257 resultados para intracerebral hemorrhage


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Central nervous system aspergillosis is an often fatal complication of invasive Aspergillus infection. Relevant disease models are needed to study the pathophysiology of cerebral aspergillosis and to develop novel therapeutic approaches. This study presents a model of central nervous system aspergillosis that mimics important aspects of human disease. Eleven-day-old non-immunosuppressed male Wistar rats were infected by an intracisternal injection of 10 mul of a conidial suspension of Aspergillus fumigatus. An inoculum of 7.18 log(10) colony-forming units (CFU) consistently produced cerebral infection and resulted in death of all animals (n = 25) within 3-10 days. Median survival time was 3 days. Histomorphologically, all animals developed intracerebral abscesses (2-26 per brain) containing abundant fungal hyphae and neutrophils. Fungal culture of cortical homogenates yielded maximal growth on day 3 after infection (5.4 log(10) CFU/g, n = 15) that declined over time. Galactomannan concentrations in cortical homogenates, assessed as an index for hyphal burden, peaked on days 3-5. Fungal infection spread to peripheral organs in 83% of animals. Fungal burden in lung, liver, spleen and kidney was two orders of magnitude lower than in the brain. The successful establishment of a model of cerebral aspergillosis in a non-immunosuppressed host provides the opportunity to investigate mechanisms of disease and to develop novel treatment regimens for this commonly fatal infection.


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Inherited factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency is known as one of the most rare blood coagulation disorder in humans. In the present study, phenotype and genotype of eight FXIII deficient Polish patients from five unrelated families were compared. The patients presented with a severe phenotype demonstrated by a high incidence of intracerebral haemorrhages (seven of eight patients), haemarthrosis (six patients) and bleeding due to trauma (five patients). Introduction of regular substitution with FXIII concentrate prevented spontaneous bleeding in seven patients. In all patients, mutations within the F13A gene have been identified revealing four missense mutations (Arg77Cys, Arg260Cys, Ala378Pro, Gly420Ser), one nonsense mutation (Arg661X), one splice site mutation (IVS5-1 G>A) and one small deletion (c.499-512del). One homozygous large deletion involving exon 15 was detected by failure of PCR product. The corresponding mutations resulted in severely reduced FXIII activity and FXIII A-subunit antigen concentration, while FXIII B-subunit antigen remained normal or mildly decreased. Structural analysis demonstrated that the novel Ala378Pro mutation may cause a disruption of the FXIII catalytic triad leading to a non-functional protein which presumably undergoes premature degradation. In conclusion, the severe phenotype with high incidence of intracranial bleeding and haemarthrosis was in accordance with laboratory findings on FXIII and with severe molecular defects of the F13A gene.


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Acute meningitis is a medical emergency, particularly in patients with rapidly progressing disease, mental status changes or neurological deficits. The majority of cases of bacterial meningitis are caused by a limited number of species, i.e. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitis, Listeria monocytogenes, group B Streptococci (Streptococcus agalactiae), Haemophilus influenzae and Enterobacteriaceae. Many other pathogens can occasionally cause bacterial meningitis, often under special clinical circumstances. Treatment of meningitis includes two main goals: Eradication of the infecting organism, and management of CNS and systemic complications. Empiric therapy should be initiated without delay, as the prognosis of the disease depends on the time when therapy is started. One or two blood cultures should be obtained before administering the first antibiotic. Empiric therapy is primarily based on the age of the patient, with modifications if there are positive findings on CSF gram stain or if the patient presents with special risk factors. It is safer to choose regimens with broad coverage, as they can usually be modified within 24-48 hours, when antibiotic sensitivities of the infecting organism become available. Adjunctive therapy with dexamethasone is also administered in severely ill patients concomitantly with the first antibiotic dose. In patients who are clinically stable and are unlikely to be adversely affected if antibiotics are not administered immediately, including those with suspected viral or chronic meningitis, a lumbar puncture represents the first step, unless there is clinical suspicion of an intracerebral mass lesion. Findings in the CSF and on CT scan, if performed, will guide the further diagnostic work-up and therapy in all patients.


