216 resultados para 22-year Follow-up
BACKGROUND: Only data of published study results are available to the scientific community for further use such as informing future research and synthesis of available evidence. If study results are reported selectively, reporting bias and distortion of summarised estimates of effect or harm of treatments can occur. The publication and citation of results of clinical research conducted in Germany was studied. METHODS: The protocols of clinical research projects submitted to the research ethics committee of the University of Freiburg (Germany) in 2000 were analysed. Published full articles in several databases were searched and investigators contacted. Data on study and publication characteristics were extracted from protocols and corresponding publications. RESULTS: 299 study protocols were included. The most frequent study design was randomised controlled trial (141; 47%), followed by uncontrolled studies (61; 20%), laboratory studies (30; 10%) and non-randomised studies (29; 10%). 182 (61%) were multicentre studies including 97 (53%) international collaborations. 152 of 299 (51%) had commercial (co-)funding and 46 (15%) non-commercial funding. 109 of the 225 completed protocols corresponded to at least one full publication (total 210 articles); the publication rate was 48%. 168 of 210 identified publications (80%) were cited in articles indexed in the ISI Web of Science. The median was 11 citations per publication (range 0-1151). CONCLUSIONS: Results of German clinical research projects conducted are largely underreported. Barriers to successful publication need to be identified and appropriate measures taken. Close monitoring of projects until publication and adequate support provided to investigators may help remedy the prevailing underreporting of research.
Prostate cancer is the most frequent diagnosed malignancy in men with an increasing incidence. In well informed men between the age of 50 and 70 years screening should be offered when requested. Not every newly diagnosed prostate cancer requires immediate treatment. Curative treatment should be offered to men with a minimal life expectancy of 10 years. In men older than 50-75 years, therefore further screening is not necessary due to a lack of a therapeutic consequence. Curative treatment options enclose as the gold standard surgical removal, i.e. open radical prostatectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection, and radio-oncologic treatments, be it percutaneous radiation therapy, brachytherapies or a combination thereof. Palliative treatment options are mainly hormonal treatment (medical or surgical androgen deprivation), local radiation, treatment with bisphosphonates, chemotherapy and surgical desobstruction of the prostate. Regular follow up allows for early detection of recurrences and an active treatment concept.
AIM: [(18)F]fluoro-deoxyglucose positron-emission-tomography (FDG-PET) detects metabolic activity in alveolar echinococcosis (AE). The slow changes in metabolic and morphological characteristics require long-term follow-up of patients. This is the first study to evaluate metabolic activity over may years, hereby assessing the utility of FDG-PET for the evaluation of disease progression and response to treatment. PATIENTS, METHODS: 15 patients received a follow-up FDG-PET combined with computed tomography (integrated PET/CT) with a median of 6.5 years after the first PET in 1999. Number and location of enhanced metabolic activity in the area of AE lesions was determined. Quantification of intensity of metabolic activity was assessed by calculation of mean standardized uptake values. RESULTS: AE lesions in 11/15 patients had been metabolically inactive initially, but only two showed permanent inactivity over the course of 81 months. Interestingly, in two patients metabolic activity was newly detected after 80 and 82 months. Benzimidazole treatment was intermittently discontinued in seven cases. Persisting activity at FDG-PET demanded continued benzimidazole treatment in four patients. Neither treatment duration, lesional size, calcifications nor regressive changes correlated with metabolic activity. CONCLUSION: Treatment responses are heterogeneous and vary from progressive disease despite treatment to long-term inactive disease with discontinued treatment. Lack of metabolic activity indicates suppressed parasite activity and is not equivalent to parasite death. However, metabolic activity may remain suppressed for years, allowing for temporary treatment discontinuation. Relapses are reliably detected with PET and restarting benzimidazole treatment prevents parasite expansion.
