190 resultados para Micropolar fluid
The clinical course of rhinovirus (RV)-associated wheezing illnesses is difficult to predict. We measured lactate dehydrogenase concentrations, RV load, antiviral and proinflammatory cytokines in nasal washes obtained from 126 preschool children with RV wheezy bronchitis. lactate dehydrogenase values were inversely associated with subsequent need for oxygen therapy. lactate dehydrogenase may be a useful biomarker predicting disease severity in RV wheezy bronchitis.
An axisymmetric, elastic pipe is filled with an incompressible fluid and is immersed in a second, coaxial rigid pipe which contains the same fluid. A pressure pulse in the outer fluid annulus deforms the elastic pipe which invokes a fluid motion in the fluid core. It is the aim of this study to investigate streaming phenomena in the core which may originate from such a fluid-structure interaction. This work presents a numerical solver for such a configuration. It was developed in the OpenFOAM software environment and is based on the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) approach for moving meshes. The solver features a monolithic integration of the one-dimensional, coupled system between the elastic structure and the outer fluid annulus into a dynamic boundary condition for the moving surface of the fluid core. Results indicate that our configuration may serve as a mechanical model of the Tullio Phenomenon (sound-induced vertigo).
PURPOSE To assess intra- and subretinal fluid during the loading phase with intravitreal ranibizumab in exudative age-related macular degeneration and to quantify the accuracy of crosshair scan spectral-domain optical coherence tomography with regard to retinal fluid. METHODS This is a retrospective study of 31 treatment-naive patients who received 3 monthly intravitreal ranibizumab injections. Visual acuity and the presence of retinal fluid were assessed at each visit using volume and crosshair scan protocols. RESULTS Visual acuity improved and central retinal thickness decreased significantly during the loading phase. However, retinal fluid persisted in two thirds of the patients. The accuracy of the crosshair scan to detect fluid was 93%. CONCLUSIONS A substantial proportion of eyes had persistent fluid after 3 months of ranibizumab injections. However, visual improvement was independent of residual fluid. Message: Crosshair scans detect relevant collections of retinal fluid accurately and may be sufficient in daily clinical practice. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Cystectomy and urinary diversion have high morbidity, and strategies to reduce complications are of utmost importance. Epidural analgesia and optimized fluid management are considered key factors contributing to successful enhanced recovery after surgery. In colorectal surgery, there is strong evidence that an intraoperative fluid management aiming for a postoperative zero fluid balance results in lower morbidity including a faster return of bowel function. Recently, a randomized clinical trial focusing on radical cystectomy demonstrated that a restrictive intraoperative hydration combined with a concomitant administration of norepinephrine reduced intraoperative blood loss, the need for blood transfusion and morbidity. The purpose of this review is to highlight specific anesthesiological aspects which have been shown to improve outcome after RC with urinary diversion.
Our previous gene expression analysis identified phospholipase A2 group IIA (PLA2G2A) as a potential biomarker of ovarian endometriosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate PLA2G2A mRNA and protein levels in tissue samples (endometriomas and normal endometrium) and in serum and peritoneal fluid of ovarian endometriosis patients and control women. One-hundred and sixteen women were included in this study: the case group included 70 ovarian endometriosis patients, and the control group included 38 healthy women and 8 patients with benign ovarian cysts. We observed 41.6-fold greater PLA2G2A mRNA levels in endometrioma tissue, compared to normal endometrium tissue. Using Western blotting, PLA2G2A was detected in all samples of endometriomas, but not in normal endometrium, and immunohistochemistry showed PLA2G2A-specific staining in epithelial cells of endometrioma paraffin sections. However, there were no significant differences in PLA2G2A levels between cases and controls according to ELISA of peritoneal fluid (6.0 ± 4.4 ng/ml, 6.6 ± 4.3 ng/ml; p = 0.5240) and serum (2.9 ± 2.1 ng/ml, 3.1 ± 2.2 ng/ml; p = 0.7989). Our data indicate that PLA2G2A is implicated in the pathophysiology of ovarian endometriosis, but that it cannot be used as a diagnostic biomarker.