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PURPOSE: To report the authors' initial experience with carotid artery stent-grafts in a comparatively large patient series for the treatment of acute bleeding and impending rupture or the prevention of distal embolization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study was approved by the institutional review boards and performed according to HIPPA standards. Twenty-five patients were treated with 27 carotid artery stent-grafts (Gore Viabahn, n = 10; Bard Fluency, n = 9; polytetrafluoroethylene-covered Palmaz, n = 5; and Wallgraft, n = 3). Thirteen stent-grafts were placed in patients with carotid blow-out syndrome (including three patients with carotid-airway fistula), 12 in patients with either pseudoaneurysm (n = 9) or true aneurysm (n = 3), and two in patients with intractable high-grade bare stent restenosis. RESULTS: The technical success rate was 100% (27 of 27 cases). No acute procedural transient ischemic attacks or strokes occurred. Procedural dissections occurred in two of the 27 cases (7.4%). Short-term complications occurred in three of the 27 cases (11%) (repeat hemorrhage, n = 2; common carotid artery occlusion, n = 1). The overall patient mortality rate was 36% (nine of 25 patients, all with carotid blow-out syndrome). Six-month follow-up in 15 of the 16 living patients demonstrated widely patent stent-grafts. Two patients with pseudoaneurysm also demonstrated patent stents at 18- and 33-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Stent-grafts may be useful in the treatment of carotid artery bleeding syndrome, aneurysm, and stenosis, with a high procedural success rate in selected cases. The results of mid-term follow-up are encouraging, but results of long-term follow-up must be evaluated in future studies.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: No controlled, randomized trial has investigated whether intravenous, intra-arterial (IAT), or mechanical thrombolysis is beneficial in children with ischemic stroke. We report 2 children who underwent IAT for acute ischemic stroke and include them in a review about intravenous thrombolysis, IAT, and mechanical thrombolysis for childhood stroke. METHODS: We searched in MEDLINE and EMBASE for studies that reported on treatment of childhood stroke with intravenous thrombolysis, IAT, or mechanical thrombolysis in the presence of occlusion of the basilar artery, sphenoidal, or insular middle cerebral artery. To be included in this review, the following findings had to be reported: (1) stroke severity at presentation; (2) cerebral imaging findings before thrombolysis; (3) time to treatment; (4) dose of the thrombolytic agent; (5) pre- and postinterventional angiographic findings in IAT; and (6) outcome assessed at hospital discharge or within 12 months after thrombolysis. RESULTS: Adequate data were available in 17 children (including our 2 own cases) who underwent intravenous thrombolysis (n=6), IAT (n=10), or mechanical thrombolysis (n=1). No symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage occurred, but 2 asymptomatic intracranial hemorrhages were present. Sixteen children (94%) survived, and 12 (71%) had a good outcome (modified Rankin Scale score 0 or 1). CONCLUSIONS: The available data about thrombolysis in pediatric stroke are limited. They suggest that this treatment may be beneficial in children with ischemic stroke. Controlled, randomized trials are needed to determine whether thrombolysis is useful in childhood stroke.


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The authors describe the use of the Cardica C-Port xA Distal Anastomosis System to perform an automated, high-flow extracranial-intracranial bypass. The C-Port system has been developed and tested in coronary artery bypass surgery for rapid distal coronary artery anastomoses. Air-powered, it performs an automated end-to-side anastomosis within seconds by nearly simultaneously making an arteriotomy and inserting 13 microclips into the graft and recipient vessel. Intracranial use of the device was first simulated in a cadaver prepared for microsurgical anatomical dissection. The authors used this system in a 43-year-old man who sustained a subarachnoid hemorrhage after being assaulted and was found to have a traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the proximal intracranial internal carotid artery. The aneurysm appeared to be enlarging on serial imaging studies and it was anticipated that a bypass would probably be needed to treat the lesion. An end-to-side bypass was performed with the C-Port system using a saphenous vein conduit extending from the common carotid artery to the middle cerebral artery. The bypass was demonstrated to be patent on intraoperative and postoperative arteriography. The patient had a temporary hyperperfusion syndrome and subsequently made a good neurological recovery. The C-Port system facilitates the performance of a high-flow extracranial-intracranial bypass with short periods of temporary arterial occlusion. Because of the size and configuration of the device, its use is not feasible in all anatomical situations that require a high-flow bypass; however it is a useful addition to the armamentarium of the neurovascular surgeon.


