236 resultados para Kauranen, Ralf
Radiocarbon (14C) analysis is a unique tool to distinguish fossil/nonfossil sources of carbonaceous aerosols. We present 14C measurements of organic carbon (OC) and total carbon (TC) on highly time resolved filters (3–4 h, typically 12 h or longer have been reported) from 7 days collected during California Research at the Nexus of Air Quality and Climate Change (CalNex) 2010 in Pasadena. Average nonfossil contributions of 58% ± 15% and 51% ± 15% were found for OC and TC, respectively. Results indicate that nonfossil carbon is a major constituent of the background aerosol, evidenced by its nearly constant concentration (2–3 μgC m−3). Cooking is estimated to contribute at least 25% to nonfossil OC, underlining the importance of urban nonfossil OC sources. In contrast, fossil OC concentrations have prominent and consistent diurnal profiles, with significant afternoon enhancements (~3 μgC m−3), following the arrival of the western Los Angeles (LA) basin plume with the sea breeze. A corresponding increase in semivolatile oxygenated OC and organic vehicular emission markers and their photochemical reaction products occurs. This suggests that the increasing OC is mostly from fresh anthropogenic secondary OC (SOC) from mainly fossil precursors formed in the western LA basin plume. We note that in several European cities where the diesel passenger car fraction is higher, SOC is 20% less fossil, despite 2–3 times higher elemental carbon concentrations, suggesting that SOC formation from gasoline emissions most likely dominates over diesel in the LA basin. This would have significant implications for our understanding of the on-road vehicle contribution to ambient aerosols and merits further study.
Rapid industrialization and urbanization in developing countries has led to an increase in air pollution, along a similar trajectory to that previously experienced by the developed nations. In China, particulate pollution is a serious environmental problem that is influencing air quality, regional and global climates, and human health. In response to the extremely severe and persistent haze pollution experienced by about 800 million people during the first quarter of 2013 (refs 4, 5), the Chinese State Council announced its aim to reduce concentrations of PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5micrometres) by up to 25 per cent relative to 2012 levels by 2017 (ref. 6). Such efforts however require elucidation of the factors governing the abundance and composition of PM2.5, which remain poorly constrained in China. Here we combine a comprehensive set of novel and state-of-the-art offline analytical approaches and statistical techniques to investigate the chemical nature and sources of particulate matter at urban locations in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xi'an during January 2013. We find that the severe haze pollution event was driven to a large extent by secondary aerosol formation, which contributed 30-77 per cent and 44-71 per cent (average for all four cities) of PM2.5 and of organic aerosol, respectively. On average, the contribution of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA) are found to be of similar importance (SOA/SIA ratios range from 0.6 to 1.4). Our results suggest that, in addition to mitigating primary particulate emissions, reducing the emissions of secondary aerosol precursors from, for example, fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning is likely to be important for controlling China's PM2.5 levels and for reducing the environmental, economic and health impacts resulting from particulate pollution.
OBJECTIVE In a large series of patients with cervical artery dissection (CeAD), a major cause of ischemic stroke in young and middle-aged adults, we aimed to examine frequencies and correlates of family history of CeAD and of inherited connective tissue disorders. METHODS We combined data from 2 large international multicenter cohorts of consecutive patients with CeAD in 23 neurologic departments participating in the CADISP-plus consortium, following a standardized protocol. Frequency of reported family history of CeAD and of inherited connective tissue disorders was assessed. Putative risk factors, baseline features, and 3-month outcome were compared between groups. RESULTS Among 1,934 consecutive patients with CeAD, 20 patients (1.0%, 95% confidence interval: 0.6%-1.5%) from 17 families (0.9%, 0.5%-1.3%) had a family history of CeAD. Family history of CeAD was significantly more frequent in patients with carotid location of the dissection and elevated cholesterol levels. Two patients without a family history of CeAD had vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome with a mutation in COL3A1. This diagnosis was suspected in 2 additional patients, but COL3A1 sequencing was negative. Two patients were diagnosed with classic and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, one patient with Marfan syndrome, and one with osteogenesis imperfecta, based on clinical criteria only. CONCLUSIONS In this largest series of patients with CeAD to date, family history of symptomatic CeAD was rare and inherited connective tissue disorders seemed exceptional. This finding supports the notion that CeAD is a multifactorial disease in the vast majority of cases.