A well developed theoretical framework is available in which paleofluid properties, such as chemical composition and density, can be reconstructed from fluid inclusions in minerals that have undergone no ductile deformation. The present study extends this framework to encompass fluid inclusions hosted by quartz that has undergone weak ductile deformation following fluid entrapment. Recent experiments have shown that such deformation causes inclusions to become dismembered into clusters of irregularly shaped relict inclusions surrounded by planar arrays of tiny, new-formed (neonate) inclusions. Comparison of the experimental samples with a naturally sheared quartz vein from Grimsel Pass, Aar Massif, Central Alps, Switzerland, reveals striking similarities. This strong concordance justifies applying the experimentally derived rules of fluid inclusion behaviour to nature. Thus, planar arrays of dismembered inclusions defining cleavage planes in quartz may be taken as diagnostic of small amounts of intracrystalline strain. Deformed inclusions preserve their pre-deformation concentration ratios of gases to electrolytes, but their H2O contents typically have changed. Morphologically intact inclusions, in contrast, preserve the pre-deformation composition and density of their originally trapped fluid. The orientation of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1σ1) at the time of shear deformation can be derived from the pole to the cleavage plane within which the dismembered inclusions are aligned. Finally, the density of neonate inclusions is commensurate with the pressure value of σ1σ1 at the temperature and time of deformation. This last rule offers a means to estimate magnitudes of shear stresses from fluid inclusion studies. Application of this new paleopiezometer approach to the Grimsel vein yields a differential stress (σ1–σ3σ1–σ3) of ∼300 MPa∼300 MPa at View the MathML source390±30°C during late Miocene NNW–SSE orogenic shortening and regional uplift of the Aar Massif. This differential stress resulted in strain-hardening of the quartz at very low total strain (<5%<5%) while nearby shear zones were accommodating significant displacements. Further implementation of these experimentally derived rules should provide new insight into processes of fluid–rock interaction in the ductile regime within the Earth's crust.
Cathodoluminescence (CL) studies have previously shown that some secondary fluid inclusions in luminescent quartz are surrounded by dark, non-luminescent patches, resulting from fracture-sealing by late, trace-element-poor quartz. This finding has led to the tacit generalization that all dark CL patches indicate influx of low temperature, late-stage fluids. In this study we have examined natural and synthetic hydrothermal quartz crystals using CL imaging supplemented by in-situ elemental analysis. The results lead us to propose that all natural, liquid-water-bearing inclusions in quartz, whether trapped on former crystal growth surfaces (i.e., of primary origin) or in healed fractures (i.e., of pseudosecondary or secondary origin), are surrounded by three-dimensional, non-luminescent patches. Cross-cutting relations show that the patches form after entrapment of the fluid inclusions and therefore they are not diagnostic of the timing of fluid entrapment. Instead, the dark patches reveal the mechanism by which fluid inclusions spontaneously approach morphological equilibrium and purify their host quartz over geological time. Fluid inclusions that contain solvent water perpetually dissolve and reprecipitate their walls, gradually adopting low-energy euhedral and equant shapes. Defects in the host quartz constitute solubility gradients that drive physical migration of the inclusions over distances of tens of μm (commonly) up to several mm (rarely). Inclusions thus sequester from their walls any trace elements (e.g., Li, Al, Na, Ti) present in excess of equilibrium concentrations, thereby chemically purifying their host crystals in a process analogous to industrial zone refining. Non-luminescent patches of quartz are left in their wake. Fluid inclusions that contain no liquid water as solvent (e.g., inclusions of low-density H2O vapor or other non-aqueous volatiles) do not undergo this process and therefore do not migrate, do not modify their shapes with time, and are not associated with dark-CL zone-refined patches. This new understanding has implications for the interpretation of solids within fluid inclusions (e.g., Ti- and Al-minerals) and for the elemental analysis of hydrothermal and metamorphic quartz and its fluid inclusions by microbeam methods such as LA-ICPMS and SIMS. As Ti is a common trace element in quartz, its sequestration by fluid inclusions and its depletion in zone-refined patches impacts on applications of the Ti-in-quartz geothermometer.
The neoformation of chlorite and K-white mica in fault rocks from two main faults of the central Catalan Coastal Ranges, the Vallès and the Hospital faults, has allowed us to constrain the P–T conditions during fault evolution using thermodynamic modeling. Crystallization of M1 and M2 muscovite and microcline occured as result of deuteric alteration during the exhumation of the pluton (290 °C > T > 370 °C) in the Permian. After that, three tectonic events have been distinguished. The first tectonic event, attributed to the Mesozoic rifting, is characterized by precipitation of M3 and M4 phengite together with chlorite and calcite C1 at temperatures between 190 and 310 °C. The second tectonic event attributed to the Paleogene compression has only been identified in the Hospital fault with precipitation of low-temperature calcite C2. The shortcut produced during inversion of the Vallès fault was probably the responsible for the lack of neoformed minerals within this fault. Finally, the third tectonic event, which is related to the Neogene extension, is characterized in the Vallès fault by a new generation of chlorite, associated with calcite C4 and laumontite, formed at temperatures between 125 and 190 °C in the absence of K-white mica. Differently, the Hospital fault is characterized by the precipitation of calcite C3 during the syn-rift stage at temperatures around 150 °C and by low-temperature fluids precipitating calcites C5, C6 and PC1 during the post-rift stage. During the two extensional events (Mesozoic and Neogene), faults acted as conduits for hot fluids producing anomalous high geothermal gradients (50 °C/km minimum).