OBJECTIVE: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as a useful therapeutic option for patients with insufficient benefit from conservative treatment. METHODS: Nine patients with chronic DBS who suffered from cervical dystonia (4), generalized dystonia (2), hemidystonia (1), paroxysmal dystonia (1) and Meige syndrome (1) were available for formal follow-up at three years postoperatively, and beyond up to 10 years. All patients had undergone pallidal stimulation except one patient with paroxysmal dystonia who underwent thalamic stimulation. RESULTS: Maintained improvement was seen in all patients with pallidal stimulation up to 10 years after surgery except in one patient who had a relative loss of benefit in dystonia ratings but continued to have improved disability scores. After nine years of chronic thalamic stimulation there was a mild loss of efficacy which was regained when the target was changed to the pallidum in the patient with paroxysmal dystonia. There were no major complications related to surgery or to chronic stimulation. Pacemakers had to be replaced within 1.5 to 2 years, in general. CONCLUSION: DBS maintains marked long-term symptomatic and functional improvement in the majority of patients with dystonia.
BACKGROUND: The PAS-Port device (Cardica, Redwood City, CA) allows the rapid deployment of a clampless proximal anastomosis between a vein graft and the aorta. METHODS: Fifty-four patients awaiting elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery were enrolled. Outcome variables were intraoperative device performance, early and 6- month angiographic graft patency, and 12-month clinical follow-up. RESULTS: Sixty-three PAS-Port devices were deployed in 54 patients. Two deployments were unsuccessful. There were no reoperations for bleeding. Two patients died of causes unrelated to the device. Patency evaluation at discharge was performed by angiogram on 49 implants and computed tomography in 2 implants (86% follow-up). At discharge, all evaluated grafts were patent (100%) and rated Fitzgibbon A. At 6-month follow-up, there was no additional mortality; 47 implants (88% follow-up) were evaluated by angiography (Fitzgibbon O [n = 1], Fitzgibbon B [n = 1], and Fitzgibbon A [n = 45]) and 5 by computed tomography. All grafts but 1 were patent (98.1%). At 12 months, 2 additional patients died of causes unrelated to the PAS-Port implant. Forty-six of 50 alive patients (95.8%) were followed up without any reports of device-related major adverse cardiac events. CONCLUSIONS: Discharge (100%) and 6-month patency (98%) are excellent; patency and 12 months' clinical follow-up compares favorably with data from historical hand-sewn controls. The PAS-Port system safely allows the clampless creation of a proximal anastomosis.
BACKGROUND: The retention of patients in antiretroviral therapy (ART) programmes is an important issue in resource-limited settings. Loss to follow up can be substantial, but it is unclear what the outcomes are in patients who are lost to programmes. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We searched the PubMed, EMBASE, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), Indian Medlars Centre (IndMed) and African Index Medicus (AIM) databases and the abstracts of three conferences for studies that traced patients lost to follow up to ascertain their vital status. Main outcomes were the proportion of patients traced, the proportion found to be alive and the proportion that had died. Where available, we also examined the reasons why some patients could not be traced, why patients found to be alive did not return to the clinic, and the causes of death. We combined mortality data from several studies using random-effects meta-analysis. Seventeen studies were eligible. All were from sub-Saharan Africa, except one study from India, and none were conducted in children. A total of 6420 patients (range 44 to 1343 patients) were included. Patients were traced using telephone calls, home visits and through social networks. Overall the vital status of 4021 patients could be ascertained (63%, range across studies: 45% to 86%); 1602 patients had died. The combined mortality was 40% (95% confidence interval 33%-48%), with substantial heterogeneity between studies (P<0.0001). Mortality in African programmes ranged from 12% to 87% of patients lost to follow-up. Mortality was inversely associated with the rate of loss to follow up in the programme: it declined from around 60% to 20% as the percentage of patients lost to the programme increased from 5% to 50%. Among patients not found, telephone numbers and addresses were frequently incorrect or missing. Common reasons for not returning to the clinic were transfer to another programme, financial problems and improving or deteriorating health. Causes of death were available for 47 deaths: 29 (62%) died of an AIDS defining illness. CONCLUSIONS: In ART programmes in resource-limited settings a substantial minority of adults lost to follow up cannot be traced, and among those traced 20% to 60% had died. Our findings have implications both for patient care and the monitoring and evaluation of programmes.