INTRODUCTION Though developed for thoracic insufficiency syndrome, the spinal growth-stimulating potential and the ease of placement of vertical expandable titanium ribs (VEPTRs) has resulted in their widespread use for early-onset spine deformity. Observation of implant-related ossifications warrants further assessment, since they may be detrimental to the function-preserving non-fusion strategy. PATIENTS AND METHODS Radiographs (obtained pre and post index procedure, and at 4-year follow-up) and the records of 65 VEPTR patients from four paediatric spine centres were analysed. Ossifications were classified as type I (at anchor points), type II (along the central part) or type III (re-ossification after thoracostomy). RESULTS The average age at the index procedure was 6.5 years (min 1, max 13.7). The most prevalent spine problem was congenital scoliosis (37) with rib fusions (34), followed by neuromuscular and syndromic deformities (13 and 8, respectively). Idiopathic and secondary scoliosis (e.g. after thoracotomy) were less frequent (3 and 4, respectively). Forty-two of the 65 (65 %) patients showed ossifications, half of which were around the anchors. Forty-five percent (15/33) without pre-existing rib fusions developed a type II ossification along the implant. Re-ossifications of thoracostomies were less frequent (5/34, 15 %). The occurrence of ossifications was not associated with patient-specific factors. CONCLUSIONS Implant-related ossifications around VEPTR are common. In contrast to harmless bone formation around anchors, ossifications around the telescopic part and the rod section are troublesome in view of their possible negative impact on chest cage compliance and spinal mobility. This potential side effect needs to be considered during implant selection, particularly in patients with originally normal thoracic and spinal anatomy.
Motor-performance-enhancing effects of long final fixations before movement initiation – a phenomenon called Quiet Eye (QE) – have repeatedly been demonstrated. Drawing on the information-processing framework, it is assumed that the QE supports information processing revealed by the close link between QE duration and task demands concerning, in particular, response selection and movement parameterisation. However, the question remains whether the suggested mechanism also holds for processes referring to stimulus identification. Thus, in a series of two experiments, performance in a targeting task was tested as a function of experimentally manipulated visual processing demands as well as experimentally manipulated QE durations. The results support the suggested link because a performance-enhancing QE effect was found under increased visual processing demands only: Whereas QE duration did not affect performance as long as positional information was preserved (Experiment 1), in the full vs. no target visibility comparison, QE efficiency turned out to depend on information processing time as soon as the interval falls below a certain threshold (Experiment 2). Thus, the results rather contradict alternative, e.g., posture-based explanations of QE effects and support the assumption that the crucial mechanism behind the QE phenomenon is rooted in the cognitive domain.
Satellite remote sensing provides a powerful instrument for mapping and monitoring traces of historical settlements and infrastructure, not only in distant areas and crisis regions. It helps archaeologists to embed their findings from field surveys into the broader context of the landscape. With the start of the TanDEM-X mission, spatially explicit 3D-information is available to researchers at an unprecedented resolution worldwide. We examined different experimental TanDEM-X digital elevation models (DEM) that were processed from two different imaging modes (Stripmap/High Resolution Spotlight) using the operational alternating bistatic acquisition mode. The quality and accuracy of the experimental DEM products was compared to other available DEM products and a high precision archaeological field survey. The results indicate the potential of TanDEM-X Stripmap (SM) data for mapping surface elements at regional scale. For the alluvial plain of Cilicia, a suspected palaeochannel could be reconstructed. At the local scale, DEM products from TanDEM-X High Resolution Spotlight (HS) mode were processed at 2 m spatial resolution using a merge of two monostatic/bistatic interferograms. The absolute and relative vertical accuracy of the outcome meet the specification of high resolution elevation data (HRE) standards from the National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) at the HRE20 level.
AIM Transcatheter aortic valve implantation has become an alternative to surgery in higher risk patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis. The aim of the ADVANCE study was to evaluate outcomes following implantation of a self-expanding transcatheter aortic valve system in a fully monitored, multi-centre 'real-world' patient population in highly experienced centres. METHODS AND RESULTS Patients with severe aortic stenosis at a higher surgical risk in whom implantation of the CoreValve System was decided by the Heart Team were included. Endpoints were a composite of major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE; all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, stroke, or reintervention) and mortality at 30 days and 1 year. Endpoint-related events were independently adjudicated based on Valve Academic Research Consortium definitions. A total of 1015 patients [mean logistic EuroSCORE 19.4 ± 12.3% [median (Q1,Q3), 16.0% (10.3, 25.3%)], age 81 ± 6 years] were enrolled. Implantation of the CoreValve System led to a significant improvement in haemodynamics and an increase in the effective aortic valve orifice area. At 30 days, the MACCE rate was 8.0% (95% CI: 6.3-9.7%), all-cause mortality was 4.5% (3.2-5.8%), cardiovascular mortality was 3.4% (2.3-4.6%), and the rate of stroke was 3.0% (2.0-4.1%). The life-threatening or disabling bleeding rate was 4.0% (2.8-6.3%). The 12-month rates of MACCE, all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and stroke were 21.2% (18.4-24.1%), 17.9% (15.2-20.5%), 11.7% (9.4-14.1%), and 4.5% (2.9-6.1%), respectively. The 12-month rates of all-cause mortality were 11.1, 16.5, and 23.6% among patients with a logistic EuroSCORE ≤10%, EuroSCORE 10-20%, and EuroSCORE >20% (P< 0.05), respectively. CONCLUSION The ADVANCE study demonstrates the safety and effectiveness of the CoreValve System with low mortality and stroke rates in higher risk real-world patients with severe aortic stenosis.
