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Gegenstand und Ziel: Darstellung einer Vergiftung mit Alpha-Chloralose anhand von zwei Fällen sowie Zusammenstellung der diesbezüglichen Literatur. Patienten: Zwei Chihuahua-Hündinnen (3- bzw. 12-jährig) wurden nach Aufnahme von mit Alpha-Chloralose präparierten Fleischwürstchen vorgestellt. Ergebnisse: Beide Tiere zeigten Hypoventilation und neurologische Symptome, wobei sich eine Hündin mit Koma und Hypothermie präsentierte, die andere mit Koma, Krämpfen und normaler Temperatur. Initial stand die Aufrechterhaltung und Überwachung der Vitalfunktionen sowie die Dekontamination im Vordergrund. Beide Hunde wurden symptomatisch behandelt und konnten das Tierspital nach 3 Tagen verlassen. Aufgrund der neurologischen Symptome sind bei solchen Patienten andere ZNS-depressive Toxine ebenfalls in Betracht zu ziehen. In diesem Fall wurde das Toxin Alpha-Chloralose nachgewiesen. Schlussfolgerung und klinische Relevanz: Alpha-Chloralose-Intoxikationen sind bisher selten beschrieben. Zu den Symptomen zählen Hypothermie, Hypoventilation, Krämpfe, Koma, Narkose, Miosis, Hypersalivation, bronchiale Hypersekretion und Bradykardie. Eine Intoxikation mit Alpha-Chloralose sollte daher sowohl bei komatösen als auch krampfenden Tieren als Differenzialdiagnose in Betracht gezogen werden.
The MET receptor tyrosine kinase is often deregulated in human cancers and several MET inhibitors are evaluated in clinical trials. Similarly to EGFR, MET signals through the RAS-RAF-ERK/MAPK pathway which plays key roles in cell proliferation and survival. Mutations of genes encoding for RAS proteins, particularly in KRAS, are commonly found in various tumors and are associated with constitutive activation of the MAPK pathway. It was shown for EGFR, that KRAS mutations render upstream EGFR inhibition ineffective in EGFR-positive colorectal cancers. Currently, there are no clinical studies evaluating MET inhibition impairment due to RAS mutations. To test the impact of RAS mutations on MET targeting, we generated tumor cells responsive to the MET inhibitor EMD1214063 that express KRAS G12V, G12D, G13D and HRAS G12V variants. We demonstrate that these MAPK-activating RAS mutations differentially interfere with MET-mediated biological effects of MET inhibition. We report increased residual ERK1/2 phosphorylation indicating that the downstream pathway remains active in presence of MET inhibition. Consequently, RAS variants counteracted MET inhibition-induced morphological changes as well as anti-proliferative and anchorage-independent growth effects. The effect of RAS mutants was reversed when MET inhibition was combined with MEK inhibitors AZD6244 and UO126. In an in vivo mouse xenograft model, MET-driven tumors harboring mutated RAS displayed resistance to MET inhibition. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time in details the role of KRAS and HRAS mutations in resistance to MET inhibition and suggest targeting both MET and MEK as an effective strategy when both oncogenic drivers are expressed.
We study the coupling of non-linear supersymmetry to supergravity. The goldstino nilpotent superfield of global supersymmetry coupled to supergravity is described by a geometric action of the chiral curvature superfield R subject to the constraint (R−λ)2=0 with an appropriate constant λ. This constraint can be found as the decoupling limit of the scalar partner of the goldstino in a class of f(R) supergravity theories.
Eight members of a family of Working Kelpies were presented with signs compatible with dermatomyositis. Alopecia, crusts, ulcerations of the skin, depigmentation of nasal planum and lips, onychodystrophy and atrophy of the masticatory muscles were present with varying degree. Histopathology of the skin, but not from muscles was performed in three dogs and confirmed the clinical diagnosis. Different immunomodulating drugs (steroids, cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, pentoxifylline, doxycyline/niacinamid, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E) were used with variable success. Dermatomyositis is an immune-mediated disease and a genetic predisposition is known in humans and certain canine breeds, mainly Shetland Sheepdogs and Collies, but also for the Beauceron. The responsible genes have not been identified so far. It is assumed that the Working Kelpie derives from the Collie which could explain a hereditary predisposition in the Kelpie.
The ECHo Collaboration (Electron Capture 163Ho aims to investigate the calorimetric spectrum following the electron capture decay of 163Ho to determine the mass of the electron neutrino. The size of the neutrino mass is reflected in the endpoint region of the spectrum, i.e., the last few eV below the transition energy. To check for systematic uncertainties, an independent determination of this transition energy, the Q-value, is mandatory. Using the TRIGA-TRAP setup, we demonstrate the feasibility of performing this measurement by Penning-trap mass spectrometry. With the currently available, purified 163Ho sample and an improved laser ablation mini-RFQ ion source, we were able to perform direct mass measurements of 163Ho and 163Dy with a sample size of less than 1017 atoms. The measurements were carried out by determining the ratio of the cyclotron frequencies of the two isotopes to those of carbon cluster ions using the time-of-flight ion cyclotron resonance method. The obtained mass excess values are ME(163Ho)= −66379.3(9) keV and ME(163Dy)= −66381.7(8) keV. In addition, the Q-value was measured for the first time by Penning-trap mass spectrometry to be Q = 2.5(7) keV.
OBJECTIVE: This research was aimed to determine the occurrence of Brachyspira (B.) hyodysenteriae in Swiss multiplier pig herds. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a pilot study a direct real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for B. hyodysenteriae was compared to culture followed by PCR on 106 samples from three herds. Subsequently 40 multiplier herds were epidemiologically characterized and analysed for the presence of B. hyodysenteriae using direct PCR on 1412 rectal swabs. For external validation 20 swabs obtained from two positive conventional herds were analysed. RESULTS: The comparison of direct PCR with culture followed by PCR resulted in a moderate agreement (kappa index: 0.58). In the two conventional herds, 35% of the samples (7/20) tested positive. Samples from 39 multipliers tested negative. In one multiplier herd, 25% (9/36) of the samples tested PCR positive. Risk factors in the multiplier herd may have been rodents or birds, but not pig purchase. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: B. hyodysenteriae have been detected in a Swiss multiplier herd, which underlines the threat of potential spread by replacement pigs. Consequently, a Brachyspira monitoring programme was established for Swiss multiplier herds.
OBJECTIVES To compare the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in terms of sensitivity and specificity using a field strength of <1.0 T (T) versus ≥1.5 T for diagnosing or ruling out knee injuries or knee pathologies. METHODS The systematic literature research revealed more than 10,000 references, of which 1598 abstracts were reviewed and 87 full-text articles were retrieved. The further selection process resulted in the inclusion of four systematic reviews and six primary studies. RESULTS No differences could be identified in the diagnostic performance of low- versus high-field MRI for the detection or exclusion of meniscal or cruciate ligament tears. Regarding the detection or grading of cartilage defects and osteoarthritis of the knee, the existing evidence suggests that high-field MRI is tolerably specific but not very sensitive, while there is literally no evidence for low-field MRI because only a few studies with small sample sizes and equivocal findings have been performed. CONCLUSIONS We can recommend the use of low-field strength MRI systems in suspected meniscal or cruciate ligament injuries. This does, however, not apply to the diagnosis and grading of knee cartilage defects and osteoarthritis because of insufficient evidence.