Deuterium (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopes are powerful tracers of the hydrological cycle and have been extensively used for paleoclimate reconstructions as they can provide information on past precipitation, temperature and atmospheric circulation. More recently, the use of δ17O excess derived from precise measurement of δ17O and δ18O gives new and additional insights in tracing the hydrological cycle whereas uncertainties surround this proxy. However, 17O excess could provide additional information on the atmospheric conditions at the moisture source as well as about fractionations associated with transport and site processes. In this paper we trace water stable isotopes (δD,δ17O and δ18O) along their path from precipitation to cave drip water and finally to speleothem fluid inclusions for Milandre cave in northwestern Switzerland. A two year-long daily resolved precipitation isotope record close to the cave site is compared to collected cave drip water (3 months average resolution) and fluid inclusions of modern and Holocene stalagmites. Amount weighted mean δD,δ18O and δ17O are -71.0‰, -9.9‰, -5.2‰ for precipitation, -60.3‰, -8.7‰, -4.6‰ for cave drip water and -61.3‰, -8.3‰, -4.7‰ for recent fluid inclusions respectively. Second order parameters have also been derived in precipitation and drip water and present similar values with 18 per meg for 17O excess whereas d-excess is 1.5‰ more negative in drip water. Furthermore, the atmospheric signal is shifted towards enriched values in the drip water and fluid inclusions (Δ of ~ + 10‰ for δD). The isotopic composition of cave drip water exhibits a weak seasonal signal which is shifted by around 8 - 10 months (groundwater residence time) when compared to the precipitation. Moreover, we carried out the first δ17O measurement in speleothem fluid inclusions, as well as the first comparison of the δ17 O behaviour from the meteoric water to the fluid inclusions entrapment in speleothems. This study on precipitation, drip water and fluid inclusions will be used as a speleothem proxy calibration for Milandre cave in order to reconstruct paleotemperatures and moisture source variations for Western Central Europe.
OBJECTIVE To validate a radioimmunoassay for measurement of procollagen type III amino terminal propeptide (PIIINP) concentrations in canine serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and investigate the effects of physiologic and pathologic conditions on PIIINP concentrations. SAMPLE POPULATION Sera from healthy adult (n = 70) and growing dogs (20) and dogs with chronic renal failure (CRF; 10), cardiomyopathy (CMP; 12), or degenerative valve disease (DVD; 26); and sera and BALF from dogs with chronic bronchopneumopathy (CBP; 15) and healthy control dogs (10 growing and 9 adult dogs). PROCEDURE A radioimmunoassay was validated, and a reference range for serum PIIINP (S-PIIINP) concentration was established. Effects of growth, age, sex, weight, CRF, and heart failure on S-PIIINP concentration were analyzed. In CBP-affected dogs, S-PIIINP and BALF-PIIINP concentrations were evaluated. RESULTS The radioimmunoassay had good sensitivity, linearity, precision, and reproducibility and reasonable accuracy for measurement of S-PIIINP and BALF-PIIINP concentrations. The S-PIIINP concentration reference range in adult dogs was 8.86 to 11.48 mug/L. Serum PIIINP concentration correlated with weight and age. Growing dogs had significantly higher S-PIIINP concentrations than adults, but concentrations in CRF-, CMP-, DVD-, or CBP-affected dogs were not significantly different from control values. Mean BALF-PIIINP concentration was significantly higher in CBP-affected dogs than in healthy adults. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE In dogs, renal or cardiac disease or CBP did not significantly affect S-PIIINP concentration; dogs with CBP had high BALF-PIIINP concentrations. Data suggest that the use of PIIINP as a marker of pathologic fibrosis might be limited in growing dogs.