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess predictors of residual shunts after percutaneous patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure with Amplatzer PFO occluder (AGA Medical Corporation, Golden Valley, MN, USA). METHODS: All percutaneous PFO closures, using Amplatzer PFO occluder performed at a tertiary center between May 2002 and August 2006, were reviewed. Follow-up, including saline contrast transesophageal echocardiography, was performed in all patients 6 months after the intervention. PATIENTS: A total of 135 procedures were performed. Mean age of the patients was 51 years. The indication for PFO closure was an ischemic cerebrovascular event in 92%, paradoxical systemic embolism in 4%, and a diving accident in 4%. Recurrent events prior to PFO closure were noted in 34%. A concomitant atrial septal aneurysm was present in 61%. RESULTS: At 6 months follow-up, a residual shunt was detected in 26 patients (19%). Residual shunts were more common in patients with an atrial septal aneurysm (27 vs. 8%, P= .01) and in patients treated with a 35-mm compared with a 25-mm device (39 vs. 15%, P= .01). A concomitant atrial septal aneurysm remained independently associated with residual shunts when controlled for body mass index, gender, age, atrial dimensions, and presence of a Chiari network (odds ratio 4.1, 95% confidence intervals 1.1-15.0). CONCLUSION: The presence of atrial septal aneurysms in patients undergoing percutaneous PFO closure with an Amplatzer PFO occluder significantly increases the rate of residual shunts at 6 months follow-up, even if 35-mm devices are used.
BACKGROUND: Cardiac surgery is the reference treatment for patients with left main (LM) disease, although percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stents is emerging as a possible alternative. The objective of this registry was to evaluate the 2-year outcome of elective percutaneous coronary intervention for unprotected LM disease with paclitaxel-eluting stents. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 291 patients were prospectively included from 4 centers. Acute myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock were the only exclusion criteria. Patients were 69+/-11 years old, 29% were diabetic, and 25% had 3-vessel disease. For distal LM lesions (78%), the provisional side-branch T-stenting approach was used in 92% of cases and final kissing balloon inflation in 97%. Angiographic success was obtained in 99.7% of cases. At 2-year follow-up, the total cardiac death rate was 5.4% (1 EuroSCORE point was associated with a 15% [95% confidence interval 2.9% to 28.2%, P=0.013] higher risk of cardiac death), target-lesion revascularization was 8.7%, and incidence of Q-wave or non-Q-wave myocardial infarction was 0.9% and 3.1%, respectively. The combined end point occurred in 15.8% of cases and stroke in 0.7%. The incidence of definite and probable LM stent thrombosis was 0.7%, whereas the incidence of any stent thrombosis was 3.8%, with a higher risk in patients with side-branch stenting in the presence of LM bifurcation lesions (hazard ratio 9.6, 95% confidence interval 1.2 to 77.7, P=0.035). CONCLUSIONS: Unprotected LM stenting with paclitaxel-eluting stents, with a strategy of provisional side-branch T-stenting for distal lesions, provides excellent acute angiographic results and good mid-term clinical outcomes, with a 15.8% rate of major adverse cardiac events at 2-year follow-up.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the consecutive treatment results regarding pterygium recurrence and the efficacy of exclusive strontium-/yttrium-90 beta-irradiation for primary and recurrent pterygia and to analyze the functional outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between October 1974 and December 2005, 58 primary and 21 recurrent pterygia were exclusively treated with strontium-/yttrium-90 beta-irradiation with doses ranging from 3,600 to 5,500 cGy. The follow-up time was 46.6 +/- 26.7 months, with a median of 46.5 months. RESULTS: The treatment led to a size reduction in all pterygia (p < 0.0001). Neither recurrences nor side effects were observed during therapy and follow-up in this study. Best-corrected visual acuity increased (p = 0.0064). Corneal astigmatism was reduced in recurrent pterygia (p = 0.009). CONCLUSION: Exclusive strontium-/yttrium-90 beta-irradiation of pterygia is a very efficient and well-tolerated treatment, with remarkable aesthetic and rehabilitative results in comparison to conventional treatments, especially for recurrent lesions which have undergone prior surgical excision.