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OBJECT: The effect of normobaric hyperoxia (fraction of inspired O2 [FIO2] concentration 100%) in the treatment of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of normobaric hyperoxia on five cerebral metabolic indices, which have putative prognostic significance following TBI in humans. METHODS: At two independent neurointensive care units, the authors performed a prospective study of 52 patients with severe TBI who were treated for 24 hours with 100% FIO2, starting within 6 hours of admission. Data for these patients were compared with data for a cohort of 112 patients who were treated in the past; patients in the historical control group matched the patients in our study according to their Glasgow Coma Scale scores after resuscitation and their intracranial pressure within the first 8 hours after admission. Patients were monitored with the aid of intracerebral microdialysis and tissue O2 probes. Normobaric hyperoxia treatment resulted in a significant improvement in biochemical markers in the brain compared with the baseline measures for patients treated in our study (patients acting as their own controls) and also compared with findings from the historical control group. In the dialysate the glucose levels increased (369.02 +/- 20.1 micromol/L in the control group and 466.9 +/- 20.39 micromol/L in the 100% O2 group, p = 0.001), whereas the glutamate and lactate levels significantly decreased (p < 0.005). There were also reductions in the lactate/glucose and lactate/pyruvate ratios. Intracranial pressure in the treatment group was reduced significantly both during and after hyperoxia treatment compared with the control groups (15.03 +/- 0.8 mm Hg in the control group and 12.13 +/- 0.75 mm Hg in the 100% O2 group, p < 0.005) with no changes in cerebral perfusion pressure. Outcomes of the patients in the treatment group improved. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study support the hypothesis that normobaric hyperoxia in patients with severe TBI improves the indices of brain oxidative metabolism. Based on these data further mechanistic studies and a prospective randomized controlled trial are warranted.


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OBJECT: Disturbed ionic and neurotransmitter homeostasis are now recognized as probably the most important mechanisms contributing to the development of secondary brain swelling after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Evidence obtained in animal models indicates that posttraumatic neuronal excitation by excitatory amino acids leads to an increase in extracellular potassium, probably due to ion channel activation. The purpose of this study was therefore to measure dialysate potassium in severely head injured patients and to correlate these results with measurements of intracranial pressure (ICP), patient outcome, and levels of dialysate glutamate and lactate, and cerebral blood flow (CBF) to determine the role of ischemia in this posttraumatic ion dysfunction. METHODS: Eighty-five patients with severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale Score < 8) were treated according to an intensive ICP management-focused protocol. All patients underwent intracerebral microdialyis. Dialysate potassium levels were analyzed using flame photometry, and dialysate glutamate and dialysate lactate levels were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography and an enzyme-linked amperometric method in 72 and 84 patients, respectively. Cerebral blood flow studies (stable xenon computerized tomography scanning) were performed in 59 patients. In approximately 20% of the patients, dialysate potassium values were increased (dialysate potassium > 1.8 mM) for 3 hours or more. A mean amount of dialysate potassium greater than 2 mM throughout the entire monitoring period was associated with ICP above 30 mm Hg and fatal outcome, as were progressively rising levels of dialysate potassium. The presence of dialysate potassium correlated positively with dialysate glutamate (p < 0.0001) and lactate (p < 0.0001) levels. Dialysate potassium was significantly inversely correlated with reduced CBF (p = 0.019). CONCLUSIONS: Dialysate potassium was increased after TBI in 20% of measurements. High levels of dialysate potassium were associated with increased ICP and poor outcome. The simultaneous increase in dialysate potassium, together with dialysate glutamate and lactate, supports the concept that glutamate induces ionic flux and consequently increases ICP, which the authors speculate may be due to astrocytic swelling. Reduced CBF was also significantly correlated with increased levels of dialysate potassium. This may be due to either cell swelling or altered vasoreactivity in cerebral blood vessels caused by higher levels of potassium after trauma. Additional studies in which potassium-sensitive microelectrodes are used are needed to validate these ionic events more clearly.


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Disturbed ionic and neurotransmitter homeostasis are now recognized to be probably the most important mechanisms contributing to the development of secondary brain swelling after traumatic brian injury (TBI). Evidence obtained from animal models indicates that posttraumatic neuronal excitation via excitatory amino acids leads to an increase in extracellular potassium, probably due to ion channel activation. The purpose of this study was therefore to measure dialysate potassium in severely head injured patients and to correlate these results with intracranial pressure (ICP), outcome, and also with the levels of dialysate glutamate, lactate, and cerebral blood flow (CBF) so as to determine the role of ischemia in this posttraumatic ionic dysfunction. Eighty-five patients with severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale score < 8) were treated according to an intensive ICP management-focused protocol. All patients underwent intracerebral microdialyis. Dialysate potassium levels were analyzed by flame photometry, as were dialysate glutamate and dialysate lactate levels, which were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography and an enzyme-linked amperometric method in 72 and 84 patients respectively. Cerebral blood flow studies (stable Xenon--computerized tomography scanning) were performed in 59 patients. In approximately 20% of the patients, potassium values were increased (dialysate potassium > 1.8 mmol). Mean dialysate potassium (> 2 mmol) was associated with ICP above 30 mm Hg and fatal outcome. Dialysate potassium correlated positively with dialysate glutamate (p < 0.0001) and lactate levels (p < 0.0001). Dialysate potassium was significantly inversely correlated with reduced CBF (p = 0.019). Dialysate potassium was increased after TBI in 20% of measurements. High levels of dialysate potassium were associated with increased ICP and poor outcome. The simultaneous increase of potassium, together with dialysate glutamate and lactate, supports the hypothesis that glutamate induces ionic flux and consequently increases ICP due to astrocytic swelling. Reduced CBF was also significantly correlated with increased levels of dialysate potassium. This may be due to either cell swelling or altered potassium reactivity in cerebral blood vessels after trauma.