Einleitung: Im Zusammenhang mit der Leistungsdienlichkeit langer finaler Fixation (quiet eye, QE) wird vermutet, dass Leistungsverbesserungen nur für eine optimale Dauer zu beobachten sein sollten, also auch bei „überlangen“ QE-Dauern die Leistung wieder abnimmt (u.a. Janelle et al., 2000; Klostermann, 2014). Jedoch liegen zu dieser Vermutung bislang keine empirischen Befunde vor, so dass in der hier präsentierten Studie Präzisionsleistung in einer Wurfaufgabe in Abhängigkeit von (auch) sehr langen experimentell kontrollierten QE-Dauern untersucht wurde. Methode: In einem Within-subject-Design hatten 20 Sportstudierende unter acht verschiedenen QE-Bedingungen (Onset in 400-ms-Schritten von -3200 ms bis -400 ms vor Bewegungsbeginn; 16 Versuche pro Bedingung in randomisierter Abfolge) mit retro-reflektierenden Bällen auf eine Großleinwand projizierte Zielscheiben möglichst mittig zu treffen. Die QE-Manipulation erfolgte über eine an den Bewegungsbeginn gebundene Zielscheibeneinblendung samt Wurfrhythmisierung durch Tonvorgaben. Aus den mit einem Vicon-T20-System (200 Hz) sowie einem integrierten mobilen Eyetracker (EyeSeeCam, 220 Hz) erhobenen Daten wurden die QE-Dauer (ms) und die Wurfleistung (radialer Fehler, mm) als abhängige Variablen berechnet und varianzanalytisch auf Unterschiede untersucht. Resultate und Diskussion: Für die QE-Dauer wurde ein signifikanter Haupteffekt gefunden, F(7, 133) = 38.4, p < .01, ηp2 = .67, mit zumindest tendenziellen (-2000 ms vs. -2400 ms, -2800 ms vs. -3200 ms), größtenteils aber signifikanten QE-Anstiegen gemäß der experimentellen Manipulation (alle ps < .01), obgleich die jeweils angezielten QE-Dauern nicht erreicht und zum Teil deutlich unterschritten wurden (tatsächliche relativ zur angezielten Dauer im Mittel 59.95 %). Für den radialen Fehler ergab sich ein signifikanter Haupteffekt, F(7, 133) = 8.5, p < .01, ηp2 = .31, welcher durch signifikant schlechtere Leistungen bei den Onsets -400 ms und -800 ms gegenüber allen anderen Onsets erklärt wird (alle ps < .05; ausgenommen -400 ms vs. -800 ms und -800 ms vs. -2400 ms). Somit wurde der „klassische“ QE-Effekt schlechterer Leistungen infolge kurzer QE-Dauern repliziert; die Vermutung einer Leistungsverschlechterung bei überlangen QE-Dauern konnte jedoch – zumindest unter den infolge der Manipulation tatsächlich erzielten Werten – nicht untermauert werden. Literatur: Klostermann, A. (2014). Finale Fixationen, sportmotorische Leistung und eine Inhibitionshypothese: Mechanismen des „Quiet Eye“, Sportwissenschaft, 44, 49-59. Janelle, C. M., Hillman, C. H., Apparies, R. J., Murray, N. P., Meili, L., Fallon, E. A. & Hatfield, B. D. (2000). Expertise differences in cortical activation and gaze behavior during rifle shooting. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 22, 167-182.
Background ‘Kneipp Therapy’ (KT) is a form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) that includes a combination of hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, mind-body medicine, physical activities, and healthy eating. Since 2007, some nursing homes for older adults in Germany began to integrate CAM in the form of KT in care. The study investigated how KT is used in daily routine care and explored the health status of residents and caregivers involved in KT. Methods We performed a cross-sectional pilot study with a mixed methods approach that collected both quantitative and qualitative data in four German nursing homes in 2011. Assessments in the quantitative component included the Quality of Life in Dementia (QUALIDEM), the Short Form 12 Health Survey (SF-12), the Barthel-Index for residents and the Work Ability Index (WAI) and SF-12 for caregivers. The qualitative component addressed the residents’ and caregivers’ subjectively experienced changes after integration of KT. It was conceptualized as an ethnographic rapid appraisal by conducting participant observation and semi-structured interviews in two of the four nursing homes. Results The quantitative component included 64 residents (53 female, 83.2 ± 8.1 years (mean and SD)) and 29 caregivers (all female, 42.0 ± 11.7 years). Residents were multimorbid (8 ± 3 diagnoses), and activities of daily living were restricted (Barthel-Index 60.6 ± 24.4). The caregivers’ results indicated good work ability (WAI 37.4 ± 5.1), health related quality of life was superior to the German sample (SF-12 physical CSS 49.2 ± 8.0; mental CSS 54.1 ± 6.6). Among both caregivers and residents, 89% considered KT to be positive for well-being. The qualitative analysis showed that caregivers perceived emotional and functional benefits from more content and calmer residents, a larger variety in basic care practices, and a more self-determined scope of action. Residents reported gains in attention and caring, and recognition of their lay knowledge. Conclusion Residents showed typical characteristics of nursing home inhabitants. Caregivers demonstrated good work ability. Both reported to have benefits from KT. The results provide a good basis for future projects, e.g. controlled studies to evaluate the effects of CAM in nursing homes.