Over the last few years, the importance of paediatric stroke has become more and more evident; however, there is still little known about long-term neurological and especially neuropsychological outcome of these children. By retrospective chart review, questionnaire and clinical examination with structured interview, we analysed initial presentation, aetiology and long-term outcome of children suffering ischaemic childhood stroke between 1985 and 1999. A total of 20 children (13 boys) suffered acute arterial ischaemic events. Aetiology was detected in 14, and suspected in another five. Follow-up after 1-15 years (mean 7 years) was possible for 16 children; two had died and two were lost to follow-up. Only two were completely healthy, five suffered mild, six moderate, and three severe handicap. Eleven children presented with combined neurological and neuropsychological problems. Neurological problems were mild to moderate hemisyndrome in 11, dysphasia, epilepsy and other in six each. Mild to severe neuropsychological problems were detected in 13 children, school problems in eight, attention deficits in nine and behaviour problems in seven, increased fatigability and headache in six each. Recurrence was observed in three children, all due to progressive underlying disease. Outcome was most affected by the presence of combined cortical/subcortical and least affected by subcortical infarction. Epilepsy affected neuropsychological outcome. CONCLUSION: although prognosis of paediatric stroke is better than for adult stroke, neurological and especially neuropsychological long-term problems significantly influence the lives of these children. Careful long-term follow-up to support these children in their school career and integration into professional life is necessary. Future studies should evaluate whether specific treatments during the acute episode could improve outcome for these children.
Molecular markers reliably predicting failure or success of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in the treatment of nonmuscle-invasive urothelial bladder cancer (NMIBC) are lacking. The aim of our study was to evaluate the value of cytology and chromosomal aberrations detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in predicting failure to BCG therapy. Sixty-eight patients with NMIBC were prospectively recruited. Bladder washings collected before and after BCG instillation were analyzed by conventional cytology and by multitarget FISH assay (UroVysion, Abbott/Vysis, Des Plaines, IL) for aberrations of chromosomes 3, 7, 17 and 9p21. Persistent and recurrent bladder cancers were defined as positive events during follow-up. Twenty-six of 68 (38%) NMIBC failed to BCG. Both positive post-BCG cytology and positive post-BCG FISH were significantly associated with failure of BCG (hazard ratio (HR)= 5.1 and HR= 5.6, respectively; p < 0.001 each) when compared to those with negative results. In the subgroup of nondefinitive cytology (all except those with unequivocally positive cytology), FISH was superior to cytology as a marker of relapse (HR= 6.2 and 1.4, respectively). Cytology and FISH in post-BCG bladder washings are highly interrelated and a positive result predicts failure to BCG therapy in patients with NMIBC equally well. FISH is most useful in the diagnostically less certain cytology categories but does not provide additional information in clearly malignant cytology.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the urological and nephrological long-term outcome of patients born with classical bladder exstrophy treated with bilateral ureterosigmoidostomies in early childhood. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Out of 42 patients born with bladder exstrophy in Switzerland between 1937 and 1968, 25 participated in this study; seven had died, seven were lost to follow up and three refused consent. Assessment included chart review, clinical examination, and assessment of renal function and morphology. RESULTS: After a follow-up period of 37-69 years ((mean 50 years), 13 of the 25 participants (52%) had their ureterosigmoidostomy still in place. All others had different forms of urinary diversions. Fifteen (60%) patients had normal renal function or mild chronic kidney disease as assessed by estimated glomerular filtration rate. Three patients were on renal replacement therapy. MRI (n=16) showed 10 morphologically normal kidneys. One patient suffered from adenocarcinoma of the colon, five had benign colonic polyps, one urethral papillary carcinoma and 18 no evidence of tumor. CONCLUSION: The majority of our patients have normal or mildly impaired renal function and a well functioning ureterosigmoidostomy. This is remarkable, given the fact that ureterosigmoidostomies are considered to be refluxing high-pressure reservoirs at risk of renal injury and malignancy.