Serpentinites release at sub-arc depths volatiles and several fluid-mobile trace elements found in arc magmas. Constraining element uptake in these rocks and defining the trace element composition of fluids released upon serpentinite dehydration can improve our understanding of mass transfer across subduction zones and to volcanic arcs. The eclogite-facies garnet metaperidotite and chlorite harzburgite bodies embedded in paragneiss of the subduction melange from Cima di Gagnone derive from serpentinized peridotite protoliths and are unique examples of ultramafic rocks that experienced subduction metasomatism and devolatilization. In these rocks, metamorphic olivine and garnet trap polyphase inclusions representing the fluid released during high-pressure breakdown of antigorite and chlorite. Combining major element mapping and laser-ablation ICP-MS bulk inclusion analysis, we characterize the mineral content of polyphase inclusions and quantify the fluid composition. Silicates, Cl-bearing phases, sulphides, carbonates, and oxides document post-entrapment mineral growth in the inclusions starting immediately after fluid entrapment. Compositional data reveal the presence of two different fluid types. The first (type A) records a fluid prominently enriched in fluid-mobile elements, with Cl, Cs, Pb, As, Sb concentrations up to 10(3) PM (primitive mantle), similar to 10(2) PM Tit Ba, while Rb, B, Sr, Li, U concentrations are of the order of 10(1) PM, and alkalis are similar to 2 PM. The second fluid (type B) has considerably lower fluid-mobile element enrichments, but its enrichment patterns are comparable to type A fluid. Our data reveal multistage fluid uptake in these peridotite bodies, including selective element enrichment during seafloor alteration, followed by fluid-rock interaction along with subduction metamorphism in the plate interface melange. Here, infiltration of sediment-equilibrated fluid produced significant enrichment of the serpentinites in As, Sb, B, Pb, an enriched trace element pattern that was then transferred to the fluid released at greater depth upon serpentine dehydration (type A fluid). The type B fluid hosted by garnet may record the composition of the chlorite breakdown fluid released at even greater depth. The Gagnone study-case demonstrates that serpentinized peridotites acquire water and fluid-mobile elements during ocean floor hydration and through exchange with sediment-equilibrated fluids in the early subduction stages. Subsequent antigorite devolatilization at subarc depths delivers aqueous fluids to the mantle wedge that can be prominently enriched in sediment-derived components, potentially triggering arc magmatism without the need of concomitant dehydration/melting of metasediments or altered oceanic crust.
Fluids are considered a fundamental agent for chemical exchanges between different rock types in the subduction system. Constraints on the sources and pathways of subduction fluids thus provide crucial information to reconstruct subduction processes. The Monviso ophiolitic sequence is composed of mafic, ultramafic and minor sediments that have been subducted to ~80 km depth. In this sequence, both localized fluid flow and channelized fluids along major shear zones have been documented. We investigate the timing and source of the fluids that affected the dominant mafic rocks using microscale U-Pb dating of zircon and oxygen isotope analysis of mineral zones (garnet, zircon and antigorite) in high pressure rocks with variable degree of metasomatic modification. In mafic eclogites, Jurassic zircon cores are the only mineralogical relicts of the protolith gabbros and retain δ18O values of 4.5–6 ‰, typical of mantle melts. Garnet and metamorphic zircon that grew during prograde to peak metamorphism display low δ18O values between 0.2 and 3.8 ‰, which are likely inherited from high-temperature alteration of the protolith on the sea floor. This is corroborated by δ18O values of 3.0 and 3.6 ‰ in antigorite from surrounding serpentinites. In metasomatised eclogites within the Lower Shear Zone, garnet rim formed at the metamorphic peak shows a shift to higher δ18O up to 6‰. The age of zircons in high-pressure veins and metasomatised eclogites constrains the timing of fluid flow at high pressure at around 45–46 Ma. Although the oxygen data do not contradict previous reports of interaction with serpentinite-derived fluids, the shift to isotopically heavier oxygen compositions requires contribution from sediment-derived fluids. The scarcity of metasediments in the Monviso sequence suggests that such fluids were concentrated and fluxed along the Lower Shear Zone in a sufficient amount to modify the oxygen composition of the eclogitic minerals.
PURPOSE To assess the effect of a bimonthly treatment regimen with intravitreal aflibercept on retinal fluid and pigment epithelial detachment (PED) in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS Twenty-six treatment-naive eyes of 26 patients with choroidal neovascularisation secondary to AMD were included. The patients received three initial monthly (mean 30 days) intravitreal injections of aflibercept followed by a bimonthly (mean 62 days) fixed regimen for a total of 1 year. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) measurements were recorded at monthly intervals. In addition, the presence of intraretinal fluid (IRF) or subretinal fluid (SRF) or a combination of both as well as serous and fibrovascular PEDs were assessed. RESULTS The mean patient age was 80 years (range 54-93). There were 14 male and 12 female patients. The mean gain in BCVA at 1 year was 9.3 letters (SEM ±3) with a mean reduction of the central retinal thickness of 154 µm (SEM ±50). After 3 monthly injections of aflibercept, there was resolution of IRF and SRF in 80% of the treated eyes; the amount of fluid increased at months 4, 6 and 8 with troughs in between. Whereas fibrovascular PEDs remained stable after the loading phase, serous PEDs displayed a seesaw pattern. Patients without retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) atrophy at the end of the 1-year period had significantly better BCVA compared to patients with RPE atrophy (p = 0.03). CONCLUSION Despite significant overall BCVA gain, bimonthly intervals seem insufficient to maintain the morphological improvements after the initial loading dose with intravitreal aflibercept.