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Intracerebral contusions can lead to regional ischemia caused by extensive release of excitotoxic aminoacids leading to increased cytotoxic brain edema and raised intracranial pressure. rCBF measurements might provide further information about the risk of ischemia within and around contusions. Therefore, the aim of the presented study was to compare the intra- and perilesional rCBF of hemorrhagic, non-hemorrhagic and mixed intracerebral contusions. In 44 patients, 60 stable Xenon-enhanced CT CBF-studies were performed (EtCO2 30 +/- 4 mmHg SD), initially 29 hours (39 studies) and subsequent 95 hours after injury (21 studies). All lesions were classified according to localization and lesion type using CT/MRI scans. The rCBF was calculated within and 1-cm adjacent to each lesion in CT-isodens brain. The rCBF within all contusions (n = 100) of 29 +/- 11 ml/100 g/min was significantly lower (p < 0.0001, Mann-Whitney U) compared to perilesional rCBF of 44 +/- 12 ml/100 g/min and intra/perilesional correlation was 0.4 (p < 0.0005). Hemorrhagic contusions showed an intra/perilesional rCBF of 31 +/- 11/44 +/- 13 ml/100 g/min (p < 0.005), non-hemorrhagic contusions 35 +/- 13/46 +/- 10 ml/100 g/min (p < 0.01). rCBF in mixed contusions (25 +/- 9/44 +/- 12 ml/100 g/min, p < 0.0001) was significantly lower compared to hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic contusions (p < 0.02). Intracontusional rCBF is significantly reduced to 29 +/- 11 ml/100 g/min but reduced below ischemic levels of 18 ml/100 g/min in only 16% of all contusions. Perilesional CBF in CT normal appearing brain closed to contusions is not critically reduced. Further differentiation of contusions demonstrates significantly lower rCBF in mixed contusions (defined by both hyper- and hypodense areas in the CT-scan) compared to hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic contusions. Mixed contusions may evolve from hemorrhagic contusions with secondary increased perilesional cytotoxic brain edema leading to reduced cerebral blood flow and altered brain metabolism. Therefore, the treatment of ICP might be individually modified by the measurement of intra- and pericontusional cerebral blood.


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The key role players of brain swelling seen after severe human head injury have only been partly determined. We used our human head injury data base to determine relationships between potassium, glutamate, lactate and cerebral blood flow (CBF). A total of 70 severely head injured patients (GCS < or = 8) were studied using intracerebral microdialysis to measure extracellular glutamate, potassium and lactate. Xenon CT was used to determine regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). The mean +/- SEM of the r value of all patients, between potassium and glutamate, and potassium and lactate was 0.25 +/- 0.04 (p < 0.0001) and 0.17 +/- 0.06 (p = 0.006), respectively, demonstrating in both cases a positive relationship. rCBF was negatively correlated with potassium with marginal significance (r = -0.35, p = 0.08). When separated into two groups, patients with contusion had higher potassium levels than patients without contusion (1.55 +/- 0.03 mmol/l versus 1.26 +/- 0.02 mmol/l, respectively). These results in severely head injured patients confirm previous in vitro and animal studies in which relationships between potassium, glutamate, lactate and CBF were found. Potassium efflux is a major determinant of cell swelling leading to clinically significant cytotoxic edema due to increased glutamate release during reduced cerebral blood flow.


