag geht der Frage nach, unter welchen Umständen es möglich und sinnvoll ist, von der Existenz eines Religionsdiskurses auszugehen und seine historischen Entwicklungen zu erfassen. Ich möchte dabei an einem historischen Beispiel zeigen, wie die Aushandlungen um die Klassifikation konkreter Gegenstande als "Religion" einerseits in ihren singulären Äusserungen von empirisch erfassbaren historischen, politischen, ökonomischen und anderen Faktoren abhängig sind. Andererseits besteht aber gleichzeitig eine Wechselbeziehungen dieser Aushandlungen mit der diskursiven Konstitution von Religionsverständnissen, Religionsdefinitionen und etablierten Zuordnungen, die als Tiefenstrukturen eines "Religionsdiskurses" im Hintergrund immer mitgedacht werden müssen. Ich werde von da aus argumentieren, dass ein Verständnis und eine Analyse diskursiver Prozesse im Kleinen nicht möglich wären, ohne die konstitutiven Wirkungen grösserer diskursiver Einheiten mit einzubeziehen.


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Hinduism Today is a quarterly magazine that appears in roughly 15.000 copies, shipped to nearly 60 countries worldwide. The majority of readers are Hindus in diverse diaspora countries, mainly Singapur, Malaysia, Mauritius, Trinidad und the USA. Its editors are monks of Kauai Adheenam, belonging to the Śaiva Siddhānta Church, situated in Kauai, Hawai’i, USA. One of the magazine’s declared goals is to foster global Hindu solidarity and educate Hindus worldwide about their religion. In this paper, I want to take a look at the history of this magazine in connection with the Śaiva Siddhānta Church, and at the development of the expressed aims behind its publication. For this, I draw on fieldwork done in Kauai in January, 2014. After a brief introduction to some theoretical and methodological preliminaries of my work, I shall, give an overview of the history of the Śaiva Siddhānta Church, founded by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Following this, I will deal in more detail with the origins and development of the magazine and the websites connected with it. I will focus especially on the role the magazine was intended to play for global Hindu diasporas. A fourth chapter will analyze the modes of definition employed in order to depict Hinduism as a unified global religion. In conclusion, I shall briefly reflect upon the specific agenda of “Global Hinduism” and the strategies of positioning as followed by the publishers of Hinduism Today.


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In his famous final essay Franz Rosenzweig neglects to mention that he had referred to the expression “the Eternal” already in The Star of Redemp­tion. Through a comprehensive analysis of his writings, and in particular of his masterpiece, the article seeks to research thoroughly Rosenzweig’s use of this expression. The revelation of God’s name is a core issue in The Star of Redemption. While elaborating on the structure of the Star, Rosenzweig seeks to cap­ture the crucial meaning of God’s name by translating it as “the Eternal,” thereby enabling us to consider the thought of eternity as presenting the “synthesis” within the system of The Star of Redemption. Commonly perceived to convey an infinite progression of time, Rosenzweig’s understanding of the concept of eternity in The Star proves to be richer, including the idea of the everlasting as well as the notion of a constantly renewing presence. The article furthermore shows that the concept of the meaning of God’s name oriented at the present, as de­vised by Rosenzweig together with Martin Buber in their joint work of transla­tion, had already been articulated in The Star.


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What meaning does God’s name convey? This was a question Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig had to answer when working on their translation of the Bible. They noticed that, as certain crucial biblical verses suggest, there is indeed a meaning behind God’s name in the Bible. Thus, an important moment in their joint translation was their account of the self-revelation of God in Exod. III, together with the question of how best to translate the tetragrammaton YHWH— the name of God. This article will explore their decisions, based both on their dialogue concerning the translation of the Bible, and on their papers, especially Rosenzweig’s well-known article ‘Der Ewige’ (‘The Eternal’) and Buber’s response to it. Less well known is the fact that there exist two unpublished typescripts by Martin Buber reflecting on the name of God, which will also be taken into consideration. Contrary to the received view that the choice of the personal pronoun to transliterate the name of God in the Bible translation was mainly Rosenzweig’s, I will show that it was actually a joint decision in which both thinkers’ philosophies,1 and a question that had haunted Buber since his youth, played an important part. The choice of the personal pronoun is an answer to this question, addressing the omnipresent God, the eternal Thou, in a kind of cultic acclamation.


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Travelogues involve different truth claims, depending on whether their authors attempt on the one hand to convey received knowledge about entities and places, or on the other hand, present accounts of the traveler character’s own experiences. This study focuses on a travelogue from 1764 written by the Arabian Nights’ Syrian storyteller, Ḥanna Dyāb. Having written his travelogue more than 50 years after his trip to Paris, he evidently conceived of his narrative as a means to re-enact his experiences as a young traveler. To describe his particular self-staging in this autodiegetic narration “before fiction” (Paige 2011), I argue that an understanding of focalization as a graded visual mediation between the character’s inner life and the reader is needed. This approach helps one grasp how, with reference to Dyāb’s travelogue, truth is not something the traveler witnesses, but rather something the reader is invited to realize. I conclude that, with this shift from witnessing to visualization (Vergegenwärtigung), Dyāb’s travelogue fulfills a core function of literature.


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Der Islam hält die Welt in Atem – die zerfallenden Staaten im Nahen und Mittleren Osten, die Flüchtlingsströme aus den Kriegsgebieten und der blutige Vormarsch des IS sorgen täglich für neue Schlagzeilen. Doch die Verkürzung des Islam auf Religion plus Terrorismus gehört zu den grundlegenden Irrtümern des Westens. Sie durch ein differenzierteres Bild der islamischen Welt und ihrer unterschiedlichen Gesellschaften zu überwinden, das ist die große Leistung dieses Buches. Reinhard Schulze schildert und erklärt die islamische Geschichte vom Beginn der Entkolonialisierung am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts bis zur dramatischen Situation in unseren Tagen. Er erörtert alle wichtigen politischen, sozialen und kulturellen Entwicklungen und beschränkt sich dabei nicht nur auf den Nahen Osten, sondern geht auch auf die Regionen der islamischen Peripherie ein, wo Millionen von Muslimen leben. Seine glänzende Analyse der Geschehnisse seit dem 11. September 2001 macht vor allem eines deutlich – wir können die Ursachen der heutigen islamischen Mobilisierung nicht verstehen, wenn wir uns nicht mit den historischen Bedingungen vertraut machen, aus denen sie entstanden ist.


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Charles Taylor’s monumental book A Secular Age has been extensively discussed, criticized, and worked on. This volume, by contrast, explores ways of working with Taylor’s book, especially its potentials and limits for individual research projects. Due to its wide reception, it has initiated a truly interdisciplinary object of study; with essays drawn from various research fields, this volume fosters substantial conversation across disciplines.


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