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In contrast to malformations, cerebellar disruptions have attracted little interest in the literature. We draw attention for the first time to the hypothesis that cerebellar clefts are residual changes following a prenatal cerebellar insult, and represent disruptions. We reviewed the clinical records and MR findings of six patients with a cerebellar cleft, two of whom also had prenatal MRI at 24 weeks of gestation. The clefts were located in the left cerebellar hemisphere in five cases, in the right in one patient. Other typical findings included disorderly alignment of the cerebellar folia and fissures, irregular gray/white matter junction, and abnormal arborization of the white matter in all patients. The cerebellar cleft extended into the fourth ventricle in three cases, and in two children cystic cortical lesions were seen. Supratentorial schizencephaly was found in two patients. In two patients there was a documented fetal cerebellar hemorrhage at 24 weeks of gestation. We conclude that cerebellar clefts are residual changes resulting from a prenatal cerebellar insult and consequently represent disruptions rather than primary malformations. The supratentorial findings are also in agreement with an acquired lesion. The outcome in these children was variable, mainly depending of the presence of supratentorial lesions.


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OBJECTIVE: Intrathecal bolus administration of nitric oxide donors and calcium channel antagonists has been proposed to reduce cerebral vasospasm (CVS) in animal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) models. Intrathecal continuous administration of these substances for CVS prevention has not been extensively evaluated. This study compared the efficacy of continuous intrathecal infusions of the NO donor glyceroltrinitrate and nimodipine in preventing delayed CVS associated with SAH in an animal model in vivo. METHODS: New Zealand White rabbits were randomly assigned to six groups: no SAH/NaCl, no SAH/NO, no SAH/nimodipine, SAH/NaCl, SAH/NO, or SAH/nimodipine. Glyceroltrinitrate (GTN) at 0.5 microg/microl (0.5 microl/h) or nimodipine at 0.2 microg/microl (10 microl/h) or NaCl was continuously infused into the cisterna magna via an Alzet osmotic pump from day 0 to day 5 after injection of 1.0 ml autologous blood. The magnitude of spasm in the basilar artery was determined by comparison of pre- and posttreatment angiography and was calculated as proportional change in intraluminal diameter based on automatic measurements. RESULTS: A total of 55 experiments and 110 angiograms were performed. SAH was associated with vasoconstriction of the basilar artery (SAH/NaCl group 19.85+/-2.94%). Continuous intrathecal injection of GTN and nimodipine prevented SAH-induced CVS. There was significant prevention of CVS in animals treated with GTN (SAH/NO group 5.93+/-5.2%, n=11) and nimodipine (SAH/nimodipine group: 0.55+/-2.66%, n=9). There was no significant difference between the treatment groups and controls in prevention of CVS. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that prophylactic continuous intrathecal administration of either GTN or nimodipine equally prevents SAH-associated CVS in an animal model.


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There is increasing interest in the search for therapeutic options for diseases and injuries of the central nervous system (CNS), for which currently no effective treatment strategies are available. Replacement of damaged cells and restoration of function can be accomplished by transplantation of cells derived from different sources, such as human foetal tissue, genetically modified cell lines, embryonic or somatic stem cells. Preclinical and clinical trials have shown promising results in neurodegenerative disorders, like Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, but also ischaemic stroke, intracerebral haemorrhage, demyelinating disorders, epilepsy and traumatic lesions of the brain and spinal cord. Other studies have focused on finding new ways to activate and direct endogenous repair mechanisms in the CNS, eg, by exposure to specific neuronal growth factors or by inactivating inhibitory molecules. Neuroprotective drugs may offer an additional tool for improving neuronal survival in acute or chronic CNS diseases. Importantly however, a number of scientific issues need to be addressed in order to permit the introduction of these experimental techniques in the wider clinical setting.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the risk of shunt-dependent hydrocephalus after treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms by clipping versus coiling. METHODS: We analyzed 596 patients prospectively added to our database from July of 1999 to November of 2005 concerning the risk of shunt dependency after clipping versus coiling. Factors analyzed included age; sex; Hunt and Hess grade; Fisher grade; acute hydrocephalus; intraventricular hemorrhage; angiographic vasospasm; and number, size, and location of aneurysms. In addition, a meta-analysis of available data from the literature was performed identifying four studies with quantitative data on the frequency of clip, coil, and shunt dependency. RESULTS: The institutional series revealed Hunt and Hess grade, Fisher grade, acute hydrocephalus, intraventricular hemorrhage, and angiographic vasospasm as significant (P < 0.05) risk factors for shunt dependency after a univariate analysis. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, we isolated intraventricular hemorrhage, acute hydrocephalus, and angiographic vasospasm as independent, significant risk factors for shunt dependency. The meta-analysis, including the current data, revealed a significantly higher risk for shunt dependency after coiling than after clipping (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Clipping of a ruptured aneurysm may be associated with a lower risk for developing shunt dependency, possibly by clot removal. This might influence long-term outcome and surgical decision making.